The strongest saint

Chapter 168 Linlong Assassin

Chapter 168 Linlong Assassin
The gang members sent up by Badao Kuang died one by one, and in just a few seconds, more than a dozen people turned into white light and returned to the city.

Eight Knife Man was shocked and wanted to back away, but then, the roar of those dead players sounded in the gang channel, "Brother, someone killed us!"

Upon hearing the news, the first thing Badaokuang thought of was Tianhuo. After all, Tianhuo and the Badao family did not match each other, and Tianhuo was so powerful that he could easily do this.

"Yeah, brother, it's a player named 'Hua Xiaoran'."

Ba Dao Kuang was stunned, more than a dozen of them were killed inexplicably, but fortunately there was a system prompt, which clearly stated that it was Hua Xiaoran who killed them.

"It's fine if it's not Tianhuo." Ba Dao Kuang stopped his steps to retreat, heaved a sigh of relief and became alert at the same time, "Hua Xiaoran? Get out!"

Ba Dao drank violently, he didn't know Hua Xiaoran at all, but he dared to kill more than ten people under his nose, today he would never want to escape!

However, there was no response at all under the rage of Ba Dao Kuang. The so-called player 'Hua Xiaoran' seemed to have never appeared.

"What is my Badao family? Everyone wants to find fault! Thousands of my gang have surrounded this place, and you don't want to leave!" Badao Kuang's face became gloomy. Forget the original Tianhuo, that guy is too strong. But now, another player appeared who killed more than a dozen of his subordinates at once!
Tianhuo in the distance is also stunned. It seems that Hua Xiaoran should be an assassin, and what's weird is that he can still remain invisible when he strikes, so he must not be an ordinary assassin.

Looking towards the ground, the surrounding snow field has been destroyed by those players, and the player's route cannot be seen at all, but there are no other footprints in the nearby snow field. Obviously, this player has not left yet, so it should be Under the eaves of the wooden house, there is a wooden floor, and no footprints can be seen.

Ba Dao Kuang's face was gloomy, now is not the time for unexpected events, but if Hua Xiaoran appears, he doesn't mind killing Hua Xiaoran first!

"Take care of me, don't let this invisible player run away!" Badao Kuang roared in the gang channel, but just as the order was issued, the ground beside the wooden house suddenly trembled.

"Be alert!" Ba Dao Kuang hurriedly backed away, no longer caring about Hua Xiaoran.

The snowfield trembled violently, and the snowflakes began to dance. In an instant, they gathered in the sky like a snow dragon, and the wind and snow howled.

"The boss has appeared, get ready for me!" Ba Dao Kuang, who retreated sharply, waved his hand, and the surrounding gang members quickly surrounded him.

In the whistling wind and snow, a snow-white monster appeared with dark golden light flowing faintly. It was three or four meters tall, with a ferocious face, two feet on the ground, and a cold light surged on the sharp claws. Under the long hair, there are faintly visible horned dragon-like muscles.

Snow Pedestrian (dark gold boss), level 55, HP 2800000, attack 9800, defense 8500.

Skill: Snow Escape, an active skill, blends into the snow and escapes after casting.

Blizzard Blade, an active skill, summons the Blizzard within 80 meters of the body to turn into a sharp blade to attack the enemy, causing [-]% damage to the enemies within the range.

Xiaoxue combo, an active skill, causes continuous blows to the target after being cast.

Weaknesses: Strong in the wind and snow, but without the wind and snow, the strength is greatly reduced.

This time, Tianhuo found that he had seen the weakness of the Dark Gold Boss after using the Eye of the Glyph Sage. However, seeing this weakness, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, "Is this considered a weakness?"

"The status of the first team, the output of the second team! The rest are ready to be replaced!" Ba Dao Kuang's eyes showed a dignified color, and he shouted violently.

"Roar!" Xue Xingren raised his head and roared angrily, his cold eyes scanned the rapidly approaching crowd, as if he didn't know where to start.

"Don't say that I'll snatch your boss, pen!" In the distance, Tianhuo exited his stealth state and galloped towards him, stopping 200 meters away from the boss. Amidst his murmurs, strokes whizzed out. The attack fell on the boss first.
38150, -195560, -40180...

The sudden appearance made everyone in the Badao family stunned, looking at the damage on the boss's head in disbelief, "What's going on?"

And the boss was attacked by Tianhuo so horribly, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Tianhuo with a roar, and immediately knocked many players surrounding him flying backwards.

"Prisoner!" Seeing this, Tianhuo naturally used the skill of Prisoner's Ring, the boss's figure can completely trap it.

Sure enough, as a light-film-like cage emerged around Xue Xingren, it was immediately trapped in place, and the attacks from Tianhuo continued, and strokes continued to fall.

"'s you again!" Badaokuang's face turned extremely ugly, and he roared in a low voice, gnashing his teeth.

Tianhuo ignored it and watched Xue Xingren's health plummet, but with 280 million health, he couldn't last long in his hands.

Xue Xingren attacked the cage angrily, with a humanized look of anxiety in his eyes. After several times, he saw that he could not break through the cage, so he stopped suddenly. As it stopped, he could only see the wind blowing within a radius of [-] meters. The snow is frozen in mid-air.

Seeing this, Tianhuo kept attacking, but there was a smile in his eyes. Obviously, the boss is going to use a wide range of skills, and he is outside the range, so don't worry, but there are hundreds of people from the Eight Swords family around the boss. .

Many players looked at the strange situation in mid-air, and seemed to think of something, and they all retreated quickly, but it was obviously too late, but after freezing for two seconds, the wind and snow suddenly roared, turning into wind and snow within a hundred meters Wreak havoc.

In an instant, a large amount of damage floated out from the raging range, and then players fell down one by one, turning into white light and disappearing, leaving only some items in place.

Seeing that the boss's health was about to bottom out, Ba Dao Kuang gritted his teeth, "Kill him first!"

As soon as the words fell, the long-range attacking players had already used their skills and roared towards the sky fire, while the close-up attacking players were not far behind and ran over one after another.

There are quite a few players from the Badao family in front of Tianhuo. After all, in order to get close to the boss, Tianhuo has already come behind these players. Now these players can easily attack Tianhuo by turning around.
1, -1...

Compulsory damage popped up above Tianhuo's head one by one. The seemingly complicated attacks did not cause any damage to Tianhuo, but Tianhuo didn't dare to be careless. The body of a demon.

The body of the demon spirit can make Tianhuo immune to negative status within 20 seconds, saving Tianhuo from worrying about the future, but facing the actions of the Eight Swords family, how can Tianhuo sit idly by, "Good and evil mode, verbal punishment, kill one person in ten steps !"

As soon as Tianhuo's movements changed, the black ink-like strokes disappeared, but large golden characters appeared in the sky and then fell. Wherever they passed, those players who had touched them fell to the ground one after another.

Seeing the players beside him being instantly killed, the rest of them turned pale with fright. Even though Tianhuo's attack couldn't hurt them because they hadn't done anything yet, they were scared and backed away, desperately wanting to get out of Tianhuo's attack range .

There was a loud bang, and the boss, who was still trapped in the cage, fell to the ground with a bang, and the eight-knife man's face became even more ugly, his lips were trembling, but he couldn't say a word.

"Ding! System prompt: 280 million experience gained, 560 million experience gained."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 gold coins, 3 pieces of equipment, and mysterious token x 1."

"Get it!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, the mysterious token should be either a guild establishment order or a third-level city lord order. After all, this is a boss, not a humanoid NPC.

"Tianhuo! You bastard, I wanted to turn hostility into friendship with you, but you are too ignorant to provoke my Badao family again!" Badao roared furiously, striding towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo frowned, and jokingly said: "Eight Swordsman, thank you for not robbing my boss."

Ba Dao Kuang paused, stopped in place and breathed sharply. Obviously, he was extremely angry. This time, it seemed that Tianhuo couldn't be regarded as stealing their boss. After all, Tianhuo fought the boss first.

"You..." Badao Kuang looked at Tianhuo angrily, but was speechless again. He was angered by Tianhuo several times, and he was almost killed by Tianhuo.

Suddenly, a big injury came out from Ba Dao Kuang's head, and a system notification sounded in Ba Dao Kuan's ear, "Ding! Player Ba Dao Kuan, please pay attention, Hua Xiaoran is attacking you."

"Looking for death! Shock!" Ba Dao Kuang seemed to have found a vent, and when he pressed his palms, a burst of ripples spread around it, and a figure appeared under the ripples.

Just less than one meter away from Ba Dao Kuang, there is a player holding a pair of daggers, with "Hua Xiaoran" on his head. This person looks eighteen or nineteen years old, and his handsome face is full of anger. But his eyes were calmly staring at Badaokuang.

Without waiting for Ba Dao Kuang's order, many gang members had already surrounded Hua Xiaoran, but the latter seemed not to notice, didn't care at all, and still stared at Ba Dao Kuang calmly.

"Just you? Dare to kill people from my Badao family?" Badao laughed back angrily, with cruel eyes. If he can't beat Tianhuo, is he afraid he can't beat this kid?
Not far away, Tianhuo shook his head. Isn't it uncomfortable to assassinate the eight-knife madman at this time?
When Hua Xiaoran heard this, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, revealing the dimple on the right side of her face, "You are worthy of being the second leader of the Badao family, and you can actually resist my blow."

"Fuck, with such a loud tone, isn't this a real slap in the face?" Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly, this player is going to be unlucky, to say that about Badaomaniac in front of so many people, that is simply an insult!

While clicking his tongue, Tianhuo threw a Glyph Sage Eye over.

Character name: Hua Xiaoran
Occupation: Linlong Assassin

Auxiliary occupation: none
Rating: 37

"Hidden occupation, looks good." Seeing Hua Xiaoran's attributes, Tianhuo smiled slightly.

The muscles on Badaokuang's face twitched, and he suddenly roared: "The priest is going to be resurrected! Send him back to Xinshou Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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