Chapter 177
Seeing the situation in the hall, Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, but then, he saw the armored man stepping out, and appeared next to the four dead people in a flash. sky fire.

"You are courageous, disciple of Wen Sheng Sect, you should not come here!" The armored man seemed to be able to see the invisible sky fire in his gaze.

The other party could sense his breath, and Tianhuo didn't hide it, showing his figure, "Are you a demon general?"

"Oh? An adventurer from another world actually possesses the aura of Wen Shengmen, hehe, unfortunately, you came at the wrong place!" The armored man sneered, and the icy aura also permeated the air.

Tianhuo smiled wryly in his heart, this time it's troublesome, the person in front of him is probably the devil general that the jailer said, he secretly used the eye of the sage, but Tianhuo frowned slightly!

Magic soldier, level 40, HP9000000/9000000, attack 30000, defense 15000.

Skill: Hide.

"Not a demon general?" Tianhuo, who raised his eyebrows, secretly rejoiced. It's fine if it's not a demon general. As for this demon soldier, its attributes are the same as those of the demonized human dragon he met back then, so he can still deal with it!

However, Tianhuo also understood that if he fought here, he would definitely hurt those children, so he tilted his head slightly, "Wait for me here for a while."

As he said that, he waved his hand, and a stroke whizzed out, but Tianhuo didn't even look at the result, turned around and ran towards the way he came from.

Under the attack of Tianhuo, the demon soldiers would not let the Tianhuo go, they came in pursuit without hesitation, and in an instant, they rushed out of the cave one after the other.

"Di Yan is back, ten thousand people will be beheaded!"

In one go, he recalled Emperor Yan Linshi and revealed his title, but Tianhuo turned around and opened the third page of the Book of Sages.

Tianhuo among the demon soldiers stopped in his tracks, and he also stopped in a hurry, but then, he saw big characters whizzing out one by one, and he had no time to dodge, and was hit by the big characters.
1358240! -2700000!

Diyan Linshi's Diyan Shock and Tianhuo's Book of Glyphs on the third page, the two huge damage values ​​immediately wiped out more than 400 million health points of the magic soldier. Unfortunately, the title of Ten Thousand Slayers is not good for him effect.

"Looking for death!" The demon soldier was furious, and the saber fell into his hand, and he stepped on it and shot towards the sky fire.

"Prisoner!" The unlucky demon soldier had just shot a few steps, and the skills of Tianhuo Prisoner Tianjie had already fallen, and he was immediately trapped in the narrow cage where he was.

"Violent soul!"

"Ding, the system prompts: Tianhuo, the head of the Tianyan battle group, casts the violent soul, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, the duration is 5 minutes, and the cooldown time is 60 minutes."

As soon as the skill is released, Skyfire's critical strike chance immediately becomes 50%. Under the strokes, most of the strokes are mixed with critical strikes. The normal damage can only be more than 3, and once the critical strike damage occurs, it is 20% How much!
The cage can trap him for 24 seconds, before the time is up, the magic soldier who was fighting fiercely in the cage has fallen to the ground and died.

"Ding! The system prompts..."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment."

"There is still a party here, kill him quickly!" Just after killing the demon soldier, many Fenglei Pavilion disciples had already rushed towards Tianhuo, shouting in their mouths.

Tianhuo glanced around, covered by buildings, he saw tens of hundreds of Fenglei Pavilion disciples coming out of those trails, and the target was him.

"I can't stand it any longer. Why hasn't the hero come yet?" Fatty's gasping voice sounded in the team channel.

Hearing this, Tianhuo raised his head slightly, "Jiuhun, come down and help!"

After the words fell, Tianhuo stepped out in a hurry, followed by Emperor Yan Linshi, "Battle group mode, verbal punishment, broken iron clothes on the battlefield of hundreds of battles..."

Along the way, huge golden characters whizzed out everywhere they passed, and then fell down again. Within the range, each and every one of the Fenglei Pavilion disciples died instantly.

Soon, Tianhuo's eyes had already appeared densely packed disciples of Fenglei Pavilion. They were besieging Mu Hui and the others, but they were all leaning against the cliff, and few of them could attack them. Instead, it was the disciples of Fenglei Pavilion who stepped forward. They were all killed in place by bombardment.

If it weren't for these Fenglei Pavilion disciples who died and disappeared into white light, Tianhuo had no doubts, there would have been piles of corpses under their feet.

Seeing such a dense crowd of Fenglei Pavilion disciples, Tianhuo twitched his mouth, "Senior Wen Shengmen, I will destroy the remnants of Fenglei Pavilion who escaped under your hands!"

Large golden characters appeared above the dense crowd. Without waiting for everyone to be surprised, the big characters had already landed. With the large damage value appearing, each and every one of the Fenglei Pavilion disciples turned pale with fright. However, in such a dense crowd, trying to squeeze out It's easier said than done, before they can escape quickly, the next big characters fall down again.

To deal with these Fenglei Pavilion disciples, Tianhuo couldn't kill them instantly, but three or four big characters were enough to kill them, so when walking in the crowd, every time a big word fell, dozens of Fenglei Pavilion disciples fell down, and the remaining The ones who were down had already panicked and ran away into the distance.

"Damn it, it's easier this time."

The fat man let out a long sigh of relief, but within a few breaths, the thousands of people who surrounded them in front of the four of them ran away desperately at this moment, how dare they attack them?
Unfortunately, Tianhuo's attack range is too large, and the attack speed is not slow, there are only a handful of Fenglei Pavilion disciples who can escape.

In a few minutes, the disciples of Fenglei Pavilion who were overwhelming before were all dead and fled, and there were no enemies in front of the four of Mu Hui.

"Where are the kids?" Twilight asked.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Wait for the army of heroes to arrive before going to meet them. It's too chaotic now, I'm afraid they will be hurt."

As he said that, Tianhuo's gaze shifted hundreds of meters away, where Mu Yichen and the master of the Fenglei Pavilion were fighting in full swing, but outside the battle circle, an old man over half a hundred years old was sneaking up on Mu Yichen from time to time, causing Mu Yichen to Yichen lost the wind.

"Second Elder of Fenglei Pavilion? Yo, this time we can collect the treasure map." Tianhuo's eyes lit up when he saw the name on the head of the sneak attacker.

Although Mu Yichen is a fighting maniac, but this hearty battle was interrupted by others, and he was very upset at the moment. If it wasn't for the second elder who shot from the side from time to time, he would not be at a disadvantage.

"You bastards killed the five elders of my Fenglei Pavilion, and none of them will escape today!" The pavilion master yelled violently, attacking Mu Yichen with all his strength, but the latter's health and defense were terrifyingly high, so he couldn't fight. It had been a while, but Mu Yichen showed no sign of fatigue at all.

"Haha, I'm sorry, but today I want to kill your last elder." Hearing the shouting, the Lord of Skyfire joked.

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo's figure suddenly appeared tens of meters behind the second elder, and the Prisoner Ring in his hand flashed with light, immediately imprisoning the second elder in place, "Di Yan, come on!"
1800000! -600000!

Tianhuo and Diyan Linshi stepped forward, and the damage caused by the reduction of the attributes of the title of Diyan Shock and Ten Thousand Slash appeared above the head of the second elder. Seeing the damage value appearing, he stopped and waved his hand to make a series of strokes. past.

"Stop!" The pavilion master yelled violently, wanting to rush towards Tianhuo, but Mu Yichen was not just a display, without the sneak attack of the second elder, Mu Yichen entangled the pavilion master to death in an instant. Don't give him a chance to come to the rescue.

The second elder was trapped by the prisoner, and kept bombarding the cage, four or fifty meters away, he had no way to fight back, he had to try his best to open the cage, only then would he have a chance to fight back!
However, how could the skills attached to the artifact be destroyed?The action of the second elder, on the contrary, endured a lot of attacks from Tianhuo in vain.

And at this moment, it is still within the effective time of the violent soul's skills, each of them has a high critical damage, and in just over ten seconds, the second elder has already fallen down unwillingly.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 1 piece of equipment, incomplete treasure map x 1, wind and thunder pill x 1."

"Sure enough, there is a treasure map and Fenglei Pill!" Looking at the items that were automatically picked up, Tianhuo was overjoyed that they had already gathered them all!
But now is not the time to check. Although those ordinary disciples ran away because they were afraid of themselves, there are still many high-level deacons watching over them. They are all waiting for the result of the battle between the pavilion master and Mu Yichen.

"Haha, Xiao Mu, come on!" Tianhuo wanted to step forward to help Mu Yichen deal with the pavilion master, but Mu Yichen stopped him hastily, so Tianhuo had to cheer for him from a distance.

"Happy, it's so fucking happy." Mu Yichen laughed, but the Pavilion Master's face was not good-looking, as if he couldn't beat Mu Yichen.

However, Tianhuo and the others didn't notice that the pavilion master was seemingly defeated by Mu Yichen, but his eyes were flashing with strange colors, as if everything was in his plan.

Seeing Mu Yichen firmly gaining the upper hand, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, the majestic pavilion master, his fighting power is not as good as that of the great elder.

Looking around, I saw that at the entrance, the huge body of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon blocked the entrance of the cave. Countless disciples were blocked by it, and there was no chance to escape.

Seeing this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help laughing, although this guy didn't make a move, but the meaning is obvious, he won't let anyone go!

Suddenly, the figure of the pavilion master was thrown upside down by Mu Yichen, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Before the pavilion master could stabilize his figure, he shouted: "Master Demon General, help me!"

Tianhuo's heart tightened, the devil general?At this moment, seeing the playful look in the eyes of the pavilion master, I understand that this guy is not defeated by Mu Yichen at all, but wants to use the hand of the magic general to wipe out Tianhuo and others, and I am afraid that there are other meanings, but Tianhuo Can't figure it out for a while.

This person showed that he was invincible, just to ask the devil for help!

"What a cruel trick!" Tianhuo's expression turned cold, and he stepped out leading Diyan Linshi. At this moment, he no longer cared about Mu Yichen's feelings. He killed the pavilion master first, otherwise the so-called demon will appear. I'm afraid there will be no chance, let alone the lives of everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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