The strongest saint

Chapter 190 Want to kill me?

Chapter 190 Want to kill me?
Seeing Prisoner Jiuye's scalp-numbing attack roaring towards him, Tianhuo had no chance to dodge it, it was too fast.

Tianhuo hurriedly took out the injury-free spiritual ball, but when the attack approached, it suddenly turned into a big net!
Tianhuo felt chills in his heart, he never thought that such a situation would happen, this way!

The range covered by the big net is too large, Tianhuo has no time to dodge, and is immediately covered by the big net. For a moment, I feel as if I have fallen into a quagmire, letting myself struggle but to no avail. This big net is as heavy as a mountain!
"Hey, I said it, I will take you back to the sect, so that you can't live or die!" Prisoner Jiuye sneered, his eyes glanced at the prisoner ring in Tianhuo's hand from time to time.

"Old man, don't let me catch the chance, or you will be the one who can't survive!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, seeing that the struggle was futile, he simply calmed down.

"Haha, what a joke, just you brat? You should take care of yourself first!" Prisoner Jiuye laughed, turned and walked towards Shenxiuzhu, not caring about Tianhuo who was trapped by the net.

Prisoner Jiuye is quite confident in his ability, he knows that it is impossible to break free with the sky fire alone.

Looking at the Prisoner Jiuye who turned around, Tianhuo summoned the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon with a flip of his hand, "Nine Souls, take the net away!"

The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon appeared outside the big net, nodded and grabbed the big net and lifted it into the air, pulling up the big net in an instant, Tianhuo took the opportunity to escape the big net, "Prisoner! The title is ten thousand people beheaded, Di Yan comes out! "

As soon as he left the control of the big net, Tianhuo used his skills in one go, revealed his title, and summoned the Diyan Linshi. However, to his surprise, the effect of his title and the Diyan Shock of Diyan Linshi were different. Prisoner Ninth Master is invalid!

This can only explain one problem, Prisoner Jiuye's strength is too strong, probably in the peak range of the third-level area!

But fortunately, Prisoner Tianjie did not disappoint Tianhuo, and successfully trapped Prisoner Jiuye in place. Then, naturally, it was Tianhuo's strokes, and there were streaks of black strokes whistling out.

A series of strokes landed on Prisoner Jiuye, but only caused thousands of damages. To the unfathomable Prisoner Jiuye, it didn't matter!
Qiu Jiuye looked at those whizzing strokes with a gloomy expression, and he did not evade at all, but stared at Tianhuo with sharp eyes, "I underestimated you, there is a dragon family as a pet for you, but so what, I changed my mind , give me all to die!"

As soon as the words fell, Master Prisoner flicked his fingers, and three attacks shot out, straight to Tianhuo and the two beasts.

"Be careful!" Tianhuo said and hurriedly dodged. Fortunately, this time the attack was not like when he was dealing with the first horse. He was dodged by Tianhuo.

But Tianhuo hesitated in his heart, he couldn't kill Prisoner Jiuye, if he didn't retreat, he would be in trouble once the cage was broken.

Just when Tianhuo was considering whether to retreat, Prisoner Qianyi shot out.

"Uncle, let me come!"

How could Prisoner Qianyi let go of such a good opportunity to perform? He saw this scene just after he got Shen Xiuzhu, and he naturally understood that his opportunity to perform in front of his uncle had come.

Prisoner Jiuye didn't object either, and quietly watched Prisoner Qianyi shoot out and attack the sky fire.

"Damn it, I can't kill that old man, and I can't kill you?" Tianhuo turned his spearhead, attacking Prisoner Qianyi with strokes of strokes.

And Prisoner Qianyi stepped into the range of the title of Tianhuo and Diyan Linshi's skills, and two large damage values ​​suddenly appeared above his head.
600000! -1800000!

The two beasts also changed their attack target to Prisoner Qianyi, and immediately, damage values ​​continued to pop out of Prisoner Qianyi's head one by one.

At the moment when he lost 40% of all attributes in an instant, Prisoner Qianyi had already begun to regret it, but at this moment he was on the verge of riding a tiger. If he retreated, he would not only fail in performance, but also make Prisoner Jiuye look down on him from now on!
If you want to get ahead in the big sect, you must grasp the opportunity well, but right now, it seems that you have grasped it wrong.

During the battle, the cage around Prisoner Jiuye gradually faded away, and he did not step forward, but watched the battle with interest, with his hands behind his back, as if he did not intend to make a move, but gradually, his expression changed again. It's hard to see, because Prisoner Qianyi is actually defeated!

"Shame on me, get out!" Prisoner Jiu couldn't bear it anymore, if this continues, Prisoner Qianyi will surely die!
Prisoner Qianyi didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly backed away, while Prisoner Jiuye took the opportunity to step forward, "Boy, I change my mind, you are dead!"

Before the words were finished, an attack landed on Tianhuo's chest, immediately blasting Tianhuo into the air, and Tianhuo's health was almost emptied in an instant, leaving only a little over [-].

"Shameless old man, want to kill me? Go ahead and dream!"

Before Tianhuo could stabilize his figure, the voice came out, and then the two skills of spirit escape and returning home were continuously displayed.

Prisoner Jiuye's attack was in vain, Tianhuo was no longer in the arena, and even the two pets disappeared. For a while, the arena was terribly silent. No one would have thought that Tianhuo could escape from Prisoner Jiuye's hands.

"Bastard!" Prisoner Jiu roared, "No matter where you go, you won't be able to escape from my palm, Lord of Tianyan City, pay back my son's life!"

Amidst the roar, Prisoner Jiuye didn't care about the spiritual grass and fruit emerging from here, so he stepped into the air and flew towards the south. The target was, of course, Tianyan City.

As Prisoner Jiuye left, Prisoner Qianyi did not stop, and hurriedly chased after him, while the rest of the people couldn't help but look at each other.

"That's the first adventurer from another world who became the lord of the city? It's really extraordinary!"

"I also think that the attack method is very similar to Wenshengmen, and it seems to be related to Wenshengmen."

Tie Shi indifferently looked at the people who were talking, his eyes flickered with a mysterious color, he rubbed his chin and wondered what he was thinking.

In the mansion, the figure of Tianhuo appeared in the living room. As soon as he appeared, he let out a long sigh of relief, "It's unlucky to meet the old man who is imprisoned by Baiteng. It's hard to handle! I hope Long Yuncao can make Jiuhun enter adulthood , or you have to run!"

While talking to himself, Tianhuo walked quickly towards the pharmacy.

It was rare for Yao Lao to lie leisurely on the rocking chair and enjoy the sunshine, but Tianhuo hurried in, "Yao Lao, quickly help me to see if these spirit herbs work."

With that said, Tianhuo directly touched the Earth Soul Mushroom, Shengling Fruit, Diyou Gua and Longyun Grass, and looked at Yao Lao expectantly.

Yao Lao turned over and got up from the rocking chair, happily inspecting the four spirit grasses and spirit fruits, and looked at Tianhuo with a strange expression, "You got four of them so quickly?"

Tianhuo nodded, "If the Prisoner Jiuye of the Prisoner Dragon Sect didn't come, we could get more."

"Prisoner Nine? That guy is not easy to mess with, you have to be careful." Yao Lao said, and gave Tianhuo a book, "Read it, and you don't need to ask me when you encounter these spirit grasses and fruits in the future."

Tianhuo looked at the book suspiciously, only to see "Complete Medicine" written on it, with the words 'Old Medicine' written in the lower corner.

After flipping through it for a while, Tianhuo became even more astonished. It introduced all kinds of spirit grass and spirit fruits above the spirit level. However, the strange thing is that it is not like learning skills directly, but you need to learn them by yourself. memory.

"This is not a skill book. I wrote it with great effort. You have to remember to return it to me." Old Yao said.

Tianhuo nodded, turned to the page of the Earth Soul Mushroom, took out the Earth Soul Mushroom and checked it, and suddenly, the attribute changed!
Earth Soul Mushroom: Spirit-level medicinal material, level +2 after taking it, and the effect of refining it into pills is better; it can also catalyze the birth of beasts.

"Yo? That's really the case!" Tianhuo understood that he hadn't seen the properties of these spirit-level medicinal materials before, and that was because he didn't know medicine yet. Now that he knew it, he could see their properties at a glance.

And those low-level spirit grasses and spirit fruits don't need to be so troublesome at all, they can be used directly.

With this discovery, Tianhuo hastily flipped through the introductions of several other spirit herbs and memorized them firmly.

Ascending Spirit Fruit: Spirit-level medicinal material, after taking it, the physical attack and magic attack will be permanently increased by 1000, and the refining effect will be better.

Emperor Blessing Melon: Spirit-level medicinal material, gain 30% experience value within 100 days after taking it.

Dragon Cloud Grass: Spirit-level medicinal material, after taking it, the defense will increase by 10000, and the dragon people will speed up the time of adulthood after taking it.

Note: Humans will inevitably be hunted down by dragons after taking it.

"Dragon Cloud Grass is so strong?" Tianhuo looked at the Dragon Cloud Grass in his hand in astonishment, the defense increased by ten thousand!It's a pity that Tianhuo doesn't want to be hunted down by the dragon clan, and this thing, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, is useful, maybe it can help him complete the task.

"Yao Lao, please help me catalyze the Star Devouring Moon Beast." Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, and handed the mount egg and the Earth Soul Mushroom to Yao Lao. Although he knew the function of the Earth Soul Mushroom, he didn't know how to operate it. .

"This is easy to handle, just wait a bit." Yao Lao took it and started to play with it carefully. He put the mount egg aside first, and put the Earth Soul Mushroom into the cauldron to refine it.

Tianhuo knew that it would take some time, so he couldn't wait to summon the Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon, and passed the Dragon Cloud Grass over, "Nine Souls, hurry up, eat it, and see if you can become an adult!"

Tianhuo's voice was full of anticipation. According to what Yi Ma took the lead, after he got the Dragon Cloud Grass, he should have raised the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon to adulthood.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations! Your pet Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has shortened its growth time by 300 years by taking Dragon Cloud Grass."

When this system prompt appeared, there was no further text, and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon didn't seem to have changed much, making Tianhuo frowned, "Nine Soul, how is it?"

"Master, it seems that there is still a lot of difference." Nine Soul Jin Linglong said.

"Damn it, I have to make another trip!" Tianhuo slumped helplessly on Yao Lao's rocking chair, "The information that took the lead was wrong. It seems that the information he got before he was reborn was not correct."

In desperation, Yao Lao had already taken out the Earth Soul Mushroom, but at this moment, the Earth Soul Mushroom had shrunk a lot, and as Yao Lao pinched it, it turned into powder and fell, all of which fell on the mount egg.

And those powders fell and were slowly absorbed by the mount egg, and the system prompt sounded, "Ding! System prompt: Star Devouring Moon Beast absorbs the power of Earth Soul Mushroom, and the incubation time is reduced by 10 years."

"Okay, that's it. If you want to hatch, you have to work hard, but you can only use each spirit herb once, otherwise there will be side effects." Yao Lao handed over the mount egg and said.

Tianhuo nodded, it's not bad, and there are still 30 years left before going to the Grand Canyon to try his luck.

Then, before Tianhuo set off, a roar suddenly sounded in the sky of Tianyan City: "Young Master of Tianyan City, get out of here! Otherwise, I will destroy your Tianyan City!"

(End of this chapter)

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