The strongest saint

Chapter 247 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 247 Lost the wife and lost the army

Heavy footsteps continued to be heard in the woods in the distance. Accompanied by the heavy footsteps, the ground trembled slightly. It was unknown what kind of colossus was rushing, and the trees were broken wherever it passed.

Tianhuo stared intently at the scene in the distance, his face sank, the man who was being chased by the behemoth was the leading man from Prison Dragon Sect, and looking at his route, it was obvious that he wanted to lure the behemoth to Tianhuo's side.

"This shameless fellow, Master, what should we do?" Di Yan raised his head and asked Xiang Tianhuo.

"Let's kill together!"

Tianhuo said lightly, with a stern look in his eyes, the man who imprisoned Longzong wanted to attack him before, but because of the arrival of the wine king and Wen Hao, they didn't dare to attack for a while, but now he is alone, but he is willing to attack good chance.

The eyes of Diyan Linhuang Beast lit up, and although Tianhuo's voice was flat, it could hear Tianhuo's intention to kill.

"Hey, I must start a battle between the Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros and that kid. Then I can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap the benefits of the fisherman!" Seeing that Tianhuo and Diyan did not leave, the man was overjoyed and secretly road.

Tianhuo had already seen what the man was thinking, turned over and fell off Diyan's back, and waited quietly.

Soon, the man was pursued by the huge monster to a hundred meters in front of Tianhuo. Tianhuo also saw the huge monster clearly. It was a huge rhinoceros two stories high.

Armored Rhinoceros (spiritual beast), level 80, HP 9000000, attack 65000, defense 50000.

"The high defense is a bit scary, but it's not difficult to deal with." Tianhuo thought to himself, since this man wants to drag himself into the water, let him be happy for nothing, and make him cry so hard.

However, just as Tianhuo had this thought, the man suddenly took out a basketball-sized object and threw it at Tianhuo.

A hundred meters away, the elliptical object drew a parabola and fell towards Tianhuo. With the experience of being paralyzed by the Thunder Spirit Ball last time, Tianhuo turned slightly sideways, trying to avoid the thing, but as the thing approached, Tianhuo But he was surprised, "Pet eggs?"

That's right, what the man threw over was actually a pet egg, not any props with special functions.

In an instant, Tianhuo understood that this must be Iron Armored Rhino's pet egg, and the man did this to lure Iron Armored Rhino to him, so that he could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo's probe caught the pet egg, "You will know immediately what it means to lose your wife and lose your army!"

The pet egg fell into Tianhuo's hands, and as expected, it was the pet egg of Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros!Spirit beast-level pet eggs!
"Roar! Give me back!" The Iron Armored Rhino from a hundred meters away glared at Tianhuo and roared, then moved its limbs and came galloping with heavy footsteps.

"Haha, kid, let's see if you're still alive? The Prisoner Ring will be mine, and the pet egg will be mine too!" The man from the Prisoner Dragon Sect had a deep smile on his face. He didn't even dare to touch it head-on, now that the Iron Armored Crazy Rhino came to Tianhuo, then he just waited to reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked slightly, and instead of retreating, he rushed forward, leading Diyan, and the puppet war spirit also appeared beside him, "Go!"
2700000! -900000!

As soon as he got close to the range of the titles of Diyan Shocking and Ten Thousand Killing, Tianhuo stopped, allowing Diyan and the puppet war spirit to rush up, while he waved his hand and drew a stroke of strokes to blast past.
83540, -423650...

Huge damage value mixed with critical strike damage appeared above the head of Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, and Di Yan and the puppet also arrived, and the sky was full of purple fire and one after another attack fell down.

The prisoner Dragon Sect man who was tens of meters away was dumbfounded. The Iron Armored Rhinoceros, which he didn't dare to deal with, was so unbearable in the hands of Tianhuo. He was firmly entangled by the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast and the puppet, and his health was dropping rapidly. .

Seeing this situation, the man still didn't understand, his idea was wrong, and he was still sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, it would be good if he was not unlucky.

"Bastard, my pet egg..." the man cursed secretly, using the pet egg to attract the iron-armored mad rhino's target in vain, right now it is a free pet egg for Tianhuo!
While cursing secretly, the man's expression changed. If this goes on, Iron Armored Kuangxi will surely die, and once it dies, he may be the one who will be unlucky.

Thinking of this, the man didn't dare to stay, and quietly backed away.

The man's actions naturally did not hide from Tianhuo's eyes, and Tianhuo smiled jokingly, "Just leave like this? Don't you want the pet egg?"

Hearing this, the man's footsteps faltered, and then he suddenly accelerated. How dare he stay?

"Hehe, stay here forever! Decide! Team mode." Tianhuo said softly, but saw the man's figure suddenly stopped in a forward posture, and with the change of Tianhuo's combat mode, the two injured The value suddenly popped up from the top of his head.
1800000, -600000!

"Oral punishment, broken iron clothes on the battlefield of hundreds of battles..."

Iron Armored Rhino was blocked by Emperor Yan and the puppet, so Tianhuo didn't have to worry, as soon as his writing skills changed, he blurted out, and large golden characters appeared in the sky.

The Fixing Curse is prepared for men, because the specific attributes of the npc can't be seen, so Tianhuo didn't use the Prisoner rashly, but directly used a stronger Fixing Curse, but right now, Tianhuo regrets it a bit, using the skill Prisoner is enough , this guy is not as strong as he imagined.

But no matter which skill is used, the man's fate is already doomed, 20 seconds of freezing time is enough to kill him.

"Ten steps to kill one person..."

The big golden characters covered a radius of 365 meters, and disappeared into the sky and the earth after being dropped, while the HP of the man and the Iron Armored Rhino dropped rapidly.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the level 80 spirit beast Iron Armored Rhinoceros, the reward level will be +1."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 74, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on the upgrade of your pet Emperor Flame Linhuang, currently level 32, HP+50000, attack +5000, defense +4000."

"Ding! The system prompts: You use the laziness of the Glyph Sage to collect 1 monster corpse, get the demon core x 1, and the armored rhinoceros skin x 1."

"Ding! System prompt: Glyph Sage's Sorrow activates, pick up 3 pieces of equipment, spirit-level power stone x 1."

The armored wild rhino was dead, Di Yan and the puppet both turned around and ran towards the man. At this moment, beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the immobilized man. He knew that he was dead!

"Dare to attack us, die!" Di Yan opened his mouth and spewed out a thick purple fire, instantly enveloping the man, and in an instant, the man's life value also bottomed out.

Tianhuo also received the verbal punishment skill, and strokes flew out after waving his hand. It is still practical to deal with a single enemy.

The man was about to fall to the ground in front of him, but a shocking roar suddenly came from the forest in the distance, "Stop!"

The roar resounded through the sky and the earth, and even the forest trembled under the roar, and the fallen leaves danced for a while.

Tianhuo and Diyan were slightly stunned by the roar, and heard the roar again, "My Prisoner Dragon Sect disciples dare to move, are you tired of living?"

"Damn! The big ones come and the big ones come, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Tianhuo frowned and muttered, but he kept moving, and continued to attack while waving his hands.

"Damn it, stop it!" The roar sounded again, and then a ray of light whizzed out, making an ear-piercing sound of piercing the sky, pointing directly at the sky fire.

Tianhuo let out a cold snort, and stepped to avoid the attack of the streamer, but at this moment, the man fell down in Diyan's purple fire.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment, mysterious token × 1."

"Chen'er..." At the moment the man fell, that figure also arrived, and quickly flew in front of the fallen man, only to see the man's figure slowly glowing with white light, obviously, it was hopeless.

Tianhuo looked at the person warily, it was the prisoner dragon sect elder who had been staring at him before entering the palace!This person looks seven or eighty years old, with white hair and a childlike face, but at the moment his face is very ugly and pale.

In an instant, the man had disappeared into the white light, while the old man stared blankly at the empty place, his body trembling slightly, obviously angry.

Suddenly, the old man suddenly raised his head to look at Tianhuo, and said in a deep voice, "I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

Tianhuo shrugged, playful: "I heard it, but what are you? Tell me to stop and I will stop?"

The old man stood up slowly, with a gloomy and terrifying face, "The Prisoner's Ring is in your hands, and you have carried the lives of many disciples of my Prisoner Dragon Sect on your body, boy, today I want you to live or die!"

Tianhuo flipped his palm, tightened the Book of Glyph Sage, and said with a smile: "I also want to try, how strong the elders of the Prisoner Dragon Sect are!"

Tianhuo knew before that this was an elder of the Prisoner Dragon Sect. As for the status of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, that was not what Tianhuo cared about. Anyway, such a strong person came to the third-level area, and his strength was greatly restricted. Can't fight.

"Hmph! Then try it with your life!" The old man growled, and with a shock in his sleeve robe, a terrifying air wave swept out, and the old man's foot stepped on the opportunity, and with the help of the huge elastic force of the air wave, he reached Tianhuo's body in an instant forward.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, a little surprised in his heart, this person's speed is not much worse than the Shadowless Demon he met before!

However, when the old man just arrived in front of Tianhuo, when his outstretched palm fell on Tianhuo's chest by a hair, his figure suddenly froze.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Prisoner Ring in Tianhuo's hand suddenly shone brightly, trapping the old man in a flash, "Prisoner!"

Imprisoning the old man, Tianhuo stepped back and opened the distance, and a string of large characters on the third page of the Book of Grammars roared out.

"Master, this person is very strong and immune to my Diyan shock." Diyan said while attacking the old man.

Tianhuo naturally knew that the old man was not only immune to the deterrence of the emperor's flames, but also immune to his own title of Ten Thousand Slayers.

"What are you afraid of, fight!" Tianhuo's expression remained unchanged.

However, as soon as the words fell, the old man suddenly broke free from the shackles of Di Yan and the cage, turned around and slammed his palm at the Di Yan Linhuang Beast. More than [-] damage values.

Seeing this, Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, and he broke the two status skills in an instant. How can he fight this?
(End of this chapter)

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