Chapter 249

More than a dozen earth demons followed closely behind Tianhuo, and when Tianhuo was worrying, he saw a familiar figure in the forest ahead.

That figure was fighting a spirit beast, but judging from the situation, the spirit beast had almost no resistance in his hands.

That figure was none other than Yu Junhao, the number one demon hunter!

Yu Junhao was playing with the spirit beast, and suddenly turned to look at the place where Tianhuo was galloping towards. Although he might not be able to see it clearly, he could already sense the breath of the monster.

Seeing Yu Junhao turn around, the spirit beast's eyes lit up with joy, and it jumped up high to attack Yu Junhao, but the latter didn't even look at it, and slashed the spirit beast's forehead with a knife, ending its life immediately.

"Thirteen earth demons, it seems that there are quite a few monsters entering the palace of the gods!" Yu Junhao murmured, stepped out fiercely, and rushed towards the sky fire.

"Death to the monster!" When he was [-] meters away from the sky fire, Yu Jun stepped on the ground fiercely, and saw a ripple visible to the naked eye sweeping along the ground, and rushed to Di Yan in an instant.

The Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast reacted very quickly, jumped up carrying the sky fire, and avoided the impact of the ripples, but the ripples continued unabated, instantly pervading the dozen or so earth demons who were fleeing from the earth, and it was a tragic moment. The cries kept coming out, and then figures emerged from the soil.

"Haha, Brother Yu, it's great to see you!" Tianhuo laughed.

Yu Junhao rolled his eyes at Tianhuo, "Don't get close to me."

Saying that, Yu Junhao jumped up violently, and raised the saber in his hand above his head fiercely, "Seven Tribulations!"

call!Following Yu Junhao's movements, the air around him condensed, and then rushed towards the saber in his hand, forming a light that was several feet long on the saber, and slammed down towards the earth demon.

One, two... A total of seven sword lights came in a flash, and landed on the earth demon group one after another, causing a large amount of damage to come out.

"Slash again!" The moment Yu Junhao landed, the saber was raised again, and another beam of saber light shot up from the saber, and at the moment when the seven beams of sword light gathered, they slashed down fiercely.


With a series of light puffs, the thirteen earth demons fell down like this, and soon turned into white light and disappeared.

Two moves, thirteen earth demons died!

Tianhuo looked at Yu Junhao in amazement. He had joined hands with him twice before, but Tianhuo didn't realize that this guy was so powerful!

The Diyan Linhuang Beast also stared at Yu Junhao in surprise, and said in a low voice: "Master, he is very strong!"

Tianhuo nodded blankly, and murmured: "As expected of the number one demon hunter, much better than Yifeng and the others."

Yu Junhao packed up the booty and walked towards Tianhuo, "How did you meet the monster?"

Tianhuo thought about it, and it was not difficult to infer from the few words that the monsters would make a big move in the palace of the gods, and said: "It's not that I met them, but the monsters attacked in large numbers. The number of monsters I saw is countless. Hundreds, I'm afraid it's the same in other places."

Suspicion appeared in Yu Junhao's eyes, and he thought for a moment before saying: "Since you have met, then go forward with me, I hope you can keep up with my speed."

Saying that, Yu Junhao glanced at the Diyan Linhuang Beast and fled towards the distance.

As if being provoked, the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast also increased its speed greatly, chasing after Yu Junhao closely, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't surpass Yu Junhao.

Although it is impossible to fly here, Di Yan and Yu Junhao's speed is full only by foot power. After an hour, Tianhuo can already see a mountain range consisting of more than ten peaks appearing in front of him.

After a closer look, Tianhuo found that there were many palaces on those peaks, as if something was guarding the central peak.

Seeing those palaces, how can Tianhuo not understand that the destination is probably in front of him, and there is the real palace of all gods.

The so-called Wangshan ran a dead horse. After walking forward for more than an hour, I saw that the mountains were still in the distance, but I could already see other people not far away. Those people looked back from time to time as if they were running for their lives, and they did not dare to stop at all. galloping.

"Hey, have you also encountered monsters?" More than a dozen fleeing people gradually gathered together and asked each other without stopping.

Everyone's faces were ugly, and their eyes were filled with deep fear, "I'm afraid it's over this time, there are too many monsters, and they are very powerful, I am the only one left with dozens of people, how about you?" ?”

Yu Junhao approached those people, with surprise in his eyes, he asked, "How many monsters have you encountered?"

One of them looked at Yu Junhao suspiciously, "I encountered hundreds of monsters, if I didn't have the ability to escape, I'm afraid I would have died."

"It's similar to what I met, the leader is a low-level magic general."

"Me too……"

More than a dozen people talked about each other, and Tianhuo was more and more surprised when he heard what happened to everyone. The monster teams they encountered were different. If you count them, there are quite a lot of monsters!
"Hurry up, it should be safer to reach the mountains ahead."

"It's still a few hundred miles away, I hope to make it there." Tianhuo secretly said in his heart. At this time, he always had a feeling in his heart that if he entered the mountains, the monsters would not be afraid.

This feeling appeared abruptly, but it gave Tianhuo that feeling.

After galloping for dozens of miles again, hundreds of people gathered from both sides, but their physical strength was a bit overdrawn, and their speed was much slower than before.

The experiences of hundreds of people were similar. They were all survivors who escaped from the monsters. A deep sense of fear permeated the crowd. No one dared to neglect, and rushed towards the mountains.

Suddenly, the soil in front rolled up in large swaths. Under the tumbling of these soils, trees collapsed in patches, and earth demons crawled out of the ground.

Everyone hurriedly stopped and looked around, only to see hundreds of earth demons blocking their way in a semicircle, and the same was behind them. Not only did earth demons appear, but a large black air was galloping several miles away. Come, obviously, there are also monsters in the black air.

"Oops, break through!" Yu Junhao looked at the black air several miles behind him, and said in a deep voice. He was suspicious before, but now his expression became serious. Even the first demon hunter, facing those menacing The unknown monsters, dare not be careless.

With that said, Yu Junhao rushed to the front of the crowd, and unleashed the Seven Tribulations Slash.

At the same time that Yu Junhao made a move, Tianhuo found that there were also strong attacks in the forest several miles away on both sides. Obviously, there were also strong people surrounded by monsters.

Following Yu Junhao's attack, a great battle broke out, and hundreds of npcs used all their means to attack the earth demon blocking the way ahead.

"Kill!" Hundreds of earth demons let out a low-pitched roar from their throats, and their human-sized figures suddenly began to swell, and a tyrannical aura immediately permeated the world.

"You can't love to fight, just go if you can!" Yu Junhao yelled violently, and the saber slashed a few more attacks, blasting and killing the earth demons blocking the way within a range of more than ten meters in front, leading the crowd to quickly plunder and escape from the encirclement .

Without Tianhuo's confession, Di Yan also followed Yu Junhao and escaped from the encirclement, but the people behind were not so lucky. The surrounding earth demons quickly repaired the encirclement and surrounded them again.

"Second brother..." Beside Tianhuo, an npc looked at the closed encirclement, wanting to go to the rescue, but was held back by Tianhuo.

"It's too late!" Tianhuo yelled, and saw that the black air behind had reached the encirclement circle, one by one magic soldiers appeared in the black air, and shot at those surrounded without hesitation.

"Let's go!" Yu Junhao yelled again, even if he turned around to rescue him, it would be useless, and his life would be wasted. After all, those demon soldiers and earth demons are not weak, and there are so many of them, they cannot be dealt with by hundreds of people. .

Tianhuo looked at the remaining three or forty people around him, and sighed in his heart. In such a short period of time, he actually lost seven or eighty people.

"These damn monsters, I swear, even if I die, I will avenge my brother!"

One after another roared in the crowd, and the sky-shattering anger rose to the sky, but everyone dared not stop. In the mountains ahead, there must be a way to deal with these monsters, after all, that is the real palace of all gods.

The distance of hundreds of miles was reached in less than ten minutes under the gallop of the crowd, but the scene in front of them chilled everyone's hearts.

Tianhuo was also heartbroken, and saw that in front of him was the only canyon leading to the center of the mountain range, and in front of the canyon, countless monsters had long been waiting here.

Yu Junhao, the leader, stopped and looked at the situation in front of him with a serious expression, "The monsters are blocking the entrance ten miles away, even if we break through the blockade of these monsters, we still have ten miles to reach the mountains, I'm afraid we won't be able to get through. "

Stopping a few miles away from those monsters, everyone gritted their teeth and glared at the monsters a few miles away, and those monsters were not in a hurry to make a move, they stood quietly and waited.

"They don't seem to want to strike first." Someone in the crowd said in a deep voice.

"They are waiting for the monsters behind to come, so that we can be wiped out." Yu Junhao said with clenched fists.

"Then break through and rush in! Otherwise, we won't have a chance when the monsters from behind come!" Dozens of npcs had raging anger on their faces. They already hated monsters to the bone.

At this moment, figures jumped out of the forest beside everyone, looking at the Tianhuo people in the field, they hurriedly gathered over.

Tianhuo looked back and saw boundless black air surrounding him from a distance. Under the pursuit of these black air, countless people escaped.

"The monster seems to force us to escape here on purpose, and it really wants to catch us all!" Yu Junhao murmured, his face became ugly, there were thousands of monsters blocking the front, and there were countless monsters chasing after him .

The black air in the rear is getting closer and closer, and more and more strong people are gathering in the field. In just a moment, thousands of people have gathered here.

Everyone understands the situation in front of them, and soon, they will be made dumplings!
"Monsters are inhumane. When they arrive, we will surely die. Listen to me. Let's break through the blockade of these monsters in front of us. We will be safe in the mountains!" A familiar voice from Tianhuo sounded.

Tianhuo followed the voice and couldn't help frowning, it was not someone else, but the elder of the Prisoner Dragon Sect!
Seeing the elder of Prison Dragon Sect, Tianhuo's heart sank, that guy had an affair with a monster, how did he get mixed into the crowd?

"I'll lead, follow me, go!" Tianhuo frowned, but the elder of Prisoner Longzong rushed out with a loud shout.

"At worst, die, kill!" Thousands of people knew that this was the only way out, so they wouldn't hesitate, raised their weapons one after another, and rushed out following the elder of Prisoner Dragon Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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