The strongest saint

Chapter 357 Space Solidification

Chapter 357 Space Solidification
Tianhuo watched Gong Ming's changes worriedly. His life and death, to a certain extent, were related to the whereabouts of the next Glyph Saint suit parts, and related to the transaction between the two parties.

Wu Ping hasn't said what he needs to do to tell him the whereabouts of the parts of the Glyph Saint suit, and the deal hasn't been reached yet, so Tianhuo naturally hopes that the deal will go smoothly.

Gong Ming was unconscious on the ground, his aura was very weak, but with the entrance of the Huoshuyinhua's seeds, the black air around him was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, but what worried Tianhuo was that his aura didn't change at all, it was still the same weak.

Wu Ping's face was full of anxiety, and he looked at Gong Ming's changes in a little at a loss, and murmured: "Brother, hold on..."

Tianhuo glanced at Wu Ping, then looked at Gong Ming again, and said via voice transmission: "Tianling, his aura is too weak, is there any way to make him recover? If this continues, I'm afraid it won't last."

"At this time, he can't rely on external forces, he can only look at himself. If he survives the detoxification, he will recover soon and gain the ability of being invulnerable to all poisons." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo frowned. At this moment, Gong Ming looked like the poison on the surface of his body had been removed, and the situation in his body was unknown. However, the only thing that reassured Tianhuo was that although his aura had not become stronger, it had not weakened either. to this extent.

The two quietly waited for Gong Ming's recovery, and the scene became quiet for a while, but this silence didn't last long, and there was a slight conversation in Tianhuo's ear, which attracted Tianhuo's eyes.

In the light mist not far away, two figures walked forward cautiously. Through the mist, the two couldn't see too far, but under the eyes of Tianhuo's Glyph Sage, they could see them clearly!
"He really came! Why did he get mixed up with the old man with bones?" Tianhuo thought to himself, looking at the two of them intently.

Of those two people, one is the old man with bones who fled from the Great Xuanzong, and the other, of course, took the lead, but after being separated for a few days, he also arrived here at the head of the pack, and with the Hades Emperor Scorpion on his body, he did not die!
Tianhuo was not surprised that he was able to get here in the first place, but what was surprising was that he got mixed up with the old man with bones.

"What you said is true? It seems that no one has discovered this problem, right?" the old man with bones turned his head and took a look at the lead in doubt, and asked.

Nodding immediately, "Of course it's true, the Fenghuo Treasure Land was indeed opened more than three years earlier, but seniors don't have to worry, I read it in a classic book, and I am very familiar with it, even though it opened three years earlier this time, There shouldn't be anything wrong."

Hearing the voice of taking the lead, Tianhuo frowned slightly, classics?It's ridiculous, he came here at the first rebirth, if he had been here before rebirth, he would know the situation here, and even if he hadn't been here before rebirth, Tianhuo believed that there must be one on the forum, and he would know after reading it.

As for what Yima took the lead in opening up more than three years earlier, Tianhuo was a little puzzled. When he was in Daxuanzong, everyone in Daxuanzong calculated the time from the classics at this time, so it should not have been advanced.

After thinking for a moment in doubt, Tianhuo shook his head and ignored it. Whether it was opened in advance is not important to him at all. Anyway, his goal is the parts of Vincent's suit!
"It's good that there are no mistakes. If I get the relic of Fengshen, I promise to get that first-class sect for you." The old man with bones nodded.

Tianhuo has seen the strength of the old man with bones before. He is extremely strong. At the beginning, he was unmatched in the Great Xuanzong. In the end, he was defeated by the mountain guard formation. But even so, this guy left easily.

Tianhuo nodded secretly, and understood from a few words that he had already reached a certain deal with the old man with bones, so he couldn't help but feel a little worried. If he got here first, his time would be even tighter. If he took away the parts of the suit, his previous efforts would be wasted up.

"Naturally, I won't disappoint seniors. Seniors, not far ahead is the lair of the Fenghuo Saint Spirit. How about we find a chance to get a few spirit fruits?" Said immediately.

The old man with bones nodded, "If the elf is really as magical as you said, then let's go, but do you really have a way to restrain the holy spirit of wind and fire? You must know that it is comparable to the existence of a top-level beast. Its strength... I'm afraid I'm not an opponent yet."

During the conversation, the first horse and the old man with the bones passed by not far in front of the three of Tianhuo, covered by fog, neither of them noticed Tianhuo and the others.

Watching the two leave, Tianhuo couldn't help but licked his lips, "Restraining the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire? Take the lead, your ability is not small, but this time you should get out!"

Tianhuo was a little surprised, he didn't know what he got, and he could restrain the unfathomable Phoenix Saint Elf, but knowing the whereabouts of the two people, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, right now, it is the old man with bones and Yima Xian Great opportunity to sell Fenghuo Land!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo took a look at Gong Ming whose aura had stabilized, turned his hand and called out the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and said to Wu Ping, "Senior, I will leave Tun Xing for the convenience of contacting you. After Senior Gong Ming wakes up Keep going, and I'll catch up."

As he said that, without waiting for Wu Ping's response, Tianhuo took the lead in chasing after him.

Staying a few hundred meters behind the first two, Tianhuo used the invisible spirit skills to keep moving forward in an invisible state. After traveling along the hillside for more than ten miles, the first two slowed down.

Not far away, a towering ancient tree with fluorescent lights stands upright. The trunk thousands of meters thick is like a mountain peak, and the scattered branches and leaves even block out the sky. Tianhuo is surprised, is that the residence of the Fenghuo Saint Spirit?
There is not the slightest mist around the ancient wood, which is completely different from other places, and as the sky fire approaches, a refreshing breath is felt.

"That's right here, senior. I'll lure the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire to restrain her temporarily. You hurry up and go up the tree to find the fairy fruit. Remember, it's [-]-[-]." Said immediately.

The old man with bones shook the fleshless left and right sides under his sleeve robe, and scanned the towering ancient trees in front of him, "Let's do it!"

He nodded first, and then stepped out, heading straight towards the ancient tree.

"Who are you? How dare you disturb me..." The little girl's voice came from before, and then Tianhuo saw a flash of light, and then the figure of the little girl appeared in front of Yima lead, blocking his way .

He took the lead and smiled at the little girl, and suddenly crushed a green fruit with his hands. Immediately, a green mist drifted away, and under this strange mist, the little girl's eyes instantly became dull.

"Fuck... what is that?" Tianhuo couldn't help cursing inwardly, that powerful and immeasurable Fenghuo Saint Elf was made into such a state by taking the lead?
Surprised, Tianhuo noticed something unusual, not only the little girl froze, but even the one who took the lead. Obviously, he was also caught in the green mist.

"Congealing fruit, in each area, there will be one in 1000 years, that guy was lucky, he got one." Tian Ling said.

Skyfire was even more astonished. In the three areas, only three appeared in 1000 years?

"The Congealing Fruit is not very useful. After crushing, the surrounding space of more than ten meters will solidify. Of course, everything in it will also solidify. It will last for about four to five minutes!" Tianhuo said again.

Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue. Being able to get this kind of thing in the first place is absolutely inseparable from rebirth, but Tianhuo never thought that taking the lead would use such a method to deal with the Fenghuo Saint Elf.

"Not to mention, there are some skills in taking the lead, it's all right..." Tianhuo shook his head, and asked again: "The space in that area is frozen, that is to say, outsiders can't get in?"

"That's right, we can only wait for the effective time of the Ningkong Fruit to pass." Tianling said.

Tianhuo frowned, but saw that the old man with bones had already seized the opportunity to plunder towards the ancient tree. He plundered the ancient tree with both hands and feet, and quickly disappeared among the branches and leaves. Obviously, he was looking for the elf fruit in it.

"I'll give it a try. This is a rare and good opportunity." As Tianhuo said, he walked out of the invisible state and rushed towards the lead.

Taking the lead with the old man with bones, Tianhuo has no way to deal with it, but now is a good opportunity, if the Fenghuo Saint Spirit is brought out, she will definitely attack the two of them, and then she doesn't have to do it herself.

This is an excellent opportunity to borrow a knife to kill someone.

As soon as Tianhuo flew a few meters away, he felt a pain all over his body, and then his figure was bounced back, apparently hitting the frozen space.

"You said you couldn't get in, and you still try?" Tianling said teasingly, as if she was watching Tianhuo's joke.

Tianhuo rubbed his aching forehead, and tried to touch it with his hand. There seemed to be nothing there, but it was extremely hard when he touched it!
"Really, that's weird, even the first one is frozen in it, how will he leave later?" Tianhuo said suspiciously, the old man with bones is looking for the spirit fruit at the moment, and while the effect of the fruit is still there, he wants to leave It is not difficult to go, but how should he leave if he takes the lead?

Thinking of this question, Tianhuo couldn't help rubbing his chin. It is impossible to do such a stupid thing in the first place. It seems that he has full confidence in escaping from the hands of the Wind and Fire Holy Spirit. We can move together, how will he go when the time comes?
Inadvertently, Tianhuo caught a glimpse of the little girl's eyes moving, and couldn't help being horrified, and stepped back involuntarily. In the frozen space, she could actually move?

"It's you again, it looks like you're here to help me, that's just right, please go and grab that man, and don't let him move my elf tree."

Suddenly, the little girl's voice appeared directly in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo nodded blankly, strength is different, under such circumstances, he can still transmit sound!
(End of this chapter)

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