The strongest saint

Chapter 402 Nanming Phoenix Prison

Chapter 402 Nanming Phoenix Prison
"Tianhuo, why are you smirking while hugging this dark armor?" Yu Ling who was at the side couldn't stand it anymore, and asked with her eyes rolled.

Tianhuo is excited, although he already has a divine weapon on his body, but if you want to say that the divine weapon exploded from the monster, the fusion spirit armor in his hand is the first one!

"Hey, it's nothing, you drink tea first, and I'll take a look at the spoils." Tianhuo smiled, and cast the Glyph Sage's Eye on the armor in his hand.

"Ding! The system prompts: The eye of Wensheng triggers the identification ability, and the identification fails!"

"Yo?" The appraisal ability was triggered several times in a row, but the appraisal failed, which made Tianhuo raise his eyebrows. The artifact is indeed different, but his Glyph Sage's Eye has reached the god level, so why not appraise it?Just check it out a few times!
"Ding! The system prompts: The Eye of the Sage of Graves has launched the appraisal ability, and the appraisal is successful!"

After more than ten minutes, the system prompt sounded, which lifted Tianhuo's spirit, and it finally succeeded!Tianhuo couldn't wait to look at the attributes of the armor immediately.

Spirit-melting divine armor (artifact), an artifact made by monsters using crappy refining methods, four attributes +6000, defense (spirit) +100%, damage rebound +20%, use requirements: none.

Special effect: Because it is made by adding a large amount of spirit fusion jade, it can integrate all attributes into other equipment and disappear after integration.

"Only so few attributes? It really is a crappy refining technique..." The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly. Even the Tianyu he created had a lot of attribute bonuses, but in comparison, the four attributes were not as strong as this armor.

And the biggest feature of this artifact is naturally the special effect, which can integrate all attributes into other equipment. This attribute is also possessed by the novice's strangeness on him, and the novice's strangeness can also absorb the attributes of other similar equipment, and its growth is no better than this armor. Difference.

The novice Yiyi has been able to fuse 16 pieces of clothing equipment so far, and only 8 pieces have been integrated. During this period of time, Tianhuo has not found a good clothing equipment, so he simply ignored it. Now, Tianhuo laughed, and the whole world If the attributes are integrated, then there is nothing to be reluctant about!
Without hesitation, Tianhuo took off the novice's tricky clothes, and put on the Soul Fusion Armor.

The spirit-melting divine armor was slowly fused by the novice's treacherous clothes, and after a while, it had disappeared on the novice's treacherous clothes.

"Haha, it's done!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, the novice Guiyi was really powerful, he could even fuse artifacts!
Novice Yiyi, defense (spirit) +100%, strength +8500, intelligence +7740, constitution +6000, agility +8500, negative state resistance +10%, ignore target defense +10%, damage rebound +20%.

Special effect: All attributes can be integrated into other equipment, and disappear after integration.

Looking at the current attributes of the novice Yiyi, Tianhuo's eyes became dull, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time, " did it change?"

Tianhuo read it right, all the attributes of the Spirit Fusion Armor were absorbed by the novice Guiyi, but even the ability to fuse the attributes of other equipment disappeared!

For a long time, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched and he equipped the novice's sly clothes, feeling extremely unbalanced. Originally, the novice's sly clothes could fuse 8 pieces of equipment, but now, that ability is gone, and it has been completely replaced by the divine weapon, the soul-melting armor!
"It's a big loss, if I knew this earlier, I would wait for the novice Yiyi to fuse some more equipment before fusing this artifact!" Tianhuo thought to himself, he was too happy!
The current novice Yiyi is very strong, especially the attribute of defense (spirit) +100%, which makes Tianhuo's defense extremely powerful, but the current novice Yiyi has developed to the end, and there is no room for improvement. .

Shaking his head helplessly, Tianhuo put the regret out of his mind, at least the current novice Yiyi is also very powerful, and it is not a bad idea to directly integrate it into Wensheng's clothes in the future.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo looked at the last two items, the two treasure boxes.

Opening the treasure box requires deduction of reward points. Since reaching the second-level area, reward points have been extremely rare. Tianhuo now only has 8 reward points in total, but opening these two treasure boxes is enough.

Last time, Tianhuo opened the dead puppet in the treasure box. I don't know what will be opened this time, and I look forward to it again.

"Ding! The system prompts: 1 reward point needs to be deducted to open the treasure box. Do you want to open it?"

Hearing such a system prompt for the second time, Tianhuo nodded expectantly and said: "Open."

The treasure box in his hand was slowly opened, and a faint colored light filled the air. Tianhuo vaguely saw something in the shape of a scroll.

The colorful light gradually dissipated, and the treasure box disappeared instantly, and the contents in it appeared directly in Tianhuo's backpack along with the system notification sound.

"Ding! The system prompts: Open the treasure box, reward point -1, congratulations, you have obtained the scroll of the gods to catch slaves."

"Scroll?" Tianhuo hastily opened the backpack to check it. The treasure box is extremely mysterious, and even the dead puppet can be opened. This god-catching slavery scroll should not be worse than the dead puppet, right?
God Catching Enslavement Scroll: One-time item, 100% enslaves the target as a servant after use.

Seeing the introduction of the scroll, Tianhuo raised his brows. He has a god-forged scroll on his body, which can increase an attribute of equipment, and he has seen many weird scrolls, but this one in front of him made Tianhuo a little shocked.

If you enslave the target as a servant, then you will have a loyal subordinate, but Tianhuo also understands that there must be restrictions, and it is impossible to enslave all targets. As for what level of existence he can enslave, Tianhuo does not know .

After transferring the scroll to the Glyph Sage Ring, Tianhuo continued to look at the second treasure box. What can this second treasure box open?
"Ding! The system prompts: The treasure box can only be opened once a month!"

The system prompt sounded, and Tianhuo reluctantly put away the treasure box. It's okay to open it in a month, anyway, today's harvest is enough!
"Tian Ling, how long will it take to refine the Demon Monarch Spirit Blood Bead?" Tian Huo asked expectantly after putting away the treasure box, it was a good thing, and for the current self, the bonus was too powerful.

If it weren't for the fact that the effect of alchemy would be better after it was explained above, Tianhuo might not be able to resist taking it.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to start after my body is completely condensed." Tianling said leisurely.

Tianling has been condensing her body with the help of the spirit fruit, but after so long, she hasn't seen any movement, and Tianhuo didn't ask, but it seems that it will take some time.

"Finished laughing? Tianhuo, I'm so bored, why don't you go out for a stroll?" Yu Ling who was on the side asked after seeing Tianhuo finished checking the spoils.

Tianhuo knew that Yu Ling, the holy spirit of Fenghuo, was unscrupulous wherever he went, but the Phoenix clan arranged the two of them here, and it was naturally inappropriate to go out and run around, so he smiled and said, "We'll talk about it when little Phoenix recovers, now you want to go shopping." ?”

Yu Ling shook her head, sat back on her seat, and finally waited quietly. When the matter of Xiao Fenghuang was mentioned, Yu Ling also became patient. After all, the matter of Xiao Fenghuang was the most important thing.

Not long after, several figures descended from outside the hall, Feng Wan's figure was also among them, the leader was naturally the middle-aged man, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan.

The number of members of the Phoenix clan is far less than that of the Dragon clan, so there is no Dragon Emperor like the Dragon clan. In the Phoenix clan, the patriarch is the supreme existence.

The patriarch led the crowd towards the main hall, all of them were full of joy, and the patriarch was no exception, walking all the way with a smile on his face.

Tianhuo and Yu Ling stood up to greet him together, "Senior, how is Little Phoenix's injury?"

The patriarch looked at Tianhuo and Yu Ling with a smile, cupped his hands, and said, "Thanks to you two, Ying'er will recover within three days. Your kindness will never be forgotten by my Phoenix family."

"Senior, you're being polite! Little Phoenix is ​​our friend and should be." Tianhuo smiled back.

The patriarch nodded slightly. At the moment when the demon king put away the little phoenix, he completely saw the performance of Tianhuo and Yu Ling, and he could naturally see that their friendship was unusual, and he was even more clear about Tianhuo. He sensed the location of the little phoenix's phoenix feathers.

However, the patriarch didn't say anything. Members of the Phoenix clan have always regarded Lingyu very seriously, and if they want to give it away, it's not impossible. It can be seen that Xiaofenghuang also has feelings for Tianhuo and Tianhuo when he gave Lingyu to Tianhuo very deep.

"I want to go see Little Phoenix." At this time, Yu Ling who was at the side said.

The patriarch smiled slightly, and cupped his fists towards Yu Ling, "Master Elf, Ying'er's current situation should not be disturbed, how about waiting for three days? I will show you around in these three days, my Phoenix clan is no less beautiful than the Dragon clan! "

"Thank you for saving Ying Er, two honored guests, we have already prepared a banquet, please move to the Phoenix Parasol Palace." Outside the main hall, a beautiful woman landed from the sky and said with a smile.

"Hehe, little friend Tianhuo, Lord Elf, please!" The patriarch also made a gesture of invitation.

Banquet again?Tianhuo and Yu Ling were a little helpless, and it was the same when they were in the Dragon Clan last time. For Tianhuo and Yu Ling, the banquet was the most boring thing.

But the hospitality is hard to come by, Tianhuo was about to leave, but Yu Ling shook her head hastily, "The banquet is too boring, patriarch, can you not go?"

The patriarch was taken aback, and so were the other members of the Phoenix clan. It was the first time I saw someone who refused the banquet, but he was just taken aback, and the patriarch nodded and smiled: "Master Elf can't say it, so of course it's okay, why don't I take you around Shall we go shopping?"

Yu Ling's eyes lit up, she looked at the patriarch, and said, "I heard that the Phoenix clan has Nanming Feng Prison, take us there!"

"Nanming Feng Prison!" The expressions of all the members of the Phoenix clan became strange, and even the patriarch looked at Yu Ling with an unnatural expression.

Tianhuo looked at Yu Ling suspiciously, this girl has been in Fenghuo Baodi, how did she know that she has Nanming Feng Prison?But judging from the looks of everyone, it seemed that it was not an easy place.

(End of this chapter)

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