The strongest saint

Chapter 404 Dead End

Chapter 404 Dead End
The golden fireball the size of a fist brushed against Tianhuo's left shoulder and shot away, but Tianhuo suddenly felt that his eyes began to become dim, and there was only one thought in his mind: Tianling said that Nanming Huanghuo would die if he touched it!
"Little friend Tianhuo!" The Phoenix patriarch in front of him didn't care about chasing Nanming Huanghuo, his pupils shrank, and he looked at Tianhuo nervously.

"Tianhuo!" Below, Yu Ling also galloped towards Tianhuo, and instantly appeared in front of Tianhuo, her expression suddenly pale.

Tianhuo's left shoulder was just wiped by the fireball, but at this moment, the entire left shoulder had become scorched black, and what was even more frightening was that the blood tank above Tianhuo's head had been emptied!

Even though Tianhuo's defense became incomparably stronger because of the baptism of the dragon clan's Shenglongchi, but under the sweep of Nanming Huanghuo, Tianhuo couldn't bear it, just like Tianling said, touch it and die!
The world in front of Tianhuo's eyes became dim, and the look in his eyes was slowly disappearing, but in this dimness, a crisp system notification sounded.

"Ding! The system prompts: The latent effect of the Life Soul Pill has taken effect. Congratulations on breaking through and standing up. The four attributes are +3000, and the HP is fully restored."

Following the system prompt, Tianhuo's eyes returned to normal, and the scorched black on his left shoulder disappeared quickly, but in the blink of an eye, everything returned to normal, as if Tianhuo hadn't been swept by Nanming Huanghuo at all.

The patriarch and Yu Ling were stunned, and looked at Tianhuo in disbelief, but Tianhuo turned around in a daze, looked towards the place where the golden fireball had swept away, and murmured: "That is Nanming Huanghuo?"

When the two came back to their senses, Yu Ling let out a long sigh of relief, and gave Tianhuo a blank look, "It's fine, I'm scared to death."

After finishing speaking, Yu Ling shot out and chased Nanming Huanghuo, "Clan Chief Feng, this is the fire seed of Nanming Huanghuo. With it, your Phoenix family will transform from now on. Come and help me!"

The Phoenix Clan Head's eyes lit up, and he said to Tianhuo, "Be careful, I'll help!"

Before he finished speaking, the patriarch's figure had disappeared in front of Tianhuo, and he was also chasing after Nanming Huanghuo.

Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, "I almost died. Fortunately, I have taken the Fate Soul Pill. Tianling, I think it is necessary to refine the Fate Soul Pill again."

Tianling was also very frightened, Tianhuo was already on the verge of death once again, fortunately, the 20% chance appeared, making Tianhuo's health instantly full, and it was a blessing in disguise, and got the four attributes of [-] addition.

"Taking this elixir for the second time won't have any effect. You'd better be careful, if you encounter such a danger in the future, you'll have nothing to do." Tian Ling said with lingering fear.

Tianhuo nodded secretly, what happened before happened too fast, he didn't even have a chance to react, otherwise, with his own speed, he shouldn't have been swept by Nanming Huanghuo.

"Understood, the position I stood before was really handsome, which provoked Nanming Huanghuo." Tianhuo shrugged and smiled.

"It's a pity that you still have the mind to joke, you almost died, and you can still laugh." Tianling said a little angrily.

"Hehe, let them chase after them. Look, the seven phoenix phantoms, the Nine Phoenix Ring is about to be repaired." Tianhuo pointed to the lake of flames below and said above the lake, the seven phoenix phantoms swam around and then disappeared. in the lake.

In such a short time, the patriarch and Yu Ling had disappeared, chasing Nanming Huanghuo to nowhere, Tianhuo was also happy, if he saw Nanming Huanghuo again, he didn't know how to hide!

A few hours passed, and Yu Ling and the patriarch did not come back. If Tianhuo hadn't trusted their strength so much, they might have thought that they had died under Nanming Huanghuo.

In the flame lake below, nine phoenix phantoms have appeared, indicating that the Nine Phoenix Ring has been completely repaired.

"What should I do? I still expect Yu Ling to help me get it back. It seems that I have to find a way by myself." Tianhuo rubbed his chin and said, in this purple-blue world, Yu Ling and the patriarch could not be seen at all.

"Go down by yourself, protected by Ziji Spirit Fire, these flames can't do anything to you, even if you encounter Nanming Lihuo, it's not a big problem, as long as you don't encounter Nanming Huanghuo." Tianling said.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "That's good, Nanming Huanghuo is the strongest in the world, how could it be possible for me to meet him again? They have already been chased somewhere by them."

As he said that, Tianhuo thought, and Ziji Spiritual Fire appeared all over his body, wrapping Tianhuo tightly, "Not to mention, I can breathe now."

Talking to himself, Tianhuo went straight towards the lake of flames, and those purple-blue flames couldn't stop Tianhuo from moving forward, allowing Tianhuo to enter it smoothly.

The purple-blue world in front of my eyes, even in the eyes of Wen Shengzhi, is the same situation, but the Nine Phoenix Ring can't run, and the sky fire falls towards the place where it was thrown before, so I can definitely see it.

After falling for hundreds of meters, there was still no trace of the Nine Phoenix Ring, but the bottom of the flame lake hadn't been seen yet, so Tianhuo was not worried and continued to plunder downward.

After descending a full kilometer, Tianhuo finally saw the red-gold ground, and on the ground, Nine Phoenix Ring was lying quietly.

"Haha, I found it. It looks like it has been repaired." Tianhuo was overjoyed, and saw a faint colored light on the Nine Phoenix Ring, which was obviously a sign that it had been repaired.

Skimming in front of the Nine Phoenix Ring, Tianhuo reached out and picked it up without hesitation, but before Tianhuo checked the attributes of the Nine Phoenix Ring at this moment, he saw a purple-blue thin line suddenly It shot out, pointing directly at Tianhuo's chest.

"Don't hide!" Tianhuo was about to dodge, but Tianling's voice came from his mind, and Tianhuo's figure paused, allowing the thin thread to sink into his body.

A total of 50 damage points popped out of Tianhuo's head, and Tianhuo felt a pain in his chest, and then Tianling's joyful voice came, "Haha, Tianhuo, I put it away, it would be great if I got two more." Now, with the addition of the more than [-] spirit beads, the Xiantian Lingding is very likely to be promoted!"

Tianhuo couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw his health recover instantly, "Really?"

"That's natural, I'll lie to you?" Tianling said happily.

"That's not what it means, hehe, since that's the case, then look for it here. Since there is one, you can definitely find it." Tianhuo looked forward to it, and asked again: "Tianling, the Xiantian Lingding is already at a high level, if you upgrade it What is it?"

"Stupid, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron has reached the extreme, so it is naturally the Xiantian Divine Cauldron." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, Shending?That must be very different from the Lingding cauldron!What else?Find it!

The damage value of [-] was not taken seriously by Tianhuo at all, but with the temptation of being promoted by the innate spirit tripod, Tianhuo quickly searched the bottom of this lake of flames, such a good opportunity should not be missed.

Tianhuo knew that Nanming Lihuo was very strong, and under the protection of Ziji Spiritual Fire, he could instantly lose [-] health points. However, with the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, he could take Nanming Lihuo away in an instant , so Tianhuo is not worried at all.

After walking on the bottom of the lake for a while, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he saw a purple-blue thin line floating not far ahead, it was Nanming Lihuo!
"Haha, the second way!" Skyfire rushed out, grabbed the thin thread in his hand, and then a damage value of [-] appeared above his head, and the thin thread disappeared in his hand in an instant, and went to the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron .

"Come on, one more dish should be enough, but the more the better." Tianling said happily.

Tianhuo nodded, "Tianling, do you think there is Nanming Lihuo's kindling here? If so, wouldn't it be better?"

"Don't think too much, of course there is, but it is the treasure of the Phoenix family, how could you take it away, and the kindling is not ordinary, it is not what you can collect now, the slightest flame separated from these kindling is enough It's gone." Tianling said.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, so that's the case, although these thin lines are not the kindling, they are also separated from the kindling, so it's not bad.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo quickened his pace and looked around. Not long after, he saw a purple-blue thin line, but this thin line did not stand still, but shot out with the arrival of Tianhuo. and go.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo's figure instantly appeared on the trail of the thin line, and he successfully grabbed the third line with his probe, so easily.

"Three ways, how long will it take for the Xiantian Lingding to be promoted?" Tianhuo asked excitedly after collecting the thin thread separated from the third Nanming Lihuo fire seed.

"It's longer than ever before, so wait slowly!" Tianling said.

"Huh? That seems too long, but it's better than no hope. I'll see if I can find more." Tianhuo said, moving on.

Just after taking a few steps, Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he stopped in a hurry, with a look of horror on his face, and he felt endless coolness rising from the soles of his feet, "How is that possible?"

At this moment, Tianhuo was unable to move as if he had been hit by a fixation spell, his whole body was covered with coolness, and his scalp seemed to explode, because from tens of meters away, Tianhuo could clearly see that a ball of golden fire was floating !

The golden fireball was only the size of a walnut, but the familiar aura made Tianhuo's scalp tingle!

"Southern Phoenix Fire!"

"Run, fire seeds are spiritual!" Tianling's anxious voice exploded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo didn't dare to hesitate, and directly teleported towards the high altitude, and then popped out his wings behind him, and as soon as he spread his wings, he plundered aimlessly, "There are actually two fire seeds of Nanminghuanghuo here!"

"I'm chasing you, it's too bad!" Tian Ling said nervously.

Startled, Tianhuo hurriedly pulled away and turned his head to look. Sure enough, the golden fireball the size of a walnut shot towards him, the speed was jaw-dropping.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo was horrified in his heart, he didn't dare to stop at all, and teleported away directly.

However, a scene that frightened Tianhuo appeared, and he teleported several times in succession, but Nanming Huanghuo seemed to have locked on to him, and unexpectedly still followed, just a few kilometers away behind him.

Tianhuo has no doubts at all, if he pauses even a little, he will probably be overtaken by this little fireball!

"Don't stop, it's safe to find the Fenghuo Saint Elf and the Phoenix clan's patriarch." Tianling said nervously.

Tianhuo didn't have time to pay attention to Tianling, how could he dare to stop?But Yu Ling and the patriarch didn't know where they went, and the place was so big that there was no edge, and it was even impossible to distinguish the direction at this moment. It was impossible to find them!

Just said that this place is so big that there is no edge, but the next moment, Tianhuo was stunned, because there was a cliff in front of him, like the edge of this flame world, there is no way out!
"Trouble, dead end!"

(End of this chapter)

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