Chapter 409

Following Yu Ling's violent drinking, a terrifying force swept across the platform, immediately blasting Tianhuo and Xiaofeng into the air.

As for Yu Ling, her expression froze, "Unexpectedly, it can't be blasted down, try again!"

After speaking, Yu Ling wanted to move again.

Tianhuo was startled, under Yu Ling's bombardment, the whole hall trembled violently, if the bombardment continued, Tianhuo was very worried, would it loosen the demon king's restraint instead?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo hurriedly stopped, "Stop!"

Yu Ling, who was about to strike again, looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "Why?"

Tianhuo rushed back and stopped on the platform, "Don't use brute force, I'm afraid that if you don't take the prisoner runestone down, your father's restraint will be loosened instead. In that case, the demon king will have a chance to take advantage of it."

Yu Ling hesitated, and hastily withdrew her palms, "Yes, how do you take them off?"

Tianhuo shook his head, there was no way to take it off, Tianhuo really couldn't figure out why the two main gods had imprisoned the devil, and they still had to get four keys?Can't it just be blocked?

"Tianhuo, you must find a way to remove it, otherwise, the devil will escape sooner or later. Think about it, although the power of the two prisoner runestones is not enough to open this restriction, after many years, the accumulated strength may be It's already quite a lot, and if it goes on like this, I really can't imagine it." Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo nodded solemnly, why didn't he understand, but he hadn't figured out a way yet!

"Tianling, is there anything you can do?" Tianhuo asked hopefully.

"Think about it together." Tianling was silent for a moment before opening her mouth.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he looked at Yu Ling, "Yu Ling, can you ask your father, Fengshen, to help?"

Yu Ling looked at Tianhuo strangely, shook her head and said: "My father has long been in a deep sleep, what you saw was just his remnant soul, it is impossible to leave Fenghuo Baodi."

"What about Nangong Lord God? She seems to be fine, uh, no, that's also a remnant soul." Tianhuo frowned. The Nangong Lord God he met at that time also appeared in the form of a remnant soul, otherwise how could he be from her? hand escape.

And even if Nangong Lord God can be invited, Tianhuo has to avoid it first, after all Tianhuo doesn't know if that guy will attack him again.

"You guys think of a way here, I'll go back and check with my father." Xiao Fenghuang said, before waiting for the two to respond, he headed towards the way he came.

In an instant, the little phoenix had disappeared before the eyes of Tianhuo and Tianhuo, and Tianhuo and Tianhuo were helpless at the moment.

After a long time, both of them sat cross-legged, looking at the Prisoner Runestone and thinking about it, Yu Ling said: "Little Phoenix can move across the sky, back and forth very quickly, but I don't know if the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan will have a way."

Tianhuo glanced at Yu Ling, didn't speak, but thought about it, the previous action of taking the lead attracted hundreds of thousands of players, could it be to deal with the demon king who was sealed below?

But if that's the case, I'm afraid it will be a mistake if you take the lead. He is a devil, how could he be wiped out by millions of players?

However, the action of taking the lead really made Tianhuo puzzled.

After thinking about it for a long time, Tianhuo simply opened the legion panel, found the firefighter in the member list, and asked directly in a secret language: "Leading the lead, you brought so many players here to deal with the devil?"

Tianhuo felt a little apprehensive, if the immediate answer was yes, then it meant that the Demon King would break the seal and come out in seven days!

I took the lead and quickly responded, "Tianhuo, I can't tell you my purpose. If you want to know, you can wait until seven days later."

Tianhuo frowned, it seemed that he refused to tell himself immediately, so he could only continue to find a way to get the Prisoner Runestone, hoping there was still time.

After cutting off the connection with Yima Xianxian, Tianhuo got up and walked towards the side of the hall, and saw that every box in front of him read: One hundred thousand Lingzhu!
And there was nothing in the box.

After checking for a while, I saw that all the boxes were empty, and the Lingzhu inside did not know where to go, which made Tianhuo even more puzzled. It stands to reason that since the monster general XZ was here, no one must have come in again , so where did the Lingzhu go?

And what makes Tianhuo even more puzzled is that there must be countless treasures looted by monsters on the mainland. Why did they put the spirit beads here, and there are still so many spirit beads? The number of Lingzhu stored in the hall is about [-] million!

Tianhuo couldn't imagine such a huge number of spirit beads. I'm afraid it would be enough to upgrade the Xiantian spirit cauldron by a few levels!
After a long time, Tianhuo came back to the platform and checked all the boxes, but the result was the same, all the boxes were empty, so this treasure was empty.

"Yu Ling, you are so powerful, have you thought of a way?" Tianhuo asked.

Yu Ling gave Tianhuo a blank look, "How can I do it? You won't let it be demolished."

Tianhuo shrugged resentfully, "Forced demolition? If the seal is broken, we won't even have time to cry."

"Got it, don't talk, think of a way." Yu Ling lowered her head and continued to check.

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, and also looked at the Ring of the Grave Sage, hoping to find useful items in it.

After flipping through it, Tianhuo reluctantly gave up, took out a Lingzhu and played with it unconsciously, but kept thinking about the solution in his mind.

Suddenly, Tianhuo didn't pay attention, and the Lingzhu in his hand slipped and rolled onto the platform, and the next scene made Tianhuo's expression change, only to see that the rolling Lingzhu had just landed on the platform, and disappeared in an instant !

Yu Ling also discovered the situation of the spirit bead, her expression changed slightly, and she lost her voice: "I understand, all the spirit beads here have been absorbed by the sealed demon king!"

"Huh?" Tianhuo was startled, at this moment, all the clues became clear, and he understood it!

Back then, the monsters moved countless spirit beads here because they knew that this was the place where the devil king was imprisoned. However, there were no runestones to imprison the devil, so they had to move countless spirit beads for the devil king to absorb!
As for the treasure map, I am afraid that human beings did not know the purpose of the monsters. They only saw the monsters moving countless treasure boxes here, and thought it was the place where the monsters hid their treasures, so they drew this treasure map.

There is nothing wrong with this treasure map. If you had searched for treasures in the early years, you might have obtained countless spirit beads, but now, the spirit beads have been completely absorbed by the devil, and there is not a single one left!

After absorbing so many spirit beads, and already having two Prisoner Runestones, Tianhuo is almost certain that after seven days, it may be the day when the Demon King will be released from trouble!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo felt that it became difficult to breathe. The devil king and the two main gods could seal him together. His strength can be imagined. If he comes out, let alone the second-level area, even the peerless strong in the first-level area Those who come here, I am afraid there is no way to deal with it!

"Yu Ling, do you know about your father and the others teaming up to imprison the Demon King?" After a long time, Tianhuo pointed to the platform under his seat and asked solemnly.

Yu Ling nodded heavily, "I know, Tianhuo, you don't need to have any hope. Judging from the Prisoner Runestone, the Demon King is trapped here!"

Tianhuo's last hope was dashed, and he shook his head and sighed, "Hey! Seven days, Yu Ling, tell me, why did your father and the others leave the key? Why not just seal it?"

Yu Ling gave Tianhuo a blank look, "Be careful with your tongue, if you dare to speak ill of my father, be careful that I will beat you!"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, did he speak ill of Fengshen?
"I don't know about the seal. There must be a reason for father and the others to leave the four keys," Yu Ling said.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Forget it, if the demon king really comes out after seven days, we won't be able to deal with it. Then there will naturally be experts to stand up to him, but after being sealed for an unknown period of time, the strength of this demon king must not be as good as before."

Suddenly, Yu Ling raised her head and looked at Tianhuo, her eyes flashed with excitement, "You reminded me, you are right, this demon king must have lost his strength, so he needs to rely on those spirit beads to survive. "

"The purpose of my father's leaving the key is probably to open the seal after the demon king is suppressed by the seal and die, to take away the things left by the demon king, or to destroy the demon king's body." Yu Ling said excitedly.

There was doubt in Tianhuo's eyes, the Demon King shouldn't be killed by the seal so easily, right?There should be other purposes for leaving the key, "Hehe, Yu Ling, I see, your father and the others left the key, maybe it was to lure those hidden demon kings and lure them to take the key, and then you understand , must have been killed by a strong man from the dragon and phoenix clan."

Yu Ling thought and nodded, "What you said makes sense, but we're getting too far. If you don't take these two Prisoner Runestones away, they will always be a big threat. Find a way."

Tianhuo shrugged, what else can he do now?We can only wait until Little Phoenix comes with his father, hoping that the patriarch of the Phoenix clan will have a solution.

Sitting cross-legged again, Tianhuo suddenly took out three pitch-black beads from the Glyph Sage Ring, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "This thing is interesting, I wonder if the Demon King will absorb it."

Soul Orb of the Dead: A strange orb conceived by creatures in the mist of the soul of the dead. Level -1 after taking it.

This was the bead that Tianhuo got when he was in the third-level area when he went to find the envoy of the area. Anyway, it was useless to keep it on him, so Tianhuo threw the three soul beads in front of him with a smirk.

Puff puff!
There were three soft beeps in a row, and the three soul beads of the dead shattered in response, obviously absorbed by the monster!

"Haha, isn't this guy crazy with hunger? He will refuse anything!" Tianhuo laughed and said, if more beads like this were added, wouldn't the level of the Demon King be greatly reduced?
As soon as this idea appeared, Tianhuo couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. Soul Orb, a specialty of the ghost domain in the third-level area, should be able to collect some if we mobilize everyone's power?

"Looking for death! You actually used this thing to harm me!" Suddenly, a dull voice sounded in the hall, and the source could not be traced at all.

Tianhuo and Yu Ling were startled, and hurriedly got up to be on guard, without any doubt that it was the voice of the Demon King!

(End of this chapter)

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