The strongest saint

Chapter 411 The Powers Gather

Chapter 411 The Powers Gather

"Sorry, I have to stop you from launching the Dragon and Phoenix Order!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Tianhuo frowned and took the lead.

Immediately walked out of the aisle, smiled at everyone, and moved his eyes to the patriarch without waiting for him to speak, but the patriarch smiled coldly, "Little guy, do you know what you are talking about?"

He took the lead and nodded without fear, "I know, to prevent you from cooperating with the Dragon Clan to launch the Dragon and Phoenix Token, and I also know the usefulness of the Dragon and Phoenix Token."

"In the second-level area, the Dragon and Phoenix Token has only been activated once. Once the Dragon and Phoenix Token is released, all the strong people in the entire second-level area must come. However, I cannot let you activate it." Immediately took the lead and continued.

The patriarch shook his head, "Little guy, disaster is approaching, could it be that you and the monster are in the same group?"

He immediately shrugged his shoulders, looked at the platform in the center of the hall, and said, "Devil King, it doesn't matter if you hear it."

Saying that, he took the lead and looked at the patriarch again, and said with a smile: "Your local strongmen will only be regarded as nourishment by the devil king, that's why I stopped you."

The strength of the Demon King is as high as the sky, and it has been sealed for countless years. It is the weakest time, and if these strong npcs are allowed to take action, the Demon King can use their power to restore himself. Not only will he not be killed, but he will be killed become stronger and stronger.

This is the first time Tianhuo heard such a saying, can monsters absorb the power of these npcs?
"Then you are wrong. It is true that the devil king can absorb the power of others to strengthen himself, but there is a limit to that. If he exceeds this limit, he has no choice but to be killed." The patriarch said without getting angry.

"Even the Lord God couldn't kill him back then, how could you be sure? Let us adventurers from different worlds come, he can't absorb our power, and the chance will be greater only if we make a move." He took the lead as if he didn't want to explain too much, and said directly .

Tianhuo knew that taking the lead had his own purpose, but right now it was all about killing the Demon King, so he didn't say much, nodded and said: "Patriarch, since the Demon King can absorb your power, let us come!"

The patriarch frowned, "You adventurers from another world are too weak to deal with the devil king, at least not yet!"

Tianhuo smiled, took a quick look, and said: "We adventurers in different worlds have one of the greatest benefits, that is, life is endless!"

The one who took the lead was surprisingly calm and nodded, "The Demon King's strength has been greatly reduced. I have attracted millions of adventurers from different worlds. Do you think there is no chance?"

The patriarch pondered for a moment, glanced at Tianhuo and Yima Xianxian, and nodded slightly after a long time, "That's fine, I won't post it under the orders of the dragon and the phoenix. I will notify the dragon clan, and I will use the power of the two clans to sweep the formation for you."

The patriarch's intention is obvious, that is to let these other world adventurers go first, and if the other world adventurers lose, they will go again.

A strange smile appeared on his face, without saying much, he turned around and left, walked a few steps, and suddenly turned to look at Tianhuo, "The legion is powerful, I don't think you will deprive them of the opportunity to increase their knowledge. ?”

Tianhuo smiled, and also stared at the leader, "Leader, why don't you tell the truth a long time ago? Don't worry, the whole army will come."

Immediately raised his head, "I tell the truth? Will you believe it?"

Tianhuo shrugged noncommittally, "What do you think?"

He took the lead and stagnated, then left without looking back, and disappeared into the passage in an instant.

The patriarch of the Phoenix Clan is also leaving, and the matter is of great importance. Although there is no need to activate the Dragon and Phoenix Order, it is essential to notify the Dragon Clan.

In a blink of an eye, there were only Tianhuo and a few people left in the hall, and there were still seven days left. At that time, it would be the largest operation in the game, and the scene would be even more vast than when dealing with the Demon Lord in the third-level area.

However, those players didn't know about it at all. They still thought that there was a group artifact here, and of course, that divine beast.

For group artifacts, those big forces will not be idle. The boo head that came up with it right away is not bad, but I just don't know if those players will turn their heads and run away when they see the appearance of the devil.

Tianhuo is also worried about one thing, that is, even if millions of players come, because of the limited attack range, only a very small part can attack the devil, and once the devil fights back, the players will surely fall in pieces. It is difficult to kill the Demon King under such circumstances!

Thinking about it, the hall trembled slightly, like an earthquake, which surprised Tianhuo and the others, "Could it be that the devil is coming out now?"

Tianhuo frowned, shook his head and said, "Probably not, go out first."

Quickly skimming out of the treasure, Tianhuo and the others all stepped up into the air, looked at the mountain range below, and saw that the entire mountain range was slowly decreasing, as if it had melted!
"What's the situation?" Little Phoenix stared at the changes in the mountains suspiciously.

"It should be a sign before the appearance of the Demon King!" Tianhuo murmured, and headed towards the opposite mountain range, which was where the first horse was.

After falling into the mountains, you can still clearly see the changes in the mountains where the treasure is located. The changes have not stopped. Every minute, the ground will melt a little bit. After a few hours, the entire mountain range has become much shorter.

"When the mountains become flat, that's when the Demon King breaks the seal, Tianhuo, will you be able to speak eloquently?" He immediately turned his head and said.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, took a look at the lead in astonishment, and then said: "You don't know how I learned the golden words?"

Shaking his head immediately, "If I know, I will ask?"

Tianhuo also shook his head, he still wanted to find out the method of golden words from the mouth of the first horse, it seems that this guy only knows that he can learn in the future, but he doesn't know how to learn it, if he knows, Tianhuo can learn it in advance according to that method .

"Not yet!" Tianhuo said flatly.

Hearing this, he immediately shook his head regretfully, "It would be great if you know how to do it. Once you speak a golden word, it will be infinitely powerful!"

Tianhuo kept silent, Jinkou Yuyan said that he had only seen Wine King and Wen Hao perform it, and now he has no clue, and he doesn't know how to learn it.

But even if there is no rhetoric, with the paper and the legion's artifact in hand, Tianhuo believes that it can also play a great role.

While Tianhuo and the others were waiting, time passed slowly, and with the passage of time, the expressions of Tianhuo and the others became serious, the time for the Demon King to appear was getting closer and closer.

Less than half of the mountains on the opposite side are left, and the speed of melting is getting faster and faster.

"Here we come, people of the Dragon Clan!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast suddenly looked up at the distant sky.

Tianhuo and the others also looked up, only to see one after another figures coming from the air, pulling out long afterimages behind them, they were the many powerful dragon clans who had turned into human forms.

"There are more than 30 people, the Dragon Clan is really stingy." Yimao took the lead and shook his head.

"That's enough. These are all divine dragons, each of which has reached the peak of the second-level area. Moreover, even the Dragon King has come!" Tianhuo said with a smile, looking intently at the distant sky.

Immediately took a look at Tianhuo, said nothing, just waited quietly.

A moment later, the sound of piercing the air came, and everyone from the Dragon Clan landed directly in front of Tianhuo and the others. They all bowed to the Fenghuo Saint Elf and said, "I have seen you, Lord Elf!"

Yu Ling just glanced at the gods and dragons and ignored them.

The gods and dragons didn't care, the Dragon Emperor smiled and said: "Little friend Tianhuo, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my strength has improved again, which is gratifying!"

"Senior Dragon Emperor, Senior Jin, seniors, hello!" Tianhuo clasped his fists in return and smiled.

Everyone in the Dragon Clan nodded in unison, Jin Da walked up to Tianhuo, patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Nine Soul Yinglong hasn't come out yet, little friend Tianhuo, are you in a hurry?"

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, it doesn't matter if Jiuhun can come here, and the longer he stays in Shenglong Pond, the better, Tianhuo doesn't want Jiuhun to wake up so soon.

Suddenly, another wave of scorching aura diffused from the sky and the earth. Looking along the place where the aura came from, I saw the Phoenix family galloping towards them, and fell into the field in an instant.

The two clans of dragon and phoenix inevitably exchanged pleasantries. After all, they have been friends for generations. However, after the greetings, they all looked at the melting mountain on the opposite side. Everyone could see that the moment the mountain disappeared, it was the time when the devil appeared.

The Dragon Emperor and the Phoenix Patriarch stood side by side, and the aura of equality emanated faintly, which made the atmosphere of this world become heavy.

In front, the natural selection beast and the artifacts that took the lead were still hidden behind the invisible wall, but at this moment, the natural selection beast was too nervous to get up, and did not dare to move when it was crawling on the ground.

Seeing such a situation, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, "Let's take the lead, let's put it away, some players have already arrived, and it is enough for them to see the mountain range after they arrive, there is no need to use your artifact and natural selection beast as bait."

He immediately shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't know there would be such a vision before the Demon King appeared, otherwise it wouldn't be such a trouble."

As he said that, he took the lead to take back both the natural selection beast and the artifact.

Not long after, a large number of players came from the mountains in the distance. Looking intently, Tianhuo couldn't help laughing, the leader was actually an old acquaintance, Ba Dao Kuang.

Badao Kuang led a gang of tens of thousands of people here, and when he saw the strange sight of the mountain range, he couldn't help being overjoyed, "In this situation, who said that the artifact was not unearthed? Hehe, my Badao family arrived first, and the artifact It's ours!"

The sky fire in the mountains in the distance completely took Badaokuang's self-talk into his ears, and he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, "Let's take the lead, where's your Qiu Tianmen?"

"It's not here yet, but it's almost here. It's already dozens of miles away."

While talking, Badao Kuang made a move that made everyone in Tianhuo dumbfounded. Ba Dao Kuang waved his hand, and then thousands of players walked out of the crowd, took out the miner's shovel, and quickly ran towards the melting mountain Go, it seems that he wants to dig out the so-called artifact before other forces come!

The muscles on everyone's faces twitched, and after a moment of silence, Tianhuo said slowly: "You say, will they release the Demon King early?"

(End of this chapter)

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