The strongest saint

Chapter 418 Advanced Artifact

Chapter 418 Advanced Artifact
The Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped across the sky, and below, there were endless barren mountains, and the desolation filled the air with a tyrannical atmosphere.

Twilight and the others focused on looking for the shadow of the monster, while Tianhuo was checking the harvest of killing the demon king this time.

Supreme Legion: A symbol of glory. After using this title, the favorability and respect of npcs will be increased. It will have a deterrent effect on all legion enemies and reduce the enemy's overall attributes by 20%.Additional attributes: four major attributes +5000.

Demon Slaying (7 stars), obtained after killing a certain number of demons. After using this title, the NPC favorability will be increased, and it will have a deterrent effect on demon monsters. Additional effects: four attributes +4000, damage reduction +25%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

Emissary of Evil Punishment (9 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -8000000. After using this title, the favorability of kind NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes +5000, life recovery +25%, mana recovery +25%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

The three titles have already been upgraded after killing the Demon King. To Tianhuo's surprise, the title of the Envoy of Punishment has reached nine stars, and it is marked as upgradeable!
Destiny Medal (level 6), dedicated to those who have made special contributions to the Destiny Continent, after wearing it, the four major attributes +4800, life recovery +5%, magic recovery +5%, use requirements: none.

Wearing effect: With this medal, you can gain the respect of npc.

The Medal of Destiny has also been upgraded from level 9 to level 9, and the attributes are also good. I heard that there are only a handful of people who have upgraded the Medal of Destiny to level [-]. I don't know how many attributes can be increased at level [-].

One demon king can upgrade three titles and medals, and the rest are the items that the demon king explodes: 2 pieces of equipment, demon king blood beads x 1, treasure box x 2, and mysterious items x 2.

Tianhuo already knows the usefulness of the treasure box. It can be opened once a month by using reward points. Now I have three treasure boxes in my hand, and there are also a lot of reward points. Now it has become 9 points, but it is not yet time to open it. .

As for the mysterious items, one of them is the heart of the devil king, which has already been given the lead. Tianhuo is also looking forward to the remaining mysterious item, not knowing what it will be.

This is a shiny spherical ball, even the name can't be seen, but it's not a problem for Tianhuo, after a Glyph Sage's Eye is cast, the attributes suddenly appear.

Heart of the Natural Selector: The core of the Natural Selector's professional suit. With this item, you can find all the suit parts.

Seeing this, Tianhuo frowned, and immediately laughed. Even if he took the lead this time and really didn't intend to give up dealing with him, he didn't have to worry about it. He had the core of his professional suit in his hands!
Putting away Tianxuan Shenxin solemnly, Tianhuo continued to check.

Devil God Blood Bead: A special item conceived by the devil, which contains powerful power. After taking it, the god level +10, the four god attributes +10000, and the effect of medicine and alchemy is better.

"God level? This is something that can only be used in the first-level area." Tianhuo secretly thought, although he had thought of the use of the blood bead of the devil king before, but now he really saw the attributes, Tianhuo was still a little surprised, because it reads: Four attributes of gods +10000!

It is not difficult to imagine the four attributes of gods. After reaching the first-level area, the current four attributes will become god attributes. This item can be regarded as revealing this information for Tianhuo.

"Tianling, I'll leave it to you. Have you finished refining the Demon King's Spiritual Blood Bead?" Tianhuo asked after receiving the Demon King's Divine Blood Bead into the Grave Sage Ring.

"How can it be so fast? And the materials are not all in place. If you really can't do it, just condense it like this. Otherwise, I think your level is almost reaching the limit of the second-level area." Tianling said.

Tianhuo shook his head, "You can do whatever you want, you can do as you see."

With that said, Tianhuo looked at the two pieces of equipment that the Demon King exploded. For these two pieces of equipment, Tianhuo didn't have that strong sense of expectation in his heart. After all, he had gathered eight pieces of his Glyph Saint suit. Up to now, Tianhuo has concentrated on making Glyph Saint Suits will do.

Using the Glyph Sage's Eye again and again, Tianhuo finally identified the two pieces of equipment in the anticipation of Twilight and Lixiao and the others after a long time.

"Damn it, let me see the weapon, the divine weapon!" Seeing that the armor was covered with colorful lights, the fat man couldn't wait to grab the divine sword.

Tianhuo smiled, "These two artifacts seem to be the most advanced artifacts in the game at present, and they are cheap, so they are just right for you."

Twilight broke dawn and snatched the armor, and also couldn't wait to look at the attributes of the armor.

Devil God Armor (advanced artifact), the god armor worn by the devil all the year round, defense (spirit) +30000, defense (spirit) +100%, four attributes +30000, damage reduction +50%, damage rebound +50%, use requirements : Warrior occupation.

Special effect: Contains the breath of the devil, and the damage bonus to monsters below the devil is +100%.

Skill: Devil's Proclamation, an active skill, after being used, it will reduce the target's total attributes within the range of level × 5 meters by 10%.

Hidden effect (not activated): Equipped with the Devil's Excalibur at the same time, all attributes will be increased by 50%.

Devil's Excalibur (Advanced Artifact), not commonly used by the Devil, physical attack (spirit) 30000-30000, magic attack (spirit) 30000-30000, four attributes +30000, crit chance +25%, crit damage + 900%, damage bonus +60%, ignore target defense +50%, use requirements: warrior class.

Skill: magic, active skill, after casting, it will cause 5% damage to the target within the range of level × 150 meters.

Moyao, an active skill, causes critical damage to a single target regardless of defense.

Hidden effect (not activated): Equipped with the Devil's Excalibur at the same time, all attributes will be increased by 50%.

"Two pieces can produce a set effect. This is clearly a two-piece set. It's so powerful. The attributes added by these two artifacts alone are stronger than all of us!" The fat man murmured, his eyes shining brightly.

"Come on, your Nine Phoenix Ring is not bad either." Twilight broke the dawn and snatched the divine sword from Fatty's hand, and equipped it directly.

Tianhuo smiled and watched Twilight Breaking Dawn's movements. These two are high-level artifacts, and the added attributes are jaw-dropping. There is a big gap between low-level, intermediate, and high-level artifacts, and the Fanshen Palace in Tianhuo's hand is a top-level artifact. , It will become complete after reaching the first-level area, and I don't know what it will become.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast continued to move forward with Tianhuo and the others. After a while, snow-covered mountains appeared in front of them, but they never encountered an army of monsters.

After walking forward again for a while, the faces of Tianhuo and the others became astonished. In front of them, there was an endless mountain range in front of them. The mountain range was also covered with white snow, and this mountain range was actually higher than other mountain ranges. It is several times larger, and it is also several times larger.

"Roar!" Getting closer and closer to the mountain range, the Star Devouring Moon Beast suddenly roared, and its speed suddenly slowed down, "The monster is behind the mountain range!"

Tianhuo and the others hurriedly got up from Tunxing's back, "You are here...huh?"

Before Tianhuo finished speaking, he heard a melodious flute sound suddenly appearing in the snow mountain in front of him, and he couldn't help but wonder, who else arrived before him?
Twilight and the others also looked at the mountains in doubt. There must be no such existence among the players. The owner of this flute sound is naturally an NPC. It seems that there have been strong NPCs lying in ambush here, just to wait for the army of monsters to pass through. big snow mountain.

Tianhuo stopped moving, Wen Shengzhi didn't find the owner of the flute sound, but in this case, let's wait and see who the master of the flute sound is.

On the continuous mountain range, suddenly, one after another black shadows turned over the top of the mountain, like locusts crossing the border, galloping down the snow mountain, it is the army of monsters!
"It looks like it's just an ordinary monster, otherwise it must have flown over." Mu Yichen looked disappointed, he was not interested in ordinary monsters.

Tianhuo made a booing gesture, and looked intently at the mountains, only to see ripples suddenly appeared in the air between the world and the earth amidst the sound of the flute, and where the ripples passed, those who came over the mountains The damage value popped out from the top of the monster's head.

This is not over yet, following these ripples, blocks of white snow instantly slipped down on the snowy mountain, and in an instant, like a chain reaction, an avalanche was formed, sweeping away those monsters that had crossed the mountain range.


When the avalanche appeared, the ground trembled, and the immeasurable white snow rolled down countless monsters, which reminded Tianhuo of the scene in Ice Wind City. At that time, his own strength was not good enough, and he used the avalanche to kill Ba Dao The family has tens of thousands of people, the situation is so similar.

Fatty and the others stared dumbfounded at the avalanche in front of them, feeling the icy air waves sweeping in, and those monsters swept in by the ice and snow died soon after.

"What about that person? The avalanche is almost over, and it hasn't appeared yet!" Twilight and dawn stared at the avalanche, but did not find the owner of the flute sound.

Tianhuo was astonished, and also very curious about the owner of the flute sound, attacking with the sound of the flute, and even made waves to create an avalanche, he was gaining knowledge.

Thousands of ordinary monsters just didn't reappear and disappeared into the avalanche, but on the top of the mountain, black shadows appeared again, and those monsters behind them also came up!


Dozens of figures with surging black energy galloped over from behind the mountain range, stood in the sky above the mountain range, looked at the avalanche below, all of them stared, "Kill my demon soldiers, but dare not show up?" ?”

These dozens of figures are all demon generals!
"Haha, I'm single and weak. If I show up, how can I parry so many demon generals of you? So, let's forget it!" A familiar voice resounded through the world, and people couldn't figure out the source of this voice .

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "It's him?"

(End of this chapter)

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