The strongest saint

Chapter 420 Looking for the Demon Mother

Chapter 420 Looking for the Demon Mother
Hearing the playful voice, Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, and said without looking back, "Why are you here?"

Yu Ling's figure appeared beside Tianhuo, looking at Tianhuo with a smile, "If you run away by yourself in the Phoenix Mountains, I can't come?"

"Where's Little Phoenix?"

"She? Where is it!" Yu Ling looked up to the sky, and then Tianhuo saw a phoenix figure descending from the sky, and the blue flames poured down from the sky, falling into the army of monsters in an instant.

"Oh, we can't let her take the lead!" Seeing this, Yu Ling suddenly disappeared beside Tianhuo, and then appeared in the sky above the army of monsters.

As soon as she reached the sky above the army of monsters, Yu Ling pressed down fiercely with her small hands, and following her movements, an invisible wind suddenly exploded, and ripples visible to the naked eye exploded violently at the foot of the mountain, spreading away.

Wherever the ripples passed, the bodies of those monsters were crushed into pieces one after another, but they diffused through the place where the player was, but it had no effect at all.

The ripples continued for hundreds of meters, and when it stopped, there was an open space without monsters, leaving only the hundreds of players in the open space dumbfounded.

"Tian Huo Da Da, can you two friends stop doing it? They killed because we seem to be inexperienced." Fatty's helpless voice sounded in the Legion channel.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, let himself take care of these two girls?Isn't that putting yourself on the cusp?Shaking his head, Tianhuo said: "If you have experience, let them play!"

"Play?" The fat on Fatty's face trembled slightly, and then the Nine Phoenix Ring in his hand burst into light, and a large-scale attack skill was displayed.

More than 5 people faced an army of more than [-] monsters. No one in the legion was worried, and no one retreated. They all rushed forward. The time for various auxiliary skills to be blessed was not long, but it was enough for them to enjoy themselves.

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 88, and the four attributes are +5."

Not long after, the light of upgrade surged all over Tianhuo's body, and he was already at level 88!And there are still more than half of the monsters in the field.

"Tianling, how is the refinement of the demon king's spirit blood beads? I'm level 88 in Turin." Tianhuo asked by sound transmission as he lay down on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast bored.

"It will take a while, let's not talk about the Demon Monarch Spirit Blood Bead, Tianhuo, I discovered a situation." Tianling said with some seriousness.

Tianhuo sat up, glanced around before asking: "The situation is normal, the legion is winning, what's wrong?"

"I'm not talking about that, I found out that those demon generals were all newborns!" Tianling said still solemnly.

"Newborn?" Tianhuo rubbed his chin, it took a long time for the birth of a magic general, except for one situation.

That is, the witch!

As long as there is a witch mother, countless monsters can be born without limit, and after these monsters are killed, they will eventually produce demon generals. In this way, the demon generals killed before are all born by relying on the witch mother!

Thinking of this question, Tianhuo's expression froze, "So, there is a witch mother in front of me, and these monster armies are all produced by that witch mother!"

"That's right, if you don't get rid of the witch mother, you can kill all the monsters." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, Demon Mother, I had already seen it when I was in the third-level area, but it was only a low-level Demon Mother. At that time, I watched the birth of a Demon General, but now, there is news about the Demon Mother again. No way, it must be destroyed!

The witch mother produces monsters all the time, but there is an advantage, as long as the witch mother is killed, the monsters it produces will also die.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Mu Yichen, only to see that Mu Yichen had already killed one demon general, and the other was also dying.

"Xiao Mu, keep it!" Tianhuo shouted hastily, but it was too late, and Mu Yichen killed the demon general who had little HP left with one punch.

"Oh, it's not easy this time!" Tianhuo shrugged, and planned to let Mu Yichen leave a demon general to torture the whereabouts of the demon mother, but Mu Yichen had already killed him.

After killing the demon general, Mu Yichen lost interest in the ordinary monsters below, and flew back to Tianhuo, wondering, "You're late, but why are you keeping him?"

"It's natural to keep it to find the witch mother. If you kill it, just kill it. Think of other ways." Tianhuo said.

These army of monsters walked here in the ice and snow, if they followed their footprints, they should be able to find the witch mother.

"Let's go, let's look for it first, and it will be hard to find the footprints of these monsters later if they are covered by heavy snow." Tianhuo said, patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and the latter understood, and jumped up into the air , crossed the mountain and flew along the footprints left by the monster.

Mu Yichen also followed quickly, seeing Tianhuo leaving, Xiao Fenghuang and Yu Ling also stopped their movements, and Qi Qi chased after Tianhuo.

With the departure of the second daughter, everyone in the Tianyan Legion became excited, and it was time to flex their muscles again.

The four of Tianhuo followed the footprints of the monster army all the way, but the sky gradually began to snow heavily. After walking for several hours, the footprints on the ground began to become blurred.

"Tianhuo, is this going to work?" Mu Yichen asked worriedly.

Tianhuo's speed didn't slow down, and he said with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with it, let's continue!"

The ground was trampled by an army of more than [-] monsters. Even if the ground was completely covered by the wind and snow, Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Eye could clearly see the footprints of those monsters.

After the system prompted the monsters to appear, Tianhuo didn't delay any time. Calculated, these monsters should not have traveled too far. They have been flying for several hours now, and they should be arriving soon.

This idea just came into being, Tianhuo suddenly signaled the Devouring Moon Beast to stop flying, and said with a smile: "It's here!"

Mu Yichen and the two daughters looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, and followed Tianhuo's gaze to look forward, but saw that the front was just a mountain range with no end in sight, and it didn't look like a place that could accommodate more than [-] monsters.

"It's here?" Mu Yichen looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, and pointed to the mountains.

Tianhuo nodded heavily, and the monster's footprints disappeared at the foot of the mountain. Obviously, they came out of this mountain range, but Tianhuo was also confused at this moment, because this is a real mountain range, and there are no caves. Those monsters are How did it get out?
"Try it if you're sure!" Yu Ling said, a pair of wings with colorful lights suddenly appeared from her back, and when the wings flapped, immediately, ripples visible to the naked eye rushed away.


Strange sounds resounded from the sky and the earth, and those ripples also blasted to the mountain range in an instant. In an instant, the thick ice and snow were blown away, revealing the original appearance of the mountain.

"Huh?" Yu Ling suddenly stopped her movements, looking at the mountains in front of her with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong?" Tianhuo asked.

"This is a restriction that can go out but not in. It can't be broken by brute force." Yu Ling said helplessly.

Looking intently, I saw runes flickering from time to time in the places where the mountain was exposed. Obviously, just like Yu Ling said, this is a restriction.

"The witch mother must be among them, we must find a way." Tianhuo said, and landed directly on the mountain range.

The mountains looked no different from normal mountains, of course, except for the runes that flashed from time to time, they were covered in snow and ice before, so they couldn't even see the runes.

Mu Yichen also fell with the sky fire, stomped the top of the mountain under his feet, and asked: "Sky fire, do you mean this mountain is fake? Actually, this mountain doesn't exist?"

Tianhuo nodded, "That's right, it's just disguising the restriction like this."

"Oh, it's interesting, but it's a pity that players can't learn these methods, otherwise it would be fun." Mu Yichen jumped a few times and laughed.

Tianhuo looked at Mu Yichen's movements helplessly, "Is there anything you can do? See if you have any props to break the restriction."

"Yes, I got a magic needle in the cemetery of the gods, but it hasn't been used yet." Mu Yichen said relaxedly.

After saying that, Mu Yichen turned his hand and took out a full one-meter-long saber, which made Tianhuo frowned, "Is this the magic needle for breaking boundaries?"

"Oh, no, this is a weapon I have never used before. I will try to see if I can split this mountain, no, this is a restriction." Mu Yichen said.

Tianhuo fell silent, and after a few seconds, he said, "Then you can try it, but don't waste your time."

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo stepped into the air and returned to the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Mu Yichen made an OK gesture to Tianhuo from a distance, and then he swung his sword, and his figure also jumped up high, "God of War, use your sword to break the sky!"

Amidst the shouts, Mu Yichen's raised saber suddenly burst out hundreds of meters long, pointing directly at the sky as if about to pierce the sky, but Mu Yichen's figure suddenly dropped at this moment, and the saber It is also a fierce downward chop.

Phew... A violent sonic boom resounded between the sky and the earth, and the knife light that had been drawn thousands of meters long slammed on the mountain range. For a moment, the earth trembled violently.

Pfft... A series of soft puffs resounded, and countless huge boulders on the top of the mountain were cracked, and then were bounced off by the knife light. As these boulders were shattered, a strange scene appeared on the top of the mountain.

Skyfire teleported over again, staring at the crack split by Mu Yichen, only to see that the crack was thousands of meters long and several meters deep, but at the bottom of the crack, there was actually a film of black light flickering!

Through the light film, Tianhuo can vaguely see the lower part as if it was another world, the green land is completely a grassland!
"Hey, you can use the Boundary Breaker Needle this time!" Mu Yichen laughed and took out a small embroidery needle, and gestured towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was taken aback, the way Mu Yichen was holding the embroidery needle at this moment, no matter how he looked at it, he felt like Dongfang Bubai, so he couldn't help saying: "Dongfang Bubai?"

"What? A nickname? It's a good name." Mu Yichen glanced at Tianhuo suspiciously, and then looked at the embroidery needle in his hand, no, it was the world-breaking magic needle.

"It's nothing, let's do it!" Tianhuo laughed.

Mu Yichen nodded, just as he was about to pierce the world-breaking magic needle, he suddenly raised his head solemnly and looked at Tianhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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