Chapter 422
"Savage Beast King?" Wu Chen asked with a smile as he looked at the strange savage beast that came from the sky.

"Hmph! You dare to barge in even if you know it, boy, see if I will swallow you!" The barbarian beast king uttered words, which immediately made Wuchen more sure of the other party's identity.

Wuchen nodded his head, his face was full of joy, unexpectedly, he was the first to meet the beast king.

But just after confirming the figure of the other party, the beast king made a move, and shot fiercely. This time, even the giant dragon under Wuchen's seat was trembling all over, as if he didn't dare to confront the other party. .

"Tianhuo, I found it!" Seeing the strange appearance of the dragon, Wu Chen hurriedly made the dragon retreat, and at the same time called Tianhuo in the legion channel.

Tianhuo was looking around on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and when he heard Wu Chen's call, he was overjoyed, and immediately promoted Wu Chen to the deputy commander of the army, and said: "Pull me here."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have been awarded the position of deputy army commander, and you have obtained the authority of the deputy army commander." Just as the system prompt sounded next to Wuchen's ear, Tianhuo's voice also came.

Wuchen didn't hesitate, and directly used the assembly skill.

As soon as the skill was cast, the beast king had already chased him up, and his body suddenly became bigger. He opened his mouth and swallowed Wu Chen and the giant dragon, but he hadn't swallowed a person or a beast yet. After a pause, he turned his head warily and looked to the side.

In the sight of the beast king, Tianhuo appeared riding the star devouring moon beast, and at the same time, members riding dragons or other mounts also appeared, obviously they all accepted Wuchen's assembly.

Tianhuo didn't care about the members who were teleported over, looked happily at the beast that looked like a tiger, and said with a smile: "Senior, we don't intend to offend, we just ask for something."

The Beast King looked at the situation in front of him, and muttered in his heart, but he felt threatened by these people, and he didn't dare to make a move for a while, and said: "Break into my territory, tell me if you have something to ask for?"

"Tianhuo be careful, this wild beast king is a little different." Tianling's voice appeared in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo didn't care about it, but he was a little more vigilant in his heart, nodded slightly towards the beast king, and said with a smile: "Senior, I heard that you control the beasts in this area, you must know the news of the monsters, right? Let's come, just Inquire about this."

As soon as he heard the word "monster", the barbarian beast king's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was deep horror in his eyes, "Don't ask me, I don't know."

Saying that, the beast king turned around and flew towards the mountains below without looking back.

Tianhuo clearly captured the expression of the wild beast king, and when he saw the movement of the wild beast king, he couldn't help being taken aback, and hastily cast Glyph Saint's Eye.

Kaitian Zhanhu (puppet), whose attributes are unknown.

"Puppet? What's going on?" Seeing the attributes of the beast king, Tianhuo became even more puzzled.

"So that's how it is. This is the Beast King, but he has been refined into a puppet, but his wisdom is preserved. Such a powerful weapon refining technique!" Tianling said.

"What? Refining the barbarian beast king into a puppet?" Tianhuo lost his voice in disbelief.

"Well, you can't go wrong!"

Tianling's art of refining alchemy made Tianhuo worship him, she was sure of it, so naturally Tianhuo didn't have to doubt it.

"Using living things to refine puppets, this man is really vicious!" Tianhuo murmured, and then said: "You wait for me here."

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo teleported directly from the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, immediately blocked in front of the Beast King, clasped his fists and said: "Senior, please stay!"

The Beast King stopped in a hurry, anger appeared in his eyes, "Boy, don't ask me the previous question, or I won't be polite!"

Tianhuo frowned, and said: "The monster has revived and has begun to wreak havoc on the continent. Soon, no one in the entire continent will be spared. Senior, you must know the whereabouts of the demon mother. Please tell me."

The wild beast king looked around anxiously, and after seeing the surroundings were peaceful, he said: "Your speed is good!"

After the words fell, the beast king passed by Tianhuo, and continued to gallop forward, but this time, the speed was several times faster than before!
Tianhuo frowned to understand the meaning of the beast king, then his eyes lit up, and he stepped away again, catching up with the beast king in an instant!
The wild beast king glanced at Tianhuo in astonishment, and then his speed increased sharply again, and Tianhuo, with his wings popping out from behind, followed steadily beside the wild beast king.

After bypassing the mountain ranges, the speed of the wild beast king did not decrease at all, and Tianhuo kept up steadily. With Tian Yu's flying speed, there was no pressure to keep up with the wild beast king.

Not long after, Skyfire had followed the beast king for thousands of miles, and there were still endless mountains in front of him, but there was a sinkhole thousands of meters wide between several mountains!

The barbarian beast king turned around and flew directly into the tiankeng, while shouting: "Master Demon King, help me!"

Tianhuo frowned, stopped abruptly, opened the legion channel and shouted: "Everyone who can fly, come here, assemble!"

Immediately, the thousands of people from before reappeared beside Tianhuo, and Tianhuo confessed: "Xiao Mu, follow me down, you wait outside this tiankeng, don't let a monster go!"

From the moment the beast king said that his speed was good, Tianhuo vaguely understood that it could not tell the whereabouts of monsters, but it could bring itself here!
But at this moment, from the shout of the beast king, Tianhuo also understood that it was the demon king who refined it into a puppet, but for some reason, the demon king did not let the beast king recognize his master, but Control it by other means!

After the confession, Tianhuo recalled the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and rode it down into the tiankeng.

"Useless things, a few humans can't solve it? Fortunately, I had the foresight and didn't accept you, otherwise I would be ashamed and thrown home!" A gloomy voice sounded in the tiankeng, but the voice of the beast king did not reappeared.

"Tianhuo, I can't see it anymore, let's go up first, hold on, and lead the Demon Lord up to play with me." Mu Yichen suddenly stopped his descending figure, and said with a smile.

Tianhuo frowned, playing?That's the devil!

But Tianhuo didn't care, it's not like he hasn't killed the Demon Lord before, this one can also kill him!

After descending thousands of meters alone, Tianhuo's pupils shrank. From here, densely packed eggshells appeared on the wall. Obviously, these were monsters that had already been born.

After descending several hundred meters again, it finally reached the bottom of this tiankeng. What appeared in front of Tianhuo was a crimson world, with fiery red magma underneath, and on the magma, strangely shaped stone bridges were densely covered, leading the way. To the caves in the distance.

With the eyes of the sage, Tianhuo could clearly see that the caves were covered with broken eggshells, and in one of the largest caves, an old man in black robe led the beast king out.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

God refines Demon Monarch, spirit level 99, attributes unknown.

Explanation: The No. 1 refining weapon among monsters, its combat power is not strong.

Tianhuo was a little puzzled, his Glyph Sage Eye had already reached the god level, and his level had also reached the spirit level of 88, but he couldn't see the specific attributes of the demon king, which made Tianhuo very puzzled.

"Hey, want to see the strength of this demon king? I'm afraid no one in the world can do it!" The god refining demon laughed, obviously sensing the sky fire to cast the eyes of the sage.

"It doesn't matter, I can't see the attributes of the demon king, but I still want to kill him!" Tianhuo joked.

Shenlian Demon Lord's expression froze, he stared at Tianhuo with angry eyes, and suddenly shouted, "It's you! You killed our Lord Demon King! I want you to die!"

Amidst the loud shouts, God Refining Demon Monarch stepped on his feet, that old body seemed to have changed into a different person at this moment, the powerful aura was approaching Tianhuo, and his figure was in front of Tianhuo in an instant, with his withered palm facing Tianhuo The chest exploded.

"Yu!" Tianhuo flipped it casually, and Daodao words suddenly appeared in front of him, just blocking the blow of the demon king, "The corpse of the demon king is on my body, if you have the ability, come and get it!"

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo spread his wings on his back, and his figure shot back, heading towards the outside of the tiankeng.

"Just relying on those giant dragons, I can't help but die!" God Alchemist had already sensed the situation outside the Tiankeng, but he didn't have the slightest worry. Seeing the sky fire receding, he hurriedly chased after him.

The corpse of the devil king is extremely important, this is the best chance to get back the corpse!
In an instant, the fire of the sky shot up into the sky, and the God of Alchemy and Demon Monarch followed closely.

"Xiaomu, Twilight, go down and find the Demon Mother. The Demon Mother's combat power is very weak, so kill her." Skyfire yelled in the Legion channel while flying.

Tianhuo lured the God of Refining Demon King out just to get Xiaomu and the others to act.

Mu Yichen hesitated, he just went down, and it was pitch black below, and he couldn't see anything after going down, but at dusk and dawn, he didn't hesitate at all, and landed down on the flying cloud ink shadow horse.

Seeing that the twilight was going down, Mu Yichen shrugged helplessly, and then stepped down.

"Huh! Kid, die!" Seeing Tianhuo slow down, the Demon Lord rushed up while yelling, with powerful black energy entangled around his body.

Tianhuo stopped his figure, and when he turned his hands, the large characters wrapped around his body gathered in his hands. With the pressing of Tianhuo's palm, each large character screamed out, and bombarded the flying demon king.

The Demon Lord was taken aback for a moment. He thought that Tianhuo was afraid, but he didn't expect Tianhuo to attack suddenly. He saw the big characters getting bigger and slammed down, so he suddenly stopped his figure, and with a slam of his big hand, thick black air greeted him. Those big characters.

However, to the surprise of God Refining Demon Monarch, those big characters silently and completely blasted the black air away, and the big characters didn't stop at all, reaching the top of his head in an instant.

"Magic shield!" The devil's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly raised a shield several meters in size. Just in time, those large characters had already been blasted down.


All of a sudden, there was an endless sound of bangs, and every sound seemed to hit the heart of the devil, because he clearly saw that when a few large characters fell, cracks appeared in his magic shield!
(End of this chapter)

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