The strongest saint

Chapter 424 Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron

Chapter 424 Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron
Sky-shattering Arrow: A one-time item that produces an explosion effect after use, causing a devastating blow to the designated explosion point and targets within a diameter of 100 meters.

After the Glyph Saint's Eye was identified, the attributes of the arrow were fully revealed in front of Tianhuo's eyes.

"Heaven-breaking arrow? Tianhuo, this thing is good, much better than your prisoner's needle." Tianling said.

The description of the Skybreaker Arrow doesn't say how much damage it will cause to the target, and the word "destructive blow" can be vaguely summarized, but it seems that this thing should not be weak, at least it can catch the enemy by surprise.

For the remaining few items, the spirit beads were handed over to Tianling as usual, and the demon king's spirit blood beads had already been obtained once, and now another one burst out from the god refining demon king, which felt a bit wasteful.

Demon Lord Spirit Blood Bead: A special item conceived by the Demon Lord, which contains powerful power. After taking it, the spirit level +10, the four attributes +10000, and the effect of medicine and alchemy is better.

What this thing can increase is the spirit level. In other words, it can only be used in the second-level area, because only the second-level area is the spirit level, and the first-level area is the god level.

"Tianling, it's another Demon Lord Spirit Blood Bead, why don't I just swallow this one?" Tianhuo said expectantly, now that the spirit is at level 91, eating this Demon Lord Spirit Blood Orb will be a full level. , can go directly to the first-level area.

For the first-level area, Tianhuo has been looking forward to it for too long. There, there is everything he wants to know.

"No, wait for me to refine this one first." Tianling's voice came, and then Tianhuo saw that the demon king's blood bead disappeared directly into the ring of the sage, apparently taken away by Tianling up.

Tianhuo shrugged, "How long will it take?"

"This... is coming soon." Tianling said weakly.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Okay, as soon as possible, Turin is level 91, it's already wasted."

As he said that, Tianhuo ignored it, and checked the only piece of equipment that the Lord of Refining Demons revealed. As the No. 1 refiner of monsters, the Lord of Refining Demons only revealed one piece of equipment, which made Tianhuo feel that The devil is shabby.

Unexpectedly, the equipment exploded by the God of Refining Demon Lord was actually a dark three-legged tripod!
And as Tianhuo's eyes fell on the three-legged tripod, Tianling's exclamation suddenly came from his mind, "How is it possible? They demonized this thing?"

Tianhuo was puzzled and wanted to ask a question, but he held back and threw the Glyph Sage's eye up.

After several appraisals, the attributes of this three-legged tripod emerged.

Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron (top artifact): Four attributes +10, damage reduction +70%, negative state resistance +50%, damage rebound +50%. (It will take effect after the master is recognized.)
There is a 100% chance of refining spirit weapons and panacea, a 50% chance of refining artifacts and magic pills, a 10% chance of refining mid-level artifacts and mid-level magic pills, and a certain chance of refining high-level artifacts and high-level magic pills. Refining top-level artifacts and top-level magic pills.

Explanation: It was originally the divine cauldron of a peerless human being, but after being acquired by monsters, it took a lot of effort to demonize it for use by the demons.

Seeing the attributes of the three-legged tripod, Tianhuo staggered and almost couldn't stand. At this moment, Tianhuo felt that his breathing became difficult, not because of the powerful attributes attached to the three-legged tripod, but because Because on this three-legged tripod, I actually felt an inexplicable familiar atmosphere!
This kind of feeling is like this tripod is an item often used by my relatives, or like I saw an old acquaintance, and when I saw it, I felt that kind of inexplicable intimacy.

However, from time to time, black air would emerge from the dark tripod, diluting those feelings. Even so, Tianhuo was very sure that his feelings were correct, and he should be very familiar with this three-legged tripod.

With the emergence of this feeling, Tianhuo stared intently at the instruction, "The divine cauldron of a peerless human being! Could it be that I knew the original owner of this cauldron?"

While muttering to himself, Tianhuo's expression became dignified. If it was the past, he would definitely say that this is nonsense, but now that he has experienced so much, he has even passed through his body. For Tianhuo who has traveled twice , which is entirely possible.

For so long, Tianhuo didn't even regard this world of Destiny as a game, but as a real world. This feeling reappeared now, which made Tianhuo a little more certain.

"Tianhuo, I will keep it on my behalf. After erasing the devilish energy, I will refine it into the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron. Well, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron will definitely be upgraded at that time." in the ring.

Tianhuo ignored Tianling, and was still thinking about it. It seems that after reaching the first-level area, everything will be revealed!
After a long time, Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, and said to himself: "First-level area, soon, God of War, I will come to you!"

Talking to himself, Tianhuo said again: "Tianling, can't you recognize the master now? The attribute of this extremely heavenly magic cauldron is very strong!"

Tianhuo naturally wants to recognize the master. After all, after recognizing the master, there will be attribute bonuses. The four major attributes of a total of [-] are almost as good as his own attributes now, which is too tempting.

"No, it needs to be wiped out, and it will be stronger by then, just wait!" Tian Ling said relaxedly.

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, it's a pity that such a powerful cauldron doesn't need to occupy the equipment space, "Tianling, do you know the origin of the extremely heavenly magic cauldron?"

Tianling fell silent, as if hesitating whether to tell Tianhuo or not, finally, Tianling said heavily: "Of course I don't know..."

Tianhuo frowned, he could hear it, Tianling must know, but he just didn't tell himself, Tianling followed him for so long, she would definitely say what she could, and if she didn't say it now, Tianhuo wouldn't force it.

"Extreme Sky Magic Cauldron..." Tianhuo murmured, trying his best to think about that familiar feeling, but it was in vain, there was no clue at all.

"Haha, Tianhuo, let's go!" At this moment, Mu Yichen and the beast king had finished fighting, and Mu Yichen was walking towards Tianhuo with his arms around the neck of the beast king.

Tianhuo came back to his senses, and looked at the man and the beast suspiciously. The Beast King was a beast who dared to hug his neck like this. Tianhuo really wanted to know if the two guys were showing affection.

"Don't look at me like that. I have already been refined into a puppet by that bastard. I have no hope of evolution, so I plan to follow you. It took me a long time to make up my mind. You can't refuse me." The beast king raised his head and looked Said with the fire in the sky.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Are you sure?"

The wild beast king nodded heavily, and sighed: "I think I have experienced hundreds of thousands of years and many adventures from a wild tiger before I successfully evolved into a mid-level divine beast, the king of wild beasts!"

"But now, doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the damned Demon Lord is dead anyway, so I made this decision."

Tianhuo smiled, "It's not easy to follow me, if you don't regret it, fine!"

Kaitian Zhanhu laughed, and then a rune appeared between his eyebrows, just like the situation when Emperor Yanlinshi recognized his master back then.

Tianhuo dripped blood on the rune without hesitation, and suddenly, another puppet appeared on his puppet panel.

The original puppet war spirit had already exploded in desperation, and now, finally, there is a puppet again!
Kaitian Zhanhu (Skyfire), all attributes = own attributes × 200%.Attack class, mid-level artifact.

Explanation: Originally a savage beast king, he was refined into a puppet by the god refining demon king, but he retained the original intelligence of Kaitian Zhanhu. Because of this, Kaitian Zhanhu can use all the methods before being refined.

Tianhuo is a little weird looking at the attribute of 'intermediate artifact'. It was originally an intermediate artifact, but now it has become an intermediate artifact, a typical beast-shaped artifact, and has complete autonomy. This puppet is interesting!
And the attribute of this puppet is twice that of Skyfire. Of course, it is under the condition that Skyfire is not blessed. After all, the puppet cannot be blessed by various auxiliary skills. Its attribute is always twice that of Skyfire in its normal state.

A puppet with consciousness is still a puppet with all the skills in life, but the attributes will increase with the growth of the sky fire. Such an existence is not special.

Naturally, Tianhuo was also delighted. For no reason, there was an extra mid-level artifact. Where can I find such a good thing?

"It's not bad, it hasn't weakened much." Kai Tian Zhanhu nodded in satisfaction and said to himself.

Tianhuo smiled, and couldn't help but think of the puppet's level-up roll. After using that thing, it can increase the puppet's level. Unfortunately, it has already been used on Zhan Ling. If it is used on Zhan Hu now, it will be a good deal!

"Tsk tsk... Envious, Zhan Hu, why don't you follow me, I'm also very good!" Mu Yichen said enviously.

Zhan Hu turned his head and snorted, "You have developed limbs and weak mind, so you have no future!"

Mu Yichen frowned, staring at Zhan Hu one up and one down, for a long time, he folded his arms, "I still think you are not strong enough, hehe, Tianhuo, there is a good thing in the army warehouse, it's cheaper for this guy."

Legion warehouse?Tianhuo always only threw things into it, but never looked at what was in it. After Mu Yichen reminded him, he only started to check it now.

On the Legion warehouse panel, all kinds of items are clearly classified, even the equipment of each part is classified, and there are medicines, scrolls, and others.

Tianhuo searched in the pill category, and saw that there were many pills that could increase attributes, but for the current Tianhuo, those dozens of points or hundreds of attributes are dispensable.

After reading the pills, Tianhuo checked the scrolls again. There were very few things in this panel. After all, scrolls are very rare existences, and they are undoubtedly not very useful, and it is normal to have few.

Scroll of Enlightenment: Randomly erase an attribute of the equipment after use.

Fixed scroll: a one-time item, after use, the target will be fixed for 20 seconds, and there is a 1% chance to comprehend the fixation technique.

Scroll of Chaos: A one-time item. After use, the target will be in a state of confusion, which lasts for 10 seconds, and there is a 1% chance to comprehend chaos.


Tianhuo kept looking down, and suddenly, his eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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