The strongest saint

Chapter 426 The Battle of the Zongmen 2

Chapter 426 The Battle of the Zongmen 2
"Here we come!" Yifeng looked a little dignified, pointing to the distance.

Tianhuo nodded, frowned slightly as he stared, and saw that the sky in the distance was densely packed with human figures, like locusts passing through.

"These four sects actually mobilized so many people!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice.

Tianhuo has long discovered that the number of npcs in the second-level area is extremely large, probably no less than the number of players, and it is even more so now that the number of npcs flying over the sky and covering the sky is probably more than [-].

Tianhuo is not afraid of these npcs, but kills npcs, not to mention no experience points, and punishment of crime points.

All the npcs who came in front of them were white-named npcs. Killing one would cost 10 evil points. If Tianhuo was to kill them all, it would be worth millions of evil points. Tianhuo didn't want to spend a million more.

While pondering, Canthus Xing had already brought tens of thousands of disciples here, all of them rose from the air and guarded outside the new station, while Canthus Star rushed over suddenly, stopped in front of Tianhuo and bowed to salute. He said nervously, "My lord!"

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "The big formation for protecting the mountain hasn't been set up yet, has it?"

Yifeng on the side nodded and pointed to the palace in the center of the new resident, "That's where the eye of the array is, and it hasn't been built yet, so the big array can't be activated yet."

The mountain protection formation is often the key to a sect's victory. Tianhuo has a deep understanding of this, but those four sects are not stupid, how could they come after the formation is arranged?

Tianhuo nodded, not surprised, his expression relaxed at this moment, and said with a smile: "To capture the thief, first capture the king. If you capture the lords of these four sects, it should be able to shock them!"

As he said that, Tianhuo's eyes sharpened in vain, and he stared at the countless powerful men who were coming in front of him and searched.

Tianhuo searched for the suzerains of the four sects intently, but at this moment, Bai Xiaosheng, Xiaofenghuang and Yu Ling were still rushing back in the teleportation array again and again. After coming out of the wild land, you have to teleport again and again.

"Tianhuo is not kind, just take us away together in the Fanshen Palace, but he actually forgot about us." Little Phoenix said angrily.

"Who told you to be so slow? If you had caught up with them before, you wouldn't have been left behind." Yu Ling retorted.

"I know how to teleport, why is it slow? This guy is slow!" Little Phoenix pointed at Bai Xiaosheng and said viciously.

Bai Xiaosheng froze, coughed dryly but remained silent, he was used to hearing the bickering between the two women along the way, he didn't want to be involved, so it's better to keep silent.

Tianhuo didn't know that Little Phoenix was complaining. At this moment, he was concentrating on searching for the four suzerains among the more than [-] npcs. He hadn't found them yet, but saw the huge team stop, and stopped a kilometer away from the new station. inside.

As soon as the mighty team stopped, they covered the sky as if covering the sky and the sun, and when the auras gathered together, they condensed into a vast ocean-like momentum and swept out. At this moment, the sky became much darker, as if Only the mighty team remained.

"Zhuxing, Yifeng, if you don't want your disciples killed or injured, get out!"

Suddenly, a scream resounded through the sky, spreading like a wave of water, so that everyone could clearly hear the sound.

Canthus Xing and Yi Feng Qiqi looked fixed, and were about to step out, but Tianhuo raised his hand to stop the movement of the two, and looked intently at the place where the sound came from.

Thousands of meters away, Tianhuo clearly saw the owner of the stern voice. It was a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression, and the words 'Suzerain of Yulingzong' on his head made the corners of Tianhuo's mouth curl up.

"I found one, and there are three more!" Tianhuo murmured, stepped out, volleyed towards the front step by step, and at the same time, golden characters wrapped around his body.

"People from Wenshengmen? No, they are adventurers from another world!" The master of Yulingzong raised his brows and murmured as he stared at the approaching Tianhuo.

Seeing Tianhuo's identity, the master of Yulingzong suddenly laughed, and said with a big laugh: "I'll give you a piece of advice, there's still time to get out."

Tianhuo stopped a thousand meters away from the middle-aged man, with a confident arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "The advice I gave you is true, this is not the place you should come to, but even if you want to retreat, you have already That's too late."

As soon as the words fell, a series of jade-colored radiant roots suddenly appeared around the body of the master of Yulingzong, and instantly wrapped him up. Before the latter had time to react, he was already wrapped by these strange roots and pulled to Tianhuo's side .

This is naturally the root of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, no one can see how this thing appeared, and the master of Yulingzong was wrapped up, struggling to get out, but to no avail, the root of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, that is The dragon flames of the Nine Souls can only be broken through.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, Tianhuo captured the suzerain of Yulingzong in an instant, this is something no one expected, at this moment, the whole world was extremely silent, staring at the side of Tianhuo who was struggling violently in disbelief The master of Yulingzong, the peak strength of the second-level region, can't break free from those roots?
Tianhuo glanced at the master of Yulingzong lightly, then ignored it, turned his gaze, and looked at the mighty team again. There are still three suzerains left, so it's time to appear this time!

Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind, and immediately after, Tianhuo saw the ground shaking for a while. When he turned his head to look, Tianhuo couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and saw three black shadows appearing in the new station at some time , Wherever they passed, palaces collapsed one after another!

"Haha, so what if you capture me? Ziyaomen and Daxuanzong will be destroyed eventually!" The master of Yulingzong stopped struggling and laughed.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, "Hitting east and west!"

I didn't expect that the three suzerains actually handed over the team to the leadership of Yulingzong suzerain, and the three of them sneaked into the new resident without a sound, and took the lead in starting to destroy the new resident.

And following the actions of the three of them, the [-] disciples from various sects in front of Tianhuo also moved, and each of them launched a powerful attack towards the sky above the team. Where those attacks converged, a bright spot quickly became larger, from The size of the fingertip instantly reduced to hundreds of feet in size.

Tianhuo could see clearly that the tripod that was hundreds of feet in size was actually a three-legged cauldron, but as more than a hundred thousand disciples sent power towards the cauldron, the cauldron was slowly buckled upside down, and the mouth of the cauldron was pushed down. Aim at the new station below.

In an instant, the aura of destruction permeated the world. Under this aura, all the Ziyaomen and Daxuanzong disciples turned pale, and a dazzling hot light appeared at the mouth of the big tripod.

It was just a matter of breathing, Ziyaomen and Daxuanzong didn't react at all, and Tianhuo was also stunned at this moment, because at the moment when the big cauldron appeared, his innate spirit cauldron actually trembled violently, that was An inexplicable joy!

It's just that at this moment, there is no time to feel the condition of the Xiantian spirit cauldron, and it doesn't care about the scorching light that diffuses from the mouth of the three-legged cauldron. The surging roots suddenly entangled upwards, and when the latter didn't react, they wrapped it tightly.

"The second one!" Tianhuo's expression was solemn, he trapped the suzerain, and then continued to teleport away. He must control the four suzerains before the three-legged cauldron is launched, otherwise once the three-legged cauldron launches an attack , Tianhuo could feel that the new station would be destroyed in an instant!

"Back!" Seeing that the attack of the three-legged tripod was gathering, the remaining two suzerains laughed and retreated violently.

"Bastard, save us first!" The master of Yulingzong shouted angrily, but how could these two people pay attention to him?

"Want to run? Prisoner! Hold!" Tianhuo looked dignified, pointed out one after another with his fingers, and cast the fixing spell and prisoner on the two of them respectively.

The movements of the two paused, but Tianhuo appeared in an instant, spread his hands, and the roots of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree reappeared, successfully imprisoning them both.

"It's done, let me see if your disciples dare to attack!" Tianhuo snorted coldly, and with a thought, the four suzerains were all pulled to him by the roots.

Sure enough, when they saw their suzerains were stopped, everyone in the sky was stunned, wondering if they should launch the three-legged tripod attack.

If it is activated, there is no doubt that the four suzerains will also die.

Tianhuo's movements were terrifyingly fast, but within two breaths, he managed to capture the remaining three suzerains. It happened so quickly that the disciples of Ziyaomen and Daxuanzong didn't react at all. A look of despair settled on his face.

The skyfire rose from the sky, and beside them, the four imprisoned suzerains were struggling violently, but it's a pity, they couldn't break free from the shackles of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree!

"Come on, I want to see the power of this three-legged tripod." Tianhuo stopped in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the four captured suzerains floated up and stood on both sides of Tianhuo.

"No!" The face of the master of Yulingzong changed suddenly, and he stared at the three-legged cauldron opposite him in horror.

The faces of the other three people were not good. Originally, their plan was not wrong. Let the master of Yulingzong bring the team, and the three of them secretly sneaked into the garrison to destroy it. Once they attracted the attention of Ziyaomen and Daxuanzong, then The suzerain can lead those disciples to attack.

With the mysterious tripod, it only takes one attack to destroy the station, but it takes 10 people to launch the tripod, which is why so many people came here.

The corners of Tianhuo's mouth curled up again, almost letting them succeed, but now, these guys should be afraid to make a move, right?After all, the four suzerains are all in their own hands.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo looked at the three-legged tripod intently, and saw the dazzling hot light froze at the mouth of the tripod, as if it would rush out at any time, but what Tianhuo wondered was, what happened to the previous feeling? thing?

"What? Your suzerain is afraid to do anything after being caught? Stupid, if your suzerain dies, don't you have a chance to become the new suzerain? So, do it!"

Suddenly, a joking voice resounded in the crowd of the four sects, and as soon as this voice appeared, the faces of the four sect masters changed drastically, and they all said in unison, "My life is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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