The strongest saint

Chapter 448 The Status of the Messenger

Chapter 448 The Status of the Messenger
"Piercing Shuttle..." Tianhuo murmured, his eyes fell on the big flying ship, and his eyes were filled with joy.

The speed of this large ship is several times faster than that of the Star Devouring Moon Beast. It is a very good thing to use to rush here, "Brother Yu, what kind of ship is this? I have never seen it before."

Yu Fengyang shook his head, "This is a flying warship, the speed is not bad, and my weapon sect can refine it, but compared to the air-breaking shuttle... well, it can't be compared with the air-breaking shuttle."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he understood what the so-called Space Shuttle was, and nodded, "So that's it!"

"Your father was generous once. He didn't give me what I asked for back then, but now he is willing to give it away." Xuan Du shook his head and said.

"This...hehe..." Yu Fengyang didn't know what to say, he hid it with a dry laugh, and changed the subject: "By the way, brother Tianhuo, I have a map of the cemetery of the gods here, although it is only a part of the cemetery, But it was bought by the ancestors of the Qi Sect with their lives, I hope it will be useful to you."

As he said that, Yu Fengyang handed over a quaint animal skin scroll, and Xuandu frowned slightly when he saw it, "The ancestors say that you are not allowed to enter the cemetery of the gods. Boy Fengyang, is it really drawn by someone from your Qi sect?"

The two sects of alchemy were originally a family. Although they have separated long ago, their relationship is still unusual, and the ancestral precepts of the two sects are naturally the same.

Yu Fengyang was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. After pondering for a moment, he said helplessly: "Grandpa Xuandu, can you not expose me?"

Xuandu heaved a sigh of relief, as long as someone who is not from the Qi Sect enters, it is fine. After all, the ancestral precepts are here, and it should not happen if it violates the ancestral precepts.

"Hey, brother Tianhuo, just kidding, I bought this map from an auction house." Yu Fengyang laughed.

Tianhuo doesn't care how it came about, this thing is very useful to him!
However, Tianhuo was a little curious, why did the second alchemy sect have such ancestral precepts, and what kind of existence is the cemetery of the gods.

When he opened the map, he saw an introduction to the cemetery of the gods in the corner of the map.

In ancient times, monsters came to the Destiny Continent, and countless god-level powerhouses stepped forward. Although the monsters were finally defeated, almost all the god-level powerhouses were killed or injured, even the main god. The dead god-level powerhouses are collected in it, which is the cemetery of the gods.

After a few simple introductions, Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue. The cemetery of the gods is really a place where the gods are buried!

After a moment of silence, Xuandu said hesitantly: "Little friend Tianhuo, the cemetery of the gods is the resting place of the gods. In order to show respect for them, later generations will rarely go in there to disturb them. When you go in this time, don't worry about it." Too much."

Tianhuo nodded, he wasn't digging someone's grave, he just put the things given by the Earth God on the top of the mountain in the center of the cemetery of the gods.

"Senior, don't worry, I know how to measure." Tianhuo said with a smile.

Xuandu nodded, glanced at Yu Fengyang, and said: "The Danzong is no better than the Qizong, and there is no precious thing for you. After arriving at the Danzong, I will open the Buddhist scriptures pavilion for you, hoping to help you."

Yu Fengyang looked at Xuandu in astonishment, and Tianhuo's eyes lit up. There must be a wealth of classics in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Danzong. This time, he will learn more!

The next day, the skyfire eyes on the flying warship lit up, and there were continuous mountains in front of them, and among the mountains, houses were neatly located, and these houses were faintly connected with each other, forming a mysterious atmosphere. It is a very strange existence that Tianhuo can't understand.

"Finally arrived at the periphery..." Yu Fengyang murmured as if he was looking forward to going to Danzong.

The speed of the flying warship did not decrease, but Tianhuo saw that the brand on Xuandu's waist was glowing, as if it was connected with the sky and the earth, allowing the flying warship to continue flying smoothly.

After a long time, the houses in front changed, and palaces of different sizes appeared in front of Tianhuo. Tianhuo knew that this should be the inner circle of Danzong.

Tianhuo's guess was right, but what he didn't expect was that the flying warship hadn't stopped after flying for thousands of miles.

Tianhuo was stunned secretly. In the first-level area, Danzong, one of the top ten sects, and the light resident, are so huge that it is unimaginable. I don’t know what the situation is like for the other sects.

After a long time, the flying warship finally slowed down and landed slowly towards a huge square below.

"Little friend Tianhuo, here we are, welcome to Danzong." Xuandu said with a smile, and stepped down first.

At the end of the square is a huge palace that is as high as the surrounding mountains, with a letter: Dandian!
Outside the alchemy hall, a long red carpet was spread all the way to the front of the flying warship, which was tens of miles long. Xuandu landed first, and then made a gesture of invitation to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was a little embarrassed. Outside the big red carpet, there were already countless Danzong disciples in uniforms waiting, and the welcoming team stretched all the way to the front of the main hall.

This is naturally a part of the highest etiquette of Danzong's welcome, Tianhuo felt a little helpless, he didn't need such a grand etiquette, and this made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But the matter has come to this point, Tianhuo has nothing to do, after falling, he walked towards the alchemy hall under the leadership of Xuandu.

As soon as he stepped out, he saw streaks of colorful lights in the sky, reflecting the whole sky beautifully, and where Tianhuo and the others passed by, the disciples on both sides bowed and saluted, "Welcome, my lord envoy!"

"Senior Xuandu, isn't this too grand?" Tianhuo finally couldn't help it, and said helplessly.

Xuan Du smiled, didn't say much, led Tianhuo and the others to move on, and didn't stop until they reached the Dan Hall, where Dan Cheng, Xuan Xuan and many people whom Tianhuo didn't know were already waiting here .

"Welcome to the messenger!"

"You are welcome!" Tianhuo clasped his fists and said, but felt a little helpless in his heart, because of the innate spirit tripod, he became the envoy of the two sects of alchemy, and it seemed that this status was extremely noble.

"Come in, everyone!" Xuandu nodded and said, making another gesture of invitation to Tianhuo, leading Tianhuo and others towards the main hall.

The hall is resplendent with gold and jade, and the golden pillars with flashing runes prop up the hall, which is a full hundred feet high. Walking in, Tianhuo saw tables neatly arranged, and all kinds of spirits were already prepared on them. Fruits and fine wines, the long banquet extended to the innermost main seat.

Xuandu took Tianhuo and sat straight on the main seat, and then signaled everyone to take their seats, "Everyone, the ancestors of the second alchemy sect have precepts, and the person with the innate spirit tripod is the envoy of my second sect, and the status is shoulder to shoulder with the suzerain. Now the envoy is here, I don't want anyone to dare to disobey the messenger."

"I have seen the messenger!" Everyone hurriedly got up and bowed.

Tianhuo looked at Xuandu in astonishment, and forgot to return the gift to everyone. He was so astonished in his heart that his status in the second sect of alchemy was equal to that of the suzerain?No wonder Xuanxuan's attitude towards her changed so quickly at the beginning, the meaning of this messenger is far more important than what I imagined!

At this moment, Tianhuo really wanted to know, who was the person who set the ancestral precepts?I also want to know if I am going to do something for the Second Pill Artifact Sect?
"Hehe, little friend Tianhuo, you don't need to think too much, you will understand in the future." Xuandu said in a low voice, signaling for the banquet to begin.

Tianhuo pondered for a while, but still didn't ask any questions. By the end of the banquet, he might be able to find the relevant records of the second sect of alchemy in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The banquet lasted several hours until late at night, and everyone left, but Tianhuo couldn't bear it anymore, apologized to Xuanxuan and Dancheng, and said to Xuandu: "Senior, I want to go to collect scriptures. Let's take a look."

Xuandu smiled, as if he had expected it long ago, and handed over a piece of jade, "Little friend Tianhuo, my Danzong has a rich collection of books, if you want to find something, you might as well ask the administrator."

Tianhuo took the jade piece, nodded and said, "How to use it?"

"Just crush it."

Tianhuo had no doubts, nodded and crushed the jade piece. Immediately, the surrounding scenery changed, and when it stabilized, he had already appeared in front of a wooden door. Before Tianhuo could make a move, the wooden door slowly opened, and a somewhat old voice came out. , "Come in!"

The sound fell, and the door was completely opened, revealing the situation inside.

Behind the door, an old man who looked rotten was sitting cross-legged in front of a desk, and in front and on both sides were rows of bookshelves that could not be seen.

Tianhuo was astonished, the eyes of the literary sage can see everything within four or five kilometers, but in this Sutra Pavilion, the heads of these bookshelves cannot be seen.

"Messenger, what kind of books do you need?" The old man interrupted Tianhuo's observation, and asked in a calm voice.

Tianhuo hastily bowed to the old man and saluted, "Senior, do you know if there are any books introducing the second sect of alchemy?"

The old man raised his head slowly, doubts appeared in his cloudy eyes, and then he pointed to a row of bookshelves on the right, "This row, shelf number [-], is the book number [-]."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, did the old man know so accurately?

After clasping his fists again to express his gratitude, Tianhuo walked towards the row of bookshelves pointed by the old man. There are countless bookshelves here, but they are neatly arranged. Tianhuo saw that the serial number of this row is three, and this row A row is composed of countless bookshelves, starting from No. [-] and going backwards.

Every bookshelf is numbered, and thousands of books are stored in it, and the one needed by Tianhuo is number 1900, which shows that there are so many books.

While walking and observing the books on this row of bookshelves, Tianhuo found that this row is all introductions to various forces, including sects in the third-level area, second-level area, and first-level area!

Each area is huge, and there are countless forces in it. Tianhuo can't even imagine it. On the bookshelves of Danzong, I'm afraid all the forces are recorded!

Not long after, Tianhuo arrived in front of the No. 1900 bookshelf, and saw that every book was written with a serial number, and No. [-] was a thick book called Pill Artifact Sect!
"What a great memory!" Looking at the accurate book, Tianhuo couldn't help turning around and looking at the old man several miles away.

After looking at it, Tianhuo's expression froze, and he stared at the old man's right hand dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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