The strongest saint

Chapter 455 God

Chapter 455 God

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? You don't recognize me?" The miniature beauty glanced at Tianhuo, then looked around.

Tianhuo swallowed, a strange look flashed in his eyes, "Tianling? You succeeded?"

When she was still in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, Tianling was ready to create a fleshy body. Unexpectedly, after so long, she finally succeeded, but Tianhuo never imagined that she would actually create such a miniature fleshy body.

Tianling heard this, and looked at Tianhuo with a smile, "What? Aren't you happy for me?"

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, "I'm happy, of course I'm happy! It's just that I thought you were upgrading the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron!"

"Hehe, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron is almost ready, and I don't need to control it now, just wait." Tianling said with a smile, and her eyes moved to the surroundings, "The sky should be clear and bright in the cemetery of the gods." , why did it become like this!"

"Under this kind of death energy, an existence without spiritual intelligence will immediately be turned into a walking corpse by death energy. Even if there is a spiritual existence, I'm afraid it won't last long!" Tian Ling said with a serious expression.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, it seemed that Tianling had been here before, but he couldn't answer Tianling's doubts, "Tianling, I read in the classics a few days ago that the cemetery of the gods automatically The dead gods are received here for burial, so what are the so-called gods?"

Tianhuo has always wanted to know, besides the main god, are there other gods?
Tianling gave Tianhuo a blank look, "God level 99 is the bottleneck, breaking the bottleneck is God, understand? You are still early, go there first to see, there are fluctuations."

Tianhuo was amazed that there was another bottleneck in the first-level area, but what surprised Tianhuo was that there were indeed other gods besides the main god, but he didn't know how these gods were divided.

But Tianhuo didn't think too much about it, he would naturally know when the time came, now, of course he would complete the task in the cemetery of the gods.

Flying towards the place Tianling said, after a while, Tianhuo saw a tall tombstone standing in the middle of a mountain range, and in front of the tombstone, several spirit beasts were bombarding the tombstone in turn. Tombstones shattered.

Such a situation made Tianhuo frowned, "Those spirit beasts want to blast the tombstone, why?"

"When these gods were buried in the cemetery of the gods, all their treasures were buried in it. These spirit beasts naturally wanted to dig up something." Tianling stood on Tianhuo's shoulder, her eyes flashing with anger.

Seeing the anger in Tianling's eyes, Tianhuo smiled, and Diyan and other beasts appeared beside him, "Go, destroy them, don't let them disturb this senior."

Those buried here are all the gods who died in the Great War between Heaven and Earth. They are all heroes, so naturally they cannot be disturbed after death.

"Roar!" Di Yan roared, and then shot out, and amidst the roar, the spirit beasts trembled. After seeing Di Yan flying towards him, they didn't dare to stay at all, and hurried towards the mountain range Flee away.

"Little bastards, court death!" Di Yan roared angrily and chased after him, while Tianhuo came to the tall tombstone, and saw the words on it: Spirit God, Tomb of Dongwei.

"Lingshen, it should be a division of gods." Tianhuo thought to himself, and flipped out the map Yu Fengyang gave him to check.

After a while, Tianhuo put away the map, and joy appeared in his eyes. The place where he was at the moment happened to be recorded on the map. Going all the way north, it would not take long to reach the center of the cemetery of the gods.

Tianhuo didn't intend to dig the tombs of these predecessors here, and entered here just to put that thing on the top of the central mountain range.

The map that Yu Fengyang gave him was just the tip of the iceberg of the cemetery of the gods, but it was enough for Tianhuo, because the end recorded on this map was almost the center.

Without waiting for Diyan to come back, Tianhuo rolled over on Tunxing's back, and also chased after him. The moment he saw Diyan from a distance, he saw those spirit beasts just disappeared in the white light.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 60 god experience points, and an additional 480 million god experience points."


"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up intermediate spirit beads x 2000, and equip 3 pieces."

From blocking the beast tide a few days ago, Skyfire has accumulated hundreds of millions of experience points, but there are mission restrictions, and it cannot be upgraded, but for the current Skyfire, it doesn't matter, the four god attributes brought by the upgrade Not many, if you want to improve your strength, you have to come from other aspects.

Moving on, Tianhuo found that there would be a tomb of a god every hundred miles. The tombstones were all hundreds of feet in size, and they were very conspicuous standing among the mountains. The cold air in the air is getting thicker and thicker, and occasionally you can even see the substantive gray-black mist lingering, those are all dead air!
Such a situation made Tianling on Tianhuo's shoulders frown even more, "Tianhuo, something is not good. The burials in the cemetery of the gods are all gods, and they are all gods. Now……"

"Tianling, these dead breaths won't affect anything, right? After all, the cemetery of the gods is isolated from the world, so dead breaths can't get out." Tianhuo interrupted Tianling and asked.

"No, if the death energy exists for too long, I'm afraid it will erode the divine body of these gods. At that time, these gods may even be reborn in another way, but at that time, they will be walking corpses without thinking." Tianling said solemnly Said.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Aren't you worried too much? Those are divine bodies, how could it be..."

Before the words fell, Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, and he saw a deadly aura hovering over a god's tomb in front of him. At this moment, the tombstone of the god's tomb was trembling, as if being punched by someone. Go!

Suddenly, the death energy hovering above condensed, and quickly got into the tomb of the god, and then, the tombstone instantly shattered, and a figure shot out from it!

"Damn it, Tianling, you have the potential of a crow's mouth!" Tianhuo murmured, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, staring at the figure closely, hurriedly put away a few beasts, and cast Hidden skills.

"What nonsense? Run away!" Tianling said with a solemn expression, obviously not thinking that Tianhuo could deal with that person.

Tianhuo was stunned, "No hurry, let's see what kind of existence this is."

In the invisible state, Tianhuo believed that he would be fine.

However, as soon as the words fell, the figure turned around sharply, its colorless eyes were fixed on Tianhuo, and without hesitation, its figure shot forward!

Tianhuo was astonished, and saw that this guy was covered with death energy, and a cool and powerful aura permeated the air.

"Still running away? Do you want to die?" Tianling tugged at Tianhuo's ear and shouted.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, and when he raised his hand, words were wrapped around his body one by one, and with the movement of his fists, the words whizzed out.
1, -1, ...

"I can't even break through their defenses, so I really have to escape!" Tianhuo was stunned secretly, and then he fell sharply and sank into the ground.

"You still don't believe it? That guy's body is a divine body, how could you break through it? Now you have no way to deal with him." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, hid in the ground and looked towards the sky, only to see that guy froze in place, as if he was at a loss because he couldn't find Tianhuo for a while.

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and was secretly surprised that he couldn't even break through his defense, but he didn't know how powerful this guy's attack was, but judging from his defense, his attack must be very powerful.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Tianhuo was startled suddenly, and saw that guy turned his head slightly, as if listening, and then rushed down, also falling towards the ground.

In Tianhuo's astonished expression, I saw this guy plunged headlong into the ground, and his figure instantly merged with the ground!
"He can escape from the earth!" Tianhuo lost his voice, but at this moment, the man punched through the air. Immediately, a vast death energy swept in like a sea wave. He ignored the obstacles of the earth and arrived in front of Tianhuo in an instant. !
Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly wiped the book of Wen Sheng, "Writing Emperor!"

Man Jianghong wrapped around Tianhuo, forming a powerful defense, just as the attack from that person also arrived.

With a light puff sound, the defense wrapped around his body shattered, and the death aura continued unabated, blasting into Tianhuo's chest in an instant. For a moment, Tianhuo felt his whole body was filled with coldness, and his hair was standing on end at this moment!

In an instant, Tianhuo's HP dropped by half, making Tianhuo's scalp numb. Without hesitation, he turned around and fled towards the north, not daring to stop at all, "What a powerful attack, this is still a dead person, if it is a living person, I can't even imagine it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I told you to run away a long time ago, but this time I was lucky enough to meet someone who knows how to escape." Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo shook his head, although he wasn't worried at all, but faced with such a strange existence, he had no idea, after all, strictly speaking, this guy was a dead person, but the strong death energy gave him the ability to act.

Tianhuo didn't know what level of god this person was before, nor did he know his name, but at this moment he understood the power of a person with a divine body.

"Huh? After fleeing for more than tens of thousands of miles, this guy is still following!" After a long time, Tianhuo frowned again when he looked back.

After fleeing to the north again for more than ten days, Tianhuo's expression became weird. He had already escaped for more than a few miles, and that guy was still following him!

"I don't know what this guy has been doing with me. He has no thinking. Could it be his instinct that made him do this?" Teleportation, can this guy keep up?"

As he said that, Tianhuo burst out of the ground, and Takong teleported forward, but the next moment, Tianhuo turned his head in surprise, because that guy also teleported here, and he never let go!

"Gods can teleport, don't be surprised!" Tianling shook her head, her voice also filled with amusement.

"I'll go, it seems that if I don't send him away, I will have no peace along the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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