Chapter 457

A crack appeared on the Necromancer Fruit, and Tianhuo and Tianling were curiously looking forward to it, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't see the Necromancer Fruit's next move, so they stopped.

"The death energy absorbed by the Hunyuan Spirit Tree is enough for dozens of dead gods to have the ability to move, but it only turns into this cracked Necromancer Fruit. Tianling, do you know what this Necromancer Fruit is?" Tianhuo asked with a frown.

The dead spirit fruit at this moment is still immature!
Tianling appeared on Tianhuo's shoulder again, "I don't know, it seems that the dead energy absorbed is not enough. When it reaches a certain amount, something will definitely happen."

Tianhuo nodded, leaving Fanshen Palace with his mind, let's absorb some dead energy, but now there is almost no dead energy in this area, and if he wants to absorb it, he has to move on.

Looking at the blood beads of Suzaku floating above the tombstone of Suzaku, Tianhuo hesitated, the power contained in this thing is very terrifying, but I don't know what it is useful for, should I put it away?

Thinking about it, Tianhuo moved closer to Suzaku's blood bead, but as the distance approached, a folding fan popped out from the ring of the sage of the scriptures, it was the Suzaku fan!
As soon as the Suzaku fan appeared, the blood bead was uncontrollably aimed towards the Suzaku fan, and it was submerged in the Suzaku fan in an instant, and the Suzaku fan returned to the sage ring again in a flash, as if it had never appeared at all. over average.

Tianhuo was a little puzzled, and looked at the Vermilion Bird Fan in the Ring of the Glyph Sage, but he couldn't see any changes in it, and it was still unusable.

So many spirit beasts ran away to fight for the Suzaku blood bead, but it easily fell into Tianhuo's pocket. Unfortunately, I don't know what effect it has, but since it was absorbed by the Suzaku fan, Tianhuo didn't think much about it, and summoned the star devouring moon beast Then move on.

Now that they have seen Suzaku's tomb, they will be able to reach the central area after flying forward for a few days. By then, it will be easy to complete the task.

This time flying in the sky openly, Tianhuo discovered a pattern. Every day at noon, the dead energy between the heaven and the earth will float towards the east. The gas is always kept at a certain amount.

Although this situation made Tianhuo and Tianling puzzled, it was important to complete the task, and Tianhuo was not in a hurry to go to the east.

A few days later, Tianhuo was about to reach the destination, and it was far away. Tianhuo could already see a towering mountain in front of him, which was several times higher than any surrounding mountain peaks. There was no doubt that it was the central mountain range of the cemetery of the gods.

And as Tianhuo saw this mountain peak, the task item of the Ring of Grace also reacted. The gemstone that was filled with colorful light was shining brightly at this moment, and as it got closer to the mountain peak, the colorful light became more intense.

Tianhuo rode the Star Devouring Moon Beast and landed directly on the peak. After looking around, he became puzzled. There were only strange rocks on this peak, and there was no place to put the quest item as the Earth God said.

With doubts, Tianhuo took out the gemstone, and immediately, the mountain trembled. During the trembling, the strange rock on the top of the mountain shattered and turned into powder in an instant, and the top of the mountain changed greatly with the disappearance of the strange rock.

At this moment, the top of the mountain turned into a flat land with a radius of hundreds of meters. It was paved with bluestone of unknown material, covered with runes, but there was a groove in the center, which was exactly the same as the gemstone in Tianhuo's hand.

"Tianling, what is this? What's the use of putting this thing here?" Tianhuo looked at the platform for a moment, walked to the center of the platform, and asked while looking at the groove.

"How did I know that Earth God told you to do this, so just do it." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, and put the gemstone into the groove with his probe. Immediately, a huge air wave came from the platform, and Tianhuo flew out in an instant. Disappear!
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission Earth God's entrustment, the level is frozen and unlocked."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 2, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 3, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."


Suddenly, a series of upgrades sounded. At this moment, the experience points accumulated by Tianhuo played a role, and the level of Tianhuo began to soar.

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 20, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

It didn't stop until God level 20, but Tianhuo didn't seem to hear it, but looked dumbfounded at the place below that had become an open space. Why did the mountain disappear?
After checking for a while, Tianhuo was sure that the mountain had indeed disappeared. I was just blown away by the air wave before, and I didn't see how it disappeared, let alone where it went.

After a long time, Tianhuo shook his head and said: "The task is completed, Tianling, let's go to the east to see, these dead auras are still gathering towards the east."

"Well, I've wanted to go for a long time. I also sensed a familiar aura in the east, but there is a strangeness in the familiarity. It's very strange. I also want to know what's going on." Tianling appeared on Tianhuo's shoulder and said expectantly .

Tianhuo didn't hesitate, and rode away on the star devouring moon beast. However, not long after flying out, Tianhuo saw a battle ahead, and when he saw the two sides of the battle, Tianhuo was shocked and shot without hesitation. and go.

In a cemetery, Wen Hao and a young man dressed as a scholar stepped back quickly, and the one chasing them was actually a god who regained his mobility due to death!

The faces of Wen Hao's young people were not good-looking, the two of them were pale, and their bodies were covered with scars. Although they wanted to escape, they were not as fast as that god, and they were repeatedly in danger. However, if this continues, the two of them will not be able to last long.

"Wen Hao, I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. How about you hold him back for a while and let me go? After I go back, I will definitely report everything and let the Zongmen settle down for your daughter!" the young man said anxiously.

Wen Hao's complexion darkened, anger flashed in his eyes, and he was about to say something, but the young man gritted his teeth and pointed at Wen Sheng's chest. Suddenly, Wen Hao froze, and the young man took this opportunity, one by one appeared under his feet. Big characters, supporting him to leave quickly.

Just as the young man left, the dead god came in front of Wen Hao. His eyes without any emotion or expression were extremely calm, but his right fist went straight to Wen Hao's chest. If he was hit, there was no doubt at all, Wen Hao was dead!
And Wen Hao couldn't move at the moment, he closed his eyes helplessly, "Yaoer..."

He closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but there was no pain in his chest. Wen Hao opened his eyes in doubt, and what he saw was a familiar handsome face, and the god who chased him had disappeared, but His tombstone appeared in front of him.

That familiar face was naturally Tianhuo. At this critical moment, Tianhuo used the Hunyuan Spirit Tree to instantly absorb the god's death energy, allowing him to be buried here again.

"Senior Wen Hao, long time no see, why did you come to the cemetery of the gods!" Tianhuo laughed.

Wen Hao slowly recovered his ability to move, and shook his head helplessly, but his eyes were full of joy, "Brother Tianhuo, I thought I was going to die, hehe, thank you!"

Tianhuo smiled, Wen Hao and Wine King were the first NPC friends he knew, how could something happen to them?But at this moment, Tianhuo was really curious, and Wen Shengmen actually sent someone in here.

As Wen Hao said, he looked towards the direction where the young man was escaping, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he said to Tianhuo: "The sect asked us to come in and look for something belonging to the patriarch. Unexpectedly, we encountered such a god who can move after death." .”

Tianhuo was stunned, and lost his voice: "Wen Sheng's things? Here?"

The patriarch of Wenshengmen is naturally Wensheng. Although Wenshengmen was not established by him, it was born because of him. It is only natural that Wenshengmen regard him as the patriarch.

Wen Hao nodded, "There is a civil strife in the Wensheng Sect. The deputy sect master wants to overthrow the sect master, and the only way to quell the civil strife is to find that thing."

"What?" Tianhuo asked curiously.

Wen Hao shook his head, "I don't know about this, I only know that it is in the Wensheng Tomb in the north, and I won't know until I go there."

Tianhuo glanced at Wen Hao suspiciously, but was surprised in his heart, Wen Sheng was buried here too!
"Hehe, brother Tianhuo, don't get me wrong, Wen Sheng's tomb is just a tomb of clothes." Wen Hao said again.

Clothes grave?That is to say, Wen Sheng's whereabouts are unknown, and he doesn't even know if he is dead, but Tianhuo is puzzled again, because the tombs in the cemetery of the gods all appear independently. If Wen Sheng is not dead, it is impossible for his tomb to appear .

Without waiting for Tianhuo to think about it, Wen Hao clasped his fists and said, "Brother Tianhuo, Wen Lie has already rushed to Wen Sheng's tomb. I only found out after he came in that he is the deputy sect master. If he is allowed to get that thing, the sect master will definitely Being murdered by the deputy sect master, I have to stop it, goodbye!"

Wen Lie, of course, was the young man who escaped before. Tianhuo was in a hurry to save Wen Hao, but it was too late to stop Wen Lie from leaving.

Seeing Wen Hao leaving in a hurry, Tianhuo hesitated, since it was Wen Sheng's tomb, of course he had to go and see it, but it was just a matter of the East, which made him puzzled, which side to go first?

While struggling, Tianling appeared on Tianhuo's shoulder again, "Go to the east first, I feel that it is the breath of the old master!"

"Use the shuttle, first go to the east and then to the north, and we will definitely catch up with him." Tian Ling continued.

Tianhuo glanced at Tianling in surprise, Luoshen is in the east?
I had promised Tianling long ago that I would find Luoshen for her, now that she sensed Luoshen's breath, of course I had to go, and as Tianling said, it would be very easy to catch up with Wen Hao with the shuttle.

Nodding, the space-breaking shuttle appeared in front of him and zoomed in quickly, sat in it, and quickly fled towards the east. The speed of the space-breaking shuttle was unparalleled in the world. Tianhuo had already felt it, and now it was under control again. excitement.

"Luo Shen is in the cemetery of the gods, it seems that he has indeed fallen!" Tianhuo felt a little complicated.

Using the space shuttle, Tianhuo slowed down in just two days, because in front of him, a group of tombs appeared again, just like the tomb of Suzaku in the south, it also had a taller tombstone.

"It's right in front!" Tianling looked a little excited and complicated, but Tianhuo frowned slightly, because he saw that the tall tombstone was not Luoshen at all.

(End of this chapter)

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