Chapter 461
On the sixth page of the Book of Glyphs, it deals 10 damage to targets within a range of level × 49 meters, and the cooldown time is 10 minutes!

As soon as the sixth page was opened, dense damage values ​​quickly popped up above everyone's heads. At this moment, everyone was shocked and scattered away without hesitation.

But it was already too late. The book of Wen Shengzhi's armies were launched very fast, and the attack speed was extremely fast. The 49 damages were completed in an instant. Before everyone left the attack range, they had already fallen down. All god corpses are no exception!
"Ding! The system prompts: get a crime value of 1."


"Ding! The system prompts: get evil value -30000."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on liberating the god corpse and gaining 30 reputation points."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 6 pieces of equipment, spirit beads x 20, basalt blood beads x 1, and exercises x 1."

The battle was unexpectedly smooth, and all the enemies were killed in one page. One must know that there is such a thing as Yinhai, but Jiao Chu among the disciples of the inner sect is no match for Tianhuo's attack.

Tianhuo looked at the system prompt with some surprises, and then saw that he had reached a million divine attacks after riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast. God's attack, after the bonus of the Glyph Saint suit, is 24, plus the bonus of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be strong!

The divine corpse floated down, and was quickly buried by the grave after touching the ground. The tombstone appeared, and everything returned to calm.

Tianhuo was full of emotion. When he first entered the first-level area, his god attack was only more than [-] with the bonus of swallowing stars. Now he went to the cemetery of the gods and got the Pluto spirit and exercises. improvement.

"The corpse-controlling art has exploded, Tianhuo, this thing is harmful!" Tianling said while Tianhuo was feeling emotional.

Tianhuo hurriedly looked at the Ring of the Glyph Saint, besides those few pieces of equipment, there was also a book of skills, which was the Corpse Control Sect's Divine Art of Controlling Corpse!

God of Corpse Control Art (God level), after learning, you will get a primary bonus, four god attributes +10000, scroll attack (God) +100%, defense (God) +120%, MP (God) +100%, HP (God) ) +50%.

Explanation: The Corpse Control Sect inherits the skills, cultivated to the extreme, and can control all corpses.

The powerful attribute bonus explained the power of the god-level kungfu, and that explanation surprised Tianhuo even more. Manipulating all corpses, although this kind of kungfu is evil, it is undoubtedly powerful!
"Anyway, it won't fall into other people's hands, keep it!" Tianhuo shook his head slightly, he was really reluctant to destroy this thing by himself.

"It's up to you, even if you don't destroy it, I believe there must be other people in the Corpse Controlling Sect. In other words, it's useless if you destroy this exercise." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo nodded, and learned about the Corpse Controlling Sect from the classics, but the classics said that the Corpse Controlling Sect had disappeared before the World War, and now it reappeared, there must be other successors.

"This guy can't cultivate well, and the power of the god corpse he manipulates is not as good as those walking corpses. Otherwise, you will never be able to destroy him. Next time you meet someone from the Corpse Controlling Sect, you have to be careful." Tian Ling continued.

Tianhuo was stunned, it seemed that the strength of the god corpse was beyond his expectation, the reason why he was able to destroy the previous one was because the young man couldn't use the power of the god corpse because he didn't know how to practice.

Thinking about it, the god corpse has been destroyed by himself, but the corpse fell intact, which is enough to explain the problem.

Tianhuo calmed down, and rushed to Wen Hao's side, and Wen Hao's astonished gaze greeted Tianhuo.

"Senior Wen Hao, did you get that thing from Wen Sheng's tomb?" Tianhuo asked, and couldn't help but think of the voice from before, but unfortunately, it never appeared again.

Wen Hao nodded, "Wen Lie got it first, and almost couldn't bring it back."

Tianhuo gave a dry cough, that thing was the heart of Wen Sheng, which had disappeared into his body, and he also taught himself the exclusive exercise of Wen Sheng, this time, Wen Hao also couldn't bring it back.

"Hehe, that's not what I meant. Brother Tianhuo, after leaving the cemetery, can you go to Wenshengmen with me? After you got that thing, can you help the owner of the sect to suppress the rebellion." Wen Hao said expectantly.

Tianhuo thought about it, then nodded, "Okay, I will try my best."

Wen Hao was overjoyed. This trip was just to get that thing. Although it was obtained by Tianhuo, the effect was the same. Wen Hao didn't ask what that thing was, and he didn't need to ask. As long as he suppressed the rebellion in Wen Sheng's sect, it was enough up.

Wen Hao fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking about, but Tianhuo knew that what he was thinking about must be about Wen Lie, that guy had already died in Tianhuo's hands, and even basalt blood beads burst out, but he was obviously the prisoner of the Dragon Sect People, when they die, they die.

As for the rest of the matter, let’s talk about it when we get to Wensheng Gate. Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief. Wensheng Gate is the place I’ve been looking forward to. I borrowed the Wensheng Jade Pendant and haven’t returned it to myself yet. Go out Finally, it's time to ask for it.

It's just that even the deputy master of Wensheng Sect is an undercover agent of the Prisoner Dragon Sect. Tianhuo really can't imagine that the other major sects are probably in the same situation. The purpose of the sect is probably to unify the ten major sects.

There are monsters behind Prison Dragon Sect. If even the top ten sects are unified by him, then things will be troublesome. At that time, all the monsters will be exhausted. The strength of the monsters in the first-level unimaginable!

This time, Wen Hao didn't leave, because Tianhuo had agreed to go to Wenshengmen, Wen Hao planned to follow Tianhuo, and Tianhuo had already got the Xuanwu blood bead, and went to the west to get the white tiger blood bead, and then he could complete the mission. One ring.

In the space-breaking shuttle, Tianhuo turned his head to look at the silent Wen Hao, and said with a smile: "Senior Wen Hao, don't think too much about the matter of the deputy sect master, you can always wait until he gets out of the way, but I want to ask, Wen Hao Are there any parts of the Glyph suit in the tomb of the saint?"

Wen Hao sighed for a long time, stopped thinking about the sect, shook his head and said, "The whereabouts of Patriarch Wen Sheng are unknown, there is only a tomb of clothes, naturally there will be no suit parts."

"In fact, there are a few pieces in the sect, the number is not clear, but you can try it after you go there." Wen Hao continued, his face became unnatural, obviously, the few suit parts left in Wen Shengmen, It doesn't seem to be that easy to get your hands on.

Naturally, Tianhuo could see Wen Hao's concerns, so he couldn't help but smile, "Let's talk about it later, let's go to the White Tiger Cemetery in the west first."

The space-breaking shuttle galloped, and the closer it got to the Western White Tiger Tomb, the more spirit beasts below it. This time, there were countless spiritual beasts entering the Gods' Cemetery. At this moment, it seemed that they were completely heading towards the Western White Tiger Cemetery.

In the sky, Tianhuo and Wen Hao naturally discovered this situation, but they didn't pay attention to it. After all, there is a space-breaking shuttle, which is enough to arrive before most of the spirit beasts, and even if there is a conflict, there is no need to worry about it.

"Brother Tianhuo, do the blood beads of the four elephants have any effect?" Wen Hao asked during the flight.

Tianhuo shook his head, although he already had Suzaku and Xuanwu Blood Beads in his hand, but the attributes were all unknown, and Tianhuo couldn't know, but these were the unique four-element beasts in the world, it would not be easy to imagine.

The mission for him to collect these four kinds of blood beads is definitely not as simple as finding the God of War.

"Senior Wen Hao, you don't know their usefulness? I think many people want to snatch them, so someone should know?" Tianhuo asked back.

Wen Hao shook his head, "I don't know, but all the things on the four elephants are treasures, maybe this is why everyone snatches them up."

"Well, although I want to look for these blood beads, to be honest, I don't know the specific use." Tianhuo laughed, and then his expression froze, and he hurriedly stopped the space-breaking shuttle.

In the sky in the distance, a substantial killing intent filled the air. Down below, countless spirit beasts stopped and did not dare to move forward. They all prostrated themselves on the ground. At this moment, even Wen Hao who was beside him became uncomfortable.

"The white tiger's killing intent is unparalleled in the world. It has been lost for countless years, and even the cemetery can release such a strong killing intent. I really can't imagine the strength of the white tiger during his lifetime." Wen Hao murmured with a pale face.

Tianhuo stared into the distance suspiciously. Although there was a hot breath in the sky near the Suzaku cemetery, it was still within the tolerance range, and it was not a problem. The Qinglong cemetery in the east and the Xuanwu cemetery in the north were all peaceful, but here, it was filled with With a terrifying killing intent, what's going on?

It stands to reason that the strength of the Four Elephant Divine Beasts is naturally between siblings, but the aura emanating from the tomb at this moment is very different.

As if sensing Pi Lian's killing intent in front of him, Tian Ling also appeared directly on Tianhuo's shoulder, and said, "It should be calm. It seems that someone activated the white tiger blood bead and released the killing intent in it."

Tianhuo shook his head, "If someone activates it in front of the blood bead, I'm afraid they will be smashed into scum by the killing intent in an instant. Who would dare to do that?"

Tianling glanced at Wen Hao, ignored Wen Hao's suspicious gaze, and said to Tianhuo, "Although the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron has not yet reached the spirit level, it can keep you safe and sound under these killing intentions, so go and have a look. "

Tianhuo nodded and said to Wen Hao, "Senior Wen Hao, wait for me here."

Naturally, Wen Hao would not refuse. He couldn't even see Baihu's tombstone at this moment, but the intention of killing was already shocking. If he went any further, he knew he couldn't bear it!
Tianhuo put away the space-breaking shuttle and galloped forward. As Tianling said, although the intention of killing between heaven and earth is strong, it can't affect him.

After flying for hundreds of miles, he finally saw the tall tombstone, but the scene in front of the tombstone made Tianhuo frowned again, "What is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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