The strongest saint

Chapter 467 The Strong in the Forbidden Area

Chapter 467 The Strong in the Forbidden Area

Returning to Wendian again, the door master didn't say much, left Wenhao and Jiuwang, and led Tianhuo to the back mountain alone.

"Tianhuo, thank you very much this time!" The door master said as he walked.

Tianhuo smiled and didn't say much, he exchanged it for himself, but the three parts of the suit, after all, he earned it himself, even though he had to pick up the three parts by himself.

"Only previous sect masters can enter the forbidden area, but I have never entered it, because I am only the acting sect master, hehe, don't say that I brought you in later, I just took you to see the sea .” The door master laughed.

"The sea? Does that sea have no name?" Tianhuo asked. There is a mountain of books under his feet, and the sea is behind the mountain, but there is no name?
The sect master nodded, "It is said that the mountain of books and the sea were created by literati, but I don't know if it is true or not, ha ha."

Skyfire was astonished and created mountains and seas?What strength is needed for that!

After a moment of silence, he could already see the boundless sea behind the mountain of books. For a while, Tianhuo felt relaxed and happy, and couldn't help saying: "There are roads and hard work in the mountain of books, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work. This sea , should be called Xuehai?"

"Xuehai?" The sect master paused, looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, and said with a smile: "It's a good poem, no matter, from now on, this sea will be Xuehai!"

Tianhuo coughed dryly. In front of these literati, he dared not say good poems, after all, they were not his own.

After the words were finished, the door owner winked towards the mountainside, then turned around slowly, stretched his waist and said, "Heaven Fire, take a walk slowly, I'm a little tired."

Tianhuo understood, and cupped his fists towards the sect master, but he was overjoyed that the three suit parts were in the forbidden area on the mountainside!

The door master left, and soon disappeared from Tianhuo's sight, while Tianhuo continued on, walking towards the mountainside.

Not long after, Tianhuo had arrived at the place pointed by the sect master's eyes, and saw that it was an ordinary cliff, but under the eyes of Wensheng, a cave immediately appeared on the cliff, presumably it was where the parts of Wensheng's suit were located. place.

Without hesitation, Tianhuo strode towards the cliff, but just as he was about to enter it, a chill suddenly came from behind.

Tianhuo frowned, and left the spot with a flick of his legs, and the moment he left, the place where he stood before had turned into a big pit, and violent forces swept around the big pit.

Turning around and looking, I saw a man in black with a hood rushing towards him. He didn't hide his powerful strength at all, reaching out his hands into claws, and grabbed Tianhuo directly.

"Written Emperor!" Tianhuo's book appeared in Tianhuo's hand instantly, and he touched it up with his hand, and the Man Jianghong on the first page immediately wrapped around his body!

Just in time, the man in black had already punched him, Tianhuo didn't think too much, and also punched out with his probing hand, each word surged out from the fist, just in time to confront the middle-aged man.

boom!Under the confrontation, Tianhuo only felt the vast cold power rushing into his body along his arms in an instant, and the life value on the top of his head was instantly reduced by more than 1, while the opponent's body did not move at all, and there was only a -1 on the top of his head. The damage value pops up!
Such a situation caused Tianhuo's pupils to shrink slightly, and he couldn't break through the opponent's defense without using the auxiliary skills, and after the confrontation, his figure couldn't stop retreating!

After retreating more than ten steps, Tianhuo had already retreated into the cave, and then stabilized his figure, while the opponent continued to shoot at him without stopping.

"Who dares to break into my Wensheng's restricted area!" Suddenly, the door master's voice sounded behind the man in black, which made the man in black startled, and he turned around and swept towards the side without caring about chasing Tianhuo.

Tianhuo didn't think too much, turned around and headed towards the depths of the cave. Now that the door master has arrived, the man in black doesn't have to take care of himself, but he understands in his heart that the man in black is naturally killed by the blood bead of the devil mother. Wen Weng, the sub-door master who was attracted.

Shooting towards the depths of the cave, Tianhuo faintly heard the roar of the sect master from outside the cave, "Wen Wen, how dare you trespass the forbidden area!"

Hearing this voice, Tianhuo couldn't help but stop, and listened intently again. It seemed that the man in black had been blocked by the sect master. As he expected, it was Wen Weng.

Wen Weng finally waited for the opportunity of Tianhuo to be alone, and naturally he would not miss it. As long as he wins the blood bead of the Demon Mother God, he can become a demon king-level existence. How can he resist such a temptation?
"Hmph! My lord, you brought outsiders into the forbidden area without authorization, so what?" Wen Weng's voice sounded.

"Hehe, I caught you trespassing, and you still want to frame me?" The sect master snorted coldly.

Tianhuo, who heard the conversation in the cave, understood the intention of the sect master, but he didn't want the deputy sect master Wen Weng to catch him. If he really brought him to him, he would be in big trouble, and the position of sect master might not be guaranteed.

But right now, the situation is not optimistic. Wen Weng insisted that the sect master brought him here, which is also very unfavorable to the sect master. One bad situation will make the internal struggle of Wensheng sect more intense.

After thinking for a while, Tianhuo didn't continue to listen. He must get the three suit parts as soon as possible, and then force Wen Weng to show up. Then things will be easier.

Continuing to sweep towards the depths of the cave, the eyes gradually opened up. There is actually a very natural light in this cave, and there are many plants growing, among which are mixed with many spiritual grasses, like another world.

Tianhuo casually looked ahead, observing the sage's ring from time to time, but after walking for a long time, he didn't see any reaction from the sage's ring.

"Tianhuo, I think it's better for you to be invisible. The old man said before that he was going to seal off the forbidden area. It seems that something went wrong." Tianling's voice sounded.

Only then did the sky fire sound, and it was indeed the case. The old man demanded to seal off the forbidden area as soon as he woke up, it must be because something went wrong here.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo disappeared and continued to move forward. After a while, the cave had become hundreds of feet in size, surrounded by open secret rooms, but there was nothing in them.

Looking at the secret rooms on both sides of the cave, Tianhuo was a little curious, and didn't know what those secret rooms were for. Along the way, hundreds of those sparsely arranged secret rooms had appeared!

Suddenly, in a secret room ahead, an old man dressed as a scholar walked out. As soon as the old man appeared, he walked straight into the depths.

Tianhuo stared at this scene suspiciously, feeling puzzled in his heart, only the sect master can enter here, the old man seems to be a good member of Wensheng sect, how could he appear here?

With doubts, Tianhuo kept a distance and followed. Soon, a hall of thousands of feet appeared in front of him. In the hall, old people sat cross-legged together. Above their heads, a light film composed of a soft halo will They shrouded it, and on the light film, a rich book atmosphere surged.

This scene made Tianhuo even more puzzled. There are so many people from Wen Shengmen hidden here, and it seems that these people are all very old!

He didn't rush to approach, because the person who walked out before was looking at the people in it around the light film, and said at the same time: "Everyone, elders, you should put away the protection, let the adults plant a demonic heart for you, and your strength will increase." Become stronger, what's wrong!"

"Little bastard, get out of the way, if you can't move now, the old man will crush you to death!" In the light film, all the old men showed resentment, and one of the old men sternly shouted.

"Hey, master, don't worry about this kid, he has already been planted with a demonic heart, and he has already been deceived." Another old man beside the screaming old man said.

Tianhuo looked at this scene in astonishment, these old men were actually the Supreme Elders of Wen Sheng Sect!
"I heard that the ten major sects are like this. The strongest power is still these hidden people. I am afraid that only the master of the sect knows about this." Tianling said through voice transmission.

Tianhuo was stunned. There are hundreds of people who have survived for an unknown number of years. The two old men who spoke before looked almost old, but one wanted to call the other a master...

Tianhuo already knew that the sect master of Wen Sheng Sect was originally the master of Wine King and Wen Hao, but because of being contaminated by demonic energy, he gave the position of sect master to the current sect master. It seems that he didn't even know the existence of these people. He thought that the master of the wine king was the strongest existence in Wen Shengmen.

Seeing this scene, Tianhuo became even more determined to strengthen the Tianyan Sect, but the power of Prisoner Longzong's face, I'm afraid they have more old guys hidden in the dark, those are the top power of the top ten sects!
While thinking about it, a black shadow quickly gathered in front of the light film and turned into a tall middle-aged man. Seeing the appearance of the middle-aged man, the old man beside the light film hurried forward and bowed: "Master !"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, "Guanliang, go prepare again, this time, I will plant a demonic heart for them all!"

Guan Liang was overjoyed, and hurriedly retreated.

In the light film, the old man who yelled angrily looked at the departing old man Guan Liang angrily, "This guy has long been asked to practice Taoism with literature, but he just doesn't listen, and he is easily controlled by this bastard!"

"Hehe, Wen Xie, are you calling me an asshole? Come on, if you don't, you won't have a chance after tomorrow." The middle-aged man stared at the old man jokingly and laughed.

The old man's name is Wenxie. I don't know which generation of elders. He is one of the current Supreme Elders. Hearing the middle-aged man's joking laugh, his vicious face twisted even more. Big letters kill you!"

The middle-aged man raised his head slightly, looked at the jade plate on the top of the cave, shrugged and said, "You have the ability to break it yourself!"

Wen Xie was dumbfounded, stared at the middle-aged man angrily, and said nothing more.

As for Tianhuo, he also looked up at the jade plate on the top of the cave, and realized in his heart that these old people were trapped because of that jade plate, but under the eyes of Wen Sheng, he couldn't see what it was, so he couldn't help Confused, what can make so many old people unable to resist?

What makes Tianhuo even more puzzled is that it seems to have reached the end of the cave, but what about the parts of the Glyph Saint suit?Even the Glyph Saint Ring has not reacted in the slightest. Where did the three suit parts go?

Thinking about it, Tianhuo looked at the middle-aged man, it must be a monster, but I don't know what level of monster it is, "Gen Sheng's eye!"

With just one glance, the middle-aged man suddenly raised his head and looked at Tianhuo, his expression froze, "Who, get out!"

Tianhuo frowned, this guy's strength seems to be extremely strong!Otherwise, it would be impossible to realize that he was casting the Eye of the Grave Sage!
(End of this chapter)

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