The strongest saint

Chapter 474: Profound Earth Black Beast

Chapter 474: Profound Earth Black Beast
The origin of the Yan family that was conquered a few days ago was beyond Tianhuo's expectation. After learning that the Yan family was probably the super existence that was second only to the corpse control sect in ancient times, Tianhuo had an idea.

"Yanping, do you think Yanmen should be stationed here?" Tianhuo asked with hope in his eyes.

Yanping nodded, "Yes, sect master, that's what my father said back then."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up. Although time has passed, all the clues in the game will be useful. Tianhuo believes that this time must be an opportunity!
"Very good... let's go, Yanping, I'll take you to a place where the cultivation speed is very fast, and there are two seniors among them, be more polite to them." As he said, Tianhuo's heart moved, and he took Yanping in The palace of all gods.

Wu Ping and Gong Ming have been cultivating selflessly in the Fanshen Palace, and Tianhuo has never bothered them. Now that Yanping is sent in, he can be a companion.

Looking at Tianhuo's movements, Tianling said: "Tianhuo, are you really going to find the Yan Clan's inherited skills?"

Tianhuo smiled, and nodded with certainty, "Yes, the exercises inherited by Yanmen must be god-level. If you get them, it will be of great help to Tianyanmen!"

"It's true to say that, but you have to be clear. When the Yan Clan existed, it seemed that only mortal gods were in the Destiny Continent. After my old master and I arrived in the Destiny Continent, the Yan Clan no longer existed. It's just a matter of saying, after so many years, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it." Tianling said.

Tianhuo frowned, "Tianling, what do you mean, Luoshen was not born in the Destiny Continent? He came from somewhere else?"

Tian Ling froze and shook her head hastily, "I don't know, you have to find out by yourself."

Tianhuo looked at Tianling seriously, as if he understood something, but he didn't dare to confirm it. After a long time, he shook his head slightly, "Let's go, I have to go in anyway, if I can find the original residence of Yanmen, it would be the best .”

Saying this in his mouth, Tianhuo knew in his heart that everything would become clear when he found the God of War.

Greeting the beasts, Tianhuo did not fly towards the depths of Death God Ridge, but cleaned up the monsters along the way. After all, Wen Chi said that a god level 50 is required, and he is only a god level 37 right now.

Death God stone monster, god level 45, HP (god) 32000, attack (god) 3400, defense (god) 3100.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 2475 God experience point, 19800 additional God experience points, 4 cultivation base point, and 12 additional cultivation base points."


All the way forward, all the monsters within a radius of more than 2000 meters were instantly killed by the sky fire, and just like that, they pushed towards the depths of the Death God Ridge, and the experience bar also slowly increased.

After advancing for a long time, Tianhuo upgraded again and reached the 38th level of God, but at this moment, there were screams of panic suddenly coming from the front, and then Tianhuo heard the sound of intensive footsteps from far to near.

Tianhuo, who was thinking about upgrading by reciting poems, hurriedly stood on guard, stepped into the air and looked forward. The next moment, he saw a halo of earthy yellow spreading from the front in an instant, and spread to the bottom in an instant.

And as these earthy yellow halos passed by, Tianhuo only felt his body tremble, as if his whole body was filled with lead, he staggered and fell down incomparably heavy.

However, Tianhuo could also see clearly that dozens of people were struggling to escape through the khaki halo, and behind them, the ground was rolling rapidly, and some kind of monster was shuttling through the soil.

"Hurry up, hurry up, that guy is about to catch up!" In the crowd, the middle-aged man who looked like the leader shouted with a pale face.

"Work harder, as long as we lure this guy away, our mission will be completed, and the wealth we will get will be enough for us to live in peace for the rest of our lives!" The middle-aged man cheered.

As soon as Tianhuo stabilized his body, he heard the voices of those people, and couldn't help being taken aback, these people are trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

And it seemed that because it understood the voice of the middle-aged man, the monster in the soil suddenly paused, and then the earthy yellow halo quickly converged, and it quickly fled towards the way it came from, and disappeared from Tianhuo's sight in an instant.

Those fleeing for their lives also stopped their figures and turned around to look around, but the mysterious monster had already disappeared.

"It's a big trouble. It's said that the big guy is an uninitiated spirit beast. It seems to have acquired wisdom. It understood what I said." The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he lost his voice.

"Brother, what should we do? I don't want to ask us to seduce him again." A person beside the middle-aged man said.

"Yes, brother, why don't we just forget about the life and death of those rich kids, anyway, they lied to us that this monster has no intelligence." Someone said.

The middle-aged man frowned, and then said: "They are not benevolent, we can't be unrighteous, go back and try to seduce them again!"

Everyone's expressions tightened, but unexpectedly, they didn't refute the middle-aged man's words. Although they had helplessness on their faces, they turned around and fled after the middle-aged man.

Seeing everyone walking away, Tianhuo walked out from behind a big tree, and said with a smile: "Can we still encounter such a thing, Tianling, do you know what was in the soil before?"

Tianling shook her head, "You didn't see it, how could I know?"

"Uh, now you are not in the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron." Tianhuo shook his head and said.

Tianling smiled, "But I don't have the eyes of a literary sage."

Tianhuo shrugged, "Okay, just go and see. The big guys in the soil have some skills. They can actually create such a strong gravity field that I can't even fly."

Tianhuo is no longer Xiaobai who just entered the game, so he naturally knew that the previous inability to fly was caused by the monster's khaki halo, and he was already curious in his heart at this moment.

Putting away the beasts, Tianhuo stepped into the air alone, disappeared, and chased in the direction where everyone left, keeping a certain distance and keeping up steadily. After a while, he came to a huge ravine .

This gully is like a huge canyon. Although it is not as long as the third-level area, it is not bad at all. At this moment, dozens of people are standing on the edge of the gully, looking down.

Tianhuo hesitated for a while, but also flew out quietly, and stopped over the ravine. After looking at it, he was stunned, and saw a faint mist floating in the ravine, but it was useless in the eyes of Wen Shengzhi. Through the mist, Tianhuo could clearly see I saw that there were hundreds of people gathering in the 4000-meter-deep gully.

These hundreds of people were dressed in the same clothes, and they were obviously disciples of the same force, and they were walking cautiously among them at the moment.

"Brother, I can't see what's going on below, but there seems to be no sound coming. Could it be that they were all killed by that monster?"

The middle-aged man made a booing gesture, turned his head slightly, and seemed to be listening carefully to the situation in the gully.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar from the ravine, and then Tianhuo saw that the cliff on one side collapsed suddenly, revealing a ferocious head, and the earthy boulders that collapsed happened to be on top of those hundreds of people!

"Damn it, that team didn't lure this monster away, retreat quickly!" In the ravine, hundreds of people galloped back, but the collapsed area was too large, and in an instant, nearly half of them were buried in the mud.

Tianhuo looked at the ferocious head in astonishment. That head alone was tens of meters huge. He didn't know what kind of monster it was. Calm, only the remaining hundreds of people were flying back and stepping up into the air.

Beside the gully, the middle-aged man's face changed again, and he lost his voice: "Back!"

Dozens of people didn't hesitate, turned around and galloped back, stopping at a distance of several kilometers from the gully and took precautions.

Soon, hundreds of people remaining in the gully also flew out, and gathered together with the middle-aged man and others. Without saying much, they looked at the gully warily.

Above the ravine, Tianhuo hid his figure from beginning to end to check the situation below, but after the monster sank into the cliff, it did not reappear. He had no idea what these people were looking for here.

Looking at the group of people, Tianhuo raised his brows. Because of the angle of view, he could only see that they were from the same faction, but now he could clearly see that it was the Hidden Spirit Gate!

Hundreds of people from the Hidden Spirit Sect and dozens of people from that unknown team gathered together, all of them looked extremely nervous.

However, after a long time, there was no movement, and Tianhuo became suspicious. Under the eyes of Wensheng, even if he penetrated the earth, he could not see the monster. Obviously, the monster had left this place!
After waiting for a while, a few disciples of Yinlingmen bravely returned to the ravine, searched with a strange compass, and returned to the crowd helplessly, "Senior Brother Yinlu, that thing is gone! "

Following the names of these people, Tianhuo suddenly discovered that the young man named Yinlu was actually very similar to Yinhai in the cemetery of the gods!
Yin Lu's face changed, and he turned sharply to look at the dozens of people, and finally stopped his eyes on the middle-aged man, and said in a deep voice: "Captain Xiao Hu! Please explain to me why you brought that monster back! "

The middle-aged man frowned, "Yin Lu, it's not that we lured him back, but that monster possessed intelligence and knew that it was to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so it ran back by itself."

"Spiritual wisdom? Huh! It's ridiculous, Captain Xiao Hu, I think you are also greedy for that treasure, have you forgotten that we hired you here?" Yin Lu's face was gloomy, if he delays for a moment, he will be able to get the thing Now that I got it, but I didn't get it, and I lost hundreds of people. After returning, how to explain to the sect?

"Hmph! Don't talk to our captain in such a tone. If you didn't say that monster has no intelligence, how could it have failed?" A person beside Captain Xiao Hu couldn't help it, and counterattacked.

The substantive anger in Yin Lu's eyes surged. Originally, my plan was to hire a team to be cannon fodder, but it's a pity that people are not as good as God, but because of this team, I failed!
"Kill! Not one left!" Yin Lu's eyes were fixed, and he said in a deep voice, and before he finished speaking, he took the lead to attack!

The faces of Xiao Hu and the others changed drastically, they never expected that a disciple of this kind of big sect would actually do it as soon as he said it!

The invisible Tianhuo also frowned, and was about to make a move, but Tianling's voice came, "I remembered, the monster before was the Overlord of the Earth, named Xuantu Black Beast, if it is here, there must be something here." Xuantu demon spirit!"

(End of this chapter)

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