Chapter 476
Tianhuo was overjoyed, he had already learned of the whereabouts of the Xuantu demon spirit. On the one hand, the Xuantu demon spirit itself was a good thing, and on the other hand, it proved the magical effect of the spirit plate.

But soon, Tianhuo frowned slightly, because Tianling said that the Xuantu Black Beast is the overlord of the earth, and I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo took the Star Devouring Moon Beast and let Tianling also enter the Innate Spirit Cauldron, while he used his hidden spirit skills and held the Spirit Disk to pursue it.

After flying for a short time, the pointer on the spirit plate turned round and round, Tianhuo hurriedly stopped, and looked down. This kind of situation probably means that the Black Earth Beast is right below!

Below is a quiet valley. There are no monsters within dozens of miles outside the valley, but Tianhuo can clearly see that there are traces of monster activities in the surrounding mountains.

Obviously, it was because of the arrival of the Xuantu Black Beast that the monsters were frightened away.

Tianhuo locked his gaze on the valley, and did not dare to use the Glyph Sage's eyes indiscriminately, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the Xuantu Black Beast. come out.

It's just that Tianhuo was a little worried. He didn't know the strength of the Xuantu Black Beast, so he acted rashly. If he lost, it would be self-defeating.

"Tianhuo, don't be dazed. If you drag it on, I'm afraid the Xuantu demon spirit will disappear." Tianling urged.

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "Okay, let's fight!"

With that said, Tianhuo turned his hand and summoned the Diyan Linhuang Beast, "Diyan, go down and lure it out!"

"Who?" Di Yan was taken into the pet space before, how could he know what Tianhuo wanted to do?
Tianhuo froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "There is a mysterious black beast in the valley, lead it out, let's rob it!"

The Diyan Linhuang Beast looked at the valley below in surprise, and said in embarrassment: "The Overlord of the Earth, the Xuantu Black Beast? Master, this is not easy to provoke."

"What are you afraid of, let's try it out." Tianhuo shrugged and said, even if he lost, it would not be difficult to leave.

Di Yan gathered his mind, and landed suddenly, straight down into the valley, with all four hooves stamped down, the ground trembled, "Little Heizi, come out!"

Tianhuo was a little worried, and even Diyan was a little afraid of the Black Earth Beast, which was enough to show how powerful that guy was, so he couldn't help but concentrate on his guard, and Diyan's roar made the corners of Tianhuo's mouth twitch, little blackie?
"Roar!" Following Diyan's movements, a deep roar came from the ground, it was the Xuantu Black Beast!
"Are you a unicorn or a phoenix? You dare to provoke me, and you think that you are a top-level beast?" The immature voice of Xuantu Black Beast made Tianhuo and Diyan stunned.

After being taken aback for a while, Di Yan was overjoyed, "It turns out it's a newborn Xuantu Black Beast, hehe, come out!"

"Get out!" The Black Earth Beast never appeared, but the voice exploded in this world.

"Tch, Nanming Huanghuo!" Diyan Linhuang beast snorted coldly in disdain, suddenly, a raging golden flame popped up all over its body, instantly covering the entire valley, and under the flame, the valley quickly descended.

But at this moment, the pointer of the spirit disc in Tianhuo's hand moved again, pointing fiercely to the west. Obviously, the Xuantu Black Beast escaped directly!
"Diyan, follow up!" Tianhuo shouted, and then stormed out, chasing after the invisible Black Earth Beast.

Di Yan looked suspiciously at Tianhuo who was invisible in the sky, then thought of something, stepped into the air and chased after him.

"Human, you'd better not provoke me!" The Xuantu Black Beast didn't appear, but the voice sounded again.

Tianhuo followed closely, his expression remained unchanged, he simply withdrew his invisibility, and said with a smile: "If you give me the Xuantu demon spirit, I will naturally not make things difficult for you."

"Shameless, I warn you, don't make me angry, even I will be afraid of myself after I get angry!" Xuantu Black Beast said in a childish voice, but it was deep.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, without slowing down, "You are already the overlord of the earth, so it doesn't matter if you lose the mysterious earth demon spirit? Leave it to me!"

"I'm so mad, get out!"

Xuantu Black Beast has a bad temper. Amidst the roar, the ground trembled violently. During the trembling, the ground collapsed. At the collapsed place, the huge head of tens of meters appeared first, followed by two thick forelimbs with sharp claws. Stretch out, press on the ground, and the whole figure emerges.

I saw that Xuantu Black Beast was covered in brown and black, and its [-]-meter-long body was covered with gleaming scales. Its shape was seven parts like a tiger, but its head was ferocious, which looked a little scary.

"Roar!" As soon as it appeared, the Xuantu Black Beast jumped into the air amidst the roar, and clawed towards Tianhuo with its sharp claws.

"I'm coming!" The Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast beside Tianhuo spread its wings, and the Nanming Phoenix Fire roared out from the sky, meeting the Xuantu Black Beast, and kept moving, chasing and attacking the gushing Nanming Phoenix Fire. and go.

"Huh!" Xuantu Black Beast snorted coldly, but it didn't see any movement. A mountain peak below was broken up to its waist, and the upper part of the break suddenly rose from the ground, and slammed into the Nanming Huanghuo. Emperor Yan came.

Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, never would he have thought that he would encounter such a strange beast!

Di Yan didn't seem to have thought that the Black Earth Beast could control the mountain to attack, and was immediately hit, and flew out together with the Nanming Phoenix Fire. Instantly turned into nothingness.

"Fixed!" Tianhuo didn't have time to think about it, and also made a move. The move was the fixing spell, but the black light flashed all over the Xuantu Black Beast, and the fixing spell just failed!

"Hmph! Although I was born not long ago, I was born as a spirit god. How can you compare? Now, it's too late to get out and die!" The Xuantu black beast roared, and the speed did not slow down, and it rushed towards the sky fire .

Tianhuo's pupils shrunk, no wonder he couldn't see the attributes of this guy, it turned out that it has surpassed the 100th level of God and reached the realm of Spiritual God!
Not to think too much, Tianhuo flipped his hand, and the Book of the Sage of Grammar appeared in his hand, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast also appeared under his seat, "Spiritual God, so what!"

As the voice fell, the words wrapped around his body, and the seventh page of the Book of the Sage of Grammar was opened.

Unexpectedly, the skill that Tianhuo thought was the strongest, actually only caused less than one million damage to the Black Beast of Xuantu. In this way, Tianhuo knew that he was not the opponent of this guy, and wanted to snatch Xuantu The demon spirit may not be big anymore.

"Tianhuo, the Xuantu demon spirit is very important, you must get it, and you will understand in the future, don't ask now, just find a way to get it." Tianling seemed to sense that Tianhuo wanted to retreat, and said hastily.

Tianhuo frowned, and then felt relieved, "Okay, then don't waste time!"

As he said that, a scroll appeared in Tianhuo's hand, and he tore it apart violently. In an instant, white light shot out from the shattered scroll, and instantly fell into the body of the Xuantu Black Beast that was coming.

Hit by the white light, the movement of Xuantu Black Beast slowed down, and the white light emanated from its body, quickly covering its whole body.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully subdued the mysterious earth black beast with the God-Catching Slave Scroll!"

Immediately, a fourth pet appeared in Tianhuo's pet bar, which was the Black Earth Beast!

"Huh? It's a bit of a waste, but fortunately, this guy is extremely powerful, so it's not a waste." Tianling didn't expect Tianhuo to directly use the scroll of the gods to catch slaves, and murmured.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. He already had three pets: Emperor Yanlin Phoenix Beast, Nine Soul Yinglong, and Qiankun Tiger, and he could only summon three pets at the same time. Now that there are more Xuantu Black Beasts, he cannot summon all four beasts at the same time. Come out, always leave one in the pet pen.

As for the god-catching slavery scroll, Skyfire doesn't think it's a waste. If it is used on NPCs, it can indeed take the other party as a servant, but Skyfire doesn't want to do that, and simply uses it on beasts, and it is more suitable to keep them as pets.

This scroll has been placed on the body for too long, and it is time to use it.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo put away Diyan, and then summoned the Xuantu Black Beast, but the Xuantu Black Beast was not as respectful as the other beasts, but stared at Tianhuo angrily, "Despicable!"

Tianhuo frowned slightly, pet, how could he have such an attitude towards himself?After being subdued, she should be very respectful. Just as she was about to speak, Tianling appeared on her shoulder and said with a smile, "Xuantu Black Beast, this time you have earned."

Xuantu Black Beast glanced at Tianling before looking at Tianhuo, "Although you can control me to do anything if you subdue me, don't think about it, even if you die, I won't do anything for you."

Seeing that the Xuantu black beast ignored her, Tianling was not angry, and said to Tianhuo, "Using that scroll to subdue a spirit-level beast is like this. When you reach the spirit god, it will naturally be obedient."

After finishing speaking, Tian Ling continued: "If you want it to be obedient now, put it in the Palace of All Gods."

"Oh?" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, without asking any further questions, he directly took the Xuantu Black Beast into the Palace of Fanshen, and then looked at Tianling on his shoulder.

Tianhuo also looked at Tianhuo with a grin, and said: "In the original World War, there was a Xuantu Black Beast, but the strength of that guy was not comparable to that of your pet. When it appeared on the battlefield, it was specially Strengthen yourself by devouring the corpses of monsters."

Tianhuo blinked in astonishment, and understood what Tianling meant. Tianling asked herself to put the Xuantu Black Beast in, just to tempt it with the Demon King's corpse!
The demon king is an existence stronger than the main god. The corpse of the demon king naturally contains huge power. If it is swallowed by the black beast of the black earth, its strength will definitely reach a terrifying level!

When the sealed demon king was killed in the second-level area, the corpse was taken to the Palace of Fanshen by Tianhuo. Perhaps because it was a unique and powerful existence, the corpse did not disappear like the corpses of other monsters, and it still exists today.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo Xinnian entered the palace of all gods, and saw that the Xuantu black beast was indeed restrained by the demon king's corpse, staring at the corpse in astonishment, and gradually, ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

"He was able to kill the Demon King? How is this possible? But never mind, this corpse is mine!" Xuantu Black Beast murmured, slowly raised its head, as if sensing the arrival of Tianhuo's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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