The strongest saint

Chapter 490 Bullied me?

Chapter 490 Bullied me?

"Yo? Angry? Hey, boy, you'd better not get involved in this matter." The guard saw the chill on Tianhuo's face and smiled.

The chill on Tianhuo's face subsided, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he also said with a smile: "One hundred thousand, right?"

The guard snorted disdainfully. At present, dozens of people have collected [-] spirit beads. Could it be that Tianhuo can still come up with [-]?

"That's right, with one hundred thousand, you can stay in this courtyard and be with them." The guard nodded, they didn't believe that Tianhuo could give out so much.

Tianhuo smiled, and another storage bag appeared in the flip-flop, "Count."

The guard took the storage bag suspiciously, then raised his brows, put the storage bag away, and laughed loudly: "It's easy, it's easy!"

Tianhuo looked calm and said with a smile: "Three, can you go?"

The three guards looked at Tianhuo, their eyes all lit up, and the leading guard said: "No hurry, no hurry, I think you are new to Cangyuan City, right?"

Tianhuo had the token of Cangyuan City that he had just acquired not long ago, and these guards could naturally see it. Tianhuo was not surprised, and waited for the next article.

"You should know the rules. Within three days of entering the city, you need to pay the fee to the City Lord's Mansion, which just saves us from running away. You should pay it!" said the leading guard.

"Yes, what our captain said is right, hand it over, just hand over one hundred and eighty thousand yuan, and we guarantee that you will be safe and sound in Cangyuan City." Another guard took the words, and the words in the words were full of warning.

And as soon as this statement came out, everyone in the courtyard became even more angry. This is a blatant robbery!
Tianhuo's expression was still calm, and while nodding, he took out a storage bag and handed it to the three of them. After the three of them checked it out, Tianhuo said: "Three, I just need to ask you something, can I move?"

The three looked at each other, the greed in their eyes was revealed, and they smiled: "Why not? Haha, please!"

"Brother Tianhuo, don't do it!" Wang Cheng hurriedly stopped him, he could see that if he left alone, Tianhuo would definitely be killed by these three people!
Tianhuo waved his hand, smiled mysteriously at Wangcheng, and led the three of them towards the door.

But the crowd didn't dare to stop them, they could only watch helplessly as Tianhuo led the three of them out of the courtyard, anxious but helpless.

"This brother is generous, and he hasn't asked for advice yet?" Out of the courtyard, the leader of the guard laughed.

Tianhuo turned around with a smile, cupped his hands, and said: "Take it!"

Abruptly, the three of them just disappeared, and they were taken into the Palace of Fanshen by Tianhuo.

"You guys, strip these three bastards for me!" In Fanshen Palace, the voice of Tianhuo resounded over the square, making more than a dozen giant dragons on the square stunned.

"Ang!" After being dazed, more than a dozen giant dragons made a move, but the three city guards didn't react at all.

"Bullying me? If it wasn't for fear of hurting Wangcheng and the others, I would have killed you three bastards!" Tianhuo cursed, no longer paying attention to the situation in the palace of the gods. With those giant dragons, the three of them are finished.

Withdrawing his mind, Tianhuo turned around and walked towards the courtyard, just in time to meet everyone's worried eyes.

"Brother Tianhuo, are you alright?" Wang Cheng and others asked happily when they saw Tianhuo returned safely so soon.

Tianhuo smiled, "They're gone, it's all right."

"Hey, brother Tianhuo, I'm really sorry about what happened today, I didn't expect to get you involved." Wang Cheng and the others sighed and said.

Tianhuo smiled, looked at the woman who was still huddled in the corner but had already arranged her clothes, and asked, "Senior Wangcheng, who is this?"

Wang Cheng shook his head, "She's dumb. I saw her pitiful two years ago and took her in. We don't know the rest."

Hearing this, Tianhuo couldn't help but glanced at the woman again, this woman was very beautiful, she looked 23 or [-] years old, the plain clothes and simple attire couldn't hide her natural beauty, no wonder the three guards wanted to take her away.

When looking at the woman, the woman shrank back, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Tianhuo, but just bowed to Tianhuo, which was regarded as thanking Tianhuo.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "It's good that there is nothing wrong. By the way, Senior Wangcheng, why don't you leave the chaotic domain? It's not easy here."

If it is on the territory of the top ten sects, at least it is impossible for such a thing to happen in the city.

"Hehe, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. Brother Tianhuo, in a word, it is better to live than to die. Here, at least we still have a chance to survive." Wang Cheng said simply, and the rest of the people also nodded.

Tianhuo glanced at everyone suspiciously. Could it be that they went to the east and would be killed by people from the east?Or other reasons?

The east of Yintian River is within the scope of the ten major sects, and there are countless forces under it. Although they are all attached to the ten major sects, they have the right to be independent. Tianhuo vaguely guessed that maybe these people escaped from the east .

Tianhuo no longer asked about the private matters of the people, and sat down cross-legged with everyone, listening to the discussion of tomorrow's affairs. Gradually, Tianhuo understood that these people gathered together simply for the sake of cultivation and livelihood.

"Brother Tianhuo, tomorrow we will go to the Black Beast Forest in the north to try our luck, will you come with us?" one person asked.

Tianhuo smiled, Wang Cheng and others usually rely on those dangerous places to find natural materials and earth treasures or kill spirit beasts in exchange for cultivation resources, and they have to face the exploitation of the City Lord's Mansion. It is really not easy for them to walk this way.

"Then let's go together, I'll go and have a look too." Tianhuo said with a smile.

Suddenly, the gate of the courtyard was knocked open, and a group of guards quickly rushed in and surrounded everyone.

Everyone hurriedly got up and gathered together, not knowing what was going on, Tianhuo frowned slightly, because he could sense that the three guards in Fanshen Palace had been killed by the giant dragon gate, leaving only a bunch of guards. Lingzhu.

These people came here at this moment, it should be because of the three guards.

Dozens of guards squeezed in, together with Tianhuo and others, almost filling the courtyard. At this moment, a middle-aged man slowly walked in outside.

"That's Luo San, the third commander of Cangyuan City Guards." Wang Cheng whispered in Tianhuo's ear.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and Luo San's name, the three commanders, hung above his head, so he naturally saw it.

Luo San glanced at the crowd, then looked up at the sky, frowned and said: "The three people who came here to collect fees today are dead, whoever killed them, stand up!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Cheng and the others suddenly shrank their pupils, killing the city guards, that would be a challenge to the city lord's mansion, who would dare?

Wang Cheng glanced at Tianhuo slightly, seemed to think of something, hurriedly bowed and said: "Master Commander, those three adults left here earlier, I didn't know about it."

Luo San's eyes moved to Wang Cheng, with a calm expression, "In that case, follow me to the prison, I believe you will tell me."

Tianhuo in the crowd frowned, ignoring the chaotic domain's behavior style, he didn't expect to deal with everyone just because those three people disappeared here, it seems that he still got everyone involved!

Everyone's faces paled immediately, they all understood that those who entered the prison never came out alive!
Tianhuo slowly walked out from the crowd, "Your Excellency doesn't distinguish between black and white, isn't it a bit too much?"

Luo San looked at Tianhuo indifferently, "You just came to the chaotic domain? Ignorance! Kill!"

Saying that, Luo San waved his hand lightly, ordering the city guards to attack Tianhuo!
Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, Wang Cheng and the others also gritted their teeth, and were about to make a move, when suddenly, a deafening bell rang, resounding over Cangyuan City.

As the bell sounded, all the guards, including Luo San, changed their expressions, "Enemy attack!"

"Hurry up, everyone will meet the enemy, and those who dare to escape will be killed!" A powerful and anxious voice resounded through the world.

"It's the city lord, let's go, defend the enemy!" Luo San's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly stepped into the air, and the rest of the guards also stepped into the air, and soon disappeared from the sight of Tianhuo and others.

Tianhuo frowned, "What a coincidence? It would have been better if it was later, no, right now!"

Tianhuo had already planned to bring the army over. Although the 12-strong army is not even tenth level, it is exactly the same. They are not afraid of any losses at all. If they fight together, the possibility of winning Cangyuan City is very high. Big!
But it's better now, if someone comes to attack Cangyuan City, then the chance of Skyfire will be even greater!
"Brother Tianhuo, if the situation is not right, we will take the opportunity to escape. If there is an enemy attacking, it will usually destroy Cangyuan City, so be careful!" Wang Cheng said.

Everyone nodded in unison. This is not the first time for them. In the chaotic domain, such things happen all the time. Every day, forces are annihilated and new forces are born. It is normal to attack cities.

Tianhuo coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Don't pay attention to me, I want to stay and have a look."

Everyone was stunned, looked at Tianhuo in disbelief, and Wang Cheng continued: "Brother Tianhuo, you just came here, you can't go wrong if you listen to me."


Before Tianhuo could respond, there was already a rumbling sound in the sky, and then even a berserk force swept across the sky, "Looking for death, you Shenjiao Gang dare to move the territory of the Heisha Gang?"

The berserk power swept across the room, and the previous majestic voice spread again, and it was obviously the lord of Cangyuan City.

"Haha, Heisha Gang? Your leader is dead in the east, surrender obediently, and give up Cangyuan City!" A cold voice spread throughout Cangyuan City.

While speaking, everyone in Tianhuo had already seen that a large number of people came from the sky, and they had already reached the sky above the city lord's mansion.

"It's so strong, it broke through the defense of Cangyuan city so quickly!" A man beside Tianhuo said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's unbelievable. When did the Shenjiao Gang become so strong? As long as they get the seal of the city lord's mansion, Cangyuan City will change hands."

Wang Cheng also nodded, "That's right, but in this case, it won't affect us, and we can stay here with peace of mind."

The competition between these forces will only affect the residents of the city when they are evenly matched. If they are so far apart as before, they have directly attacked the city lord's mansion, how can it affect the residents of the city?

Suddenly, Wang Cheng frowned, and his expression calmed down, "No, the Lord of Cangyuan City deliberately let the people from the Shenjiao Gang come in, and he wanted to use the power of everyone in the city to close the door and beat the dogs! Trouble!" (Want to know " Do you have more exciting news about "The Strongest Wensheng"? Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right, select add friends to add a public account, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public account, and never miss every update again! )
(End of this chapter)

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