Chapter 498
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In the ruins of Tianyanmen, Tianhuo was a little puzzled when he heard his subordinates' report. He just got the station here, and someone came to the door?
"Who is it?" Tianhuo asked.

"Sect master, I don't know." The man bowed respectfully.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Bring it up!"

Soon, the mountain guard disciple brought up an old man with extremely sharp eyes. This old man was dressed in a brocade robe and walked with an indescribable atmosphere. When he saw Tianhuo, his sharp eyes showed obvious surprise.

The old man looked at Tianhuo, and Tianhuo was looking at the old man. The word 'Hundred Treasures' was embroidered on the corner of the old man's brocade robe, which must be the faction he belonged to.

"It's really surprising. Before reaching the Spiritual God, a power with 22 cities has been established." The old man spoke, his words were full of surprise.

Tianhuo didn't know the old man, but seeing that he was not hostile, he still cupped his hands and said, "Why do you want me, senior?"

The old man stroked the beard of his chin, glanced at Tianhuo again, nodded and said: "Three days later, my Baibao Pavilion will hold a treasure viewing conference, and I have invited the leaders of thousands of nearby forces. come and see."

As he said that, a golden invitation flew out of the old man's hand, and it arrived in front of Tianhuo in a flash. Judging by his posture, he was clearly trying to make a move.

Tianhuo didn't tell the truth, and when he probed his hand, a large character surged in his palm. With a grasp, he firmly took the invitation card into his hand, "Treasure viewing meeting?"

"Yes, when the time comes, each faction will come up with not weak treasures for mutual appreciation. Of course, if you like something, you can bid to buy it, so please prepare at least one treasure." The old man said.

Tianhuo smiled, is there such a thing?If the things you take out are eye-catching, aren't you causing trouble for yourself?Why did Baibao Pavilion make such a thing?
Without thinking too much, Tianhuo cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Then respect is worse than obedience!"

The old man nodded slightly, turned around and walked away, but Tianhuo watched the old man leave, and a strange thought came to his mind, "Treasure Watching Conference? Could it be that Baibao Pavilion came up with the idea of ​​killing people and seizing treasures? But this hundred Baoge, what is your background?"

Opening the invitation, I saw that the address of the Treasure Watching Conference was written on it, which was far away from Tianyan Gate!
However, thinking that there are thousands of leaders of forces participating, Tianhuo will naturally go, not to mention the treasures brought out by those forces, it would be good to learn about the situation of other forces!
It's just that there is still a problem right now, that is, once I leave, who will manage the Tianyan Sect?This problem has been entangled with Tianhuo for a long time, and it must be settled before departure.

After thinking for a long time, Tianhuo still decided to take a look at Wu Ping and Gong Ming. Right now, the two are available and the closest to him. "Senior Gong Ming, are you all right?"

The voice of Tianhuo resounded in the Palace of Fanshen. For Wu Ping and Gong Ming, they had long been used to it. This was the Palace of Fanshen, and Tianhuo was the owner of the Palace of Fanshen.

Wu Ping and Gong Ming have been spending these days in the Palace of Fanshen, practicing continuously every day. Although Tianhuo can't see how strong the two are, they can clearly feel that the strength of the two is already very strong. Same as usual.

When they first met, their strength was extraordinary, otherwise they would not have the idea of ​​destroying Ziyaomen. Now that they have passed such a long time of cultivation, their strength will naturally improve, let alone in the Palace of Fanshen Among them, the speed of cultivation is far beyond what the outside world can compare.

Following Tianhuo's voice, both of them got up slowly, Wu Ping said: "Fortunately, Brother Tianhuo, are you in trouble?"

Wu Ping was straightforward, in front of Tianhuo, his benefactor, of course he wouldn't beat around the bush.

"Yes, Senior Wu Ping, Tianyan Sect has developed 22 cities in the first-level area, but there is a big trouble." Tianhuo laughed, but his heart was full of expectations, and continued: "In the second-level area, Tianyan Sect There is no shortage of deputy sect masters, but in this first-level area, I really can't find a candidate, so I came to ask the two seniors."

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at each other, they were both surprised. They knew very well that it was beyond imagination to establish influence in the first-level area, but Tianhuo managed it.

In astonishment, Gong Ming laughed, "Haha, brother Tianhuo, then you have found the right person. Old Wu managed the sect so well back then, which attracted the attention of the Ziyao sect, which led to the extermination of the sect. "

Tianhuo was startled, and was surprised in his heart. Although he knew that the two had enmity with Ziyaomen all along, he never thought that it was the hatred of exterminating the clan!

But those are all in the past, Ziyaomen has been incorporated by him, Ziyaomen no longer exists in the world.

"That's just right, Senior Wu Ping, I want to ask you to help me manage the Tianyan Sect." Tianhuo laughed.

Wu Ping was silent for a moment, as if he was recalling what happened back then. After a long time, he nodded heavily, "Brother Tianhuo, I will try my best!"

Tianhuo was overjoyed, with Wu Ping's promise, the rest was easy to deal with, and directly gave Wu Ping the authority of the deputy sect master, Tianhuo released the two from the palace of the gods. Time to show off!

"Seniors, Tianyan Sect will thank you for taking care of me!" Tianhuo said with a smile as he cupped his fists.

Gong Ming had a smile on his face, while Wu Ping was a little dignified. He handed over the Tianyan Sect to him, and the pressure was naturally not small. "Brother Tianhuo, I hope I won't let you down."

"Just let go and do it without too many scruples." Tianhuo nodded.

Since Tianhuo intends to hand over the management of Tianyanmen to Wu Ping, Tianhuo will naturally delegate power to Wu Ping's hands as much as possible, otherwise the latter will be timid.

Hearing what Tianhuo said, Wu Ping nodded heavily again.

Tianhuo smiled, "I'm sorry, I'll dodge first!"

Saying that, the skyfire rose from the sky and flew towards the west. Three days later, the treasure viewing conference will be held. It's just right to start now!

This time, Tianhuo didn't use the space-breaking shuttle, but rode directly on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, in order to learn as much as possible about the Chaos Domain so that he could gain a foothold here in the future.

Right now, Tianyan Sect is located in the easternmost part of the chaotic domain, which can be regarded as the edge of the chaotic domain. The further you go, the more clear the chaotic situation will be.

Under the gallop of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, the scenery around Tianhuo's body changed rapidly. In three days, as Tianhuo expected, he came to a huge city.

"Hundred Treasure City! Master, is this here? It feels very grand." Seeing the big city ahead, the Star Devouring Moon Beast couldn't help but say.

Tianhuo nodded his head, the treasure city in front of him was dozens of times larger than ordinary cities, no wonder the treasure viewing conference was held here, but what made Tianhuo doubtful was whether other powers would participate in this kind of treasure viewing conference. Do your best to take out the treasure?
Taking out the best one might cause unnecessary troubles, and if the level of the treasures taken out is too low, it might be laughed at by other forces. In this way, even Tianhuo will feel a little difficult, and there is nothing in his hands. Treasures that are easy to take out.

"Stop, Baibaocheng, proceed carefully!" As soon as he reached the gate of the city, a team of guards blocked Tianhuo's way.

"I said, aren't you going to hold a treasure viewing meeting? Don't let us go in?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast said first.

"It is precisely because of the Treasure Watching Conference that people cannot enter and exit at will. Except for the leaders of various forces who are invited, others are not allowed to enter Baibao City for the time being." The guard glanced at Tianhuo casually and said.

In their view, those who can be invited by Baibao City must be the top of the head of the not weak force, and their cultivation base should be the spirit god, and the sky fire in front of them is still far from the spirit god!
"Haha, this kid is lucky. He actually has a mid-level beast as a mount." While speaking, a middle-aged man galloped up from behind, took out the invitation card and waved it towards the guards. Tianhuo came.

"Cough...Little brother, where did you get this mount? Are you selling it?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"Spiritual God!" Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, he has seen many spiritual gods, and killed some of them. At this moment, when he saw the fluctuations in the middle-aged man's body, he instantly affirmed the other party's cultivation.

After sizing up the middle-aged man, Tianhuo ignored him, and was about to find out the invitation to enter the city, but the middle-aged man pestered him again, "Hey, little brother, what are you talking to? If I give up this mount to I, I will definitely increase my face at the Treasure Watching Conference, and then I will thank you very much."

Tianhuo's heart moved, it seemed that other forces were desperate to bring out the best treasure regardless of the crisis, could it be that there was something hidden in it?
"How?" Seeing Tianhuo thinking, the middle-aged man continued to ask.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked slightly, "I'm sorry."

As he said that, Tianhuo took out the invitation card, and in the astonishment of everyone, he rode directly into the city on the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"Which faction is he the leader of? How is it possible even if the spirit is not there?" At this moment, not only the guards were astonished, but the middle-aged man was even more so!
In this chaotic domain, forces are annihilated and born every day. As long as the annihilation is not their own forces, where will these leaders care?So the middle-aged man naturally didn't know that Tianhuo had established the Tianyan Gate in the easternmost part.

After being surprised, a guard quickly caught up with Tianhuo, "This leader, you were invited here, I was sorry before, I hope you don't take offense!"

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "What else do you need?"

The guard smiled awkwardly, and said, "I'll take you to the site of the Treasure Watching Conference, please follow me!"

Those guards outside the city are not only guarding the city, they are also responsible for receiving the invited leaders to the scene.

Tianhuo didn't refuse, it's good for someone to lead the way, but at this moment, Tianhuo was flipping through the ring of the sage, since they're all here, he must come up with something, right?
However, after looking through the Ring of the Glyph Saint, Tianhuo was a little helpless, he had a lot of things that could be considered treasures in his hands, but he was struggling to find something suitable to take out. (The novel "The Strongest Literary Sage" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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