The strongest saint

Chapter 502 Super God-level Cultivation Technique

Chapter 502 Super God-level Cultivation Technique

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Tianhuo was full of doubts in his heart, but he still walked towards the passage without hesitation.

Since it is enough to attract the vitality of the eight wastes, then there should be no danger at his own speed, so why not do it?
Tianhuo walked into the passage, but the owner of the Baibao Pavilion was looking forward to it, "Everything is ready! It shouldn't take long."

"Pavilion Master, do you really want to give him such a generous reward?" The Deputy Pavilion Master in a wheelchair appeared from the teleportation array and asked.

The pavilion master smiled mysteriously, "Twenty thousand cities are nothing. After we give them to him, we will let the young pavilion master take them back with his own hands, and it will also increase the young pavilion master's prestige in the Baibao Pavilion. As for the hundred spiritual guards, that kid also I can't subdue them, and the god-level exercises, didn't I get one last time here? Just give it to him, anyway, I can't practice it."

Tianhuo didn't know the plan of Baibao Pavilion. He had come to the end of the passage. As the pavilion master said, this end was the entrance of a side hall, but it was sealed tightly, so he couldn't enter at all.

"That's it, can the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire come out?" Tianhuo was curious. The gate of the temple is completely made of dark material of unknown thickness. It is completely one piece, and there are runes flashing on it. Bar!
After looking at the gate for a while, Tianhuo only felt that those runes were somewhat familiar, but upon closer inspection, Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, staring straight at the mark in the center of the palace gate!

In the center of the palace gate, there is a mark of a cluster of flames, and this mark, Tianhuo is very clear, is the mark of Yanmen!

The underground treasure house found in the underground of Death God Ridge had the same mark on the gate!

"Yanmen! No wonder Baibao Pavilion directly established the teleportation array, so it was because they were afraid that others would know the exact location!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, never expecting that this place would be the ruins of Yanmen.

Tianhuo guessed right. When Baibao Pavilion found the ruins of Yanmen, it directly established a teleportation array here, and at the same time sealed off the entrance of this site. In this way, only Baibao Pavilion, which controlled the teleportation array, could enter in.

When Baibao Pavilion found this place, there were countless treasures in the hall outside, all of which fell into the hands of Baibao Pavilion. Only this side hall connected by this passage could not be opened, but they discovered at the beginning that one of the top ten sacred fires The Eight Desolation Vitality Fire is actually hiding in this side hall!
Legend has it that if you control the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, you can obtain an immortal body with an infinite lifespan, equal to the sky and the earth, so Ge ​​took the initiative and tried every means to lure the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire out.

However, after coming down countless times, it was impossible to draw out the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, and it was impossible to open the gate of the palace. That's why there was a later Treasure Watching Conference, trying to find a person with great luck to draw out the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire .

Looking at the flame mark on the gate, Tianhuo laughed. He is not as good as God, and his luck is really extraordinary. Last time, he successfully opened the treasure house with the token of Yanmen's sect master and Yanping's blood. , this time...

Tianhuo turned around and looked, only to see that at the end of the long and curved passage, the people of Baibao Pavilion could not be seen at all. The other party did not send anyone, so naturally they knew that this place could not be opened.

Seeing that no one followed, Tianhuo laughed, the token of Yanmen sect master had absorbed Yanping's blood last time, this time, it should be able to open this treasure house!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo took out the token without hesitation, but before Tianhuo put the token on the flame mark, the runes flashed, and at the same time, a hot but full of vitality filled the air!

"Quickly rewind, Bahuang is alive!" Tianling's anxious voice sounded in her head.

Tianhuo didn't dare to be careless, and flew back, only to see a mass of purple and green flames overflowing directly from the gate, rushing towards Tianhuo.

"The Eight Desolation Vitality Fire is designed to devour people with great luck, run away! The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron can't take it yet." Tianling said anxiously.

Tianhuo's pupils shrank, it's no wonder that Baibao Pavilion wanted to find him, and it really brought out the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire!

"Teleportation..." Tianhuo turned around and flew back without hesitation, teleported directly to the corner of the passage, and then teleported away one after another, each time reaching the corner of the passage, but unexpectedly, Bahuang was alive Huo is no less than Nanming Huanghuo back then, always following closely behind her every time!
"Yanmen! This is the ruins of Yanmen, how did you get in, Tianhuo?" Tianling asked.

Tianhuo has no time to talk to Tianling, he only cares about running for his life now!Fortunately, although there are many corners in the passage, it is not too long. After a few teleports, Tianhuo has already arrived in front of the hall.

"Little friend, hurry up!"

When the Pavilion Master saw the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire following the Heavenly Fire, his eyes filled with joy, and he shouted.

How dare Tianhuo hesitate?He teleported directly to the big formation that everyone had prepared, and suddenly, his body froze, unable to move, and behind him, the thick hot breath burned his back.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the Bahuang vitality fire was also unable to move, and it stopped a few meters away from him, but the terrifying hot breath made him unable to breathe at all.

The pavilion master's figure flickered, and he pulled Tianhuo out of the formation, "Haha, it's done, suppress it!"

The formation formed by hundreds of strong men who can't see through the sky fire, the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire can't move at all, so it is fixed in the formation, only the scorching breath permeates, but it cannot penetrate the formation.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have completed the A+ level task and received a generous reward."

"Little friend, thank you, these are your rewards." The pavilion master's eyes were full of excitement, and he gave Tianhuo a token in his hand, and then he took out another book of exercises.

"With this token, you can directly control the [-] cities east of Baibao City, and of course, there are a hundred of them." The pavilion master laughed, giving these things, without the slightest Reluctant.

"Little friend, please!" After the pavilion master finished speaking, he pointed to the teleportation array, motioning for Tianhuo to leave.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, so he issued an order to evict guests?I still want to see that side hall.

But there are so many strong people here, if I open it at this moment, I am afraid that the things in it will not be my turn. Thinking about it, Tianhuo nodded, turned around and walked towards the teleportation array.

"Tianling, is there a way to leave a mark here? Otherwise, I won't be able to find it next time." Tianhuo said after leaving.

Before Tianhuo could respond, the voice of Prisoner Tower sounded, "It's simple, the mark you left will be discovered by these people, just leave it to me, and no one can discover my mark except the Lord God."

Tianhuo is overjoyed, if this is the case, why worry about not being able to find it here in the future?
Prisoner Tower silently left its imprint here, and Skyfire stepped directly onto the teleportation array without hesitation.

The scenery in front of him was changing, and when he stabilized, Tianhuo found that he had actually arrived at the transmission point of Baibao City. It seemed that Baibao Pavilion connected the transmission array in that hall with this place, forming a one-way transmission route.

Looking at the surrounding situation, and at the Baibao Pavilion not far away, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up, and he took out the god-level exercise.

"Hey, it seems that Baibao Pavilion is uneasy and kind, and actually gave me half a volume of god-level exercises, but you are going to be disappointed, this thing is exactly what I need!"

Tianhuo played with the exercises in his hands, but his heart was already full of joy. There was no other reason. What Baibao Pavilion gave was the second half of Yan Jue!

If this thing was given to someone else, it would naturally be impossible to cultivate, but how could Baibaoge think that Tianhuo had the first half of the volume in his hand?

Flame Jue (God level), after learning, you will get the bonus of elementary Yan Jue, four god attributes +20000, physical attack (God) increased by 100%, magic attack (God) increased by 100%, HP (God) +100%, MP ( God) +50%.

Explanation: A god-level kung fu method with mysterious origins. It strengthens itself with refining flames. When it is cultivated to the extreme, it can control all flames.

Note: This is the second half of the exercises. Because the exercises are incomplete, there is a 50% chance of success. If you fail, the level will be reset and you will not be able to choose to learn this exercise again.

It has the same attribute bonuses and instructions as the first half, except that there is only one word difference in the precautions. This is the second half of Yan Jue!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on collecting the upper and lower volumes of the Yan Jue. After fusion, the completed Yan Jue can be formed. Is it fused?"


"Ding! The system prompts: The fusion is successful. Congratulations, you have obtained the Yan Jue. Do you want to put it into the Zongmen system for disciples to learn?"


"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to Tianyanmen for obtaining a god-level exercise. You can choose to learn it in the exercise panel."

"Damn it, it's another god-level exercise? Huh? The complete Yan Jue..." In the Zongmen channel, all the disciples were elated. After waiting for so long, they finally got the complete god-level exercise.

"Haha, Tianhuo, open the learning option soon, we can't wait." The voices of Twilight Lixiao and others sounded, all urging Tianhuo.

Flame Jue (God level), after learning, you will get the bonus of elementary Yan Jue, four god attributes +40000, physical attack (God) increased by 200%, magic attack (God) increased by 200%, HP (God) +200%, MP ( God) +100%.

Explanation: A god-level kung fu method with mysterious origins. It strengthens itself with refining flames. When it is cultivated to the extreme, it can control all flames.

Looking at the complete Yan Jue, Tianhuo was overjoyed. From now on, the strength of Tianyan Clan will skyrocket!
Just as he was about to open the study option, another system prompt sounded.

"Ding! The system prompts: I found the skill level improvement scroll, is it used to improve the Yan Jue?"

Tianhuo was stunned, and looked at this prompt in surprise. That's right, when he opened the treasure chest, he did get the skill level promotion scroll, but when Tianhuo used it to improve his holy words, he couldn't improve it, so Tianhuo just Reluctantly put away the scroll, now, the system actually actively prompts!
"Promote!" Tianhuo was a little helpless, if he could improve his holy words, how great would it be?But it's not bad to improve the Yan Jue, at least it can improve the overall strength of the Tianyan Clan!

"Ding! The system prompts: The promotion is successful. Congratulations to Tianyanmen's god-level exercise, Yan Jue, for being promoted to super-god level."

This system prompt resounded in the ears of all members of the Tianyan Sect. At this moment, the entire Tianyan Sect fell silent. (The novel "The Strongest Literary Sage" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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