The strongest saint

Chapter 516 The Heart of the White Tiger

Chapter 516 The Heart of the White Tiger
The faces of Yang Xian and the others changed drastically, and they stared at the distance with fear. As the strong men of the Heavenly God Realm, they felt powerless at this moment.

As for Tianhuo, he also swallowed his saliva with difficulty, but after a trace of surprise appeared on his face, he was full of joy!
That's right, compared to the fear of the four gods, there is a lot of joy in the sky fire!
"Oops, run away!" Behind them, those strong spirit gods also noticed the abnormality around them, turned around and ran away without caring about other things.

But just after taking a few steps, he turned back in a hurry, staring in all directions with a dead face!

"Yo! Skyfire, let's go!" In the despair of everyone, Mu Yichen laughed out loud.

Following Mu Yichen's abnormal words, everyone looked at him in unison. At this moment, the basin was covered by the overwhelming killing orbs, how could Mu Yichen still laugh?
Tianhuo stared intently at these murderous orbs that appeared out of nowhere, couldn't help but licked his lips, and said softly: "That's right, it's done!"

Before the overwhelming divine orb of slaughter arrived, the terrifying intent of slaughter had already permeated the entire basin in the air. Under this intense and extreme intent of slaughter, the faces of the four gods including Yang Xian turned pale, As for Tianhuo and Mu Yichen, they didn't seem to feel anything, and their faces were full of joy.

The gods of killing all over the sky do not know where they come from, but the targets are all the people in the field. It seems that because of some action of the people, the gods of killing are enraged. All the gods of killing are like sharp arrows. A long afterimage was pulled out from the lasing, and it came straight to the crowd.

"It's late, I haven't had time to practice super god-level exercises yet!" Each of the spiritual powerhouses said to themselves with ashen faces, crying.

"Everyone, gather together and don't move rashly!" Tianhuo's voice came, and then everyone felt a blur before their eyes, and saw countless weird roots like a dense net, covering everyone in an instant!

And through the gaps between the roots, everyone saw that there are still countless roots winding out, wrapping towards the killing orbs that are coming.


In an instant, dense popping sounds rang in everyone's ears, but to everyone's surprise, amidst those light popping sounds, the killing beads were completely blocked by the dense roots, and they had not yet approached the roots. The big net that must be formed can no longer advance an inch!
The killing orbs rushed forward like a torrential rain, but the roots of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree were also surging, entangled the world, and among these roots, grains of killing orbs quickly disappeared. , apparently taken away by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree.

Excitement flashed in Tianhuo's eyes. Before, he was worried that there were not enough killing orbs, but now, so many came, but at the same time, Tianhuo was a little puzzled. Where did these killing orbs come from? from?

"Could it be because of the White Tiger Jade?" Tianhuo had this thought in his mind. It took only a moment for him to collect the White Tiger Jade before these killing orbs rushed over. I'm afraid it has a lot to do with it!
While thinking about it, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Tianhuo completely differently. The spirit of Tianhuo didn't even step in, but they solved the infinite crisis in front of them for everyone. How could they have imagined such a scene? ?

"This time there is no reason to reject the Tianyan Sect. The sect master saved our lives. Hehe, from now on, I will use my whole life for him!" Those strong men who hadn't planned to join the Tianyan Sect shook their heads and smiled at this moment, with a smile in their eyes. , but it is a deep reverence.

In the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, everyone only felt a thick and comfortable atmosphere pervading, but they didn't know that outside of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree at this moment, the extremely strong killing atmosphere filled the world, even if Being in the mist of killing gods, there is no way to compare with it.

However, although the killing spirit in the basin is strong, it is rapidly decreasing under the absorption of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, and those killing spirit beads were taken away one by one by the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. There was no sign of the Killing God Bead anymore.

It's just that the roots of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree didn't retract immediately, but were still absorbing the murderous aura that permeated the air, dancing crazily. After a long time, the dancing of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree became slow and stopped. At that moment, the roots disappeared strangely.

The heavens and the earth returned to clarity, but there was an inexplicable taste in everyone's eyes. More than 300 of them had joined the Tianyan Sect. Right now, they were no longer casual cultivators, but disciples of the Tianyan Sect.

Tianhuo inspected the Fanshen Palace, and saw that on the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, the milky white halo lingered for a long time, and tens of thousands of killing orbs were being absorbed by it. It was impossible to know when it would end. He turned around and said: "Seniors, you should go back first and go directly to the Tianyan Sect's residence."

"Master, what about you?" the three of Xiji asked worriedly.

Tianhuo smiled, "I'll take the two of them to move on, you guys hurry up, the White Tiger Land will be closed soon."

After saying that, Tianhuo led Yangxian and Mu Yichen into the air, and continued to fly west. This time, it was not just a chance. After killing all the divine orbs, the White Tiger Jade in the Wensheng Ring unexpectedly reacted!

Although the white tiger jade is in the ring of the sage, the strange thing is that at this moment it is hitting the ring of the sage again and again, and as Tianhuo turns around, the direction of the impact of the white tiger jade remains unchanged, still pointing to the The west.

Seeing Bai Huyu's reaction, Tianhuo knew that there must be something attracting Bai Huyu in the west!
White Tiger Jade, formed from the shattered eggshell of the White Tiger after countless years, can help the strong in the Spiritual God Realm to break through to the Heavenly God Realm after being absorbed.

In the Ring of the Glyph Saint, Tianhuo clearly saw the attributes of the White Tiger Jade, and while he was secretly amazed, an idea popped up, I'm afraid the effect of this thing is more than that!
"Tianhuo, give me the white tiger jade!" Mu Yichen finally couldn't help but said along the way.

Tianhuo smiled, "Don't worry, this thing is pointing in one direction, let's see what's going on first?"

"Really?" Mu Yichen's eyes lit up, and he continued, "Then take it out and see, what direction does it point to?"

"If I take it out, I'm afraid he will run away by himself, pointing to the west, we will go directly." Tianhuo said with a smile.

Along the way, they encountered many strong men who were about to leave the land of the white tiger again, but Tianhuo and the other three cared about Baihuyu's guidance, ignored their warnings, let alone greeted them, and headed towards the west.

One day passed, and the land below began to become desolate, but the killing atmosphere in the air was already several times thicker, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen didn't feel much, while Yangxian's face was a little pale, If this continues, I don't know how long he can last.

The pale-faced Yangxian looked a little strange, he could naturally see that Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were hardly affected by the murderous aura in the air, but Yangxian felt relieved when he thought that the other party was an adventurer from another world.

"It seems to be coming soon, Bai Huyu's reaction is even more intense." Finally, Tianhuo said, making Yang Xian's expression relaxed.

In the ring of the sage, the white tiger jade hit the ring of the sage in a hurry, and in the direction, it also pointed downwards faintly. Not long after flying out again, the direction of the white tiger jade turned and pointed straight down.

Tianhuo hurriedly stopped and looked down, but saw that the place below was just a barren lonely mountain, and there was nothing special about it. He insisted on finding the difference, only this lonely mountain was bigger than the surrounding ones .

"This is it?" Mu Yichen asked with excitement in his eyes.

Tianhuo nodded suspiciously, thought for a moment, and took out the white tiger jade helplessly. He couldn't see anything unusual, so it seemed that he could only rely on the white tiger jade!
As soon as Bai Huyu appeared, he broke free from Tianhuo's control and slammed straight towards the lonely mountain. Tianhuo wanted to catch it, but stopped his movement resentfully. On the mountain peak, and under this collision, the whole lonely mountain trembled violently!
The White Tiger Jade had already sunk into the isolated mountain, but the isolated mountain shook violently, like an earthquake, and large pieces of rocks began to fall off.

"Be careful, the killing spirit is too strong!" Yang Xian looked solemn, staring at the changes below.

Under the watchful eyes of the three, the lone mountain that was shedding rocks suddenly shattered, and countless boulders were lifted off, shooting away in all directions.

Yangxian stepped out to block Tianhuo and Mu Yichen, and when he pressed his hand, a majestic force swept out, smashing the rocks that were shooting towards the three of them, and such an instant effort , the situation below has changed drastically!

The Lonely Mountain no longer exists and has become a flat land, but where the Lonely Mountain was before, dozens of white tiger jades are dancing around a mysterious object filled with colorful light.

"A lot of white tiger jade!" Mu Yichen was overjoyed and lost his voice.

Tianhuo counted intently, there were more than 40 white tiger jades wrapped around mysterious items, all about the size of two fingers, and the mysterious item in the center of these white tiger jades was probably the key!
So many white tiger jade entwined around that thing, and it looked like they were defending it, which is enough to show that that thing is extraordinary.

"Yangxian, have you seen that thing?" Facing the unknown thing, Tianhuo didn't dare to move rashly, turned his head and said.

Yangxian showed surprise on his face, he was staring intently at the colorful thing, swallowed his saliva and said: "If I'm not wrong, that is the heart of the white tiger!"

"Oh? Is it the thing that the four gods snatched?" Tianhuo raised his brows and asked.

Yangxian nodded heavily. A few days ago, he and his father also got such a thing, but later learned that it was a fake, and the current one is definitely not fake, from the Those white tiger jade can be seen.

"Yes, it's that thing, but it must be true, I'll get it!" Yang Xian nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and then rushed out violently.

Seeing that Yangxian was about to approach those white tiger jades, he saw a ray of light suddenly appearing around those white tiger jades. Under Yangxian's rapid approach, the light film was pressed out of a huge concave arc, but even so, that The light film didn't break open, instead, Yang Xian's body was instantly sent flying!
Yang Xian, who was thrown into the air, spewed out a string of blood and fell down, flying upside down hundreds of meters before stabilizing his figure. At this moment, both Tianhuo and Mu Yichen's expressions changed slightly, and even the gods couldn't get it. that thing?

(End of this chapter)

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