The strongest saint

Chapter 521 The NPC Who Snatches Monsters

Chapter 521 The NPC Who Snatches Monsters
Chapter 520 The NPC Who Snatches Monsters
This hidden map is full of monsters above level [-] or [-], which seem to be dormant. With the arrival of the people from the Tianyan Legion, these monsters slowly wake up, but what greets them is naturally the attack of the Tianyan Legion.

Tianhuo is currently level 57, and it takes more than 1.6 million god experience points to upgrade to the next level, which is not a small number.

With great anticipation, the skyfire swept over the waking monsters, and when he spoke, the poems turned into big characters to illuminate the area.

"Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately urge..."

Every big golden character covered a huge area with a radius of 2570 meters, and every time two or three big characters fell within this range, the monsters below were bombarded and killed without any resistance!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have gained 49000 experience points (god), 539000 additional experience points (god), 7 cultivation points, and 21 additional cultivation points."


Immediately, one after another system notification sounded in the ear, and at this moment, among the surrounding legion members, countless upgrade lights instantly lit up.

"Damn it, when Tianhuo made a move, all the monsters fell down, haha, great..." Fatty raised his head and laughed first. Now the experience value is shared, and all legion members can get the experience value of each monster .

"Don't stand still, the opportunity is rare, spread out and clear the field." The voice of twilight breaking dawn interrupted the excitement of everyone in the legion channel.

This map is not small. If Tianhuo alone relies on Tianhuo, it may take a long time to clean it up. If more than 11 members spread out and fight together, even if a group of ten people kills one monster, it will be tens of thousands!
Hearing the sound of twilight breaking dawn, all the members dispersed in a regular manner, and immediately pierced into the group of monsters like sharp swords.

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 58, four attributes +5."

The upgrade system reminder has already sounded in Tianhuo's ear, and without waiting for Tianhuo's poetry upgrade, all the members have already started killing and advancing in all directions.

These monsters have less than 200 million health points, and more than a dozen or more members of the Tianyan Legion can solve the battle in a matter of minutes.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have gained 42250 experience points (god), 464750 additional experience points (god), 6 cultivation points, and 18 additional cultivation points."


In everyone's ears, the system notification sound never stopped. Each monster has more than 4 experience points, and with the blessing of legion skills, everyone's experience points are doubled, and Tianhuo is even more exaggerated. Relying on the bonus of the Glyph Saint suit, you will have ten times the experience, plus the legion skills, a full eleven times!

For a long time, Tianhuo needs ten times more experience points than ordinary players to upgrade, but now, with these experience points added, the required experience points are even less than ordinary players!
In the arena, the light of upgrading has never been broken. When Tianhuo does not make a move, the light of upgrading comes and goes, and when Tianhuo makes a move, the light of upgrading often shines on everyone!
"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 59, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 60, four attributes +5."

Tianhuo has not considered which poem to sing this time, and his level has soared to God level 60. Seeing this scene, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly. Taking this opportunity to upgrade the Holy Word to a higher level, the bonus will be even stronger!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo patted Tun Xing, "Tun Xing, go inside, Di Yan, you guys too!"

"Oral punishment, ten steps to kill one person..."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on upgrading your Pluto spirit, the current god level is 42."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your pet Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast for upgrading, the current god level is 60."


The never-ending system prompts and the strong cleaning of the Tianyan Legion made this hidden map emerge with a strong fighting spirit. Tianhuo felt relieved that today, the Tianyan Legion is no longer the one who needs to wait for the experience. Even though they couldn't compare with Skyfire, it was already very easy to deal with these ordinary monsters.

Tianhuo once again felt the benefits of more people and greater strength. Every second, his experience bar was increasing, and his level was raised by a level every few minutes.

"Hey, have you all noticed? Tianhuo's upgrade frequency is much higher than ours. In such an hour, he has already been promoted to more than ten levels." After a long time, the fat man's teasing voice sounded in the Legion channel.

During group activities, everyone tacitly refrained from using the legion channel, so as not to interfere with the high-level arrangement of the legion, and when Fatty's voice appeared, it immediately boiled over.

"Don't be envious, everyone's average level has reached about 65, and Tianhuo is only at God's level 72." Twilight Lixiao said with a smile, but in his heart he was very happy for the information that took the lead. How could it be possible to soar more than ten levels in such a short period of time?
"My equipment has experience bonuses, I feel that I have to be unhappy." Tianhuo also smiled.

"Not fast? It's only been an hour, and you've already raised more than ten levels." The fat man rolled his eyes and said.

"Well, it's a pity that more than half of this map has been cleared, and my experience value has begun to decrease. If this continues, I can't upgrade a few levels." Tianhuo nodded and smiled, looking at the system prompt panel.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have gained 21250 experience points (god), 233750 additional experience points (god), 6 cultivation points, and 18 additional cultivation points."


After reaching level 72, Skyfire's experience value has almost halved. After all, these are only monsters in the 60s and [-]s. The higher the level, the lower the experience value you can get.

"What are you afraid of? If you take the lead, you will definitely know other good places. When the time comes, let him just say one, and it will not be difficult to reach Xiaomu's level." Twilight laughed.

Suddenly, a fiery red figure descended from the sky and directly submerged into the group of monsters in front of him. In an instant, a terrifying air wave swept away. Wherever it passed, the monsters fell to the ground one after another, like a boulder falling into a calm lake. Huge ripples rippled open!

The sudden appearance made all the legion members stop their movements and turned their heads involuntarily.

Tianhuo also looked at the front intently, and saw that where the shock wave passed, countless monsters were instantly killed, and the fiery red figure in the center of the shock wave raised his hand, and then pressed hard, and the shock waves that were about to dissipate skyrocketed again and continued to extend to the distance!

In an instant, the dense monsters within dozens of miles in front were spread by the shock wave, and those monsters fell down without even screaming.

Everyone in the Tianyan Legion was surprised from ear to ear, who is this?

It took more than an hour for more than 11 people from the Tianyan Legion to clear most of this map, and the remaining ones were cleared up by this mysterious person in an instant!
After instantly killing the monsters within dozens of miles, the fiery red figure also turned around slowly, looked at the legion members in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward.

"Damn it, the sky fire is big, isn't this npc too unkind? What else do you want to do after robbing us of so many monsters?" Fatty's voice sounded in the legion channel, full of helplessness.

Tianhuo made a booing gesture to signal everyone to be calm, and looked at the figure at the same time. As the person approached, Tianhuo also saw his appearance clearly.

The silky long hair hangs down like a waterfall, dancing with the movement forward, the supple black eyebrows, the flawless melon-seeded face is as crystal as jade, the delicate and flawless snow muscles are as crisp as snow, and the figure is light and beautiful. Otherworldly.

Seeing such stunning beauty, Tianhuo was also absent-minded for a while. Compared with Yun Shangrong, Ye Xin, Xuan Xuan and others, this person is not bad at all, but there is a trace of haggard on his calm face, which makes people feel distressed.

And as the woman approached, Tianhuo clearly heard the sound of swallowing saliva. Obviously, many members of the Legion have been attracted by the woman's peerless appearance.

"Have you seen Yuanzhen?"

While everyone was in a daze, the woman stopped a few meters away from Tianhuo and spoke.

Facing the more than 11 people in the Tianyan Legion, the woman's expression remained calm, and she moved to Tianhuo with the same calm and helpless eyes, and said softly.

Although the woman's voice was soft, it was heard clearly in the ears of every member, as if speaking in everyone's ears, very strange.

"Yuzhen?" Tianhuo was puzzled, he had never heard of it.

Seeing Tianhuo's expression, the woman sighed slightly, "I've been looking for him for countless years, if you see him, please tell me."

As she spoke, the woman turned around slowly, and at the moment she turned around, more helplessness appeared in her eyes.

Suddenly, the woman's steps stopped, she turned to look at Tianhuo again, and said calmly, "You are a literary sage? Can you write a poem for me?"

Tianhuo froze for a moment, only to realize that all the eyes of the Tianyan Legion were on him. Although most of the people in the back couldn't see because of too many people, those members still turned their attention to this place.

Tianhuo coughed lightly, not in a hurry about poetry, but said with a smile: "Senior, my Tianyan Sect has more than 30 billion members. If you need to find someone, you might as well join our Tianyan Sect. With the help of the entire sect's strength, It must be easier."

When the woman heard the words, her expression was still calm, and she didn't say a word, she just looked at Tianhuo quietly.

Tianhuo felt embarrassed, seeing such a peerless powerhouse, he naturally wanted to win him over, but the other party didn't respond!

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. If he thought of a poem that satisfied the girl, maybe he could bring her into the Tianyan Sect?
(End of this chapter)

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