Chapter 523

Tianhuo always thought that his own strength was already very strong. When he was in Wenshengmen, he even foolishly ran to chase after the Demon Lord. Now facing the Night Charm Demon General in front of him, Tianhuo said, he was really ignorant and fearless at that time!

An ordinary move instantly killed hundreds of people from the Tianyan Legion!
"Status skills, take turns!" Twilight broke dawn and saw that Tianhuo's damage value reached more than [-].

Tianhuo smiled wryly in his heart, "Twilight, you're in big trouble!"

Shaking his head, Tianhuo regained his composure and watched as the legion separated into numerous teams and rushed towards the demon general. After flipping through his hands, the pen of the sage of literati also appeared in his hand, so he could only fight!
Riding on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo raised his hand and waved a series of strokes to attack. At this moment, all the states are added, Tianhuo believes that with the restraint of the legion, his chances are still great! -
12010, -13410...

The strokes roared and fell into the demon general's body, but the damage caused made Tianhuo frown. Such a small amount of damage is too low. I'm afraid the legion members won't be able to support themselves for so long.

Seeing Tianhuo's damage at this moment, Twilight Lixiao and the others also looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, obviously the difference from the previous damage was too big, which made them worried.

However, the battle has already begun, and everyone in the legion is ready. It's hard to say anything at the moment of dusk. Anyway, there are more than 1 damage points. As long as you persevere, it will not be difficult to grind this demon to death.
1, -1...

As the various teams stepped forward to attack, damage values ​​of -1 appeared on the top of the demon general's head. Sure enough, as Tianhuo expected, the legion members could not break through the demon general's defense!

"Just leave it to Tianhuo, everyone use status skills!" Twilight broke dawn and said again, the voice resounded through the legion channel.

All of a sudden, all kinds of attacks flew around, all falling on the huge night succubus general, and although the latter was roaring all the time, because he was afraid of the sun, he only opened his eyes slightly when attacking, and one attack passed , he quickly withdrew his big hand to cover his eyes.

Tianhuo's attacks kept going, and the Glyph Saint's pen swung rapidly, and the strokes appeared one after another, all of which hit the demon general.

"Ah! Damn human..." Night Succubus swung his hands covering his eyes violently, and at this moment, Tianhuo discovered that this guy actually closed his eyes and started attacking indiscriminately!

"Be careful, retreat!" Seeing this situation, Twilight yelled hastily, and the reaction of those players was naturally not slow, and they retreated quickly, but facing this huge magic general, how many people can retreat?

Night Succubus closed his eyes, but his hands moved in all directions like a harvester. Every player he passed turned into white light, and hundreds of people died in an instant.

"How could this be? The status skills are invalid?" Twilight was taken aback. After hundreds of players had used the status skills, the night succubus was still able to move!
Tianhuo also frowned. At this moment, Night Succubus General closed his eyes to avoid direct sunlight, but his attack was not weak at all, and he could obviously sense the location of everyone in the Tianyan Legion, and came galloping with his arms waving.

"Tian Ling, you activate the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron and try the Ziji Spirit Fire. This guy is afraid of the sun, so the Ziji Spirit Fire will definitely work!"

"What?" Tianling's lazy voice came from her mind, as if she had just woken up, and then she suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, Tianhuo, you are really courageous, magic general, no! Weaker than the existence of the gods and the strong, you actually bring people to attack?"

Tianhuo was startled, and lost his voice: "What? The strength of the demon general is not inferior to that of the god king?"

In the third-level area and the second-level area, Tianhuo killed many demon generals. In those two areas, the demon generals were a piece of cake for Tianhuo, but now, they actually learned such shocking news!

"Nonsense, do you think this is a second- and third-level area?" Tianling said angrily.

Tianhuo was astonished. At the Treasure Watching Conference, the old man Qiumo took out the demon king's spirit blood bead. That guy was only a spirit god, but he took out something that exploded from the demon king's body, so Tianhuo always thought that the demon king Jun is almost at the same level as Lingshen.

However, at this moment, Tianhuo realized that he had been fooled by this idea. It must be that Qiumo was lucky enough to get the demon king's blood bead. Where did you get the Demon Monarch Spirit Blood Bead!

This time, for the first time, Tianhuo felt ridiculous about chasing the demon king in Wenshengmen. At that time, he was too naive and bold!Fortunately, he didn't catch up at that time. If he did, he wouldn't know how he died.

The cultivation base of the demon general is not weaker than that of the gods, and the stronger demons are naturally stronger than the gods, not at the same level at all!
"Then what's the matter? It has more than 300 million health points, so it's impossible to just give up!" Tianhuo asked, but he didn't dare to stop the attack.

Before Tianling could respond, General Ye Succubus covered his eyes again, and stopped in his footsteps, as if sensing something, he roared, "Boy, die!"

Without opening his eyes, the night succubus will directly lock on to the location of Tianhuo, and rush towards Tianhuo with an extremely fast speed!

Without Tianhuo's confession, the Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped out carrying Tianhuo. It naturally understood that the demon general could not be introduced into the legion, otherwise, the legion would suffer countless casualties!

"This is Night Succubus General. He never appears during the day. You are lucky to meet him during the day. If you meet him at night, your entire army will not be enough for him to destroy." Tianling continued.

"Let's go quickly. Once he gets used to the surrounding environment a little bit, it will be too late for you to leave. This is a demon general. If he is not in the realm of a god, don't make plans with him."

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, it's not that he didn't want to leave, but how could he leave with the whole army?Now, everyone is pulled into a fighting state!

The two titles directly reduced Night Succubus's 270 million health points. As long as he persisted for a while, killing him would not be a problem. And out, the magic general also quickly narrowed the distance.

"Haha, I came just in time!" Just as Tianhuo was thinking about what to do, Mu Yichen's loud laughter emerged in the sky, and then everyone saw that Mu Yichen's figure descended from the sky and slammed into the devil's body. Put your head on top.

The deafening sound spread, and the figure of the demon general stopped immediately. Tianhuo had already seen such a skill, but he was not optimistic at the moment. No matter how strong Xiao Mu was, he was only a spirit god. Will?

"Aw..." Under Mu Yichen's attack from the sky, the demon general let out a painful howl, and a damage value of one hundred thousand appeared on the top of his head!
Tianhuo's eyes lit up, when did Mu Yichen become so strong?

"Haha, it's different to be promoted to a god, see if I don't play you to death!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly, and his figure suddenly rushed out from the top of the demon general's head, "Stay still!"

Standing still is Mu Yichen's signature skill, it can fix the target in place and cannot leave, but when the skill is cast, the demon general will rush out as usual, without being affected by Mu Yichen's skill at all.

"Uh? What's going on?" Mu Yichen was stunned for a moment, then he flew up, only to see that the demon general was still plundering towards Tianhuo.

"Zhi!" Tianhuo's expression froze, and when he opened his mouth, a big "Zhi" word whizzed out, instantly reduced to the size of hundreds of meters, and stood in front of the demon general.

And as the big characters stood upright, the demon general also slammed into the big characters, and after a slight pause, the big characters were shattered, and the demon general continued to gallop forward.

However, after such a pause, the Star Devouring Moon Beast had once again swept away, and the sky fire on the back was blasting out one after another strokes non-stop.

Skyfire has the attribute of increasing damage to monsters, but the damage it does to the demon general in front of him is not satisfactory at all. After all, there is a huge difference in realm!
Tianhuo can't care so much at the moment, since the battle is over, then stick to it, but the legion can't help at this moment, because the speed of himself and the magic general is too fast, no one in the legion can catch up, even Shaomu Yichen is also chasing behind with difficulty at this moment.

Seeing that Jinkou Yuyan had a little effect on the demon general, Tianhuo was relieved a lot, at least he would not be chased by the demon general!

Seeing the distance getting closer again, Tianhuo spoke again, "Stop!"

hum! The word 'resistance' flew out, and once again stood on the road that the demon general was chasing, but the latter didn't care about it at all, bumped into it, smashed the big character directly, and chased after him after a slight pause.

While attacking, Tianhuo thought about the usefulness of Jinkou Yuyan, and the words moved according to his heart. Then, it should be possible to use other words to form state skills, right?

"Fix!" This time, Tianhuo didn't cast the immobilization spell, but a golden word!

The big word '定' also roared out, flying straight towards the top of the demon general's head, and instantly fixed the demon general in place!
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have used the golden words to activate the absorption ability, and the skill immobilization spell has disappeared."

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear, which made Tianhuo stunned. The immobilization spell was integrated into the golden words?So in the future, I can only rely on Jinkou Yuyan to display the body state?

Right now is not the time to think too much, but in one breath, the word 'fix' was also shattered, and the demon general was really angry this time, and the even more shocking roar spread throughout the hidden map, overwhelming this place. Shocked and trembling, "I'm going to crush you to death!"

Under the roar, Tianhuo discovered that a big damage value of '-1' appeared above the heads of all the legion members!Everyone who was about to leave the battle was pulled into the battle state again at this moment!
What was even more astonishing was that the demon general's eyes, which had been closed all the time, suddenly opened at this moment!The terrifying coolness suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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