The strongest saint

Chapter 529 The Weird Yuwu

Chapter 529 The Weird Yuwu
Being pulled out of the lonely peak by the sudden hugeness, Tianhuo felt chills in his heart. It seemed that he had no choice but to leave here and run again!

After all, if he falls into this bottomless abyss, Tianhuo believes that the chance of survival will be very slim, so it is better to go back to the city first, and then run again.

However, just as Tianhuo had this idea, he saw Yu Wu rushing out desperately, his right hand accurately grasped Tianhuo, while his left hand threw out a white cloth strip and hooked it firmly on the iron chain.

"Hold on firmly!" Yu Wu said with difficulty, slightly raised his head to look up, and saw that there were still seven or eight meters away from the iron chain.

Tianhuo lost his mind, and looked at the thin young man who was holding him in astonishment. He was so desperate to save himself that the cloth strips couldn't reach the iron chain. In that case, both of them would be finished.

"Brother Tianhuo, grab the cloth first, one, two, three!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Wu pulled Tianhuo to the front with all his strength, and grabbed the cloth together, "Brother Tianhuo, you go up first."

The gravitational force between Xiushan and the sea of ​​mist is too strong. Here, everyone seems to have become ordinary people, but they don't know what caused this situation.

"You go up first, I'm fine." Tianhuo said with a smile, but he was a little moved in his heart, he and Yu Wu just met by chance, a temporary combination, but he was able to put his life on the line.

"Oh, then you have to be careful!" Yu Wu said, climbing up along the cloth strips.

Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, and also climbed up, but at the moment he calmed down, he suddenly found that the cloth strip he was holding in his hand was a bit strange. He didn't know what kind of fabric it was, but it was extremely tough. It is an ordinary belt used by npcs, like the one used by the ancients, which needs to be wrapped around the waist in circles, but this belt actually carries a faint fragrance!
Asking about the fragrance on the belt, Tianhuo's expression became weird, and then he remembered that when Yu Wu held him just now, his hand seemed a little different from what it looked like, at that time, what was transmitted into the palm of his hand was a delicate and smooth feeling. !
"Brother Tianhuo, what's the matter?" While thinking, Yu Wu's voice came again, and he had already climbed back to the lonely peak.

"It's okay, I'll come up now." Tianhuo let go of his doubts, climbed up quickly, and returned to the lonely peak, "The suction before was too weird, let's be careful."

While talking, Tianhuo saw that Yu Wu's expression was a little weird, and he looked at him from time to time with evasive eyes, which was a kind of... shyness!
Tianhuo shook his head hastily, he must have read it wrong, how could a big man show such an expression, when he shook his head, when he looked again, he saw that Yu Wu had returned to normal, as if it was his own illusion before.

"Yu Wu, thank you, but if you encounter such a situation next time, don't do this, I will be fine." Tianhuo said.

Yu Wu smiled, and said calmly: "You can't do nothing, can you? We are a team."

"Then if something happens, what will your sister do?" Tianhuo shook his head slightly, said, and continued: "Let's go, anyway, remember my words."

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo climbed towards the iron chain, and Yu Wu was silent for a moment, but also followed.

Tianhuo looked at Yu Wu who was taking back the cloth, and felt a little helpless. In this kind of place, Yu Wu is really not suitable. He is too kind and shouldn't live in the chaotic domain!

Continuing to climb, Tianhuo used the Glyph Sage's Eye from time to time, and saw the divine beads occasionally flying past in a hurry or slowly, and suddenly had an idea, and said, "Yu Wu, since we are a team, how about discussing something? "

Yu Wu looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "Brother Tianhuo, what's wrong?"

Tianhuo smiled, "It's very simple. During our trip, you will get the orbs and the artifacts will be mine, how about it?"

Yu Wu nodded without the slightest hesitation, "I don't need the divine weapon, so that's the deal, but you really don't want the divine orb?"

"Well, I don't need it for the time being." After Tianhuo finished speaking, he continued to move forward, but he knew in his heart that as long as he got enough divine beads, he would be able to persuade him to leave here. I believe that there must be more divine beads in the secret store.

Yu Wu nodded, but there was doubt in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and followed Tianhuo to continue walking.

"Lightning Hand!"

Suddenly, Yu Wu heard Tianhuo's voice, and then saw Tianhuo pull out his right hand to grab downwards, and immediately, a blue divine bead appeared in Tianhuo's hand.

Yu Wu's expression froze, and he looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, but he saw Tianhuo casually tossing the pearl to himself.

Hurriedly catching the blue orb, Yu Wu's expression became excited, "The blue orb is worth a hundred green ones, this is enough!"

Tianhuo smiled. Under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, the situation below was clearly visible. Although he couldn't see the bottom, he saw many divine beads, both gray-white and green. This blue one was the only one in his field of vision.

Tianhuo's guess was right, blue ones are worth more.

Soon, he came to another lonely peak along the iron chain, and Tianhuo smiled when he got off the iron chain: "Yu Wu, is there enough to buy the pill?"

Yu Wu's expression was still excited, and he hurriedly nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, "That's enough, thank you."

Tianhuo smiled, "In that case, why don't you go back and treat your sister first?"

Yu Wu froze, and instantly understood Tianhuo's plan, why didn't she know what Tianhuo meant, Tianhuo was worried about himself!
After a moment of silence, Yu Wu asked hesitantly, "What about you? If you encounter danger, you will not be able to deal with it alone."

"Haha, I'm fine!" Tianhuo laughed loudly, giving Yu Wu a reassuring look.

"Hey, Boss, this kid is very naive, will he be okay?" As soon as Tianhuo's voice fell, a playful voice sounded behind him!

Tianhuo's heart sank, and he got down from the iron chain, but he didn't realize that there was already someone on this lonely peak!
Turning around to look guardedly, I saw a group of five people walking towards Tianhuo and Yu Wu unhurriedly, the leader was actually the man who applied for the noble status for Tianhuo outside the city!

"It's you!" Tianhuo frowned, but in the past few hours, Tianhuo naturally remembered him.

"Hehe, we've been waiting for you for hours, isn't it unexpected?" The man laughed lightly and joked.

"Oh? It was really an accident, robbery? Or murder?" Tianhuo said calmly.

"Hey, boss, this kid is quite enlightened." A guard looked at Tianhuo jokingly, and continued: "Sorry, we only rob money."

"Haha, that's right, boy, you have a lot of spirit beads, don't you mind giving us some!" The rest of the people also laughed.

"How can you do this to people with noble status?" Yu Wu walked out angrily, and stood in front of Tianhuo, his face changed slightly, and his voice changed, "I understand! Once you get the Lingzhu, you will definitely kill us."

The members of the Thunderstorm Pavilion cannot take action against distinguished guests, Tianhuo knows this, and right now, these five people have plans to rob money, so naturally it is impossible to let Tianhuo go.

Tianhuo naturally understood the opponent's plan, that is to kill himself after seizing the treasure, and throw the body down, without anyone noticing it!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and used the power of the phantom demon fire to pretend to be a strong local man, but he didn't want to cause such trouble. If these five people knew that they were adventurers from another world, they would definitely not do this, because They must know that adventurers in different worlds have endless lives.

But these five people can be regarded as being wrong, even if they are adventurers in another world, Tianhuo only has one life!

Hearing Yu Wu's words, the expression of the five people changed slightly. The leading man's expression darkened, and he said, "Do it! The plan remains the same!"

Tianhuo frowned slightly. The isolated peak was not flat and only had a radius of [-] meters. If one was not careful in fighting here, he would be shot down, and if he fell, the consequences could be imagined.

"Tianhuo, go quickly, I will catch up." Yu Wu stood in front of Tianhuo, with powerful strength surging in his body, and stared at the five people who came over with a solemn expression.

"Eh?" Tianhuo was dumb again, what happened to Yu Wu?At this time, he was still thinking about himself. When he first met him, he said that he didn't want to cause trouble here, but now he actively wanted to block the five people so that he could leave.

In doubt, the five of them had already arrived in front of Yu Wu, and they also erupted in a majestic manner, without holding back the slightest.

"Huh!" Tianhuo snorted coldly, and the words moved according to his heart, and the golden words were immediately displayed, "Reject!"

The golden word 'reject' suddenly appeared at the moment when the five people arrived. Immediately, the bodies of the five people flew upside down, and they were all pushed away. One of them was unlucky and was pushed down directly. On the cliff, for a moment, a tragic howl resounded through the clouds and mist.

"Trouble me? Then let's all go down one by one!" Tianhuo flitted out, brushed past Yu Wu, and flied straight towards the leading man, "Reject!"

Suddenly, the large characters reappeared, and the sudden explosion turned into an impact, immediately pushing the leading man ten meters away, and at this moment, the faces of several people changed drastically, and there was no chance of connecting to the fire near the sky. How could the plan succeed?

"Stop him quickly!" The leading man's face changed drastically. At this moment, an inexplicable chill appeared in his heart, and his scalp felt numb. If this continues, he will be finished if he does it twice.

The remaining three guards struggled and hesitated for a moment. Indeed, they had no chance to get close to Tianhuo without being able to fly!

"Quick! He doesn't even have a spirit, so he won't be our opponent!" Seeing the three of them hesitate, the man said again.

However, as soon as the words fell, Yu Wu quickly rushed out, blocking the three of them, with a helpless face, he said: "You go, I don't want to kill people, and I don't want to see you die."

"Capture him and threaten that kid!" Seeing Yu Wu who took the initiative to step forward, the eyes of the three lit up, and they immediately thought of this method.

(End of this chapter)

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