The strongest saint

Chapter 534 This is Your Grave

Chapter 534 This is Your Grave
Hearing the words of the young man in white, the anger in Yu Wu's eyes froze. The young man in white in front of him was not only a powerful god, but also the young master of Thunderstorm Hall, and he was in the base camp of Thunderstorm Hall, so things were not easy to handle!

And Tianhuo gave Yu Wu a reassuring look, and then smiled at the young man in white, but there was a chill in this smile, "The future palace master? I'm afraid you are self-righteous!"

The young man in white shirt glanced at Tianhuo disdainfully, "Guy who doesn't even have a soul, do you know who you're talking to?"

"That's right, boy, if you dare to talk to my young master like that, I won't kill you!" Lei Er, whom the white-clothed youth was talking about, galloped towards Tianhuo's neck with his fingers bent into claws.

Lei Er was excited, he could just take this opportunity to show himself in front of the Young Palace Master, the other party's Spiritual God didn't even reach him, but he was a Spiritual God, so what he wanted to do, wouldn't it be easy to grasp?
Seeing that Tianhuo was about to be caught, Tianhuo's face turned cold, and he sternly shouted: "Get out!"

Amidst the shouting, a big word 'Roll' appeared, immediately blasting Lei Er out of the compound, only to hear the sound of hitting the ground heavily, and then Lei Er's muffled sound.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field showed expressions of astonishment, even the young man in white couldn't help but look at Tianhuo twice at this moment, but then he sneered and waved his hand, the dozen or so subordinates immediately Galloping towards the sky fire.

"Kill him! And everyone in this yard, of course, don't hurt the two sisters." After those subordinates galloped out, the joking voice of the young man in white came.

"Ah..." The ordinary people around turned pale with fright, and hurriedly dispersed, but those ten people were all powerful spirit gods, how could they let these ordinary people escape?

Tianhuo's expression tightened, and his anger rose at this moment. He actually wanted to attack those ordinary people in the field?

Without hesitation, Tianhuo took out the Book of Grammar, and was about to turn to the tenth page, but his expression tightened, realizing a serious problem, there is no attack mode that can save these ordinary people from harm!
"Damn it!" Thinking of this question, Tianhuo couldn't help cursing secretly, this is troublesome, he can't protect so many people by himself!

Just as Tianhuo was in a hurry, the breath of the strong wind spread, and Tianhuo saw that an invisible wall suddenly appeared, blocking the dozen or so people and preventing them from attacking the ordinary people.

Seeing this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and naturally understood that it was Yu Wu who made the move.

"I'll lead them out, and Yu Wu will follow you." As Tianhuo said, he jumped up into the air, and the eighth page of the Book of Glyphs was opened. In the body of the young man in shirt.

How could the young man in white shirt think that Tianhuo would dare to attack him at this time. Although the damage value is not high, in his opinion, this is a complete insult, and he couldn't help being furious, "Bastard, kill him for me!"

Hearing that, the dozen or so strong men all stepped out of the air, and all galloped towards Tianhuo, but Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and flew towards the west of the city with only one side, which is the distance from the city gate. recent!

"Want to escape?" The white-clothed youth snorted coldly. He couldn't care less about Yu Wu's two daughters at this moment, and he also jumped up into the air, chasing after Tianhuo, "Lei Er, you guys look after these two!"

As soon as the words fell, the young man in white shirt had already chased after him.

Yu Wu hugged the unconscious younger sister, and glanced at Lei Er and the two with cold eyes, "You guys killed him?"

Yu Wu was talking about the dead old man.

"Hey, little sister, just be obedient and get caught. Although I didn't realize that you are a woman, but my young master will treat you well!" Lei Er joked, two against one, both are in the realm of spirits and gods, they don't have to worry at all.

The anger in Yu Wu's icy eyes was even worse, "You shouldn't be alive!"

As soon as the words fell, the walls formed by the mysterious wind around them collapsed in an instant, and swept towards Lei Er and the two of them violently, and a terrifying aura emerged instantly. The invisible wind that swept over had already arrived, engulfing the two of them in an instant.

"Death!" Yu Wu clenched his jade fist, squeezed by the invisible wind, the figures of Lei Er disappeared instantly.

If Tianhuo was here, he would be extremely astonished, because Yu Wu's strength is also a spirit god, but he can easily kill two spirit gods in seconds. Is Yu Wu's strength still something that a spirit god can have?

After finishing all this, Yu Wu picked up the girl and ran quickly towards the west gate.

In the sky, Tianhuo galloped, and if you look closely, you can find that although Tianhuo is fast, it is leisurely, plundering towards the outside of the city without haste, and behind, more than a dozen people are all running wildly, Only then can he keep up with the sky fire.

"How courageous! You are not allowed to fly in Thunderstorm City!" Tianhuo Dang flew over the city wall, and roars came from the city wall one by one, it was those city guards!

But Tianhuo didn't care about it, and those city guards all changed their expressions after seeing the young palace master and others, and stopped talking.

Watching the young palace master and others chase Tianhuo away, the city guards were all dumbfounded, "The young palace master personally took action, that kid is out of luck."

"That's right, he's happy to die happily." The city guards shook their heads and jokingly said.

Tianhuo galloped forward, always keeping a distance of several miles from the crowd, and after flying for tens of miles, it landed directly on the ground below, turned around and waited.

"Kill! This kid can't fly anymore!" The dozen or so people galloped forward, with powerful auras surging, attacking without hesitation. For a moment, more than a dozen terrifying attacks appeared in the sky!

"Ten thousand people beheaded! Order the world! Supreme Legion!"

The titles of the three people suddenly appeared above Tianhuo's head, and then, the book of literati was quickly opened, and every time a page was opened, golden light surged, and Tianhuo's aura became stronger at this moment.

"Swallowing Stars!" A series of bonuses appeared, and Tianhuo's thoughts moved, and the Star-swallowing Moon Beast also appeared beside him. After Tianhuo turned over, the tenth page of the Book of Glyphs was flipped open.

In an instant, a strange waterfall came from nowhere, and as soon as it appeared, it enveloped everyone in it, and in this waterfall, clearly visible large characters surged in it, "Rizhao incense burner produces purple smoke, and the distant Look at the waterfall hanging in Maekawa.Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days! '

As the waterfall entangled and opened, the speed of the dozen or so people suddenly slowed down, and the young man in white shirt who saw this scene was not in a hurry to make a move, and watched quietly from the distant sky, as if Tianhuo's attack was very curious.

A series of damage values ​​popped up above the heads of the dozen or so people, all of them were in the realm of spirits and gods. Skyfire had killed a strong man in this realm when he first entered the first-level area, so what is it now?
Seeing the entanglement of the waterfall, Tianhuo glanced lightly at the young man in white shirt who was out of the attack range. He was a strong Tianshen. Tianhuo knew that he could not deal with that!
The young man in white was also looking at Tianhuo. For a moment, the eyes of the two met in mid-air, and a strong killing intent quietly permeated the air.

"Tianling, I'm going to take Wang Xuedan!" Tianhuo said via voice transmission, this young man in white shirt will become his first stepping stone to become a spiritual god!At this moment, Tianhuo's fighting spirit was stronger than ever!
In the ring of the sage, Wang Xuedan appeared suddenly. Obviously, Tian Ling had no intention of stopping it.

The corners of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, and he spoke slowly: "The horse has just straddled a white jade saddle, the moonlight is cold on the battlefield after the battle. The sound of the iron drum at the top of the city is still shaking, and the golden sword in the box is still wet."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on creating an unprecedented swan song again, four god attributes +10, god level +1, verbal punishment skill proficiency +1000, note: every tenth level can only get three special rewards, exceeding the number of times Unable to get reward."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 80, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

As the upgraded light appeared, Tianhuo took out the Wang Xuedan without hesitation and swallowed it.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking Wang Xue Dan, god level +20, four god attributes +20000!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 81, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."


Immediately, one after another upgraded rays of light surged on Tianhuo's body, and the young man in white shirt in the distance became stunned, "What kind of elixir is that? Hehe, but is it useful to hold Buddha's feet temporarily? Don't say you can't reach your soul!" God, even if it is a spirit god, it is still an ant in my eyes!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 99, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 100, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have met the promotion requirements, please go to the breakthrough envoy to accept the breakthrough task."

"Huh?" Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo was stunned. This time, he actually reached the level of God 100?In the past, in the third and second level areas, level 99 was the bottleneck, but in this level area, it has become level 100. Is it because the breakthrough is the spirit god?

But what made Tianhuo even more speechless was that he didn't directly break through to the spirit god, but still needed to accept the task. At this moment, Tianhuo was very curious. Mu Yichen obviously didn't do the breakthrough task, how did he get to the spirit god? ?
In the arena, the waterfall that entwined the dozen or so people had disappeared. The dozen or so people were all in disarray, with less than one-third of their health. Seeing the sky fire that stopped in mid-air, they rushed towards them again.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, looked away from the young man in white shirt, and was about to strike again, but the young man in white shirt raised his hand, "Get back! I will kill him with my own hands!"

After finishing speaking, the young man in white shirt pointed out his hand, and suddenly, a terrible breath blasted out, falling straight to the ground below.

As the attack fell, a deep pit appeared not far from Tianhuo, and the young man in white shirt jokingly said with a smile: "This is your grave!"

Tianhuo sneered, there are many people who want to kill him, but now he is still alive and well, how can he be afraid of him?

Just as he was about to make a move, Tianhuo was stunned, and looked at the top of the white-clothed young man's head in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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