The strongest saint

Chapter 537 Breakthrough Messenger?

Chapter 537 Breakthrough Messenger?
Tianhuo was a little helpless, Mu Yichen directly broke through, and he still found the so-called breakthrough messenger, from the third-level area to the second-level area, and now, it is still like this!

But Tianhuo is very clear that there is no such npc in the city, and the system does not give the slightest hint, so it will be very troublesome to find it.

After being silent for a long time, Tianhuo directly opened the Zongmen system. Looking at the nearly 40 billion members, he was secretly stunned, but then his eyes lit up. With so many people, someone should have seen the breakthrough messenger, right?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo directly activated the door master's speech, "Brothers and sisters, has any of you seen the breakthrough messenger in the first-level area?"

To Tianhuo's surprise, the already lively Zongmen channel suddenly became noisy after Tianhuo's voice sounded!

"Wow! Surprised that the sky fire is big..."

"Wow... Skyfire is about to break through again!"


Voices of worship completely drowned out the Zongmen channel. In this situation, Tianhuo couldn't check who responded to him, so he continued helplessly: "Okay, everyone, be quiet first, has anyone seen the breakthrough messenger? Tell me."

The Zongmen channel suddenly quieted down, but what made Tianhuo frown was that no one told Tianhuo the whereabouts of the breakthrough envoy.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no response. Tianhuo reluctantly closed the Zongmen channel, turned on the friend system, and called for the leader: "Leader, where is the breakthrough messenger?"

"Oh... I heard it just now, but I don't know!" Yimao said helplessly.

"Isn't it? You don't even know?" Tianhuo said in amazement.

He took the lead and said angrily: "Nonsense, it's not your fault. When you broke through, you didn't say where you found the breakthrough messenger. The news didn't spread. How could I know?"

Hearing this, Tianhuo rubbed his chin, indeed, if it was like what he said first, then he really didn't know, but he didn't know, it seemed that he had to spend a lot of effort to find it again!

The first-level area is vast and boundless. Not to mention anything else, the chaotic domain alone is extremely large. It would be fine if the breakthrough messenger is here, but it will be even more troublesome if he is not here.

"Tianhuo, I remembered that the only clue is that after you broke through, there was a difference in the east of the chaotic domain. The Tianyin River seems to be no longer restricted, and I don't know the details." He said immediately.

"Oh? You mean that even ordinary boats can pass through the Yintian River?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's right, so you get a pier as soon as possible." He took the lead and laughed.

After breaking through, Yintianhe doesn't need old man Chuandu anymore?Tianhuo thought about it, then laughed, "I see, thanks!"

"Huh? Could it be that the breakthrough envoy is leading Tianhe?" Asked immediately.

Tianhuo smiled, "You don't care, anyway, after I break through, you don't have to be so troublesome when you break through in the future."

"That's right, then you have to work hard, I'm almost reaching the first-level area." Said immediately.

Tianhuo nodded, closed the friend system, got up and led the three girls towards the teleportation formation, "Are you sure you want to follow me to find the breakthrough messenger?"

"It's not a big deal, you won't let us go?" Yu Ling laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, "That's not true, let's go to Yin Tianhe first, maybe the breakthrough messenger is there."

After stepping on the teleportation array, he came to Cangyuan City not long after, and Yintian River is a hundred miles east of Cangyuan City, not far away.

It was the first time for Yu Wu to run so far away from the Thunderstorm Palace, and he couldn't hide his excitement along the way, but facing Tianhuo, he was still the same as before, often daring not to look at Tianhuo, always avoiding Tianhuo's gaze.

Tianhuo didn't care, walked out of Cangyuan City, pointed to the east and said, "A hundred miles away is the Yintian River. It's strange that there is a rootless waterfall falling from the sky. From the place where the waterfall falls, the Yintian River is facing north and south. flow away."

"We've heard about this, hehe, I heard that no matter what boat is on the Yintian River, it will sink. Only old man Chuandu's strange boat can pass through the Yintian River." Xiao Fenghuang laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, "Old man Chuandu gave me a dragon boat at the beginning, which allowed me to go to Dragon Island smoothly. Unfortunately, that dragon boat was swallowed by the void ray. Otherwise, the dragon boat should be able to cross the Yintian River."

"Hee hee, let's go and see Yin Tianhe! Sister Yu Ling and I went directly from the second-level area to the chaotic domain a few days ago, so we don't even know what Yin Tianhe looks like!" Little Phoenix said expectantly.

Tianhuo glanced at Little Phoenix in astonishment, they could reach the Chaos Realm without passing Yintian River?

Soon, the waterfall with no visible source came into the eyes of the four people. Strangely, there was no rumbling sound belonging to the waterfall. It seemed that it was just a painting, not a real existence.

When I came to the Yintian River, what I saw was still the same. The waterfall fell silently, which was very strange, and the Yintian River also flowed in two directions, north and south.

"Why is there no sound?" Yu Wu rubbed her ears slightly, as if suspecting something wrong with her ears.

"Moving the boat and mooring the smoke and lakes, the sun is setting and the guests are worried about the new. The wild sky is low and the trees are low, and the river is clear and the moon is close to people!"

Suddenly, an old but energetic voice came from the Yintian River, and then the four of them saw a boat more than ten meters long rising slowly from the Yintian River, quickly draining the river water, stabilizing Standing on the Yintian River!
On the boat, the old man in coir raincoat and bamboo hat slowly got up, looked at the four Tianhuo people on the shore, and said with a smile, "Little friend Tianhuo, have you finally reached this point?"

Tianhuo hurriedly clasped his fists in salute, "Senior Chuandu, long time no see, how are you?"

"Haha, I've been waiting for this day for too long!" Old man Chuandu laughed, and the laughter could not stop for a long time.

Tianhuo looked at the old man Chuandu suspiciously, and asked in confusion, "Senior, are you waiting for me to reach the bottleneck?"

"That's right!" Elder Chuandu smiled, and then looked at Tianhuo mysteriously.

Tianhuo's heart moved, "Senior, are you the breakthrough messenger?"

"You can put it this way, little friend Tianhuo, if you want to break through to the spiritual realm, you must go up there!" Old man Chuandu raised his head and looked at the rootless waterfall.

"What!" Tianhuo lost his voice, and looked at the waterfall dumbfounded. He couldn't fly near the Yintian River, and this waterfall fell out of thin air without the slightest point of strength. How could he possibly go up?
"Once you break through, Yin Tianhe will change drastically, and then I won't be needed for extradition. Haha, little friend Tianhuo, it's up to you!" Old man Chuandu laughed.

"There is a divine fruit on it that can help you break through. I don't know what it is, hehe, it's up to you." The old man Chuandu said, and the boat under his feet was slowly descending. It seemed that he was going back to Yintian River bingo.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on triggering the breakthrough mission, accept it forcibly, please check the mission panel for details."

As the old man Chuandu descended with the boat, a system notification sounded, and before Tianhuo could check it, the figure of the old man Chuandu had disappeared on the river.

"Do you want to go up? This seems to be an impossible task!" Little Phoenix blinked, staring at the waterfall and said.

Tianhuo shook his head with a wry smile, also looked at the waterfall, and murmured: "Since all the tasks have been accepted, there should be a solution."

With that said, Tianhuo looked at the mission panel.

Breakthrough Mission: Spiritual God's Breakthrough
Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Task reward: break through to the realm of spirits and gods.

Task penalty: Level -10.

Mission introduction: You have found a way to break through. Above the waterfall of Yintian River, there is a mysterious magic fruit. Obtaining it can help you break through. However, you cannot fly around Yintian River. How to go up becomes The only problem.

The task is only A-level, but it is not easy at all. There is no other way but to fly up, but it is impossible to fly here.

"At the beginning, I saw someone use a ban-breaking scroll to break the ban on flying. I don't know if it's because of the ban." Tianhuo murmured, rubbing his chin.

"No, there is no restriction here, but other reasons we don't know." Little Phoenix said with certainty.

"That's right, there is indeed no restriction, and the scroll to break the restriction is useless." Yu Ling also said.

"Huh? That's troublesome. If you can't get up, you can't break through!" Tianhuo shook his head.

For a moment, the four of them fell silent, facing the situation in front of them, there was nothing they could do!
After thinking for a long time, Tianhuo was helpless, and said with a smile: "I will always find a way, let's go shopping first!"

Tianhuo is sure that he can find a way, firstly, he learned from the leader, and secondly, he knows very well that everything must have a chance!Look around, maybe you can find some clues.

However, Tianhuo gradually became disappointed. He walked hundreds of miles back and forth along the Yintian River, but found nothing unusual at all!
Returning to the place where he was before, Tianhuo's face has long lost the previous relaxed look, and he frowned and said, "Yu Ling, little Fenghuang, you are all living dictionaries, is there any way?"

The second daughter shook her head helplessly, Yu Ling said: "It's impossible to fly where you can't fly, unless you become the main god, and only the main god can do it."

Tianhuo smiled wryly, even the spirit gods couldn't break through, and returned the main god, how could this be possible?

"Tianling, what about you, is there any way?" Tianhuo said via voice transmission.

In her mind, Tianling's voice came: "You finally think of me? Hmph, with the company of beautiful women, forget about me."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded. Hearing Tianling's jealous voice, he couldn't help saying strangely: "Tianling, what are you talking about? I haven't been thinking of a way!"

"Hee hee, just kidding, but to be honest, Tianhuo, I think you and Yu Wu are a little weird..."

Taking advantage of Tianling's words, Tianhuo hurriedly interrupted, saying: "Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to think about those love affairs, I'm busy!"

"You... I didn't mean that, I meant... well, forget it, anyway, I'm not sure, I'll know later." Tian Ling said.

Seeing that Tianling didn't bother with this issue, Tianhuo hastily changed the subject and asked, "It's business, is there a way?"

(End of this chapter)

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