The strongest saint

Chapter 543 Weihai Yunlong

Chapter 543 Weihai Yunlong
Tianhuo's figure jumped out towards the golden cloud and mist vortex in the distance like a cannonball, and as Tianhuo jumped out, the space-breaking shuttle trembled, and it was kicked by Tianhuo for several miles before it stabilized.

And the sky fire has already fallen straight towards the whirlpool.

"There must be nothing wrong!" Little Phoenix murmured, staring at the jumping Skyfire.

The eyes of Yu Wu and Yu Ling were full of worry, Yu Ling said: "I also really want to know what's in it, it actually gave birth to a waterfall."

Amid the worries of the women, Tianhuo is getting closer and closer to the whirlpool, and as the distance gets closer, Tianhuo is horrified to find that the whirlpool is far bigger than what he has seen before!
The vortex lying flat in the sky is slowly surging, attracting the surrounding clouds and mist, and the figure of Tianhuo gradually becomes smaller in front of the vortex, until the moment in front of the vortex, Tianhuo is inconceivable. Yin said: "It is nearly ten miles in size! It was only a few hundred meters before!"

Without waiting for Tianling's response, the vortex swallowed the skyfire like a gigantic beast standing in the clouds.

Tianhuo fell straight into the center of the vortex, and found that it was like a golden passage, surrounded by golden clouds and mists slowly rotating, and as it fell, the sunlight gradually faded away in Tianhuo's eyes. This scene was indescribably mysterious. strange.

Turning his head again to glance at the distant sunlight on his body, Tianhuo looked down, only to see that the cloud in front of him had turned a normal blue color, and as his body descended, the vortex was shrinking!

"Glyph Sage's Eye!" Tianhuo's eyes once again had a milky white halo, but to Tianhuo's surprise, his own Glyph Sage's Eye still couldn't penetrate the clouds and mist around the whirlpool.

Not long after, the channel in the center of the vortex has changed from a few miles in size to hundreds of meters in size, and the faint light obliquely shone down from above, making the scenery in front of Tianhuo even more dreamy.

"It seems to be coming soon, Tianling, pay attention to me!" Tianhuo said through voice transmission, looking down intently.

The vortex channel ahead is only seven or eight meters in size, and just in front of the seven or eight-meter channel, the surrounding clouds and mist are absorbed into it, and then it turns into flowing water and falls down. There, it is the waterfall. source!
Tianhuo was overjoyed, he didn't care about other things, he twisted his body slightly, and fell out of the source abruptly, avoiding falling directly along the waterfall.

Tianhuo fell heavily on the mysterious object, his legs felt numb and painful, and then his body uncontrollably rolled over dozens of times on the mysterious object before he was able to stabilize himself!

"Entity? It's actually an entity!" Tianhuo stabilized his figure, only to see that there was thick fog around him, but there was an entity under his feet!
"The hole before was behind you, go back and have a look!" Tianling's excited voice sounded, as if she had discovered something.

Tianhuo nodded, turned around, and walked slowly in the thick fog. After walking more than ten meters, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he had already reached the seven or eight meter wide passage.

A strange scene appeared in front of my eyes, I saw the surrounding mist was attracted by this passage from the foot, and the next moment, it turned into flowing water and fell straight down.

This whole mysterious place, only here is clearly visible, other places are covered by thick fog, and even the eyes of Wensheng can only see a few meters away.

Under the feet, with the surge of mist, Tianhuo discovered that it was actually a white jade-like ground, and at the place where the flowing water was transformed, there was also white jade three to four meters thick.

Seeing this scene, a hollow jade tablet suddenly appeared in Tianhuo's mind. The outer shape is unknown, but the center is a circular hole. This is the shrunken shape of the mysterious object under his feet!

With such thoughts in his mind, Tianhuo turned around and walked out without hesitation, "Tianling, I want to see what this is, it actually floats in the air and turns the clouds into flowing water!"

Tianhuo had already thought that the thing under his feet must be something mysterious, suspended in mid-air and turning the clouds into flowing water, and only then did the rootless waterfall below appear, and the Yintian River appeared.

Tian Ling didn't stop her, she didn't speak, she didn't know what she was thinking, but soon, Tianhuo had reached the edge, and when she leaned over to look, she saw the mysterious object under her feet extending towards the sides in an arc.

Walking around the edge, Tianhuo narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and murmured: "Sure enough, a ring-shaped jade with a thickness of three or four meters and a radius of [-] meters!"

The old man Chuandu told himself that there is a fruit here, and Tianhuo has not found it yet, but he is curious, can a fruit grow on this huge jade tablet?
It is not difficult to imagine that there is actually a piece of jade floating in this extremely thick cloud, and this piece of jade actually turns the cloud into flowing water, forming a waterfall. Such a situation, even if it is weird, what is the origin of this piece of jade?
Under the terrifying force of the previous fall, the jade document did not shake at all, which is enough to show how stable it is floating, and Tianhuo, if his body hadn't become an intermediate divine body, naturally it would not be able to withstand this way of falling.

"Find that fruit first, Tianling, why don't you come out?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously as he said.

"Look for it, don't bother me yet, I seem to have seen this piece of jade somewhere, let me think about it." Tianling responded.

Tianhuo shrugged. He only walked around the edge before, but now he continues to look for places he hasn't walked.

The visibility was only three or four meters around, so Tianhuo narrowed the walking route circle by circle, from a radius of 92 meters to [-] meters, shrinking circle by circle.

After walking four or five laps in such a narrow range, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and there was a small jade-colored tree in front of him!
This small tree grows directly from the Jade Document, and it looks like it is integrated with the Jade Document, and even the color and texture are the same, but on this small tree that is only one meter high, this jade-colored tree actually grows Fruit the size of a walnut!
Tianhuo stared at the small tree and the fruit in surprise for a moment before saying: "Tianling, I picked it directly!"

Tianling didn't respond, and Tianhuo didn't care. He slowly stretched out his right hand while thinking, "Wen Sheng's laziness!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on using the laziness of Wen Sheng to successfully collect Yunlong fruit × 1!"

In the backpack, there was already that jade-colored fruit, and Wen Shengzhi instantly identified its attributes.

Yunlong Fruit: The divine fruit of Yunlongyu, which was born after countless years, contains the majestic spirit of heaven and earth. After taking it, you can get the baptism of heaven and earth and break through to the realm of spirit and god, and hide more than 99% of the power in the body. After activation, it will trigger a mysterious effect .

Seeing the attributes of Yunlongguo, Tianhuo was shocked, and lost his voice: "Less than 1% of the power can make me break through to the spiritual realm? Then how to activate the remaining power?"

The explanation of the 'mysterious effect' made Tianhuo's heart itch, and he really wanted to know what the effect was!
While thinking about it, Tianling suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo, with a strong look of joy on her face, "I figured it out, this is indeed the Yunlong jade, it is the jade pendant that Weihai Yunlong carries with him!"

Tianhuo was taken aback, Weihai Yunlong?The ancestor dragon of the dragon clan?That mysterious Supreme?

At the beginning, Tianhuo got Weihai Yunlong's Yunlong Sword, which was swallowed by Nine Souls Yinglong. Now, he encountered Weihai Yunlong's thing again!
In astonishment, the Yunlongyu under his feet trembled, causing Tianhuo's figure to stand unsteadily for a while, and then, a shocking dragon chant sounded suddenly from the sky and the earth!
There was no trace of this dragon chant, as if it was in the ear, and it seemed to be separated by an immeasurable distance, but when it appeared, all the beasts in the entire chaotic domain and the sphere of influence of the Prisoner Dragon Sect in the East raised their heads in shock!

Tianhuo didn't know that the dragon's chant had alarmed such a wide range of humans and beasts. At this moment, there was something strange in the palace of Fanshen, and the voice of Nine Souls Yinglong appeared in his head, "Master, let me out quickly, I heard Zulong's dragon chant!"

Without hesitation, Tianhuo released the Nine Souls Yinglong from the Fanshen Palace, and when the latter appeared, he hurriedly crawled down, muttering in his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about.

At this moment, Tianhuo, who was in the clouds, didn't know that the Yintian River below was already boiling, and the entire Yintian River was swept by huge waves. After a while, a blue figure disappeared in a flash at the place where the waterfall fell.

And in front of Tianhuo and Jiuhun Yinglong, a man in green shirt suddenly appeared!
"Nine souls see Senior Zulong!" Weihai Yunlong didn't dare to lift his head, but he could clearly sense the sudden appearance of the man in green shirt, and said respectfully.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, looking in astonishment at the man in the blue shirt who suddenly appeared in front of him, this man had a warm smile on his face, he looked only in his twenties, his eyes seemed to be full of vicissitudes, and this man clearly stood In front of him, it seemed to be untouchable, very weird.

And from the mouth of Jiuhun Yinglong, Tianhuo knew that this person was the ancestor of the dragon clan who had turned into a human form, the ancestor dragon-Weihai Yunlong!

"Tianhuo has met Senior Zulong!" After being shocked, Tianhuo hastily cupped his fists.

Weihai Yunlong looked Tianhuo up and down, the gentle smile on his face remained unchanged, and said: "Nine Souls Yinglong, yes, he is better than your father, and I can be regarded as a successor, and you, Tianhuo..."

As Weihai Yunlong said, he fell silent, and a complex look flashed in his eyes. After a long time, he sighed slightly, and then smiled slightly: "I'll give you a month, and we'll see you at the God of War Temple. If you can't come in a month, then you have no hope in this life." .”

After finishing speaking, Weihai Yunlong waved his hand, and immediately, Yunlongguo, which was in Tianhuo's backpack, appeared directly in front of Tianhuo's eyes, and got into Tianhuo's mouth uncontrollably!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking Yunlong Fruit, you have successfully broken through to the realm of spirit gods, and you have hidden a huge power in your body."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on reaching the full level, the second stage of returning to reality has been completed, and the reward method, the Holy Word, has been upgraded to the holy level."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on completing the second phase of returning to reality and activating the third phase of the task. Please check the task panel for details!"

(End of this chapter)

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