The strongest saint

548 Chapter 2 gods

Chapter 548 Two God Sovereigns
Although the speed of the cloud piercing boat has decreased a lot, it is still flying, but at this speed, it may take a few days to fly up the Fufeng Peak.

However, at this moment, a voice made Tianhuo frown, the opportunity came?what does that mean?
Standing on the cloud piercing boat and turning around to look, I saw two figures galloping from below. Obviously, those two figures here could not fly either.

It's just that when he saw those two figures, Tianhuo couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Sure enough, only the leaders of the three major forces could come here. Of these two people, one of them was Shentu Shenjun, and the other, Tianhuo didn't doubt it at all. He is the Lord of the Hall of Raging Fire!

The whereabouts of the Hall Master of the Thunderstorm Hall are unknown now, but the remaining two gods appeared here, probably for the purpose of going to the Temple of War!
When Tianhuo saw Shentu Shenjun, the latter also found Tianhuo on the boat, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Haha, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!"

At the beginning, Tianhuo cast the wind and clouds on Tianhuo, but Tianhuo took away a scroll and an artifact. You must know that at that time, Tianhuo hadn't even reached the spirit god. This is a slap in the face!

Right now, unexpectedly meeting Tianhuo again, and Tianhuo also has a mysterious ship that allows him to set foot on the Temple of War God, how could he not be happy?

Tianhuo's expression changed slightly, and without hesitation, he controlled the cloud piercing boat and flew straight up. However, there is extremely strong gravity in this area, although the cloud piercing boat can still fly, but the speed is not fast!
"Want to run?" Shentu Shenjun sneered, jumped up suddenly, and reached a hundred meters in the air in an instant, and was about to land on the cloud piercing boat, but Tianhuo only had time to control the cloud piercing boat to dodge it slightly!
boom!The cloud piercing boat shook for a while, and with the sound of impact, Shentu Shenjun's big hand was firmly grasped on the side of the boat, and then he bounced, turned over and landed firmly on the cloud piercing boat!
"Haha, no matter how many times I've come here, I still can't go up, I can't think of it, I can't think of it!" Shentu Shenjun laughed, staring at the cloud piercing boat under his feet with satisfaction.

Tianhuo cursed secretly in his heart, he never thought that he would meet Shentu Shenjun here!
boom!The cloud-piercing boat trembled again, and the other god landed on the boat steadily. After looking at the cloud-piercing boat for a while, he nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, we can go up now!"

Saying that, Shentu and Shenjun both raised their heads and looked at the floating peak in the sky ahead.

"Want to go up?" Tianhuo squinted his eyes, and then with a thought, he directly put away the cloud piercing boat. In an instant, the three of them fell down together!

Tianhuo stared intently at the ground that was getting closer and closer. At the moment of falling, his legs exerted force, and then his figure jumped up high, leaping forward!

God Lord Shentu and Lord Lie Huo sneered disdainfully. After stabilizing their bodies, they rushed out together and chased after Tianhuo. They are god-level powerhouses and exist at the top of the chaotic domain. run away!

After jumping out a few times, Tianhuo was shocked to find that the gravity he was enduring was getting stronger and stronger, and the distance he could jump out was getting shorter and shorter. After a few ups and downs, he was surrounded by Shentu and Shenjun, one behind the other.

"Hmph! If you run again, I'll kill you directly!" Shentu Shenjun stood in front of Tianhuo and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, kid, since you've sneaked in, let's not say much, how about we go up together?" Behind him, Lord Lie Huo said.

Tianhuo frowned and looked at the two, going up together?I'm afraid that I will be unlucky after going up, so it's better to go up by myself!
After making up his mind, Tianhuo calmed down and asked, "What are you doing up there?"

"Hmph! Whatever you go up, we will do!" Shentu Shenjun said with a sneer.

Lie Huo Shenjun took a few steps forward, waved his hand at Shentu Shenjun, and then smiled at Tianhuo: "Since you are here, you must know that this is the Temple of War God, the palace of the Lord God! There must be countless treasures. What you get in the palace depends entirely on your luck, how about it?"

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and said to Liehuo Shenjun: "But, I don't want Shen Tuyun to go up."

Shentu Shenjun's expression froze, and his cold eyes fixed on Tianhuo, "Boy, then you can die!"

"Haha, I will be afraid of you? Shentuyun, even if I die, will you still get my cloud piercing boat?" Tianhuo laughed. With the identity of an adventurer in another world, it is enough to frighten Shentu Shenjun!
On the other hand, God Lord Lie Huo had a mysterious look in his eyes, how could he not see that Tianhuo wanted to use his own hands to get rid of God Lord Shentu!
Tianhuo didn't care about Liehuo Shenjun's expression, but just looked at Shentu Shenjun jokingly, and then said: "Shentu Shentu, I said at the beginning that keeping my fan of the literary saint can save your life in the future. Now, do you want to save your life?" Are you considering taking the Fan of the Grave Sage in exchange for your life?"

Hearing this, God Lord Shentu looked at Lord Liehuo warily. Hearing what Tianhuo meant, he wanted to force God Lord Liehuo to take action!But when he looked at Lie Huo Shenjun, he saw that the latter shook his head slightly.

Seeing Lord Liehuo shaking his head, Shentu smiled, "Haha, he and I are both junior gods, and it's hard to tell the winner. Do you think we can fight each other just by sowing discord?"

Tianhuo smiled, shook his head and said: "No, you are wrong, I am not borrowing from Liehuo Shenjun, but..."

Suddenly, a little girl appeared beside Tianhuo, who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, but the power fluctuations around her made the pupils of Shentu and Liehuo constrict suddenly, "How is that possible!"

This little girl is naturally Yu Ling, the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire!
As soon as Yu Ling appeared, she couldn't help but locked her breath on the two of them. Although Tianhuo hadn't said anything yet, seeing the two gods surrounding Tianhuo, Yu Ling immediately became sure that Tianhuo must be in danger!

"Haha, Shentu Shenjun, should you give me the fan of Wensheng?" Tianhuo said jokingly.

It is rare to meet Shentu Shenjun, Tianhuo will naturally not let go of such an opportunity, with Yu Ling and Xiaofenghuang around, he doesn't have to worry about anything at all, and if he misses this opportunity, maybe he will have to go to the base camp of Shentu Palace in the future, then But it is difficult.

Seeing this, Lord Riehuo stepped back, and immediately revealed Lord Shentu, and Lord Shentu's face became extremely ugly at this moment, because he couldn't see Yu Ling's cultivation at all, and only felt that under Yu Ling's lock, even There is no chance at all!
"I still have something to do, so I won't bother you." Lord Lie Huo retreated, and said resentfully.

Tianhuo smiled, "Why, Your Excellency doesn't want to go up?"

The muscles on Lie Huo Shenjun's face trembled slightly, he smiled awkwardly, and said: "I'm just joking, little brother, don't take it seriously, I'm leaving first, and we will meet again when there is a chance!"

After finishing speaking, Liehuo Shenjun retreated quickly, but Tianhuo hesitated, but still did not stop him. After all, it is not a good thing to provoke two gods at once, and even jumped the wall in a hurry!

In an instant, Lie Huo Shenjun's figure had disappeared from Tianhuo's sight, and only Shentu Shentu, who was sweating profusely, was left in the field.

"The fan of the sage of literature... I didn't bring it with me..." After a long time, Shentu Shenjun said with difficulty.

Hearing this, Tianhuo frowned slightly, it seemed that Shentu Shenjun's words did not seem to be false!
When Tianhuo frowned, Yu Ling also frowned slightly, and said via voice transmission: "Tianhuo, I thought you were in danger, but I didn't expect this kind of thing. Don't use me as a thug in the future!"

After the sound transmission was over, Yu Ling withdrew all her aura, gave Shentu Shenjun a cold look, and said, "Go away, don't be an eyesore here!"

Divine Lord Shentu instantly left as if he had received an amnesty, and Tianhuo looked at Yu Ling with some astonishment, "Are you angry?"

Yu Ling gave Tianhuo a blank look, and said angrily: "What is there to be angry about? It just feels like bullying a child. Why should I get involved in this kind of thing?"

Tianhuo stared blankly at Yu Ling, bullying a child?In front of Yu Ling, the god and strong man is a child?
"Let me go back. You can do your best on your own." Yu Ling continued.

Tianhuo subconsciously took Yu Ling back to the Fanshen Palace, but a strange feeling surged in her heart. Before, Yu Ling was not like this. If she had something to do, she would definitely go there regardless of her own safety. What happened now?
After thinking for a while, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly. Anyway, the two gods have run away, so he can go up smoothly. As for Yu Ling's changes, let's talk about it later!Maybe it's just like what she said, she can't do things like bullying children.

The cloud piercing boat rose slowly again and flew towards the Fufeng Peak. In Tianhuo's heart, anticipation resurfaced again. Although the God of War is not here, but seeing the palace of the God of War, maybe he can learn something about the God of War!
The higher you go, the slower the speed of the cloud-piercing boat, but it's better than being unable to fly, and even the strong gods can't get up. Skyfire can rely on the cloud-piercing boat to go up, which is already a great advantage. Anyway, the distance is not far away, it's no big deal Take some time.

Fufeng was floating at a height of more than ten miles, and the straight-line distance between Tianhuo and Fufeng was only a few dozen miles.

Gradually, the distance to Fufeng was getting closer and closer, and as the distance got closer, Tianhuo discovered that the whole Fufeng actually had a metallic luster, and the surface of Fufeng had extremely regular fine edges and corners.

Looking carefully at the Fufeng for a moment, Tianhuo suddenly remembered that the God of War, Gu Chen, has the ability to control metal. Could this Fufeng be created by the God of War using that power?
And those edges and corners on the surface of the floating peak don't seem to be that simple, maybe this floating peak has something unexpected!

After a long time, the cloud piercing boat finally landed on the Fufeng Peak. Tianhuo took the cloud piercing boat away and stepped directly onto the square on the Fufeng Peak. Looking at the War God Temple ahead, he said, "Senior, here I come!"

"Understood, come in!" Weihai Yunlong's voice came, and then the door of the God of War Temple was slowly opened, and the distant and simple atmosphere rushed towards his face.

(End of this chapter)

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