The strongest saint

Chapter 550 Golden Spirit Beast King

Chapter 550 Golden Spirit Beast King
In the ground below, golden light shot up to the sky through the cracks.

Next to Tianhuo's ears, there were still system notifications ringing non-stop, but at this moment, Tianhuo did not pay attention to the system notifications, but stared at the ground below.

"Is the boss going to appear?" Tianhuo's eyes were full of joy, and he slightly shook the book of literati in his hand.

"Ding! The system prompts: The realm has been improved, congratulations on reaching the middle stage of the spirit god, and the attributes of the four gods are +2000!"

The rapidly rising experience value finally broke through the experience bar, and the reminder of the realm improvement sounded, if there is no bottleneck, that is a direct breakthrough, reaching the intermediate spirit god!

What surprised Tianhuo was that the middle-level spirit god actually added two thousand of the four major god attributes. You must know that when it was a level in the past, it only added five points!I don't know how many attributes of the four great gods will be brought to me when I break through to a high-level spiritual god!

Looking at the experience bar, Tianhuo found that after breaking through to the middle-level spirit god, it had actually increased by more than half, reaching about 80%, and it was not far from reaching the high-level spirit god.

"Gen Sheng's laziness!" Watching the cracks keep getting bigger, Tianhuo was worried that the corpses of those golden spirit beasts would fall down, so he hurriedly used the harvesting technique.

"Ding! System prompt: You use the laziness of Wen Sheng, collect 985 monster corpses, and get gold spirit fragments × 985."

"Huh?" Tianhuo raised his brows slightly, he didn't count the number of these monsters before, but now he used his laziness to realize that adding the previous 15, it was exactly one thousand!
A thousand golden spirit beasts can bring you a total of 360 billion experience points. However, it is enough to see that after breaking through to the spirit god, the experience points required are even more terrifying. It is really difficult for Tianhuo Imagine, how will those ordinary players improve their realm in the future?
With emotion, bursts of rumbles interrupted Tianhuo's thinking. Looking around, the ground below collapsed, and a tiger's paw as tall as a person protruded from the collapsed place!

Seeing such a huge tiger paw, Tianhuo waved his hand hastily, "Back!"

Tiger Palm alone is as tall as a person, which is enough to show the size of this boss, and Tianhuo is also a little worried. He doesn't know what kind of strength this boss will be, but he must not be a god, otherwise he can only invite Yu Ling and the others Help!

"Roar!" Before the boss's body fully appeared, a terrifying roar of the tiger had already resounded through the sky and the earth, making one's scalp tingle, and at the same time, the eardrums were buzzing.

"Zhan Hu, is this big guy your tiger type? The momentum is very scary!" Looking at the guarded eyes of the three beasts, Tianhuo teased.

Kai Tian Zhanhu was excited because he had obtained a thousand pieces of golden spirits. When he heard Tianhuo's teasing voice, he couldn't help but startled, "Of course not. They were born from the aura of golden sharpness and cannot be counted in any category. After all, they are No wit."

While speaking, I saw the protruding tiger's paw slapping the ground fiercely, and then the ground shattered, and a huge figure also jumped out of the ground following this slap!

The mountain-like figure landed on the desolate golden ground, making a deafening crash, and the ground trembled, and the golden eyes of that huge monster shone with a cold light, and the cold killing intent permeated the air.

The King of the Golden Spirit Beast, a god, whose attributes are unknown.

Explanation: Born from the sharp energy of heaven and earth, its strong point is its indomitable attack, but its weak point is its heart in its huge body.

This time, the Glyph Saint's Eye triggered the weak point ability, and saw all the weak points of the Golden Spirit Beast King, but the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched, how could he attack its heart with a mountain-like body?And this is a god-level monster, so you can come here for whatever you worry about!

Tianhuo's face darkened slightly. A monster at the level of a god should also have an intermediate divine body. Even if he has seen its weakness, it may be difficult to deal with it. After all, the gap in realm lies here.

The only thing that reassures Tianhuo is that this boss, fortunately, is only a junior god.

"Roar!" While Tianhuo and the three beasts looked at each other, the King of the Golden Spirit Beast had already roared and poked out his head, his golden mouth opened violently, and swallowed one person and three beasts.

Looking at the big mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the world, one person and three heads all retreated violently. During the process of retreating, they did not forget to release their respective attacks and fell into the mouth of the Golden Spirit Beast King.

Tianhuo swung a stroke randomly, but caused more than 1 damage to the Golden Spirit Beast King, and his face sank. Does he have a chance to attack it [-] times?

As if responding to Tianhuo's thoughts, the Golden Spirit Beast King closed his mouth, and then the tiger's palm suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo. Before Tianhuo could react, he was hit by the tiger's palm. Suddenly, his whole body seemed to fall apart, and his figure instantly fell apart. Was bombarded.

Flying upside down, what surprised Tianhuo was the damage he suffered, which actually reached nearly [-]. It is also an intermediate divine body, which shows how powerful the opponent's attack is!
In the blink of an eye, a green health point appeared on the top of Tianhuo's head, recovering the lost health point, Tianhuo was breathing a sigh of relief, but saw a green health point appearing above the head of the Golden Spirit Beast King!
"I'll go! I can also add blood to myself!" Tianhuo was dumbfounded, watching in a daze that the health of the Golden Spirit Beast King had also recovered to full. This was the first time he had seen a monster that could restore its own health!

The three Diyan beasts were also amazed, if they could restore their health without any limit, how could they fight?
Tianhuo retreated violently, gathered his mind, and said: "There should be a limit, maybe every recovery has a time and amount limit, attack with all your strength!"

As he said that, the Skyfire teleported out and landed on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and then he flipped through the Book of Glyphs, and the system alert sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Ding! System prompt: Affected by the power of the scroll, the defense of targets within a range of level x 10 meters is reduced by 80%."

"Ding! System prompt: The legion leader has cast the battle spirit skill, and the attributes of all members are increased by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: Legion leader has cast the Rage Soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

Tianhuo chose four skills that could enhance his attack and used them, and then the eighth page of the Book of Glyphs was opened, "Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain..."

The moment it was opened, a golden light flashed on the Book of Glyphs, and the whole poem had already landed behind the Golden Spirit Beast King. In Tianhuo's expectant eyes, a critical damage appeared on the top of the Golden Spirit Beast King! -

Tianhuo has already ridden the star devouring moon beast at this moment, and has cast the violent soul skill. Once the attack damage at this moment is a critical hit, it will be a full 20 times the damage value. However, with the addition of auxiliary skills, it is only for The Golden Spirit Beastmaster caused more than 70 damage!
In astonishment, Tianhuo kept moving, and at the same time riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast and flying back, the seventh page of the Book of Glyphs was also opened, "The broken iron clothes on the battlefield of hundreds of battles..."

The Golden Spirit Beast King once again had a damage value of more than 70, but Tianhuo was helpless. It was impossible to have such a high damage value in the next attack, and once 30 seconds passed, his own attack would be reduced. At that time, I am afraid that it can only cause more than 2 damage to the Golden Spirit Beast King.

It's okay if the speed of the Golden Spirit Beast King is slow, in that case I can completely consume it, but as a god, how can it be slow?
"Roar!" The huge body of the Golden Spirit Beast King couldn't dodge the attack of the sky fire, and he lost a lot of life points in an instant, so he couldn't help roaring again.

Hearing the roar, Tianhuo hurriedly teleported out, thinking that this guy was about to launch a powerful attack again, but unexpectedly, the Golden Spirit Beast King stopped in place, but above its head, a whole The green 100 million health recovery appears!
As soon as Tianhuo teleported out, he was stunned, "Recovering 100 million, how can we fight this?"

The two strongest skills only took away its HP which was less than 150 million, but it recovered 100 million in an instant. It was only a few seconds since the last recovery. If it could recover every few seconds With 100 million HP, Skyfire has no chance of defeating it!
Tianhuo fell silent, and his movements also stopped, while the Golden Spirit Beast King looked at Tianhuo playfully with his golden eyes, and the meaning was obvious, 'Xiaomian, are you new here? '

Seeing the contemptuous eyes of the Golden Spirit Beast King, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that he could only attack its weak point!
That is the heart of the Golden Spirit Beast King!It's just that the Golden Spirit Beast King's body is so huge, he must have thick skin and thick flesh. I don't have the skills to directly attack the heart of others. It is difficult to attack the Golden Spirit Beast King's heart at this moment!

Thinking about it, the Golden Spirit Beast King twisted his body, and knocked away Di Yan and Kai Tian Zhan Hu who were approaching him. At the same time, a green 100 million health recovery appeared on the top of his head. At this moment, it had already Restored the full blood state!
Diyan and Kaitian Zhanhu were knocked into the air, but the Golden Spirit Beast King kept moving. As he moved his limbs, his huge body slammed straight towards the skyfire. At the same time, he opened his mouth wide and shot towards the skyfire like a black hole. Come.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, hesitating in his heart, how about rushing directly into the big guy's body?Start from the inside?
While thinking about it, the big mouth like a bottomless pit had already reached the top of Tianhuo's head, and at this moment, Tianhuo only felt a burst of impact force from his side, and then his body was knocked into the air uncontrollably, and the voice of Kaitian Zhanhu came, " Master, we should cooperate inside and outside!"

As soon as the words fell, the mouth of the Golden Spirit Beast King had already closed, and Kai Tian Zhanhu also disappeared before his eyes and entered the body of the Golden Spirit Beast King. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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