The strongest saint

Chapter 552 Wood Spirit Realm

Chapter 552 Wood Spirit Realm

"The mysterious thing is sealed in it, so it can't be used? What's in this tripod?"

Tianhuo frowned when he saw the note on the Jitian Divine Cauldron. The Jitian Divine Cauldron was very powerful, but if he couldn't use it, he could only stare blankly if he got it.

After observing repeatedly, Tianhuo couldn't see what was sealed in it at all. After a long time, he reluctantly sent a voice transmission to Tianling: "Tianling, look at what is in this extremely heavenly god cauldron."

"Extreme Heaven God Cauldron? Huh? You actually got another one!" Tianling's surprised voice came.

"Huh? Tianling, how many gods are there? You seem to know." Tianhuo heard the meaning of Tianling's words and asked hastily.

"How many? It's really hard to say, it's a bit complicated to say, so don't ask, you will know in the future." Tian Ling shook her head and said.

Hearing this, Tianhuo rubbed his chin, counting it as the third statue he got, and the attributes are all the same powerful, so it must have been refined in batches, right?

But thinking about it, it seems impossible, this kind of divine tripod is extraordinary, even if it is refined in batches, it is impossible to have the same attributes!

"Well, let's not ask this, what is sealed in this extremely heavenly god cauldron? Can you sense it?" Tianhuo turned to ask.

"I don't know, but don't ask, just look ahead, there is a monster coming." After Tian Ling's voice fell, there was no more to say.

Beside Tianhuo, Diyan Linhuang Beast, Star Devouring Moon Beast, and Kaitian Zhanhu were already on guard, staring intently at the forest in front of them, only to see that the forest was actually moving!

Tianhuo also stared intently. Now that he is above the forest, he can also see that the towering ancient trees below are all hundreds of feet high, densely packed together, forming an endless forest sea. At this moment, this forest sea is surging. The trees are actually moving, and they are moving towards Tianhuo and the three beasts.

And in the process of encircling, those ancient trees slowly fell off, and after a while, tree figures have been formed one by one!

Tianhuo made a rough estimate, and the number was nearly a thousand again, which was about the same as the number of golden spirit beasts he encountered before.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

A wood spirit beast, a spirit god, whose attributes are unknown.

Seeing the names of the monsters below, Tianhuo couldn't help rubbing his chin. It was a gold spirit beast before, but now it's a wood spirit beast. Could it be...

"Stand back, let me do it!"

Just as Tianhuo was thinking, a majestic but full of vicissitudes of life sounded, and then the wood spirit beasts all stopped in place and did not continue to move forward. In the distance, more trees began to move!
Looking around, within the scope of the visual ability, all the trees are moving towards one place, and the green light slowly emerges as these trees gather, and becomes more and more intense.

In the green light, Tianhuo clearly saw that a bigger treant was slowly getting up, as if he just woke up and wanted to stretch his body, slowly twisting his body, and following its movements, he saw those gathered The fallen trees were all turned into powder, and the green light was gradually restrained.

Tianhuo didn't have to doubt at all, and he didn't need to check with the eyes of a sage, he knew that this must be the Wood Spirit Beast King!
"Those guys in the Golden Spirit Realm are useless, little guy, you shouldn't have come to this Wood Spirit Realm!" The Wood Spirit Beast King stretched his body, and the voice full of vicissitudes reappeared.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked slightly, and he said with a smile, "Wood Spirit Realm? Are there Water Spirit Realms, Fire Spirit Realms, and Earth Spirit Realms behind?"

The Wood Spirit Beast King sneered, "I thought I was smart enough to let you go, but since you killed the Gold Spirit Beast King, I have to tell you, stay here forever!"

As soon as the words fell, the wood spirit beast king's body once again burst into green light. Under the shroud of those lights, the wood spirit beast king moved forward step by step. It seemed that the movements were slow, but every step was fast. The distance of several miles, but only a few steps, has already reached the front of Tianhuo and the three beasts.

"Death!" After reaching hundreds of meters in front of Tianhuo, the Wood Spirit Beast King did not move forward. While drinking, he saw the trees below grow wildly, and dense vines gushed out of the forest, heading towards Tianhuo and the three The beast came roaring.

"Be careful!" Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, and he was a little shocked. This wood spirit beast king can actually control other trees!
However, just when Tianhuo wanted to dodge to dodge, there was a surprising scene. In front of him, roots with a milky white halo suddenly appeared, and as soon as they appeared, they scattered like covering the sky and covering the sun And open!

"Hunyuan Spiritual Tree!" Tianhuo lost his voice, and saw that as soon as the roots of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree appeared, most of the roots immediately entangled the Wood Spirit Beast King, while the other roots disappeared into the forest below. Also entangle those wood spirit beasts waiting by the side!

In an instant, one after another light puff sounded in the forest below, attracting Tianhuo's attention. After a look, Tianhuo was even more surprised. He saw wood spirit beasts falling down one after another. It turned into fine powder and fell, but the roots that entangled them before had a green light shining.

"These are all spirit gods, and the Hunyuan Spirit Tree actually killed them directly?" Tianhuo lost his voice, feeling that the scene in front of him was a little unreal, and it seemed that the Hunyuan Spirit Tree was absorbing the essence of these wood spirit beasts.

"Don't..." In the sky, the wood spirit beast king was unable to move after being entangled by the roots of the Hunyuan spirit tree. He watched the nearly thousand wood spirit beasts disappear. He could only scream in pain, but he could do nothing!
However, after a few breaths, the roots of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree protruding into the forest have been retracted. Obviously, the nearly thousand wood spirit beasts below have completely disappeared.

The astounding roar of the Wood Spirit Beast King resounded, making one's scalp tingle, but the next moment, the roots of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree quickly retracted, and the imprisoned Wood Spirit Beast King disappeared in an instant. This world returned to the Palace of the Gods.

The world became silent, but the surprised expressions of Tianhuo and the three beasts were still on their faces. Di Yan subconsciously said: "Those monsters, are they gone like this?"

Not to mention the god-level wood spirit beast king, the nearly thousand wood spirit beasts alone are not easy to deal with!However, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree seemed to be crazy today, and it managed to deal with them in an instant!
After regaining his senses, Tianhuo hastily probed his thoughts into the Palace of Fanshen, and saw that the Hunyuan Spirit Tree was full of white and green rays of light, reflecting the entire Palace of Fanshen into two colors, and in these lights, Tianhuo It was even more shocking to find that all the plants in Fanshen Palace, including those spirit grasses, were growing rapidly at this moment!

But in front of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, the Wood Spirit Beast King crawled down, his body trembling and he didn't dare to lift his head, obviously very afraid of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree.

Yu Ling, Yu Wu, and Xiao Fenghuang were also attracted by the vision of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree. At this moment, the three girls were staring at the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree happily. Following their eyes, Tianhuo saw it, and was always surrounded by it. Yu Wu's younger sister, Yu Yan, who was wrapped in the Hunyuan Spirit Tree was also released by the Hunyuan Spirit Tree at this moment, but the light cocoon still existed around her.

At the beginning, Yu Yan absorbed the fruit formed by the condensed killing intent on the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, so she probably wouldn't wake up so soon.

As for the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, it seems that because it absorbed the essence of nearly a thousand wood spirit beasts, it is also growing continuously at this moment, and its size is slowly getting bigger. Transformed away.

"In this case... the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree will not evolve, right?" Tianhuo muttered to himself, then shook his head. The Hunyuan Spiritual Tree is the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, what else can it evolve into?It can't be transformed into a human, can it?

As soon as this idea came up, the light around the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree dissipated quickly, the continuous growth also stopped, and the abnormalities of other plants in the Fanshen Palace also disappeared, and a system notification sounded quietly at this moment.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, your Hunyuan Spirit Tree has advanced to the Hunyuan God Tree, and the effect of the Fanshen Palace has been enhanced."

Following the system notification sound, Tianhuo was stunned again, and actually evolved, from the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree to the Hunyuan Divine Tree!
Hunyuan Divine Tree: A mysterious ancient tree handed down from ancient times. It has the miraculous effect of gathering the aura of heaven and earth, accelerating the speed of cultivation and the growth of other spiritual things. It can be placed in an independent space to strengthen this independent space.

Fanshen Palace (special equipment, top-level artifacts, recognized owner, non-tradable, non-discardable, non-stealing, non-dropping), four attributes (gods) +5000, damage bonus to monsters +300%, kung fu training speed ×3, training speed ×3 in Fanshen Palace, there is heaven and earth inside, which can store everything.

Explanation: The top-level artifact refined for him by the master of all gods, there is no need to doubt its strength.

The Hunyuan Spiritual Tree has become the Hunyuan God Tree, and the attributes haven't changed much. However, the previous practice speed of the Fanshen Palace has doubled to x3.

This speed has always been a bonus to the cultivation points obtained by Tianhuo. In the past, if you obtained 1 cultivation point, you could get an additional 3 cultivation points, but now, you can get an additional 4 cultivation points. .

After looking at it for a while, Tianhuo Xinnian exited the Fanshen Palace, but there was no system prompt to crack the Wood Spirit Realm, and he was still above the peaceful forest.

"According to the previous situation, it should be cracked at this moment. Why hasn't it changed?" Tianhuo looked at the three beasts and asked.

"I don't know about this, master, why don't you spread out and look for it, what if there are other wood spirit beasts?" Tun Xing said.

Tianhuo nodded, this is the only way to do it right now, maybe it's because there are still wood spirit beasts that have not been wiped out.

After looking at the surrounding situation, Tianhuo said: "It's just right, let's spread out in four directions and have a look!"

Saying that, Tianhuo galloped out and flew straight ahead, and the three beasts also chose a direction and flew away.

After walking for a long time, the forest below is still composed of ancient trees, but there are no wood spirit beasts at all, and the three beasts are still the same.

Tianhuo was puzzled in his heart, hesitating whether to find other ways, but saw an upside-down mountain in the distance, but it was too far away, and Tianhuo couldn't see it clearly. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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