The strongest saint

Chapter 567 Monster Suicide

Chapter 567 Monster Suicide
Chapter 560 IX Monster Suicide
Walking into the gate of light, Tianhuo felt his whole body tense slightly, and the rippling gate of light opened like water waves, and immediately, another world appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes.

Although this is not the first time I have seen such a situation, the astonishment in Tianhuo's heart is still unavoidable. I saw a small world with a sunny day in front of me. The ground is covered with green grass, with cliffs on both sides, and above, unexpectedly You can see the rippling water, like an aquarium.

Tianhuo stared at the top in surprise for a moment, not knowing where the light came from, green grass could grow on the ground, and this passage was tens of miles wide, and the length could not be seen at all.

"This is the shortcut to the Dragon Clan? It's weird!" Tianling's voice sounded, and then a figure appeared on Tianhuo's shoulder.

Tianhuo didn't turn his head back, and nodded slightly, "I didn't see any traces of monsters, but the air is indeed filled with the aura that only monsters have."

The field of vision is full of endless grassland, and there is still the smell of monsters in the air, but within the range of Tianhuo's eyesight, there is no trace of monsters.

"The other end of this passage should be the territory of the Dragon Clan. These monsters don't have the guts to go to the Dragon Clan. Quickly find out what these monsters want to do." Tianling said, on the ground not far away, there are clear traces of being trampled .

"Hidden spirit!" Tianhuo directly concealed his body, then rushed out and flew forward. After a while, he could already see dense black figures in front of him, which were countless monsters.

Countless monsters filled the several-mile-long passage, forming a square formation and drilling towards the cliff on one side in an orderly manner, and looking along the place where these monsters drilled, I saw that there was actually a monster under the cliff. A passage that can accommodate four or five people walking side by side!

"No wonder, but where are these monsters going? At this time, monsters don't dare to appear blatantly in the mainland, right?" Tianling asked suspiciously.

Tianhuo looked at the group of monsters intently, and saw that they were all ordinary monsters, and there was no existence above the demon generals at all, but Tianhuo didn't dare to be careless, after all, these monsters can form a neat square formation, naturally it will not be that simple , maybe a high-level monster is in the field.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo turned his eyes to the passages where the monsters had entered, and said, "Tianling, you go back to the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron first, and I'll see where the passages lead to."

Saying that, Tianhuo kept his invisibility and flew straight towards the cliff. The moment he got close to the cliff, his figure escaped directly into the cliff, and the Glyph Saint's Eye opened up. After seeing the whereabouts of these monsters, he also Chased and escaped.

This passage, which can allow four or five people to pass side by side, has been extending in the ground, and these grounds are all under the Yintian River, and the depth is immeasurable. Tianhuo is very curious, what do these monsters want to do!
Finally, after fleeing for hundreds of miles, the passage finally changed. I saw a deep pit with a diameter of 3000 meters appeared in front of me, and that passage was connected to here. At the end of the passage, all the monsters coming out He stepped out without hesitation and fell straight into the deep pit.

The bottom of the deep pit can't be seen at all, and Tianhuo can't see the situation below with the eyes of the sage, but these monsters all fell down without hesitation, and things became strange. Could it be that there is another world at the bottom of this deep pit?
"Hurry up!" A deep voice rang out, attracting Tianhuo's attention. Only then did Tianhuo notice that there was a dark armored monster on the two or three meter platform at the end of the passage that did not jump off. Instead, it is urging the monsters that are coming.

"Demon General!" Tianhuo couldn't help frowning when he saw the dark armored monster, it turned out to be a monster of the level of a demon general!
A steady stream of monsters fell into the deep pit without the slightest sound. It seemed that the deep pit was a bottomless pit that swallowed up all the monsters.

The invisible Skyfire didn't dare to attract the attention of the demon general. He looked at the deep pit below and slowly descended. He wanted to see what was below.

The speed of Tianhuo is extremely fast, and it has surpassed many falling monsters in an instant, but at this moment, it is also discovered that the eyes of those falling monsters are full of excitement, as if they are doing something earth-shattering.

But no monster spoke, Tianhuo had no idea what these monsters were doing, so he had to continue to descend to check.

Not long after, golden and black rays of light appeared below, and those rays of light surged to illuminate the deep pit, and in the two-color rays of light, Tianhuo even saw strange runes flickering from time to time, the runes In a flash, the falling monsters were instantly engulfed.

Tianhuo stopped and looked intently. With the help of the Glyph Sage's eyes, Tianhuo clearly saw that the falling monsters were instantly turned into dust after encountering the runes, leaving only the pure magic energy submerged in the runes!

"These monsters are actually committing suicide! And it's to concentrate their power here!" After seeing the situation below, Tianhuo couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and lost his voice.

"Oops, if my guess is right, there must be a demon king in the restriction below! It is using the power of these monsters to recover!" Tianling's exclamation also sounded.

"Huh?" Tianhuo's expression sank, Demon King!

"It's not wrong. Back then, the eight great demon kings were severely injured by the main gods. Although the main gods fell and fell into a deep sleep, these demon kings were also uncomfortable. Although they did not fall, they were all seriously injured." Tian Ling continued, "But After so many years, the demon king we saw last time has almost recovered, and the next one may soon be too."

"No, you have to stop it, otherwise, who can stop the devil king?" Tianhuo's face changed slightly, thinking of the seriousness of the matter.

Saying that, Tianhuo raised his head and looked at the monsters that were falling continuously. The best way is naturally to block the passage, and then kill all the monsters outside, but the number of monsters gathered here is terrifying. How can I kill them all?
Moreover, there are monsters at the level of demon generals here, which are not inferior to the existence of the gods and strongmen. With the power of today's fire, it is difficult to resist!
"Although I haven't seen such a scene, I can sense that if all the monsters outside come in, the demon king below will probably come out immediately, so we must be quick!" Tian Ling also said.

"Let's take a gamble first, and see if we can seal the demon general in this deep pit. As long as he can't rescue the monsters outside, the monsters outside will be dead!" The place where he was was looted away.

Tianhuo has no skills to open mountains and crack rocks, but he has a sky-shattering magic arrow in his hand. Only one sky-shattering magic arrow is enough to destroy and seal the passage. At that time, the monsters outside will be the experience value of Tianhuo, and the most important thing is Can prevent the recovery of the Demon King.

In an instant, Tianhuo had returned to the ground where the passage was located. Under the eyes of Wen Shengzhi, Tianhuo clearly saw that the monsters accelerated and rushed towards the deep pit.

In the hands of Tianhuo, a sky-shattering arrow quietly appeared. This passage is hundreds of miles long. Tianhuo intends to detonate the sky-shattering arrow from the middle position. With the power of the sky-shattering arrow, the explosion is enough to collapse the passage hundreds of meters away. It can be regarded as ruined, I just need to hurry up and kill the monsters outside.

As soon as he thought of it, Tianhuo used the escape technique to the extreme, and when he came to the center of the passage, he escaped into the passage without hesitation.

Many walking monsters saw humans appearing suddenly, but before they could react, the sky-shattering magic arrow in Tianhuo's hand had already been thrown out, and Tianhuo's figure disappeared the next moment.


Tianhuo had fled away, but he could still feel a tremor on the ground, and when he turned his head to look, under the eyes of Wensheng, he saw the rocks falling in the passage, like a chain reaction, and buried the passage thousands of meters in an instant, the effect was better than that of Tianhuo. Even better than expected!

"What's going on? This kind of fluctuation... the sky-shattering magic arrow?" Above the deep pit, the demon general who was urging many monsters frowned and looked towards the passage.

"Report Lord Demon General, the passage has been destroyed!" The news came in an instant, and the Demon General frowned when he heard the words.

On Tianhuo's side, after destroying the passage, he galloped out and plundered towards the way he came from. Tianhuo knew very well in his heart that this passage was opened up by monsters, although the distance of thousands of meters at this moment is full of collapsed mud boulders Block it, but Tianhuo believes that it will be unblocked in a short time, so what I have to do is to kill the monsters outside before the demon will open the passage!

Tianhuo's guess was right. At this moment, the demon general knew that the passage had been blocked, so he immediately ordered the passage to be reopened!
In the shortcut leading to the Dragon Clan, countless monsters are waiting in front of the passage, but suddenly, a terrifying aura sweeps out from the passage. In this terrifying air wave, the figures of monsters are also swept out and blown out , Let the countless monsters outside be on alert for the first time.

"Everyone be on guard!" The tense voice spread throughout the monster army, and all the monsters looked warily at the dusty passageway.

"Is it useful to be on guard? Oral punishment, kill one person in ten steps..." Tianhuo's voice appeared, and immediately, big characters shining with golden light appeared on the upper corner, and the big characters fell, covering a range of more than 3000 meters in diameter. Unclear damage values ​​suddenly appeared, forming a spectacular scene.

"It's human, kill!" Many monsters stared at the sky fire riding the star devouring moon beast in the sky, and fought back one after another.

Tianhuo doesn't care at all, these are just ordinary monsters, they don't even reach the realm of spirit gods, not to mention whether they can attack themselves, even if they can attack, they can't even break through their own defenses, you know, the current Tianhuo is Some high-level divine bodies!

The whole poem of Xia Ke Xing appeared, and within a range of more than 3000 meters, all the monsters had fallen, and Tianhuo summoned the Emperor Yan Linhuang Beast and Kaitian Zhanhu, "Not one left!"

(End of this chapter)

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