The strongest saint

Chapter 579 Divine Power

Chapter 579 Divine Power
When Tianhuo wanted to ask all his doubts, a figure emerged from the palace of Fanshen!

This figure was naturally sleeping in the Temple of War God, and then the wood god Ling Hanxiao was put into the Palace of All Gods by Tianhuo.

"Hey! Hall Master Ling, you're awake!" Gu Chen was overjoyed, stood up and laughed.

Ling Han smiled and looked at Gu Chen, then at Tianhuo, frowning slightly, "Gu Chen, Tianhuo hasn't recovered his memory yet? Where's Tianji?"

Tianji is Tianhuo's father.

"Eh?" Gu Chen looked at Tianhuo, and then said: "Tianhuo doesn't want to recover..."

"Huh? Tianhuo, you are stupid, it's just a memory, and it won't affect you." Ling Han rolled his eyes with a smile, and didn't wait for Tianhuo to speak, but saw Ling Han's smile moved!
In the middle of the probe, a godly cauldron appeared in Ling Hanxiao's hands. At this moment, Tianhuo felt a bad feeling in his heart!

Sure enough, Ling Hanxiao touched the Jitian Divine Cauldron with his hand, and a milky white light ball appeared in his hand, and before Tianhuo could react, the light ball had already sunk into Tianhuo's brain under Ling Hanxiao's control.

In an instant, Tianhuo felt nauseous and dizzy, and countless messages flooded in!

"I'll go, Master Ling, you're going too far!" Gu Chen frowned, looked at Ling Han and smiled.

Ling Han smiled a little helplessly, knowing that Gu Chen would blame him, but unexpectedly, Gu Chen continued: "If you had done this earlier, I wouldn't have to say so much, how much saliva wasted on me?"

Ling Han rolled his eyes with a smile, and said angrily: "Do you want me to compensate you? I'm drooling a lot, how much do you want?"

"Bah, bah, bah! Hall Master Ling, don't you play me like this?"

Ling Han shook his head slightly with a smile, and changed the subject: "Where's Tianji?"

"Brother Tian is behind, but you also know that the backlash he suffered is extraordinary, and there is nothing we can do about it." After Gu Chen finished speaking, he continued: "Wait for Tianhuo to digest the memory and pass away together."

Ling Han nodded with a smile, and moved his eyes to Tianhuo, who was closing his eyes, "This kid, I really don't understand, it's just restoring memory, it won't affect anything at all, and he's still scared!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on forcibly learning the Chaos-level kung fu, the Extreme Heaven Sacred Code!"

"Ding! The system prompts: There is a conflict between the exclusive holy words of the sage and the scriptures of the extreme sky. You can only keep one of them. Please choose! Note: If you give up the holy words, the level will return to zero, and the job of the sage will disappear."

"Ding! The system prompts: Found the scroll of strange fusion, whether to integrate the holy words and the holy scriptures of the sky?"

Just when Tianhuo was terrified, another system notification sounded.

The color of Tianhuo's horror turned into a surprise. I didn't pay attention to the scroll of Qirong, but when I saw the ring of the sage, I understood that it was one of the two mysterious items that the devil broke out. I haven't taken the time to check it. !
"Fusion!" Tianhuo was overjoyed. He had never heard of a chaotic-level kungfu, but he knew that it was an inherited kung fu of the Jitian clan!
"Ding! The system prompts: Please choose to focus on the holy words or the extreme scriptures. Note: if you focus on the extreme scriptures, the profession will change!"

"Holy Words are the main thing!" Tianhuo was used to his job as a literary sage, so he didn't hesitate at all when faced with this choice!

"Ding! System prompt: The fusion is successful, and the sacred word of the holy-level exercise has been transformed into a chaotic-level exercise: the holy word of the extreme sky."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on learning the Chaos-level kung fu, Jitian Shengyan, the current intermediate-level bonus."

After a series of system prompts, he finally calmed down, but just as Tianhuo wanted to let out a long sigh of relief, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding! System prompt: Affected by the chaos-level skills, the attack and defense attributes are transformed into divine power attributes, and HP and MP are transformed into divine source attributes. The transformation is in progress."

"Ding! System prompt: The transformation is successful. Congratulations, you have become the first player with the attribute of divine power. Reward points +2!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on activating the divine power attribute and successfully activating the Heavenly Tribulation System of the Destiny Continent. The reward is Unlimited Treasure Box x 1."

"Ding! World news: Congratulations to the player Tianhuo for activating the Heavenly Tribulation System and getting rich rewards. After reaching the Spiritual God, all players can use the Heavenly Tribulation System to overcome the Tribulation. After success, they will gain the attribute of divine power."


Following the system notification tone next to Tianhuo's ear, three world messages sounded in succession, and Tianhuo looked at the system notification panel in a daze, divine power!Not long ago, the attribute of divine power that Tianling had just mentioned, but she actually got it?
With divine power, that is the real god!

"Huh? Old Gu, the Destiny Continent was destroyed by the Demon Emperor. Except for us main gods, isn't it impossible to have divine power? How did it recover?" Ling Han laughed in Tianhuo's astonishment.

"It's a great thing, you don't care about him!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Well, this is a great thing, it will be easier to deal with monsters this time." Ling Han nodded with a smile.

After the words fell, Tianhuo suddenly opened his eyes, and his confused eyes gradually became clear, and in an instant, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled at Gu Chen and Ling Han, "Uncle Chen, Uncle Ling, You are going to be disappointed, the memories of the past 20 years are fake!"

That's right, that ball of light is not a memory at all, but a skill, which is the inherited skill of the Jitian clan, the Chaos-level Jitian holy scriptures, but it has become the Jitian holy words on Tianhuo!

Tianhuo was in an uproar in his heart. According to what Gu Chen said, it should be the memory of his previous life, but he didn't expect that it was just a practice. He didn't know how he thought of it in his previous life. Instead of leaving a memory, he left Jitian Clan's technique.

The eyes of Gu Chen and Ling Han are naturally unusual, they have already seen the problem, they all smiled, Ling Han said with a smile: "We are not disappointed with what you left, we are happy for you! Even if you don't have any The memory of the previous life, you are still the fire in our hearts."

"Yes! Hehe, Xiaotian, now I wonder if you were instructed by Lin Yu at the beginning, otherwise how could you do this?" Gu Chen said with a smile.

Fanshen Lin Yu has the ability to see the past and the future, maybe he was the one who instructed Tianhuo to leave the holy scriptures of the sky!But Tianhuo didn't think too much, and said with a smile: "Wait for me for a while."

Extreme Heaven Sacred Words (Chaos Level), Glyph Sage's exclusive skills, intermediate holy words bonus, four god attributes + 800000, divine power + 1000, divine source + 200%, damage reduction + 80%.

Explanation: Wen Sheng's exclusive exercise, the mysterious effect can be activated when practiced to the extreme.

Practice progress: 2612436/5000000
It's still an intermediate skill bonus, but the attributes of the four gods have changed from 16 to 90. However, to Tianhuo's surprise, only one thousand divine powers have been added!

Seeing such a low divine power, Tianhuo had doubts in his heart, and hurriedly looked towards the attribute panel. He hadn't paid attention to his attribute panel for a long time!
However, the moment Tianhuo opened the system panel, another system prompt sounded!

"Ding! The system prompts: Due to the activation of the divine power, some of the suit attributes of the Glyph Saint suit are invalid, and the power of the special task suit is activated. Do you accept it?"

Tianhuo's expression froze, and the set attributes were invalid?My own attributes have always been dependent on the set attributes, so the ten-fold bonus is gone?For a while, Tianhuo's heart became cold. Without the bonus of suit attributes, he might not even be able to compare with the spirit god!
"Accept!" He accepted the mission in disappointment, and instead of checking the mission, he looked at the property panel in fear.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary occupation: Ding Sheng (spirit level)

Realm: the early days of the gods

Shenyuan: 59295
Divine Power: 60735
Strength (God): 1977014, Constitution (God): 1976590, Intelligence (God): 2019530, Dexterity (God): 1976998
Reputation: 27341200
Sin: -24458503
Pets: Diyan Linhuang Beast (Top Divine Beast), Nine Souls Yinglong (Holy Beast, Sleeping), Qiankun Tiger (Super Divine Beast)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: Kaitian Zhanhu (Super Artifact)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Supreme Legion)

Zongmen: Tianyanmen (Master)

"Shenyuan? It should be a combination of HP and MP, and divine power represents attack and defense. Is this the real god?" Tianhuo looked at his divine source and divine power attributes in astonishment, without the bonus of suit attributes, Not so low!

"Tianling, I've already obtained divine power, but it's over, the suit attribute is invalid, and my divine power attribute is so low!" Thinking, Tianhuo couldn't help asking through voice transmission.

"Low?" Tianling came with a voice that hated iron and steel, and continued: "Based on the current attributes, you can fight against the strong in the early stage of the king of gods, and you have a bonus of 8 damage to monsters." Times, calculated in this way, you can ignore even the middle-level magic generals, and even the high-level magic generals can fight, tell me, are you weak or not?"

"Huh?" Tianhuo was dumbfounded. How strong is the attribute of divine power?If the set attribute takes effect...

Set attributes (currently eleven pieces):


Divine power +?

Four god attribute bonuses?
Experience bonus +1000%
Burst rate bonus +1000%
Damage Reduction +50%
Critical strike chance +50%
Critical damage +1000%
Negative status resistance +45%
Ignore Target Defense +30%
Sure enough, the bonuses that are invalid at this moment are the most important ones, but after hearing Tianling's words, Tianhuo still relaxes a lot, at least he has not become weaker, but has become stronger. I really want to find a demon right now. Will try in the future!

But right now he finally found God of War, and he didn't even ask how to save his father!
Putting aside the matter of attributes, Tianhuo raised his head and looked at Gu Chen, "Uncle Chen, how can I save my father?"

Gu Chen smiled, glanced at Ling Han and said to Tianhuo: "Come with me first!"

Tianhuo was a little puzzled, and then suddenly thought of Ling Hanxiao's words when he appeared, his heart became excited, and his heart beat faster in an instant. Could it be that his father is really here?
(End of this chapter)

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