Chapter 582
Thick black smoke rose from the prisoner's body, and in the black smoke, a icy breath filled the air. In an instant, like the arrival of winter, the icy feeling spread throughout hundreds of miles.

"The magic general! The intermediate magic general!" Tianhuo's pupils narrowed slightly, staring closely at the condensing figure.

"Jie Jie... you have good eyesight! Two choices, one is to take the Tianyan sect to join me, and the other is to die!" The demon general imitated Tianhuo's tone, and his voice spread again.

Tianhuo looked dignified. He didn't expect that there was a magic general hidden in the prisoner's body, and it was an intermediate magic general. It was a peerless powerhouse equivalent to the early stage of the king of gods. Not many, but Tianhuo met him right in front of him.

"Glyph Sage's Eye!" Frowning, Tianhuo cast Glyph Sage's Eye, unexpectedly, this time, he actually saw the other party's attributes!
Demon general (intermediate level), 45000 divine source, 45000 divine power.

However, the attribute of this Demon General is the same as that of Tianhuo. It is actually an existence that has transformed the source of God and divine power, but it is a bit lower than Tianhuo!
"Scared me, without my so many sources of divine power, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with!" Tianhuo thought to himself.

"Nonsense, I told you a long time ago that mid-level magic generals can be ignored, and high-level magic generals can fight. You still don't believe it..." Tianling's angry voice sounded.

"Hey, let me try!" Tianhuo said with a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the mid-level magic general's figure gathering, Tianhuo made the first move, and a stroke whizzed out when he raised his hand.

"What?" The first stroke submerged into the Demon General's body in an instant, and Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, only causing more than 3000 damage to it!
"Don't stand still, look at his current attributes!" Tianling urged.

Demon general (intermediate level), 41250 divine source, 45000 divine power.

"Oh? The attack on him is going straight to the source of God!" Seeing the attribute of the demon general who was attacked by him, Tianhuo's eyes lit up immediately.

However, Tianhuo is still not used to it. After all, looking at the damage value of more than 3000 is really uncomfortable, and this is still in the case of 8 times the damage to monsters. If there is no such bonus, wouldn't it only cause damage to him? Around 450 damage?
It was only when he thought that this was just his ordinary pen attack that Tianhuo felt relieved. If he used it on paper, it would definitely be stronger!
While thinking about it, the figure of the demon general had already gathered, and the black energy around him was surging, but he looked at Tianhuo with a strange gaze, and he lost his voice: "You... divine power..."

Tianhuo smiled, "Hey, come on, aren't you so arrogant that you want to give me two choices? Let's fight!"

As he said that, Tianhuo directly opened the seventh page of the Book of Glyphs, "Small Iron Clothes on the Battlefield..."

The whole poem was already submerged in the demon general's body in a flash, while Tianhuo was waiting for the demon general to fight back. He also wanted to know how much damage the intermediate demon general could do to him with the current attributes.

However, to Tianhuo's surprise, a damage value of '-48296' appeared on the top of the demon general's head, and under the eyes of the sage, Tianhuo saw that the demon general's divine source instantly cleared to zero, so he fell down go down.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing a monster at the level of a general. You have gained 30 billion god experience points, an additional 360 billion god experience points, 15000 cultivation points, and 45000 additional cultivation points."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment."

Two simple system prompts sounded, and the corpse of the demon general had begun to dissipate slowly!
Tianhuo froze in place, looking at the corpse of the demon general with a strange expression. He wanted to see how much damage the intermediate demon general could inflict on him, but he accidentally missed it!

Under the bonus of eight times the damage to monsters, the middle-level demon general can't resist the attack on the seventh page of his book of sages!

Tianhuo was dumb, and everyone around was dumb. For a while, the world fell into silence. I thought it was a super big boss. After all, what is that arrogant tone, not a big boss?But this big boss was defeated in seconds.

After a long time, Tianhuo stroked his chin and said to himself: "It seems that after I have divine power, I have to re-evaluate my strength."

In the voice of self-talk, the 28 remaining gods and powerhouses around hurriedly knelt down, "My lord, please forgive me, we are willing to choose the second path..."

"Wow, Tianhuo is so awesome!" Fatty's exclamation sounded in the Zongmen channel, pulling all the disciples present to their senses, and in an instant, cheers rang out in this world.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, his eyes shifted to those strong men who knelt down, "Go and report to me, the deputy head of Tianyan Sect!"

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo rushed to Mu Hui and the others, "There should be no problem this time, I have to go out for a while, this time it will take a long time, I'm up to you here."

"Fuck me, the sky is hot, don't be in such a hurry, right?" The fat on the fat man's face trembled and said.

"Yeah, Tianhuo, you came back just in time. Our new residence has been built, so let's move there first." Twilight broke dawn and said.

Tianhuo frowned, and said happily: "It's finished? Okay! It's not too late, move as soon as possible!"

Mu Hui and the others shook their heads helplessly. They really don't know what Tianhuo is busy with all day long, but seeing his strength, everyone is also relieved. At least from now on, they will not be afraid of someone trying to attack Tianyanmen.

The relocation of the Zongmen's residence is very simple. On the Zongmen system, the territory occupied by the Zongmen is clearly recorded. It only needs to be operated on this panel. The reason why Tianhuo did not leave in a hurry is because of the space statue.

Now that the new resident has been built, it is natural for the statue of the space god to stand in the new resident.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on the successful relocation of Tianyanmen's resident."

Not long after, a simple system prompt sounded in the ears of all the disciples, and immediately, white lights lit up in Tianyanmen. Obviously, many players couldn't wait to perform the city return technique and ran to the new station to check up.

Where is the station, and where to teleport after performing the return to the city, it brings a lot of convenience. Tianhuo also directly performed the return to the city, and the next moment, he has already arrived at the forbidden place in the world.

In the past, pavilions, pavilions, and palaces could be seen everywhere on the ground below where the God of War Temple was located. Tianhuo didn't care about these. What he cared about was that the current residence was safe enough.

There are powerful restrictions made up of those cities on the outskirts. At the beginning, I couldn't break through it. It was the most sensible choice to choose here. At the beginning, teleportation skills could not be used in this restriction, but Shentu Shenjun and Liehuo Shenjun were present, and Tianhuo didn't have to worry at all. , the outer restriction was built by them, and they naturally know how to improve it.

"It doesn't seem to make much difference, Tianhuo is big..." Before Fatty could finish his words, he swallowed the words abruptly after being glared at by Twilight. Twilight said: "Tianhuo, most members of the legion are I am ready to cross the catastrophe, but I have no experience, so I am waiting to ask you."

"Crossing the catastrophe?" Tianhuo just remembered that after he transformed the divine power, he activated the system of the catastrophe at the same time. As long as he survives the catastrophe, he can transform the attribute of divine power.

"But, Twilight, I haven't survived the catastrophe, so I don't know at all!" Tianhuo shook his head and laughed.

"Eh? You didn't cross the tribulation, how did you transform your divine power?" Twilight Lixiao asked doubtfully, then shook his head, "Forget it, you just happen to be here, let me try it first!"

"Okay, hehe, Twilight, hurry up, we're all waiting!" the fat man said impatiently.

Twilight Lixiao raised his brows and suddenly laughed, "Fatty, you have thick skin and thick flesh, you should come first, we will give you a sweep!"

"You can have this. Fatty is an assassin who escapes from space. Even if he can't stand it, he might be able to escape." Wu Chen said from the side.

Fatty's face turned bitter, and seeing the expectant expressions of everyone around him, he walked out helplessly, "Well, it will come anyway sooner or later!"

After the voice fell, the sky fire had already stepped into the sky, standing in the sky at a height of a thousand meters, and shouted in the legion channel: "Then I will start!"

"Wait, fat man, fly farther away, to a place where there is no one outside the station." Twilight broke dawn and said.

Suspicion appeared on the fat man's face, but he still nodded, and flew towards the distance. Tianhuo and others also followed in the past, and the legion members who heard the conversation also stepped into the air. The first in the game People crossing the catastrophe, naturally have to go and see.

After flying for a long time, they finally came to the high mountains with no birds inhabited. Everyone stopped several miles away, quietly waiting for the fat man's movements.

"Invoke Heavenly Tribulation!" Fatty activated the Heavenly Tribulation system, and as the words came out, in an instant, a violent gust of wind suddenly surged in the calm world, and dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky.

Electric arcs flickered in the clouds, and directly above the fat man, endless black clouds gathered, but within a few breaths, a huge vortex was formed that was slowly rotating.

"It's somewhat similar to the situation in the novel, this time I've learned a lot..." Tianhuo murmured, staring at the sky intently.

The vortex formed by the dark clouds rotated slowly, electric arcs flashed in it, and the low rumbling sound continued, like the roar of a wild beast, and the vortex, like the huge mouth of a wild beast, stood directly above the fat man as if it wanted to devour the world.

"Damn it..." Fatty's exclamation sounded, but was drowned by the strong wind in an instant.

Suddenly, amidst the roar of thunder, there was a humming sound between the sky and the earth, and then everyone saw a beam of light descending from the sky, and it bounced off suddenly during the falling process, forming a huge beam of light covering several miles, covering the fat man in it!

"Huh? Fatty can't come out this time..." Wuchen murmured.

"There is an explanation in the Heavenly Tribulation system that the higher the realm, the harder it is to overcome the disaster. Fatty is just a spirit god. This is the simplest Heavenly Tribulation, so it should not be difficult for him." Twilight Lixiao said, but worry flashed in his eyes. If you fail to cross the tribulation, the punishment is to drop a realm.

And if you succeed in crossing the catastrophe, you can successfully transform your divine power and be tempered.

(End of this chapter)

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