Chapter 607

The words of taking the lead made Tianhuo feel a bad feeling in his heart, what should come is still coming, what does that mean?
Immediately took the lead and sighed, and said slowly: "Tianhuo, the battle of Dragon Island was more than six years ahead of schedule, and I was reborn from here at the beginning."

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, remembering what he said to himself at the beginning. He said that countless players went to help him, but he was killed by him instead!
It was because of that incident that the superfan who took the lead became his enemy.

Now, has it finally come to that step again?
Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and after a long time, he said: "Let's take the lead, I won't attack everyone, don't worry!"

He took the lead and laughed at himself, "Let's not talk about it. After this, I don't know what happened in the future. Fortunately, after rebirth, it's not bad, at least the strength is not ordinary, hehe."

Tianhuo smiled dumbly, "Okay, I will pull you over when we arrive at Long Island."

Naturally, Tianhuo got the first help. After all, this guy's job is his support. With him, he will be stronger!

It's just that Tianhuo is a little worried. Once the assembly skill is used, all legion members will receive it. At that time, I am afraid that he will not be able to control the arrival of those members.

After thinking about it, he had already arrived at the entrance of the shortcut. Tianhuo stepped into it without hesitation. Now the shortcut has returned to calm, and there is no longer the breath of monsters. where.

Without the slightest hindrance, the Skyfire was naturally relaxed, and it moved towards the exit. After a while, it successfully got out of the exit and came to the area filled with thick fog again.

Looking at the floating peaks in the sky in the distance, Tianhuo couldn't help but take a long breath. Since there are a large number of monsters coming and want to use the way to rush into the Demon's Realm, then the opportunity to upgrade has come!

Suddenly, a golden light shot from the distant sky, and at the same time, Gu Chen's voice came, "Follow the golden light."

Tianhuo frowned, although he didn't understand what method Gu Chen was using, but he also understood that Gu Chen was leading the way for himself, and shot out along the golden light, and soon, Tianhuo had arrived on a floating peak.

Not far away is the teleportation array going to Dragon Island. Gu Chen and others chose to block the monsters here, naturally to keep the monsters out of the range of Dragon Island.

Tianhuo stabilized his figure, and saw Gu Chen, Weihai Yunlong, and the three great monsters standing side by side. The aura of the five people was extremely restrained, and they looked like ordinary people, but Tianhuo knew the strength of the five people. They are all the existence of high-level gods.

"Where are Uncle Ling and Senior Yuanzhen?" Tianhuo asked.

Gu Chen nodded slightly, "They are the last line of defense before the entrance of the Demon Realm."

After a little thought, Tianhuo understood that when the monsters really came, those demon kings would probably disperse, and Gu Chen and others would naturally be unable to completely stop them. In this way, Ling Hanxiao and others guarding the entrance would become The final line of defense.

Once a Demon King rushed into the Demon Realm, things would be troublesome.

"Tianhuo, have you forgotten me?" At this moment, the voice of Prisoner Tianta rang in Tianhuo's mind.

"Ding! The system prompts: The group artifact Prison Tower wants to recognize you as the master, do you agree?"

Then the system notification sounded. At this time, Prison Tower was naturally unwilling to be lonely and wanted to contribute its own strength.

Tianhuo smiled, "Thank you, I agree."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on subduing the group artifact Prison Tower, the Tianyan Legion has gained a group bonus."

Prison Tower (Top artifact, exclusive to the Tianyan Legion.)
Placed in the leader's backpack to take effect, the bonus to all members: Divine Source + Great Realm × 30%, Divine Power + Great Realm × 30%, Four God Attributes + Number of Warband Members × Great Realm × 2.

Prisoner Sky, an active skill, gathers the power of all members to block the range of the number of legions x 10 meters, and the all attributes of the blocked target are reduced by 50%.

Catch the turtle in the urn, the active skill, superimposed the divine power of the legion members, causing a certain kill effect on the target blocked by the prisoner skill.

Note: The above skills can only be used on the premise that more than half of the members of the battle group are present. After continuous use, all members will be sealed within 3 days.

Seeing the attributes of Prisoner Tower, Tianhuo couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said in a voiceless voice: "As expected of the first group of artifacts, Prisoner Tower, your bonus is really extraordinary!"

"Wrong, it's second, and the first one is the sky seal!" Prisoner Tianta said happily.

Tianhuo shook his head, the firmament seal belonged to his father, not the Destiny Continent's property, and the Prisoner Tower ranked first.

The two skills attached to the prison sky tower need to be used together to exert their power. The attribute that has a certain kill effect on the target makes Tianhuo greedy for a while, but the side effects are not small. It takes three days to seal the divine power, and then attack If it's gone, don't use it if you can. It's enough to have that powerful bonus.

Tianhuo's loss of voice alarmed Guchen and the five people, but the five looked at Tianhuo and didn't say much. I'm afraid they couldn't hide these things from them, and they naturally knew about the group-type artifact that Tianhuo possessed.

"Haha... Gu Chen, he came all the way to meet us, how flattered he is!"

Suddenly, a loud hoarse laughter came from the distant sky, and then, a strong demonic energy emerged in the sky, pressing straight towards the six people in the field.

"Three demon kings, you are still so thick-skinned, you haven't seen him for a million years, have you recovered?" Gu Chen's expression remained unchanged, he looked up at the sky filled with demonic energy in the distance, and said slowly.

"Haha, don't worry about it all the time, we are doing well!" A loud laugh fell, and a young man had already taken the lead out of the demonic energy, stopping in front of Tianhuo and the others.

As soon as the young man fell down, he looked at Tianhuo and the others intently. When his eyes fell on the three great monsters of heaven and earth, his expression became a little unnatural, but he didn't care. He continued to scan the six people, and finally his eyes fell on On Tianhuo.

"Haha, Gu Chen, it seems that you haven't made any progress in these years. The little god king and strong man called out to win the sympathy of this king?" The three demon kings couldn't help laughing when they saw Tianhuo.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, and suddenly relaxed, "You're wrong, I'm here to sympathize with you, a bunch of homeless wretches."

As the voice fell, figures fell behind the three demon kings, and in an instant, they had already filled the floating peak opposite, and the vast aura inadvertently radiated, directly shattering the floating peak under everyone!
However, the figures of all the monsters did not move at all, the floating peaks under their feet were broken, they were still floating quietly, and the three leading demon kings glared at Tianhuo with anger, "It's not sure who is the poor guy!"

As soon as the words fell, several auras comparable to those of the three demon kings emerged, and they appeared beside the three demon kings in an instant, and they were the other demon kings.

And suddenly, an exciting system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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