The strongest saint

Chapter 610 The Ultimate Mission

Chapter 610 The Ultimate Mission
In the sky on one side, countless figures galloped towards, "Hurry up, the Tianyan Legion is ahead, let's help!"

Tianhuo frowned even deeper, and saw that the players who rushed over were actually players, densely covering the distant sky, and the number was no less than that of the Tianyan Legion.

"Haha, there are more people coming, boy, you should do it!" The three demon kings laughed back angrily, and the laughter resounded throughout the world.

Tianhuo clenched his fist again and opened the Legion Channel: "Brothers and sisters, I'm sorry!"

Because Tianhuo used the skill of the group artifact, it relied on the strength of all members, so at this moment, everyone is in a state of fighting and cannot return to the city at all!
"It's okay, everyone understands, kill it! Anyway, you won't lose much god experience." Twilight Lixiao said freely, but when he looked at the players who were coming, his expression was a little unnatural.

"Leave, hurry up!" He shouted at the flying players first. Before he was reborn, wasn't he one of those people?
The shouts spread, but those players didn't even stop and continued to fly.

"Haha, give it to me!" The three demon kings laughed jokingly, and then retreated violently, allowing the army of monsters to rush towards the Tianyan army. He knew that Tianhuo dared not do anything!After all, it involves more human lives.

"Legion commander, don't hesitate, hurry up, won't you lose some experience points?" Countless players shouted in the legion channel.

Tianhuo took a deep breath, glanced at the flying players, and then shifted his gaze to the army of monsters coming like dark clouds, "Then get ready! Prisoner!"

"Catch the turtle in the urn!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing a demon king-level monster, your realm has been improved, you have gained 500000 cultivation points, and an additional 2500000 cultivation points."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have reached the middle stage of God Venerable, the attributes of the four gods +12288000! Affected by the chaos-level exercises, you will get an additional attribute of the four gods +36864000!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations, your kung fu has reached the spirit level, and you can enjoy the spirit level bonus."

"Ding! The system prompts: You kill 766890 players, and you get 766890 evil points."

"Ding! System prompt: The title Ten Thousand Slash has been upgraded to Killing God. Please check the task panel for details."

"Ding! The system prompts: You have used the Prison Tower skills one after another, and the divine power attribute has been sealed, and it will be unsealed in three days."

A series of system prompts sounded in Tianhuo's ears, but Tianhuo closed his eyes, and more than 70 players just disappeared.

Whoosh!Behind Tianhuo, everyone who possessed resurrection props, including First Horse Leader and Twilight Break Dawn, revived on the spot. Looking at the world still flashing with white light, they all shook their heads and remained silent.

After a long time, he took the lead and walked to Tianhuo, and patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, "Everyone will understand. As for those outsiders, most of them are Tianyan sect disciples. Mu Hui and I will explain."

Tianhuo slowly opened his eyes, shook his head and smiled wryly, "I hope!"

He shrugged his shoulders immediately, "Let's take back the things that exploded to avoid the loss of the legion."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and plundered out first. Wherever he passed, items in a large area were collected by him.

"Tianhuo, it's okay, just let's rest for three days!" Twilight Lixiao also said, it wasn't just Tianhuo who was sealed with the attribute of divine power, but the entire legion.

Tianhuo took a long breath, nodded and said: "You pack up and go back first, I'll go to Long Island to have a look, I don't know what's going on there."

Although the attribute of divine power is sealed right now, Tianhuo doesn't care. After all, the other attributes are still there, but the attack cannot be performed without the attribute of divine power.

Watching Tianhuo leave, Twilight Lixiao and others began to clean up the battlefield, and Tianhuo flew towards Longdao without haste.

This time, although more than 70 players were killed because of the general attack mode, the realm of Tianhuo was directly rewarded to the middle stage of the gods because of killing the demon king, and the attributes of the four gods obtained were even more terrifying. Obtained more than 8000 million attributes of the four gods, as high as 88416000.

Such a high level of the four god attributes made Tianhuo feel a little unable to adapt. He didn't know what the four god attributes of the creators of the universe looked like, and how his own god attributes, which had exceeded [-] million, would compare with them.

While flying, Tianhuo looked at his skill panel.

Extreme Heaven Sacred Words (chaos level), Glyph Sage's exclusive skills, spiritual level Extreme Heaven Sacred Words bonus, four god attributes +3200000, divine power +40000, divine source +800%, damage reduction +95%.

Explanation: Wen Sheng's exclusive exercise, the mysterious effect can be activated when practiced to the extreme.

Practice progress: 8312436/10000000
The added four attributes of the gods are not many for the current Tianhuo, but the addition of the source of the gods made Tianhuo stunned. If the divine power also has a bonus, wouldn't it be perfect?
After checking for a while, Tianhuo opened the property panel, but just after opening the property panel, a system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, your four god attributes have exceeded [-] million, and you have activated the ultimate mission: Saint, do you accept it?"

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, holy?The name of this task is only one word, but it makes Tianhuo's eyes shine. Is it beyond the scope of God?


"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on accepting the ultimate mission: Holy, please check the mission panel for details."


Without waiting for Tianhuo to check, the invisible floating continent in front of him suddenly shattered, and an indescribably powerful aura filled the world.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and looked up hastily. At some point, the battle between the five demon kings and Gu Chen was coming to an end. Everyone was in a state of embarrassment. Even with the help of three great monsters, Gu Chen and Ling Han laughed. He and Weihai Yunlong were still in a mess during the battle.

On the other hand, the five demon kings also felt uncomfortable, and their demonic energy was scattered all over their bodies, but their divine source was slowly recovering.

"Hey, let's go on! Our power can restrain them, and we can also absorb their power to a certain extent, we will win!" A demon king said with a sneer, ignoring his breath.

But as soon as the words fell, the five demon kings all turned around, and their horrified eyes shifted to Tianhuo who was rushing over, "How is it possible, he actually killed the third brother!"

Tianhuo took the words of the Demon King into his ears, and couldn't help but be surprised, the six peerless powerhouses were no match for the five Demon Kings!No wonder so many main gods were defeated in the original Heaven and Earth War!
Without hesitation, Tianhuo stepped on his feet and stood in front of Gu Chen and the others in an instant, staring at the five demon kings with cold eyes, "Sure victory? What if you add me!"

(End of this chapter)

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