The strongest saint

Chapter 618 Five Lines of Eucharist

Chapter 618 Five Elements Eucharist
The NPC powerhouses of Tianyan Sect have gathered all of them, but Tianhuo only found Tu and Mu who possessed the Five Elements Saint Body, and Bai Xiaosheng's golden physique is still one less!

Tianhuo was anxious in his heart, but had no choice but to let the crowd disperse. The remaining one didn't know where to find him.

Many strong NPCs came and walked around and went back. Although they didn't say anything, their hearts must be full of doubts. Tianhuo didn't explain it. Looking at the people who left, Tianhuo led Bai Xiaosheng and the three towards the main hall go.

In the main hall, Fengshen quietly guarded Yu Wu's side, his face was full of worry, and when he saw Tianhuo and the others coming in, he frowned slightly, "It's not bad to find the three of them in such a short time."

Tianhuo smiled wryly, "Senior, what happened to the Saint of the Five Elements?"

Fengshen glanced at several people again, and then said: "You should know that your father's universe has controllers of various powers, but in this third universe, there is no one. It's not that there are no, but that there is no awakening."

Tianhuo's expression changed, and he couldn't help but look at Zi Meier and the others. So, after awakening, they will all become controllers?
"The Five Elements Holy Physique is unique in the world. They are born with the power of various departments, but they cannot express it before awakening. But even so, their talents are very human. Once awakened, they can possess the power of heaven and become The real saint of the five elements, in our words, is the master of the five elements, the strongest existence other than the creator of the universe." Fengshen said.

Tianhuo nodded heavily. He knew this. Among the many masters, the five elements are the strongest.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo asked: "Senior, people who are not as good as Huosheng physique, do you have any clues, senior?"

Fengshen shook his head, "It's up to you, the Five Elements Illusion Order is in your hands, and only you can find it."

Tianhuo smiled wryly, the Destiny Continent was divided into three areas, the big one had no borders, but the time was less than three days, it was impossible to run over the entire Destiny Continent, it seemed that we could only pick the key places to run around first.

Immediately, Tianhuo set his sights on the top ten sects. There are countless talented disciples from the ten sects. Maybe there are people with Huosheng physique among them. If there are none of the ten sects, then go elsewhere!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo immediately affirmed his thoughts, turned around and said, "Brother Yifeng, you are staying here for the past few days, and I will come back immediately after I find someone with the Huosheng physique."

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo directly used the space statue to teleport to the eastern continent, and then used the stepping sky to move towards the Wensheng gate as fast as possible.

"Eh? This kid has suddenly become so anxious. I haven't finished yet. People who possess the five-element holy body will be born with visions of heaven and earth. It will be easier to find this clue!" Fengshen shook his head, and he thought Before he could speak, Tianhuo had already left.

However, Yifeng on the side was not in a hurry, and directly opened the Legion channel.

Tianhuo, who was galloping, received the sound transmission from Yifeng, and couldn't help but feel relieved, "I was born with a vision of heaven and earth? I'm afraid I can't hide it from the top ten sects. If you find any sect, you may know it."

And when I heard Yifeng's words in the Legion channel, a familiar voice that I haven't seen for a long time came, "Master Messenger, are you looking for me? I heard my grandfather said that when I was born, I was born Shenhuo, my parents also died in Shenhuo, this is also a vision, right?"

"Xuanxuan!" Tianhuo stopped in surprise.

"I'm rushing to Tianyanmen, didn't you tell us to be there? It's a bit far from here, but I've already arrived at Death God Ridge." Xuanxuan continued.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, he had already arrived at Death God Ridge, and soon he would know if Xuanxuan was right or not!
Suddenly, Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and looked straight ahead, only to see that in the distant sky, a thick monster aura emanated, and an incomparably majestic aura emanated unabashedly.

"Devil King!" Tianhuo frowned, and then his expression changed. Xuanxuan is the granddaughter of Xuandu, and the demon king's aura that appeared was probably for Xuanxuan!

At this point, Tianhuo didn't dare to stop at all, Ta Tiannuo moved, and hurriedly swept forward. It is normal for the Demon King to hold Xuanxuan hostage in order to threaten Danzong, but Xuanxuan is likely to have the Huosheng physique that he needs. If you are captured, things will be troublesome!
Tianhuo was anxious, there were still two days before the unblocking of the divine power, meeting the Demon King at this time was not a good thing, I just hoped that the Demon King did not come here for Xuanxuan.

However, things couldn't go as expected, Tianhuo used the speed to the extreme, and soon reached the place where the demonic energy was soaring, and saw that one of the demon kings he had seen before had already captured Xuanxuan.

"Jie Jie... Where do you want to go, little girl? I finally waited for such an opportunity!" The Demon King showed a cruel smile.

Xuanxuan was captured, her whole body was locked by dark iron chains, she couldn't move at all, and couldn't even speak.

"Damn it, it's a step too late!" Tianhuo's face changed slightly, and he saw the demon king galloping towards the northwest direction with the billowing demonic energy, which was the direction of Prisoner Dragon Sect.

"Haha, alliance? Capture your descendants one by one, and see how you can form an alliance!" The devil's laughter came out of the devilish energy, and it disappeared into the world in an instant.

Tianhuo stopped at the place where Xuanxuan was captured, looked at the direction where the devil was leaving, and faintly heard the devil's laughter.

From the devil's laugh, Tianhuo knew the purpose of these monsters was nothing more than to capture the descendants of the major sects because of the other alliances of the major sects and make them afraid.

"Why don't you chase after?" Tianling got out of the Xiantian Lingding, and looked at Tianhuo suspiciously.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, "There is no way to catch up. The divine power is sealed, and there are still two days to unseal it. I hope the alliance can delay these two days. When the time comes, I will personally kill those demon kings!"

"According to the devil king's character and way of doing things, it is impossible to do such a thing. I guess they captured the heirs of the various sects not just to force the alliance to disband." Tianling said.

Tianling followed Luoshen to participate in the great war in ancient times, so she naturally has a better understanding of monsters.

Tianhuo thought about it, shook his head and said: "No matter what their purpose is, as soon as the divine power is unsealed, I will kill the prisoner Longzong!"

When the attribute just broke through 4 million, Tianhuo already had the strength to kill the junior demon king. Now, not counting the addition, there are already more than [-] million attributes of the four major gods. As long as the divine power breaks the seal, Tianhuo will not hesitate. hands on.

"Just wait two days like this?" Tianling turned her head and asked.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Of course I can't wait, I want to infiltrate the Prisoner Dragon Sect and see if there is a chance to rescue Xuanxuan."

(End of this chapter)

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