The strongest saint

Chapter 620 The Power of Five Lines

Chapter 620 The Power of the Five Elements
Hearing what the Great Demon King said, all the Demon Kings fell silent.

Suddenly, the Demon King slapped his thigh and said joyfully: "Yes, that kid killed the third child very easily. If he shot the fifth and sixth, we might not have time to rescue them, but they didn't make a move!"

As he said that, the eyes of the second demon king brightened, "I guess, that kid is either a paper tiger, or there are other reasons why he can't make a move, but no matter what the reason is, it's a good thing for us!"

The Great Demon King smiled mysteriously, and a cold look flashed in his eyes, "Let Prisoner Longzong go to inquire immediately, it will be easy to handle when we have news!"

The demon kings of the Prisoner Dragon Sect were discussing, and Tianhuo, as soon as he came back, rushed towards the main hall impatiently, and had already rescued eight people. I hope Xuanxuan really has the Huosheng physique, otherwise I have to find it myself!

Entering the main hall, Tianhuo released the eight people directly. Under the puzzled expressions of Fengshen and others, Tianhuo didn't even have time to untie the eight people, and directly found out the five elements magic order.

As soon as the Five Elements Phantom Order appeared, there was indeed a light, and this time, it was the five-color light that was flickering, and the fiery red light was pointing at Xuanxuan.

"It really is you!" Tianhuo looked at Xuanxuan happily, only to see Fengshen waved his hand, and the dragon chains on the eight people were broken one after another, allowing the eight people to regain their freedom.

Xuanxuan looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, but before she could speak, the five-element magic order in Tianhuo's hand was full of five-color light, and then it directly escaped from Tianhuo's control and slowly floated up.

"The five elements are gathered together, Gu Chen, you don't have to guard the passage anymore!" Fengshen's eyes flickered, and he murmured.

As soon as the words fell, rays of light emerged in the field, Nangong Lord God, Earth God, War God, Wood God, Weihai Yunlong, Heaven and Earth Demon and others appeared in the hall one after another!
Tianhuo looked at the crowd who suddenly appeared in astonishment, but before he could speak, the laughter of God of War and others spread.

"Haha, the controller of this universe is about to appear. If the five elements gather together, you can directly summon Brother Wu. What if the Demon Emperor comes?" Gu Chen laughed loudly. In the laughter, there were faint tears in his eyes. is flashing.

Seeing Gu Chen's expression, Tianhuo was dumb, as if it was his own illusion, God of War, that is an indomitable existence, he seemed to be crying, was it his own illusion?

When he turned his head to look, it wasn't just God of War, Nangong Zhushen's face had already had two strings of teardrops at some point, but they were evaporated dry immediately.

"Hehe, things are always so unexpected. I never thought that Xiaotian would awaken the Five Elements Illusion Order unexpectedly." Ling Han smiled softly and looked at Tianhuo with deep excitement.

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at the Five Elements Illusion, and saw that on the Five Elements Illusion, the five colors of light separated, and each flocked to the five Yifeng people. In front of the five people, they gathered to represent the five elements. of light ball.

"Master Ling, join hands to block the breath so that monsters cannot sense it." Gu Chen turned his head and glanced at Ling Han with a smile, and then a majestic aura surged out. Ling Hanxiao and others also made moves one after another. It appeared in the middle of the sky, but disappeared in a flash, as if it had never appeared before.

In the field, the five-color rays of light have completely gathered into a light ball in front of the five people, and under Tianhuo's expectant eyes, they have been submerged into the five people's bodies.

In an instant, all five of them collapsed as soon as they closed their eyes, but before they fell to the ground, they were lifted up by a mysterious force and quietly floated in the hall.

This is not over yet, I saw the five-color light appear again on the five-element phantom order, but this time it appeared extremely fast, shooting out in all directions in a flash, and disappearing in the sky in an instant.

"Huh?" Tianhuo turned his head and looked around suspiciously, but he could no longer see the five rays of light, and had no idea what the Five Elements Illusory Token was doing.

Not waiting for Tianhuo to be confused for too long, one after another sound of piercing the sky suddenly appeared. In the sound of piercing the sky, five light balls of different colors whizzed over, pierced through the blockade of Gu Chen and others, and floated beside Tianhuo one after another.

Looking at the five light spheres that suddenly appeared, Tianhuo was puzzled. On these five light spheres, he felt a feeling of deja vu, and couldn't help but look carefully. However, after looking at it, Tianhuo suddenly became astonished, because this Among the five light spheres, there is actually another world!

The first light sphere, the golden world shrinks in it, is the Golden Spirit Realm that Tianhuo once visited!
The second, until the fifth, these five light spheres are actually the five great spirit realms!Under the induction of his mind, Tianhuo clearly saw the heaven and earth in it. These five light spheres are clearly five heaven and earth!
Tianhuo was surprised that the Five Spirit Realm was actually summoned by the Five Elements Illusion, and what Tianhuo never expected was that the Five Spirit Realm could exist in such a situation!
In astonishment, I saw a ray of light of different colors flying out of each of the five light spheres, quickly submerging into the Five Elements Illusion, but with the injection of the five rays of light, the Five Elements Illusion instantly melted, submerged into the body of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo didn't even have time to react, but the illusion of the five elements had disappeared, and the next moment, a huge force exploded in the body!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on gathering the power of the five elements, completing the sss-level task, and rewarding you with a Chaos Orb."

A system notification sound came, which made Tianhuo look a little weird. The three-s-level super mission only rewarded one Chaos Orb?

However, the next moment, Tianhuo only saw that each of the five spirit realms flew towards Yu Wu and the five people. The power in his body exploded, and the severe pain came, which made Tianhuo have to concentrate on coping.

In the body, the powerful five-element power filled every corner, strengthening Tianhuo again, but Tianhuo didn't feel the strengthening at all, and it hurt countless times compared to the original condensed divine body!
"Hold on, Xiaotian!" Gu Chen murmured, looking at Tianhuo with gentle eyes.

Tianhuo can no longer hear the sound of the outside world. The power of the five elements is raging in the body, as if wanting to tear Tianhuo apart. This pain is directed at the soul. himself in a state of sobriety.

The power of the five elements is born and restrained by each other. Even if he has never sensed the source of power, Tianhuo is well aware of this. At this moment, being ravaged by the power of the five elements, Tianhuo hopes to end it quickly!
But this moment is the time when days feel like years, Tianhuo has no way of knowing how long has passed, it seems that only a second has passed, and it seems that centuries have passed.

When Gu Chen and the others looked at Yu Wu and the other five, their faces were full of joy, but when they looked at Tianhuo, they were full of worry. After all, if Tianhuo couldn't hold on, the consequences would be disastrous!
"Huh?" Suddenly, Gu Chen turned around and looked outside the hall, and the rest of the people also looked outside one after another. For a moment, their expressions became serious, "It still alarmed those guys!"

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(End of this chapter)

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