The strongest saint

Chapter 622 The Holy Land

Chapter 622 The Holy Land
A series of system prompts sounded, but this time, Tianhuo heard it clearly, broke through, and broke through to the holy realm by himself!

After the breakthrough, the holy power appeared, which was no longer divine power, and evolved again along with his pets and suits!

Tianhuo only felt that it was difficult to breathe, had he finally come to this day?
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on merging the Nine Heavenly Divine Cauldrons, the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron has been promoted to the Xiantian Holy Cauldron."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your possession of the Innate Saint Cauldron, and the Cauldron Saint auxiliary profession has been promoted to Saint level."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained the power of the five elements, and your cultivation progress has reached the full level."

As the system notification sound fell, Tianhuo opened his eyes violently, and the five people floating around also opened their eyes one after another. In an instant, a tyrannical aura shot up into the sky, directly smashing the hall into powder Floating down, but the tyrannical aura of the six people is soaring to the sky!
High in the sky, the fighting eyes suddenly stopped, and they all looked down, as if they could see the Tianyan Gate through a distance of hundreds of millions of miles. The difference was that Gu Chen and others were ecstatic, while the five demon kings , but his face is ashen!

"Here it is, how could there be a controller in this world!" The big devil's face was pale, and he stared down in horror, feeling those powerful and irresistible auras.

"Hmph! How dare a little monster set foot in the land of my destiny? Suffer!" Suddenly, Bai Xiaosheng's shout resounded in the sky, and there was no movement or even Bai Xiaosheng's appearance, but the five demon kings, It turned into powder in an instant!
The figure did not appear, but the five demon kings evaporated out of thin air!
Seeing this, Gu Chen and the others looked at each other calmly and smiled, then shook their heads, "The familiar power of the controller!"

They are all the controllers of the fourth universe. Now that they have seen the controllers make a move in the third universe, they are naturally very familiar. They also had this kind of power before!

Tianhuo shifted his gaze to Bai Xiaosheng, this guy killed the five demon kings in one shot, so far, the Tianming Continent is considered peaceful, of course, if the demon king doesn't come.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled at Tianhuo. He knew very well that even if he had become the master, he could not be compared with Tianhuo, because what Tianhuo possessed was the power of the five elements, not the single-element metal power like him.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled. At this moment, he had a very magical feeling in his heart. His mind seemed to be omnipotent, and so was his eyesight. When he looked up, he actually penetrated hundreds of millions of miles, and directly saw the place where the five demon kings were destroyed. situation.

But thinking that the skill has reached the full level, the innate spirit cauldron has become a holy cauldron, and the auxiliary profession has also reached the holy level, Tianhuo understands that the power of the five elements has completely changed himself!

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Saint Level)

Realm: Holy Land

Sheng Yuan:? ? ? (converting)

Holy power:? ? ? (converting)

Strength (God): 800051014, Constitution (God): 800050590, Intelligence (God): 800093530, Dexterity (God): 800050998
Reputation: 27341200
Sin: -24458503
Pets: Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast (evolving), Nine Soul Yinglong (evolving), Qiankun Tiger (evolving)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (in evolution)

Puppet: Kaitian Zhanhu (evolving)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Supreme Legion)

Zongmen: Tianyanmen (Master)

Looking at the attributes at this moment, Tianhuo was puzzled for a while, he was still transforming, why did he wake up?When will this transformation end?And it's even more so when looking at the attributes of the suit, the attributes of the suit are also being transformed, in other words, my attributes at this moment are not affected by the bonus of the suit at all!
With the addition of the suit, the attributes of the four gods would exceed one billion at this moment. Of course, Tianhuo understood that once the transformation was successful, the attributes of the four gods would inevitably change, perhaps into holy attributes, or into other things.

"One person has achieved Taoism, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, and even pet mounts have evolved!" Tianhuo sighed, naturally extremely happy in his heart.

While talking to himself, Tianhuo figured out the reward for this sss-level mission. This is the highest-level mission, but only one item was rewarded. Tianhuo believes that this thing must be extraordinary!
Chaos Bead: A mysterious bead produced in chaos, which has the effect of opening the sky.

"The effect of opening the sky?" Looking at the introduction of the Chaos Orb, Tianhuo frowned. The introduction was too vague, and he couldn't understand what it meant!

And more importantly, I don't even know how to use this bead.

Taking the Chaos Orb seriously, Tianhuo looked at the distance intently. Before, in that distant place, he felt a sense of calling. Although the feeling disappeared at this moment, Tianhuo believed that it was not an illusion. What is calling itself.

And when that feeling appeared, the world fragments in Fanshen Palace also responded, perhaps it was the world fragments that brought him such a feeling!

"Could it be the Heart of the World?" Tianhuo suddenly thought of this possibility. He was promoted to the Holy Realm, and his various perceptions are no longer what they used to be. The feeling of summoning him must be the Heart of the World needed to save his father!
"I don't know the exact location, but there are world fragments, I believe I can find them!" Tianhuo murmured to himself, and was about to step up into the sky, but Gu Chen and others had already landed.

Gu Chen and the others were all beaming. Looking at Yu Wu and the others who had awakened and become the controllers, they laughed and said, "Haha, I finally succeeded. Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Now that the Demon King has been eradicated and the entrance to the Demon Realm has not been opened, it is indeed gratifying. With you here, even if the Demon King strikes, you can call Brother Wu back!" Ling Han smiled relaxedly, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo .

Tianhuo shrugged. At the moment, the most important thing is to save his father. After all, he has already sensed the approximate location of the heart of the world. If he doesn't look for it, when will he wait?
Yu Wu and the others nodded. The moment they became the controllers, they already knew how to call the controller of the third universe. As long as the five of them work together, the controller of the universe can be easily called back no matter where he is. !

Tianhuo was also happy and relaxed. He never thought that the magic order of the five elements would bring such a miraculous effect. The five spirits were integrated into the bodies of the five people. To become a master, you can easily use the power of the third universe, so it's no wonder if you are not strong.

"Haha, let me see, this time the five of you go to Demon's Realm to guard it. After all, this is your universe, and we have already done our best." Gu Chen shifted his gaze to the five of them and said with a smile.

Bai Xiaosheng shrugged indifferently, "It shouldn't be difficult for the five of us to work together to reseal the entrance. By then, the Demon Emperor will never come back. Hehe, without further ado, let's go!"

After the voice fell, the figures of the five people disappeared in place.

Tianhuo smiled, and also stepped forward, "I should go out for a walk too!"

Everyone didn't object, so they naturally knew that Tianhuo had lost something to find and rescue Tianji.

However, as soon as Tianhuo left the hall, he met Fatty and Chen with dignified faces, and saw that they were holding the broken Space Shuttle in their hands.

Tianhuo frowned, he had a deep understanding of the strength of the space-breaking shuttle, and someone actually blasted it?I am afraid that only the controller can do it in the world!But it's impossible for Yu Wu and others to take action against the fat two, so...

(End of this chapter)

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