The strongest saint

Chapter 627 The Leaves in the Space Turbulence

Chapter 627 The Leaves in the Space Turbulence
"The Demon Emperor will come back sooner or later. How can the Destiny Continent support it? I'm afraid it will be annihilated in an instant!" Tianhuo's expression became serious. The battle between the masters of the universe is naturally not something that the Destiny Continent can support.

It is easy for such a supreme existence to destroy the universe. Under the protection of his father, the Destiny Continent survived, and the third universe survived. Where do we go from here?

Tianhuo's face was serious, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists, "We can't let something happen to the Destiny Continent!"

"Yeah, but don't think too much about it yet, hurry up and find the heart of the world! Are you sure you're here?" Tianling said.

Tianhuo came back to his senses, and then nodded, "I had a sense before when I was promoted to the holy realm, and it was in this direction, but now there is no sense."

As he said that, Tianhuo took out the fragments of the world from the palace of all gods. This is the fragment that survived the shattering of the fourth universe, and it is probably the only thing that can sense the heart of the world.

However, the fragments of the world fell into the hands, but quietly and completely turned into powder and drifted away with the wind!

"No!" Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he looked in disbelief at the fragments of the world in his empty hands, which turned into flying ash?

This is the hope of finding the heart of the world, the hope of saving his father, but it is gone!

Tianhuo's face changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand fiercely, "Gather!"

The big "Ju" character appeared, dissipated in an instant, and merged into the surrounding world. After a while, the big character reappeared, and in the center of the big character, there was already a pile of debris, which was the debris of the world's fragments!

Nervously holding the broken pieces in the palm of his hand, Tianhuo opened his mouth, but no sound came out, this is his hope!
"It should be because the power of the fragments of the world has been fused into your mortal god's palace. That's why, Tianhuo, don't be discouraged. You should be able to find the heart of the world by yourself." Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo didn't seem to hear Tianling's words, and stared blankly at the broken powder in his hand, yes, when he was promoted to the holy realm, the Fanshen Palace rapidly became larger, and the space in the Fanshen Palace today is boundless. The shards of the world at that time obviously contributed, and now it has lost its power and turned to dust.

After a long time, Tianhuo solemnly put away the scraps. No matter what, they were all left by his father.

Taking a long breath, Tianhuo's eyes became firm, "Yes, my father said, people, don't complain, rely on yourself."

As soon as the words fell, the sky fire suddenly rushed out, and appeared in front of the turbulent flow of space in an instant, and rushed into it without hesitation, "I will definitely find it!"

The turbulent flow of space is full of mysterious colors, and it is full of overwhelming aura everywhere. The endless turbulent flow is densely covered, and it seems to be able to destroy everything. One after another, the turbulent flow of space cuts on Tianhuo's body, but it is like nothing, and it does not bring anything to Tianhuo at all. s damage.

Tianling on her shoulder was protected by the power of Tianhuo, hesitated to speak for several times, and finally said: "I heard that the turbulent flow of space can destroy everything, even the low-level indestructible body can't bear it, but you are fine."

Tianhuo relaxed, shook his head and smiled, "Every level of indestructible body is very different. Don't forget that I am a high-level indestructible body. I really want to know what kind of physique I will have if I go further."

"That's not something I can know, I'll ask your father when the time comes!" Tian Ling laughed.

Tianhuo nodded heavily, looking around, "I don't know what the heart of the world looks like, but there is nothing here, except for the turbulent flow or the turbulent flow."

"I heard that the appearance of the heart of the world is not certain. It depends on the evolution that the universe mainly relies on when it is formed. I don't know what the fourth universe relies on, so I can't be sure." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, he didn't know about this matter, probably only his father knew, and right now, he could only try his best to find it.

"Eh? There's something over there!" Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and in the turbulent flow tens of thousands of miles away, a flashing green light was swaying with the turbulent flow of space.

Having discovered it, Tianhuo rushed out, and his figure appeared in front of that thing in an instant, and he suddenly became astonished, only to see a leaf the size of two fingers floating in front of his eyes!

"Let's go, what kind of leaf is this? Even the powerhouse of the primary indestructible body can't bear the turbulent flow of space here. This leaf is actually fine?" Tianhuo took the leaf in his hand blankly, and looked at it carefully.

There is a mysterious power surging on the leaves, presumably it is because of the existence of this power that the leaves are intact, but Tianhuo still can't sense what kind of power it is, it seems to be a power that he has never come into contact with.

At this moment, Tianhuo only hated himself for not having a good understanding of power, but that was useless, power is not something players can sense, even though he is in the Destiny Continent, he also cannot sense power.

"The power of space, and at the same time... There is also a power I don't know." Tianling said weakly.

"Oh? Space and unknown power? This little leaf contains two kinds of power?" Tianhuo looked at Tianling in astonishment, and was even more astonished when he saw the latter nodding with certainty.

"This shouldn't be the heart of the world, right?" Although that power can protect the leaves from damage, Tianhuo believes that the heart of the world must not be so simple.

"Definitely not, keep looking." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo also nodded, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said with a smile: "Why don't you look at the source of this leaf first, since there are leaves in the turbulent space, I am afraid that the source of the leaves will be extraordinary, maybe it will be the heart of the world!"

"You mean that the heart of the world is a tree? Oh my God, shouldn't it be the tree of the world? It's unbelievable!" Tian Ling exclaimed in astonishment.

Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose, but he didn't say that, he had heard about the World Tree, it was a mysterious existence with one leaf and one world, but in the leaf in his hand, there was no heaven and earth, obviously that couldn't be world tree.

Tianhuo didn't say much, recalling the direction in which the leaves were floating before, he stepped towards the source and rushed out.

While plundering, Tianhuo asked: "Tianling, besides the World Tree, is there such a thing as the Space Tree?"

"There is indeed a Sacred Space Tree. You don't think this leaf belongs to the Sacred Space Tree, do you? No, the Sacred Space Tree contains pure power of space, but there are other powers in the leaves." Tianling said.

"There is really a spatial divine tree?" Tianhuo was astonished, but he didn't know how it compares with his own Primordial Divine Tree.

"Yes, and there is also the Time God Tree. It is said that the area where the Time God Tree is located has a different speed of time, which is very magical." Tian Ling nodded and said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "Did Luoshen tell you?"

Tianling nodded, and then looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, only to see Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and a mysterious color flickered in them.

(End of this chapter)

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