The strongest saint

Chapter 632 Rescue Father

Chapter 632 Rescue Father
Wu Xiao brought the Demon Emperor somewhere, just to buy time for Tianhuo. In addition, he didn't want the battle between the two of them to destroy the Destiny Continent.

But at this moment, Skyfire was galloping in the turbulent flow of space, and its speed had reached its peak, not daring to stop at all.

"No matter how fast, as long as the father is rescued, the Demon Emperor will have nothing to fear, and everything will be over by then!" Tianhuo secretly thought, wishing that his four attributes could be higher, so that his speed would be even faster.

But the speed of Tianhuo is extremely fast, with a speed of nearly ten million kilometers per second, can it not be fast?This is the power of the Holy Realm. Unfortunately, the current suit has evolved accordingly, including the pet mount, which has not yet evolved, otherwise it will definitely be faster.

Finally, Tianhuo has seen the edge of space turbulence, even though it is still hundreds of millions of miles away, but Tianhuo has seen it clearly, and he can't help but feel overjoyed, it is finally coming soon.

Finally, Tianhuo's figure shot out from the turbulent space, and he was about to perform the city return technique, but he was taken aback. Firstly, it was because the Tianyanmen no longer had a resident in the first-level area, but because, at this moment, the heaven and earth The room is full of magic!

Ignoring the matter of the Zongmen's residence, Tianhuo's face changed slightly, and he looked intently at the demonic energy permeating the world, "The Demon Emperor has arrived!"

To be able to create such a wide range of demon energy, Tianhuo has no doubt that it must be the Demon Emperor's body descending on the mainland.

"Twilight, how's the situation?" Tianhuo rushed out in a hurry, and at the same time opened the legion channel and asked.

"Haha, everything is under control, monsters can't turn the tide, but the final boss was taken away by a man named Wu Xiao." Twilight broke the dawn and changed the ins and outs of the matter.

Hearing this, Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, what he needs most right now is time, it seems that Uncle Wu has already thought of everything, and deliberately lured the Demon Emperor away!
After closing the Legion channel, Tianhuo continued galloping, because at this moment, Tianhuo had seen that Gu Chen and others were waiting for him hundreds of millions of miles away, obviously to lead him to where his father was.

"Here comes the sky fire, Xiao Wu, the five of you are here to guard. As long as the sky fire succeeds, the Destiny Continent and the entire third universe will be safe." Gu Chen said, and in the blink of an eye, a dangerous building appeared beside him.

The dangerous building is the teleportation array leading to Tianhuo's father.

As soon as the dangerous building appeared, Tianhuo's figure also appeared in front of everyone, "Uncle Chen, send me in!"

The moment he got the Sacred Tree of Time and Space, Tianhuo couldn't wait to rescue his father. If he didn't know where the entrance was, he could only rely on the dangerous building to teleport him, so he would have already run away.

Gu Chen nodded slightly towards the crowd, but he didn't see any movement. A light appeared on the dangerous building and instantly enveloped the sky fire and the main gods. In an instant, the scenery in front of everyone's eyes changed. When it stabilized, they had already arrived at the place full of A world full of gods and fog.

The statue of Tianhuo's father was still sitting cross-legged quietly in the small valley, motionless like an old monk in meditation. This state seemed to have lasted for countless years, and no breath could be sensed from the statue.

"The Divine Fortress Technique is a self-protection method that can only be used by the strong above the Holy Realm. After it is used, it is like the situation of Brother Tian, ​​and the whole body is petrified. However, in this state, even the Demon King cannot destroy it. In this state, the injuries suffered by the body can also recover faster."

Outside the valley, the figures of Gu Chen and others landed down, Gu Chen explained for Tianhuo.

"So that's it!" Tianhuo nodded, and quickly walked towards the valley, but he was puzzled in his heart.

At the beginning, my father and I clearly lived on the earth, but at that time, the earth had already been moved to the third universe by my father, so where is the place where I live?

With deep doubts, Tianhuo has already swept in front of his father, temporarily putting aside this doubt, Tianhuo knows that when his father wakes up, he will naturally solve his doubts for himself.

Looking at the statue of his father sitting cross-legged, Tianhuo knelt down, "Father, I'm back!"

The calm voice spread, and I don't know if Tianji, who has turned into a statue, can hear it, but Tianhuo's calm voice is choked with slight sobs. From the moment his father was petrified, Tianhuo was full of helplessness, if not With his father's words, Tianhuo might not have the confidence to survive.

Fortunately, his father told himself that a game called Destiny World will start a year later, and the way to save him lies in the game.

At the beginning, Tianhuo was puzzled, but fortunately, he finally waited for the game to start. However, all this was actually arranged by his father long ago. He digitized the Destiny Continent in order to allow humans on the earth to enter the game and to restrain themselves. The power of monsters destroys monsters.

Of course, more of it is for Tianhuo.

Over the past few years, Tianhuo finally came to the step where he could save his father. After a long time, Tianhuo stood up suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, the Time and Space Sacred Tree was swept out of the Fanshen Palace.

As soon as it appeared, the Sacred Tree of Time and Space involuntarily moved to the sky above the pole of the sky, and those roots drooped down, as if crying for its master.

On the Time-Space Sacred Tree, mysterious power emanated, and the fluctuations of power visible to the naked eye flowed down the roots, and when they reached the tips of the roots, I saw those roots stabbing fiercely towards the statue.

Tianhuo raised his brows, if he didn't know that it belonged to his father, he might have stopped it immediately, but Tianhuo knew that the Space-Time Sacred Tree should be helping his father get out of the state of divine barrier.

In Tianhuo's apprehension, he saw that the roots pierced the statue but disappeared at the moment, and the majestic unknown power burst out at this moment, directly forcing Tianhuo and others to retreat.

Tianhuo didn't care about the mysterious power that swept away at all, and stared intently at the changes in the statue transformed by his father. Finally, all the roots disappeared on his father's body, and the next moment, the entire tree of time and space was also transformed into one Liu Guang suddenly got into the statue.

With the disappearance of the Space-Time Sacred Tree, the mysterious power surging around faded away, and the valley returned to calm.

"Did it succeed?" Tianhuo became nervous, his body trembled slightly, and the look of expectation in his eyes gradually turned into anxiety, because the time-space sacred tree had returned to his father, but the statue transformed by his father had not changed yet. !

"Don't worry, it must take time. After all, the existence of brothers Tian and the others is beyond our comprehension." Gu Chen's voice was a little dry, and Tianji was the eternal pillar of their hearts. How could they not be nervous?

Tianhuo clenched his fist involuntarily and murmured: "Father, you are going to succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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