The strongest saint

Chapter 635 Chaos Heavenly Book Order

Chapter 635 Chaos Heavenly Book Order

Tianhuo was talking to himself, but he saw that Gu Chen and the others had already left this place, apparently following his father's order to go to the mainland to destroy the monsters.

In the arena, only the three great demons of heaven and earth were left, but the three of them were staring at themselves with strange expressions, as if they didn't expect that they could refine the mysterious earth demon spirit in an instant.

But they don't know, it's just that the Xiantian Shengding is refining on its behalf, and the power is integrated into Tianhuo's body, and Tianhuo doesn't need to do it.

"Young master, shall we also go to destroy the monsters?" After being dazed, the great demon of heaven and earth asked.

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and said: "With five controllers, the monsters can be easily wiped out. We are not in a hurry."

As he said that, Tianhuo checked the ring of Glyph Saint, he was very curious about what the Young Demon Emperor revealed!
Tianhuo didn't even look at the two pieces of equipment, and threw them directly into the army warehouse, and the two mysterious items were what he was curious about.

The first one is a scroll made of a mysterious golden material. There is no name on the scroll. Seeing this scroll, Tianhuo wondered, can monsters use scrolls?At the beginning, I got many scrolls, and each scroll had a good ability, but I didn't know what this scroll would be.

With doubts, Tianhuo cast the Glyph Sage's Eye towards the scroll, but unexpectedly, with his current strength, he cast it more than ten times in a row, but all of them failed the appraisal!

And watching Tianhuo cast the Glyph Sage's Eye over and over again, the expressions of the three great demons on the side became weird again. Finally, the great demon born in the thunder pool of heaven and earth couldn't help but said weakly: "Young master, try to open it directly."

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, yes, he was on the edge of his own horn again, and seeing that the scroll had no name, he subconsciously used the Glyph Sage's Eye to identify it, but it might not be necessary.

The probe opened the scroll, but saw routes recorded on it, it was clearly a map!

It's just that there is no description on the map, and Tianhuo can't know what kind of map it is, so he can only put it away helplessly. Anyway, what exploded from the young demon emperor cannot be ordinary things.

Continue to look at the second mysterious item, only to see that it is a milky white token, with a thick white mist faintly surging in the token, and this token is full of holy aura, which is completely different from the aura of monsters. match!

Mysterious token, unknown.

"Glyph Sage's Eye!" Tianhuo definitely used the Glyph Sage's Eye this time, and it went extremely smoothly. The first time he used it, he successfully identified it.

Chaos Heavenly Book Token: There is a mysterious Chaos Heavenly Book in the chaos. You can get this order after you leave your own mark on the book. With this order, you can live forever. inner resurrection.

Tianhuo was stunned, and repeatedly looked at the Chaos Heavenly Book Token in his hand. There is such a thing in the world?
Chaos Heavenly Book, what is that?
Tianhuo was puzzled, but in an instant, Tianhuo understood something, turned his head and said, "Can you sense where my father is?"

The three great demons of heaven and earth nodded together, "Young master, what's the matter?"

Tianhuo was overjoyed and said, "Take me there quickly!"

Although the three heaven and earth monsters were puzzled, they still couldn't refuse Tianhuo's request. In other words, Tianhuo's words were orders, after all, he was the young master of the three.

And the reason why Tianhuo was in such a hurry was to explode the Demon Emperor's Chaos Heavenly Book Order, otherwise the Demon Emperor would not die!

Possessing the Chaos Heavenly Token will ensure immortality, and the last time the Demon Emperor was resurrected after being beheaded by his father, it was obviously because of the Chaos Heavenly Token. .

"This is the secret that the Young Demon Emperor said. It's a pity that this guy is unlucky enough. I have exposed the Chaos Heavenly Book Order." Tianhuo laughed in his heart. If it weren't for this, the Young Demon Emperor might have quietly resurrected .

"It's amazing. There is such a thing in the world. I really don't know what that chaotic book is." Tianling's surprised voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

"Yeah, my father said that chaos is full of mysteries. I also want to go to see the book of chaos. By the way, is this map the one that records the location of the book of chaos?" Tianhuo suddenly asked .

"It's very possible, or try to find it, but I heard that chaos is outside the universe, and no one can leave the universe except the creator of the universe." Tianling said, her voice became helpless.

Tianhuo also rubbed his chin, it seemed that he could only let his father and the others go and see, but he didn't have such a chance.

"Huh? No, hey, just ask my father to open the passage for me. At the beginning, Uncle Chen and the others also used the power of the controller to open the passage to the third universe." Tianhuo laughed, and he must go to the chaos to have a look. Find this Chaos Heavenly Book.

"Do you also want to leave your mark on the Chaos Heavenly Book? That's right, you can't use the token in your hand. You can only leave your mark to get your own token." Tian Ling said.

However, Tianhuo shook his head, "I'm curious who made that Chaos Heavenly Book, and it actually has such an effect, hehe, this kind of strange thing, why don't you take a look if you have the chance."

While speaking, the three great demons of heaven and earth brought Tianhuo to the entrance of the Wudian. Tianhuo showed a clear expression on his face. It seemed that the three of them knew the location of the Wudian, and they passed through the Wudian. Can find their father's battlefield.

Coming here for the second time, Tianhuo is also familiar with the road, and took the lead to plunder, and plundered straight towards the Martial Hall, along the stairs on the second floor, and soon arrived at the platform that he had been to before.

Standing on the platform and looking at it, there are still endless stars, but on the other side of the platform, a scalp-numbing horror is sweeping over, attracting Tianhuo's eyes.

In the void, Wu Xiao stretched his arms, and a huge and boundless power enveloped the void, and under the power envelope, his father was surrounded by an illusory light tripod, fighting against the Demon Emperor.

Around the battle between the two, within the field of vision of Tianhuo, there are no stars. Obviously, they have been destroyed by their battle fluctuations, and if Wu Xiao was not on the side to suppress the battle fluctuations, I am afraid there will be more of fallen stars.

As if sensing the arrival of Tianhuo, Wu Xiao turned his head and glanced in the direction of Wudian, then his expression became unnatural, and he said via voice transmission: "Go back, it's dangerous here."

Tianhuo smiled, and was about to speak, but saw a large crack suddenly appeared at the intersection of the attacks of his father and the Demon Emperor, like a piece of paper being torn.

"Oops, Tianji, protect Tianhuo, the barrier of the universe has been broken!" Wu Xiao was shocked and shouted hastily.

And Tianji was also taken aback, because Wu Xiao's power blocked him before, and he didn't sense the arrival of Tianhuo at all.

It's just that Wu Xiao's reminder seemed to be too late. I saw that the protective power he used was swallowed by the crack in an instant, and he lost his power protection. For a moment, a terrifying suction came out from the crack, sucking in the distant stars in an instant. !
Tianhuo and the three great monsters standing on the platform of Wudian were no exception, they were sucked in by the crack the moment they had no power to resist!
(End of this chapter)

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