Chapter 1052

Looking at Xiang Long, Meng Yun said: "It's okay even if my physical fitness reaches the limit. You can exercise your skills, and my physical fitness has almost reached the limit. You should know that I seldom spend energy on physical training now. Practicing technique."

Xiang Long said: "But I am different from you. With your current physical fitness, even if you don't improve, you are already at the top level of the league."

This made Meng Yun speechless.

It seems that this is indeed the case. He is different from Xiang Long, and different from many people.

Speed, bounce, Meng Yun is the best in the league in these two items, and there are only a handful of people who can compare with him, almost none.In terms of explosive power and agility, Meng Yun is also at the top of the league. Only in terms of strength, Meng Yun is not top-notch, but it is still top-notch, and he is not at a disadvantage against most players.

So it doesn't matter if Meng Yun's physical fitness does not improve by half a point, because he is already at the top level, but Xiang Long is not good, he is not even at the first-class level now.

In the NBA, he is an inside player. If his physical fitness is not strong enough, he is at most a blue-collar player. Xiang Long has always been proud, and his goal is not just to be a blue-collar player.

"I have no choice." Xiang Long said: "Either I will fight hard, break through my limits, and possibly become stronger, or I can only be like this. So I worked hard during this period, not because of the All-Star Weekend I won the rookie game mvp, not because of the coach's expectations."

Now Meng Yun fully understood.

No wonder Xiang Long seemed to have changed after the All-Star Weekend. His performance on the court was different from before, not to mention his usual training.

It turned out to be this reason.

Meng Yun knew Xiang Long, he was absolutely unwilling to become a good blue-collar player as he is now, and he had great ambitions, he wanted to enter the All-Star and become an All-Star player.

But if it is true as Xiang Long said, his physical fitness has reached its limit, and if his physical fitness is no longer improved, even if he works hard to hone his skills, there will be no big leap in his strength improvement, almost Impossible to transform into an All-Star player.

You must know that basketball is a sport that combines body and technology. Physical fitness is displayed through technology, and technology depends on the body to perform. The two assist and restrict each other.

To give an example, if Kong has superb physical fitness and no excellent skills, the ultimate apex of this player may be the word "excellent".

And if you have skills but don't have enough physical fitness support, it will be the same in the end.

What's more, Xiang Long is an inside player. How much can an inside player without sufficient physical fitness achieve?I'm afraid it won't be big, like the Zeller brothers.

So just honing his skills won't work for Xiang Long, and it's impossible for him to become an All-Star inside player.

"I can understand you." Meng Yundao: "But how do you know that you are reaching your limit? Who told you, your medical team? How did they know?"

"My medical team told me so." Xiang Longdao: "And I can feel it myself, it's true."

Meng Yun was speechless for a moment. He asked this question only to comfort Xiang Long. In fact, he knew it well, because he could feel that his physical fitness was almost at its limit.

This is a wonderful feeling, which is not obvious to ordinary people, because ordinary people don't develop their physical potential much at all, but for athletes like Meng Yun, their bodies have already been developed to a certain extent, coupled with the perennial In training, I know myself well, so I have this feeling and be able to make a judgment on my body.

Meng Yun said again: "Then how can you be sure that you can break through the limit if you continue to practice like this, and can you really become stronger after breaking through the limit?"

"I can not confirm."

"Then you are still like this?" Meng Yun said angrily: "You can't be sure and just do it. What should you do if you don't improve, but leave hidden dangers? How many athletes have no choice but to end their careers because of physical problems? , do you want to be like them too?"

Xiang Long said calmly: "I'm willing to take a gamble, bet on a chance."

Meng Yun was furious, and really wanted to say that you were committing suicide, you are already very good now.

But he didn't say it, because it's useless to say it. Xiang Long is like this. He has great ambitions, great goals, and is extremely proud. He doesn't allow himself to be "excellent", he asks himself to be "the best" ", and even became "great".

Meng Yun stared at Xiang Long carefully, their eyes collided, seeing that Xiang Long's eyes were firm, Meng Yun could only take a deep breath, and said solemnly: "I know I can't stop you, from now on I will train with you every day, once I see you support I will stop you immediately, whether you like it or not, I will stop you."

Looking at Meng Yun, Xiang Long suddenly grinned, revealing a bright smile.

This smile has never been seen before, Meng Yun has never seen such a bright smile on Xiang Long, and he was a little lost for a while
From this day on, Meng Yun has been training with Xiang Long every day until the end. Xiang Long often trains until his legs and feet are sore and exhausted. If he wants to break through the limit, he must first reach the limit, so unless it is the first There is a game in two days, otherwise he will train to the limit.

Training to the limit and breaking the limit are two different things. Training to the limit does not mean that you can break the limit.

A hundred times of training to the limit may not be able to break the limit once, and there may even be ten or eight times when the body is injured because of not stopping in time.

And what Meng Yun can do is to stop Xiang Long when he has reached the limit but has not broken through the limit, and is about to hurt himself, and let him stop.

But Meng Yun is not a detector, so he can't judge it accurately every time, so there were still two times in the process that it was too late to stop, causing Xiang Long to lose strength and even strain his muscles.

Fortunately, there were no more serious consequences.

In a blink of an eye, March is over.

This month, because of the cultivation of the main lineup and preparations for the playoffs, Xiang Long missed some games because of too much training intensity, and even injured himself twice, so the record of the Heat this month is not good. Not much, which made many fans very dissatisfied.

Also because of this month's poor record, the Heat lost their No. [-] position in the East, and were overtaken by the Raptors and became No. [-] in the East.

Soon the few games in April will also be over.

The Heat's entire regular season ended this season. In the end, the Heat achieved a record of 58 wins and 24 losses, ranking second in the Eastern Conference.

In fact, the record of the No. 59 Raptors in the East is only 23 wins and [-] losses, which is only one more win than the Heat.

(End of this chapter)

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