king of defenders

Chapter 1378 All You Need is Victory

Chapter 1378 All You Need is Victory

When the last person who played against Meng Yun walked off the field in frustration, Meng Yun's "friendship enhancement" activity with his new teammates ended today.

Except for Anthony, all the players in the team had a one-on-one match with Meng Yun. Without exception, they were all defeated by Meng Yun 10:0.

Because as long as Meng Yun defends their first attack and the ball returns to Meng Yun, no matter whether it is an inside player or an outside player, Meng Yun cannot be guarded and will be taken away by a wave.

Including Dinwiddie, a player with very strong singles ability, is no exception. He chose to break through in his first attack, thinking it would be safer. As a result, just after Meng Yun was about to layup, there was a "snap" and his palm was empty. , The basketball has been blown away by Meng Yun.

Dinwiddie was stunned, and looked back at Meng Yun, and heard his teammates exclaiming "too fast", "this chase is too fast", "the jump is really high".

He understood immediately.

When the ball returned to Meng Yun's hands, Dinwiddie could only stare wide-eyed and watched Meng Yun score the ball again and again, breakthrough, dry pull, back hit, Meng Yun's various scoring methods at his fingertips, let Dinwiddie Difficult to predict, let alone stop, not enough speed, not enough height, not enough strength, no matter what.

Each of the dozen or so people is 10:0, without exception.

When everything is over, everyone looks at me and I look at you, all smiling wryly.

Anthony was determined not to participate, but Meng Yun felt a little regretful. When he first entered the NBA and trained with Anthony and the others, Anthony liked to single out with him the most. At that time, Meng Yun was not so strong and was beaten by Anthony every time. Explosion, but he kept in mind, and never found a chance to take revenge.

Anthony approached Meng Yun with gloating face, and said with a smile, "Isn't your way of 'enhancing friendship' a little too ruthless, at least let someone score a goal."

Meng Yun said calmly: "They are all adults, and they still can't bear this blow. Besides, if I don't try my best, wouldn't it be disrespectful to my opponent? How can I 'enhance friendship'?"

Anthony's eyes widened, what a powerful reason!

This was actually done deliberately by Meng Yun. He knew about the current situation of the team before. Although his teammates all took the initiative to show favor to him just now, it was only because he was the leader of the team, and everyone knew that he and Boss Cai has a very good relationship, but to calm these people down and make them obedient, they still have to rely on strength.

Give them a warning, let them know their own strength, and make them obedient.

Today's training is over, but Meng Yun didn't leave, he still stayed for extra practice as usual, he suddenly remembered Xiang Long, in the past in the Heat, Xiang Long would practice with him, but now he's the only one, it's really a bit Not used to it.

Coach Atkinson didn't leave either. He originally wanted to stay and talk to Meng Yun to see how to solve the team's current problems, such as enhancing cohesion, and also chatting with Meng Yun about tactics. Meng Yun was not there before. , The tactics he formulated with Meng Yun as the core can’t be practiced. Now that the regular season has started, there will be a home game tomorrow. understand.

However, he found that Meng Yun was practicing extra, and he was a little surprised.

During the training just now, he found that although Meng Yun returned to the team so late, his body and competitive state are in good condition. It can be seen that he has not slacked up in the past few months. Although he has not returned to the team, he must have kept training. Unexpectedly, Meng Yun would have to practice extra on the first day after returning to the team.


With a soft sound, the basketball was hollowed into the net.

Meng Yun grabbed the basketball again, shot a three-pointer, the basketball hit the net, and the cycle continued.
Shot after shot, hit after hit.

"Quite scary." Coach Atkinson praised.

Meng Yun's three-pointers are so accurate that he basically never misses them. He has been very stable and always hits, and his movements are very good. If there is a slight deformation, he will correct it immediately.

After the three-point training was over, Meng Yun stopped and found Coach Atkinson: "Coach, why are you here?"

Coach Atkinson smiled kindly. The more he saw Meng Yun, the more he liked him. He smiled and said, "I want to talk to you. There are some problems with the team during your absence. Our original players and the newly joined team Many players are competing in secret, if it’s just competition, it’s okay, but they seem to be fighting, which makes the atmosphere of the team not very good, and there is no cohesion at all.”

"I understand." Meng Yun nodded, "but you don't have to worry, I will solve this problem. It is not necessary to let the newly joined players integrate in, let the original players accept them, and solve the conflicts within the team. Difficult, just need to win."

Coach Atkinson raised his eyebrows: "You make sense."

In the previous few games, including the preseason, the Nets had a very poor record. They have played 6 games in the regular season, with a record of 1 win and 5 losses. They only won the game against the Knicks.

The successive losses made the players feel depressed, angry, and dissatisfied with each other. It was originally just competition, but now it has fermented into fighting spirit.

But as Meng Yun said, the solution is very simple, all you need is to win. Failure will tear a team apart, but victory can bring a team together tightly!
Coach Atkinson smiled and said, "That's up to you."

The team needs to win, and the way to win is very simple - Meng Yun!
Coach Atkinson then discussed some issues with Meng Yun. What surprised Coach Atkinson was that Meng Yun was able to give solutions one by one, as if he had already prepared the answers.

Of course, the key point is that the core of solving these problems lies in the return of Meng Yun. Meng Yun is back, so there are solutions to these problems.

Meng Yun didn't come back before, although Coach Atkinson racked his brains, but it was also "a clever woman can't cook without rice", there was no way.

Coach Atkinson took out the tactics board again and discussed the tactics with Meng Yun. He told Meng Yun the tactics he had formulated, but he didn't realize it himself. After he finished the tactics, he would ask Meng Yun for his opinion.This was no longer an explanation for Meng Yun, but a discussion.

After half an hour.

Coach Atkinson looked at Meng Yun as if looking at a treasure, and exclaimed in his mouth: "You are so smart, you can understand all kinds of tactics once I explain them."

Meng Yun was a little embarrassed, and said embarrassingly, "Coach, you're flattering yourself. In fact, it's because many tactics are similar to mine when I was in the Heat, so..."

Coach Atkinson was taken aback for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, he became happy.

(End of this chapter)

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