The Strongest Soldier of the Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 259 The Bombardment of the East City Gate Goes Smoothly

Chapter 259 The Bombardment of the East City Gate Goes Smoothly

After the first round of bombardment, the second round began immediately. The rumbling explosion exploded among the little devils, and the corpses of the devils were blown everywhere, and the remaining little devils couldn't even raise their heads.

"Baga!" The ghost officer in charge of the city defense, Shuichi Abe, was so covered by the dust from the powerful artillery fire that he almost couldn't open his eyes. He grabbed the subordinate officer next to him and asked like a roar, "Where did the bombardment come from? Where did it come from?" The bombardment coming?"

When Hashimoto Shingo, the commander of the PY garrison army, led the team to counterattack Jinwan Town, he left Shuichi Abe to guard PY City, but only left him with less than two squadrons of devil soldiers, and all the others were taken away. In order to participate in the battle of Jinwan Town.

Before leaving, Hashimoto Shingo told Abe Shuichi to attack here. It is very likely that Shen Sanduo's wild wolf team will not be the main force. As long as the two squadrons stick to PY City, there will be no mistakes.

But now the bombardment took turns, which made Hideo Abe suspicious of Hashimoto's words.After all, this kind of strong artillery attack is not what the grenade in the hands of the Wild Wolf team can do, and judging from the offensive posture, the Chinese army has at least one platoon of artillery.

What kind of troops would be equipped with a platoon of mortars?Obviously, this is not something that a team with a total number of about 30 people can have. Therefore, at this moment, Shu Abe initially believed that the main force of the Chinese army would attack them, but he did not allow himself to have such thoughts in his heart. He yelled and asked his subordinates like crazy.

"Your Excellency, Zhongzuo, it''s...the main force of China that attacked us!" The devil officer was so frightened that he didn't dare to look at Shuichi Abe's sharp eyes, which would make him feel terrified and frightened. Because Abe is a lunatic in their eyes, he can do all kinds of crazy things.

"Baga! Where did the main force of China appear?" Abe pushed the officer away, and almost pushed the officer directly under the tower, then turned and said to another officer beside him, "Give the bridge immediately Colonel Ben sent a telegram, saying that PY was attacked by the main force of at least one Chinese combat regiment, and our department is defending to the death, asking for support!"

"Ha Yi!" Hearing Abe's order, the devil officer responded immediately, then turned around and ran into the city gate building, presumably sending a telegram to their chief for help.

"Master! We are about to shell a base number of shells, should we organize troops to attack now?" Liu Zi seemed a little anxious, seeing that the artillery shells in his hand were consumed so much, and the defense of the little devil in front of him was already very strong. Open, they can enter the city with a single charge, so he immediately came to Shen Sanduo to ask for instructions.

"What kind of troops are you organizing to attack?" Shen Sanduo pushed Liu Zi's head aside with a slap, and then continued, "Stay where you are, and don't move rashly!"

"But why is that?" Liu Zi turned his head again, and continued to ask Shen Sanduo with doubts on his face, "Our shelling has completely destroyed the firepower of the little devil's position. If we attack now, I guarantee that only one Charge, the brothers will be able to kill the tower and wipe out all these little devils!"

The six sons still can't understand why this great opportunity is right in front of them, but Shen Sansui has to miss it for nothing. He feels that this is not like Shen Sanduo, who is always attacking and conquering. At that time, Shen Sanduo was He wouldn't give the little devil a chance to breathe, but today Shen Sanduo didn't seem to have such an idea.

"A charge is right. I believe you can attack the city tower, but so what? If the little devil sends troops from the other three city gates for reinforcements, won't he have to retreat in the end?" Shen Sanduo obviously disagreed with this. This is a blind charge style of play, "We got nothing after going back and forth, and instead we have to make huge sacrifices from our brothers. We can't do this kind of thing! Besides, the little devil's front line has long been prepared, and we can't afford to attack us rashly." It's cheap, so our attack plan has changed!"

"The offensive plan has been changed?" The scholar and the six sons looked at Shen Sanduo with wide eyes at the same time, obviously not understanding why Shen Sanduo would temporarily change his mind and change his tactical command.

"Before, we planned to attack PY City with a small force of the Wild Wolf Team, attacking the core parts of the devils, so as to force the little devils to attack Jinwan Town's troops and return to PY. But the little devils have already made preparations. Our plan It doesn't work at all, so I transferred two recruit companies here from the reception point ten miles away to make a feint attack. Therefore, our task now is not to attack to seize a certain place, but to concentrate our firepower and give the little devils on the city wall Put pressure on the little devils on the city wall to ask for help from the devils attacking Jinwan Town!" Seeing that neither of them understood, Shen Sanduo explained slowly so that everyone could understand his real intention.

"I understand. The camp's style of play is called encircling Wei and saving Zhao, so our current approach is to encircle Wei without attacking, maintain the posture of eating PY City, and just scare the little devils!" The scholar understood some of them. The truth, so he said in front of Shen Sanduo.

"Master, what do you want us to increase our offensive firepower so that the devils think that we are about to rush into the city, but don't take any action?" Liu Zi seemed to understand what was going on, so he said to Shen Sanduo .

"Yes, we can bombard, we can shoot bullets from a long distance, we can do anything as long as we can kill devils, but you all remember for me, even if there is a little devil left on the city gate, you can't kill me. Rush up!" Shen Sanduo affirmed Liu Zi's words while instructing Liu Zi and the scholar.

"Yes!" The six sons and the scholar responded almost at the same time, and then the six sons walked in front of the artillery platoon, and continued to let the artillery platoon use the shelling method, according to which, the devil's city defense positions and city gates were bombarded, leaving no room for the opponent. Empty corner.

All of a sudden, a new round of shelling began, and several powerful explosions exploded above the little devil's position. The soldiers guarding the city gate of the little devil suffered heavy casualties. In desperation, the devils on the city defense position could only face Seeing that the retreat in the city did not waste any more time, I was afraid that if the retreat was too late, none of them would be killed.

"Baga!" Abe saw that the troops in the forward position couldn't stand it anymore, so he immediately grabbed the collar of a devil officer next to him and asked, "Hashimoto-sama, did you call back? If he doesn't call back, PY will be killed by the Chinese army." Breakthrough!"

"Your Excellency, Master Hashimoto called back and said that outside the city is Shen Xiaodan's wild wolf team. They will only sneak attack and will not rush into the city. Let us defend the city to the death!" The officer said tremblingly.

"We lost even the outer line. Could this be a small unit of the Chinese army? Look for yourself! Take a closer look, is this a small unit of the Chinese army?" Abe pushed the officer to the edge of the tower like crazy. , forcing the other party to see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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