Chapter 113 Discuss Marriage?

Mrs. Murong gave the doctor a full 200 yuan to let him die more happily when he needed it. Why is he so futile?
The Eighth Prince said, "He was taken away by the police department!"

"What?" Mrs. Murong was shocked!
Ba Fujin sneered, and glanced at Mrs. Murong, "Miss Su reminded us on the last page of the prescription that there was something wrong with the private doctor in the house. The prince immediately sent someone to check his background, and within an hour, he was found." This person has a dark history, illegal drug trafficking and many evil deeds, we immediately sent him to the police station!"

Mrs. Murong was already there, and the handbag suddenly fell to the ground!

Fujin said, "Mrs. Murong, how can you say that I am back to life? Are you disappointed that I am getting better?"

Ba Fujin has a straight-forward personality and won't hide it.

Mrs. Murong shook her head immediately, "No, you're getting better, I'm so excited, I find it incredible, it's good to be good, uh... good to be good!"

Ba Fujin lowered his eyebrows, as if he didn't believe her words at all.

Murong Pei also saw the clue from the side, and gave his wife a disappointed look.

Su Qingwu smiled from the side, and Murong Yichen, who was standing at the door, felt proud when he stared at Su Qingwu's cunning figure!
He knew a long time ago that this little woman was already prepared!

Su Qingwu smiled and said, "I'm guessing too, thanks to the prince and Fujin for their trust!"

The Eighth Prince said, "We should thank you! Ms. Su is the lucky star of our family, and you have brought hope to our family!"

After finishing speaking, the prince glanced at the steward.

The steward immediately took out a brocade box and handed it over.

The Eighth Prince personally handed it to Su Qingwu with both hands, "Miss Su is a great favor, we can't repay you, this is a little thank you, please accept it!"

"My lord, you must not force it!" Su Qingwu returned the brocade box to the Eighth Prince, "It is the duty of a doctor to heal the disease. He must calm the mind and set his mind. He has no desires or desires. He must not charge a lot of money. This is my master's teaching. I dare not forget! If you feel sorry, you can stay with me for a meal at the mansion, I have heard that the cooks at the Eighth Prince's mansion are all imperial cooks from the previous dynasty!"

The Eighth Prince looked at Su Qingwu quietly, admiring him from the bottom of his heart.

Her eyes are clear, she is firm and kind, and she practices medicine with principles, which is touching, "Miss Su has such a heart of benevolence and righteousness at such a young age, it really amazes me!
I have already prepared the dishes in the kitchen, and today our two families will have a happy gathering at my house!From now on, if Ms. Su wants to eat at home, she will come over, welcome anytime!Ha ha! "

The Eighth Prince laughed loudly.

"Then Qingwu remembered it!" Su Qingwu smiled playfully.

Fujin kept smiling at Su Qingwu, "Third Young Master Murong is really lucky to meet such a beautiful lady as Miss Su!"

The smile on Su Qingwu's face suddenly froze!

Murong Yichen immediately came over, locked Su Qingwu's neck with his long arms, and looked at Su Qingwu dotingly, "Fu Jin is very right, I am lucky to meet Qingwu!

I am so anxious to marry her home! "

The Eighth Prince smiled and said, "Third Young Master Murong is going to come to propose marriage, it seems we are going to drink your wedding wine?"

Murong Pei said, "This kid, there is finally someone who can take him in. I'll send someone to prepare the dowry later, hahaha!"

Murong Pei and the Eighth Prince laughed and walked towards the living room, and began to discuss marriage!

The ancestors pulled Fujin to discuss which month and day of the year would be suitable for holding a wedding banquet! "

Su Qingwu was dumbfounded, uh!

what's the situation?
 The four changes are over today, I hope everyone will vote for Nuan Nuan, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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